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09-02 投稿



familism 发音


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familism 中文意思翻译



familism 短语词组

1、familism latino ─── 家族主义拉丁裔

2、familism theory ─── 家族主义理论

3、familism is ─── 家庭主义是

4、familism meaning ─── 家族主义意义

5、familism def ─── 家族主义定义

6、familism scale ─── 家庭主义量表

familism 相似词语短语

1、familiars ─── adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友;n.(Familiar)(西)法米利亚尔(人名)

2、Familism ─── n.家庭主义(强调家庭和家属感情的社会结构形势)

3、fatalism ─── n.宿命论

4、families ─── n.家庭(family的复数);家族

5、familist ─── n.家庭主义教成员

6、Familists ─── 家庭

7、familistic ─── adj.家庭主义的;n.家庭主义;家族主义(等于familism)

8、familial ─── adj.家族的;家庭的;遗传的

9、familiar ─── adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友;n.(Familiar)(西)法米利亚尔(人名)

familism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Influence of Extensive Familism Culture on Peasant Workers in Cities ─── 泛家族主义文化对城市农民工的影响

2、Analysis on Pan - Familism Culture in Chinese Private Company ─── 民营企业经营中的泛家族主义文化情结

3、management familism ─── 经营家庭主义

4、In this paper, we review the literature of study in family-owned SMEs' financing behavior from the perspectives of financing strategy, familism, financing behavior and organization. ─── 摘要通过对家族式民营中小企业融资行为的理论综述,从融资策略机制、家族主义的文化基础、以及企业融资方式和融资组织演化方面进行了理论的归纳和评述。

5、fitment materrial for famil ─── 家装材料

6、Life event has not only a negative impact on deity, life and family belief, but only on familism by the interaction with philosophy orientation. ─── 生活事件对神灵、生命和家庭起负向预测作用;生活事件通过与哲学性向的交互作用对民族信仰起预测作用。

7、Once analyzing with familist approach, there would be tow important differences from individualist approach: (1) Familism regards life as being unlimited, while individualism regards life as limited; ─── 一旦以家庭主义视角分析问题,就会产生两个与个人主义视角的重要区别:(1)在个人主义看来生命是有限的,而在家庭主义看来生命是无限的;

8、unimodal function famil ─── 单峰函数族

9、utilitarian familism ─── 功利性家庭主义

10、pan- familism ─── 泛家族主义

11、XY type famil pipe mixed equipment ─── XY型系列管道混合器

12、A Study of Relationship between Psychological Distress and Famil ial Methods of Rearing in Adolescents ─── 青少年心理疾病与家庭养育方式的关系

13、Abstract:In the term of economics, so-called “Familism” is that family is as the basic unit to calculate costs and benefits. ─── 在经济学意义上,所谓“家庭主义”就是以家庭为单位计算成本和收益。

14、Discussion on Familism and Superfamilial Solicitude of Confucian ─── 论儒家伦理的家族主义与超家族的关怀

15、amoral familism ─── 非伦理家庭主义

16、At present the non-state owned enterprise culture surfaces the representative traits of familism which obstructs it "s development. " ─── 而目前民营企业文化呈现出“家族主义”的典型特征,妨碍着民营企业的进一步发展壮大。

17、(2) Familism regards individuals as members of family are not independent and equal with each other, while individualism regards individuals are independent and equal with each other. ─── (2)在个人主义看来个人之间是互相独立的,平等的,在家庭主义看来作为家庭成员的个人之间不是互相独立的,平等的。

18、Because the responsibilit we have to seriousl life, do their own thing, as we and our famil will be happ; ─── 因为责任,我们要认真生活,做好自己的事情,那样我们与我们的家人才会幸福;

19、(2) and the second belief from the first to the last is rangked life worship, nationalism, ethnocism, religious belief, political belief, familism, family worship and money worship; ─── 藏族大学生二级信仰由高到低依次排列为生命崇拜、国家主义、民族主义、宗教信仰、政治信仰、家庭主义、家族崇拜、神灵崇拜和金钱崇拜。

20、So the copywriter can input the Chinese traditional culture in an advertisement copy such as piety, decorum and familism, it will arouse Chinese emotional response more easily. ─── 脑白金一系列广告便是运用中国特有的孝文化、送礼文化及家族主义,让消费者先对广告产生情感上的反应,形成短期记忆,再经过重复播放的策略,成为长期记忆,以便日后提取。

21、The famil was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guestroom,instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement. ─── 这家很富裕,但对他们却很不友好,非但没让他们睡在舒适的客房里,反而在阴暗潮湿的地下室给他们找了一个角落。

22、Accidents will happen in the best regulated famil. ─── 家规再严丑事难免。

23、On the Implication of Familism and Their Relationship with Confucian Cultrue ─── 论家族主义的内涵及其与儒家文化的关系

24、In the term of economics, so-called "Familism" is that family is as the basic unit to calculate costs and benefits. ─── 在经济学意义上,所谓“家庭主义”就是以家庭为单位计算成本和收益。

25、Keywords bioethics;norm;confucianism;virtue;ethical familism; ─── 生命伦理学;规范;儒学;美德;伦理家庭主义;

26、Therefore, we advise that the life insurance legislation should abandon the principle of interest, and adopt approvalism and familism. ─── 笔者建议,在人身保险立法中应采用同意主义兼顾亲属主义。

27、A good famil yis everyone's well-paid results! ─── 一个美好的家庭,是每个人的精心付出的结果!

28、Keywords familism,relationship(guanxi),organic mode,Property rights arrangement,governance structure; ─── 家族主义;关系;组织方式;产权安排;治理结构;

29、Once analyzing with familist approach, there would be tow important differences from individualist approach: (1) Familism regards life as being unlimited, while individualism regards life as limited; ─── 一旦以家庭主义视角分析问题,就会产生两个与个人主义视角的重要区别:(1)在个人主义看来生命是有限的,而在家庭主义看来生命是无限的;

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