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09-02 投稿



sidelong 发音

英:[?sa?dl???]  美:[?sa?dl??]

英:  美:

sidelong 中文意思翻译




sidelong 相似词语短语

1、sideline ─── n.副业;球场边线;局外人的观点;vt.迫使退出;adj.倾斜的

2、lifelong ─── adj.终身的

3、side-on ─── 侧边

4、livelong ─── adj.(诗、文)(时间)整段的;日复一日的;n.景天(等于orpine)

5、sideling ─── adv.斜地;向一侧地;adj.斜的;向一侧的

6、sidelock ─── 侧锁

7、sidelings ─── 页

8、milelong ─── 英里

9、sidebone ─── n.叉骨(家禽翅膀下的)

sidelong 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"I really don't know how to write a check," she said, with a demure sidelong glance. ─── “我真的不清楚如何填写支票”,她假装害羞地斜瞥了一眼说道

2、To look with a sidelong glance ─── 侧目而视

3、Calculation and simulation of expansion graph of sidelong edge for rotary blade ─── 旋耕弯刀正切刃展开线的计算与模拟

4、When I went to school the next day, I threw a sidelong glance at the trash can,from which the head of the doll was hanging outside with its face in sight. ─── 第二天我离开家上学时,瞟了一眼垃圾筒。娃娃的头露在垃圾筒外面,能够看到它的脸。

5、Lazarev stopped short, with a sidelong scared look at his colonel, and his face quivered, as one so often sees in soldiers called up in front of the ranks. ─── 拉扎列夫停步了,露出惊惶的样子,朝上校斜视一眼,便像士兵们被喊到队列前面时常有的情形那样,他的面孔颤动了一下。

6、The cashier cast an angry sidelong glance at the young clerk, but he had to keep silent in my presence and worked his abacus with a vengeance ─── 管账的用着怒眼斜视着小伙计,但因我在旁边,他没有说什么,只是重重地打着算盘。

7、Gavroche had assured himself, with a sidelong glance, that Father Mabeuf was still sitting on his bench, probably sound asleep. ─── 伽弗洛什向旁边望了一眼,看见马白夫公公仍坐在石凳上,象是睡着了。

8、an amiable villain with a cocky, sidelong grin(Hal Hinson. ─── 带着一种高傲且目中无人微笑的态度和蔼的恶棍(哈尔金森)。

9、Miss Fan shot a sidelong glance at Hsin-mei who was sitting next to her ─── 范小姐斜眼望身旁的辛楣。

10、To take a sidelong glance is impolite ─── 斜窥无理

11、Cosette could not refrain from casting a sidelong glance at the big doll, which was still displayed at the toy-merchant's;then she knocked. ─── 那个大娃娃还一直摆在玩具店里,珂赛特经过那地方,不能不斜着眼睛再瞅它一下,瞅过后她才敲门。

12、a sidelong glance. ─── 斜视的一瞥

13、"an amiable villain with a cocky, sidelong grin" (Hal Hinson). ─── “带着一种高傲且目中无人微笑的态度和蔼的恶棍” (哈尔·金森)。

14、They gaze continuously with unblinking eyes at the sweetness of Krsna's form, and taking in His sidelong glances laden with love, they become delighted. ─── 它们一直不眨眼地凝视着主奎师那的甜蜜形象,接到祂充满爱意的含情目光,它们变得很欣喜。

15、A circle of light appeared suddenly at the centre of the scene. It lit a feminine silhouette, sitting sidelong on a chair. ─── 突然,一道光斑出现在舞台的中央,照亮了一幅女人的侧影正斜靠在一张椅子上。

16、UPVC sidelong branch drains ─── UPVC排水管

17、In the third chapter, the author chooses America, German, Japan, European community and Taiwan district, analyzing the legal institution about sidelong price alliance in their law. ─── 第三章笔者选取了横向价格联盟规定中较有代表性的美国、德国、日本、欧盟、及我国台湾地区,分析了它们有关横向价格联盟的法律规定。

18、Sway hip sidelong and bend down ─── 横摆胯下旁腰

19、The plow lay sidelong on the ground. ─── 犁侧倒在地上。

20、He gave her a sidelong glance with his pale, blue eyes, but did not reply. ─── 他用淡蓝色的眼睛瞟了她一下,但没有吭声。

21、In the mansion of Rong-Fu, She led a sidelong glance from the other persons, and was cursed by authority too. ─── 晴雯勇补孔雀裘之义气与传情大使之职司,在生死?界上,始终如一。

22、The behemoth's eyes were gazing sidelong at him; they glistened darkly, almost as if they were tearing. The beast also seemed to be saying, “Things should not be this way.” ─── 那个庞然大物也用眼睛斜盯着他看,那两只眼睛在黑暗中一闪一闪的,好像正在流眼泪。同时他也好像在说:“事情不应该这样的呀。”

23、Abstact:Guzheng is one of the old instruments which is played in sidelong way. ─── 摘要:筝是我国古老的卧弹乐器。

24、Winston could not help snatching another sidelong glance at Martin's Mongolian face ─── 温斯顿忍不住要偷看一眼马丁的蒙古人种的脸。

25、Sending sidelong glances at his dear devotees, who around him stand,Most pleased with these pastimes performed in Vrindavan dhama eternally. ─── 眼角的目光瞥视着他的周边亲切的奉献者们。他总是通过在他神圣的居所温达文上演的逍遥时光揭示他自己。

26、The half-caste gave him a sidelong glance ─── 混血儿斜眼瞧了他一下。

27、Notice the quick little eyebrow raise you make, the sidelong glance coupled with the weak smile you give, the slightly sustained gaze you offer? ─── 注意你迅速扬起眉毛,瞟一眼、带着一丝微笑吗,还有稍微持久的目光?

28、Probably we say OK and proudly, in short time, we created to let the miracle that the whole world is astonished so that need sidelong glance and inspects. ─── 或许我们可以自豪地说,在短短的时间里,我们创造了一个让全世界都震动得需侧目而视的奇迹。

29、(of a glance) sidelong and slyly lascivious. ─── (指一瞥)暗地里挑逗的斜着眼看。

30、Advertisement fine, her eyes looks sidelong at past dining-room in additional a man, aside rings to say: "The Ai Xuli on this Madisen website? ─── 广告末尾,她眼神瞟往餐厅里另个男子,旁白响起说:“该上艾许莉玛蒂森网站了吧?”

31、Casting sidelong glances at Pierre, the soldiers lighted the fire, set a pot on it, broke up their biscuits into it, and put in some lard. ─── 士兵们斜眼看了看皮埃尔,点燃了火堆,然后放上一口小锅,把面包干掰碎放进锅里,又加了一点腌猪油。

32、The soldiers cast sidelong glances of surprise and even alarm at him, as they ran by. ─── 士兵从他面前走过时,都奇怪地、甚至吃惊地斜着眼看他那副样子。

33、She cast a sidelong glance at Eric to see if he had noticed her blunder. ─── 她偷偷斜扫了埃里克一眼,看他有没有留意到她的错误。

34、he took delighted , sidelong glances at his son from under his thick , overhanging brows. ─── 他从垂下的浓眉下高兴地斜着眼睛看儿子。

35、an amiable villain with a cocky,sidelong grin(Hal Hinson. ─── 带着一种高傲且目中无人微笑的态度和蔼的恶棍(哈尔·金森)。

36、Jean Valjean watched him hurrying across the garden as fast as his crooked leg would permit, casting a sidelong glance by the way on his melon patch. ─── 冉阿让望着他急忙从园中穿过去,尽量迈开他的瘸腿,边走边望两旁的瓜田。

37、As she spoke, Ah Chen pouted out her lips and gave Tu Weiyueh a sidelong glance. The eternal flirt ─── 阿珍噘起了嘴唇,斜着眼睛说,永不忘记卖弄她的风骚。

38、Over there, you two can chat freely and with even deeper affection, free from greedy sidelong glances or malicious squints such as you often meet with in busy streets. ─── 偶然呀的一声,墙门口显现出一个人影,又往往是深居简出的姑娘,看见你们,会娇羞地返身回避了。

39、cast sidelong glances at sb.; look sideways at sb. ─── 斜着眼看人

40、I can not remember this is the severalth time in the wet front pieces of Chinese jacket of tears of instant in a trance clearly, all cannot help each time, the frightening sidelong glance each time, why does it appear so easily? ─── 我记不清这是第几次在恍惚的刹那泪湿衣襟了,每次都是情不自禁,每一次都怕人侧目,为什么它这么轻易而出呢?

41、He stole a sidelong glance at the young woman sitting next to him on the train. ─── 在火车上他偷偷地瞟了一眼坐在身旁的年轻女子。

42、No matter you how sidelong glance, tell from biologic angle, this also belongs to normal category in, because if really love a same sex more natively with respect to somebody. ─── 无论你如何侧目,从生物学的角度上讲,这也属于正常范畴之内,因为果真就有人生来更爱同性。

43、In order to improve the performance of a up-cut rotary blade, the sidelong portion angle of the blade was analyzed based on soil-blade geometry. ─── 摘要为提高反转旋耕刀的性能,根据旋耕刀运动的特点,从旋耕刀几何学及切削角度方面出发,对反转旋耕刀正切面角度及对磨刃面的影响进行了分析。

44、Unserewing Mould with Sidelong Rotating Core Through Rack and Pinion-gearing ─── 齿轮-齿条传动横向型芯旋转脱螺纹注塑模

45、And down on the left the crag, four Chinese characters “Yu Bi Jin Chuang” were carved sidelong, which was inscribed by Nie Rui, an auxiliary official of Lijiang county in 1725. ─── 其左下横刻“玉壁金川”四字,则是由丽江郡丞聂瑞于1725年所题写。

46、darting eyes looking sidelong out of a wizened face ─── 一张消瘦的脸上看向侧边的眼睛

47、Applying the theory of curved beam FEM,a practical method of structure analysis of curved bridge is build when considering the sidelong support. ─── 应用曲杆有限单元法建立曲线梁桥的实用分析方法,并考虑了曲线梁桥的非径向支承特征。

48、The soldiers cast sidelong glances of surprise and even alarm at him, as they ran by. ─── 士兵从他面前走过时,都奇怪地、甚至吃惊地斜着眼看他那副样子。

49、Kim Peek bowls into the B&B and, with a slightly sidelong gait,heads straight for the small kitchen, where he tilts his brow quizzically and regards the chef with a beady eye. ─── 金,皮克迈着轻微的八字步冲进家庭旅社,直奔小厨房。他疑惑地扬起眉毛,一只目光锐利的眼睛斜盯着厨师。

50、give sb. a sidelong [sidewise] glance ─── 侧目看[瞟]人


52、GARETH coughed, cleared his throat, and cast the Hand a sidelong glance. ─── 盖利斯咳嗽了一下,清了清喉咙,瞥了魔手一眼。

53、Aside from making her uncomfortable by sidelong glances, no one paid her the least attention. ─── 有人在用眼角打量她,让她感到不自在,但是没有人搭理她。

54、cast a sidelong glance at him ─── 瞟了他一眼

55、I cast a sidelong glance at him. ─── 我瞟了他一眼。

56、But the landscape is clearly the immediate flow of winter rain, strands of rain drift sidelong, and Italian cold rain into the blood, may make all the chaotic things have become sober up. ─── 但眼前流动的风景分明是冬雨,雨丝斜斜的,雨意凉入血液,似要把一切混沌的东西变得清醒起来。

57、He gave her a sidelong glance with his pale, blue eyes, but did not reply ─── 他用淡蓝色的眼睛瞟了她一下,但没有吭声。

58、These days you cast rapid, calculating, sidelong glances. You're gaze used to be direct, open, and without any disguise. ─── 这些天你不断地投来快速而精于算计的斜睨,你过去可是一往无前的呢,没有任何遮掩。

59、he gave her a sidelong glance with his pale , blue eyes , but did not reply. ─── 他用淡蓝色的眼睛瞟了她一下,没有吭声。

60、Analysis on Sidelong Portion of a Up-cut Rotary Blade ─── 反转旋耕刀正切面分析及参数选择

61、She looked sidelong at him. ─── 她斜眼看他。

62、She nudged Wang Chin-chen, who was sitting beside her, and then threw Tu Wei-yueh a sidelong glance ─── 她推了推旁边的王金贞,又斜过眼去瞟着屠维岳。

63、She was looking at him in a sidelong way, but with curious intensity ─── 她乜斜着目光看着他,那眼神怪得很,颇有些专注。

64、sidelong look at ─── 侧面地看

65、Analysis on Biomechanics of Backward Sidelong Sliding Shot- put ─── 背向侧蹬滑步推铅球生物力学分析

66、The direction of bending needle-head can be inclined left(-) or starboard helm(+), which will protect the end cloth material lengthwise and sidelong, and reduce the damage to the minimun. ─── 常用刺针每一棱带三个钩刺,在一些用底布材料的特殊用途上,只在一或二棱上带钩刺。

67、darting eyes looking sidelong out of a wizened face. ─── 一张消瘦的脸上目光投向侧边的眼睛。

68、sidelong glance ─── 侧面地看; 瞄

69、Xiao Li casted a sidelong look at Xiao Zhang, full of resentment. ─── 小李睨视着小张,表情里全是不服气。

70、These days you cast rapid, calculating, sidelong glances.You're gaze used to be direct, open, and without any disguise. ─── 这些天你不断地投来快速而精于算计的斜睨,你过去可是一往无前的呢,没有任何遮掩。

71、430 million dollar, this fine long hair is not inferior the financing forehead that appears on the market at, enough invites everyone sidelong glance. ─── 4.3亿美元,这个毫不逊色于一次上市的融资额,足以让每个人侧目。

72、Afterwards, still naked and lazily walking across the studio, she stopped before an easel with a half-finished painting and watched him sidelong as he threw on his clothes. ─── 过后,希碧娜仍裸露着,并慵懒地在室内踱着步.她突然在已经画了一半的画架前停了下来,并从侧面注视着托马斯急急地穿着衣服.

73、I really do not know how to write a check,she said,with a demure sidelong glance. ─── 我真的不清楚如何填写支票,她假装害羞地斜瞥了一眼说道

74、"That's a hard nut, " said the teacher, giving me a sidelong glance over his glasses. ─── “难”老师从眼镜圈外斜射出眼光来,看着我,说。

75、She cast a sidelong glance at Fern. ─── 她瞟了一眼弗恩。

76、She gave him a quick sidelong glance. ─── 她迅速侧眼瞥了他一眼。

77、But the wolf turned a sidelong glance upon her, and instead of flying at him, as she always had done, Milka suddenly stopped short, her fore-legs held stiffly before her and her tail in the air. ─── 可是这只狼稍微斜着眼睛看看它,米尔卡并不像平时那样加一把力气,而是忽然翘起尾巴,用两只前脚支撑在地上,站住了。

78、She looked sidelong at him. ─── 她斜眼看他。

79、Next, if you want to know some of the traces or reasons of the points, you may then turn to the words, with occasional sidelong glimpses at the corresponding diagrams. ─── 我认为他言之有理,只能告诉他我们已注意到这个问题,有些学者正在往这方面努力。

80、It is inserted horizontally all through the top bun, with a section of the clasp protruding in sidelong, looking very conspicuous. ─── 其插法为横向贯穿顶髻,髻又留出一截替杆斜出髻顶,格外惹眼夺目。

81、the lateral branches of a tree; shot out sidelong boughs- Tennyson. ─── 树的侧枝;斜向地射向主枝-坦尼森。

82、Lou gave the visitor a quick, sidelong glance and thrust out his hand ─── 罗急速地瞟了来访者一眼,接着就伸出手来。


瞟的意思是:斜着眼睛看, 这个词语写出了:人物不以为然、毫不在意的情感。


1.瞟 :piǎo (动)斜着眼睛看:他一面说话;一面用眼~老李。  

2.高级汉语字典: 瞟 piǎo 〈动〉 斜着眼睛看 [look sidelong at]。如:瞟闪(眼光闪烁地斜看);瞟扫(斜着眼睛扫视);瞟眼(斜着眼看人);瞟觑(斜着眼看人).

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