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09-02 投稿



unsympathetic 发音

英:[??n?s?mp??θet?k]  美:[??n?s?mp??θet?k]

英:  美:

unsympathetic 中文意思翻译



unsympathetic 短语词组

1、unsympathetic crossword ─── 无同情心的填字游戏

2、unsympathetic meaning ─── 无同情心的意思

3、unsympathetic noun ─── 非同情心名词

4、unsympathetic def ─── 无同情心的

5、unsympathetic treatment crossword clue ─── 非同情心治疗纵横字谜线索

6、unsympathetic patton ─── 毫无同情心的巴顿

7、unsympathetic spouse ─── 无同情心的配偶

unsympathetic 反义词


unsympathetic 同义词

unappealing | intolerant | unlikable | disagreeable | hard | closed | unconcerned |unfeeling | apathetic | unkindly | unlikeable | impassive | cold | chill | indifferent | insensitive | unfriendly | heartless | uncaring | stony | glacial | cruel | relentless

unsympathetic 相似词语短语

1、parasympathetic ─── adj.副交感的;n.副交感神经;副交感神经系统

2、unsympathetically ─── 冷漠无情地

3、unsympathizing ─── 不同情的;不表示同情的;无同情心的

4、unsympathising ─── 冷漠的

5、sympathetic ─── adj.同情的;交感神经的;共鸣的;赞同的;和谐的;合意的;n.交感神经;容易感受的人

6、dyspathetic ─── 消化不良

7、antipathetic ─── adj.格格不入的,怀有反感的;引起反感的;讨厌的

8、unpathetic ─── 无神论的

9、empathetic ─── adj.移情作用的;同感的(等于empathic)

unsympathetic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Professor Hilton paused and glared at him, unsympathetic and unimaginative as one of his own test-tubes ─── 希尔顿老师停了停,瞪着地,缺乏同情和想像力,跟他的试管一样。

2、If your child has a hard time with bullying, feels left out, or experiences an unsympathetic teacher, he will need extra support from you. ─── 若您的孩子受到欺凌的困扰,感觉被排斥,或遇到一个没有同情心的老师,那么,他将需要您的特殊支持。

3、The danger is that the president's troubles will provide unsympathetic governments with an alibi for backsliding. ─── 危险在于世行行长的麻烦将为那些缺乏同情心的政府提供立场倒退的托辞。

4、I told him about the problem but he was totally unsympathetic. ─── 我把麻烦事告诉了他,但他完全无动于衷。

5、unsympathetic officialdom; people unsympathetic to the revolution; his dignity made him seem aloof and unsympathetic . ─── 没有同情心的官僚;人们反感革命;他的高贵使他看起来冷淡而且没有同情心。

6、Lacking kindness;inconsiderate or unsympathetic. ─── 冷酷的缺乏善意的;不为他人考虑的或对他人没有同情心的

7、Like many Zionists, he was utterly unsympathetic to the Arabs. ─── 正如许多犹太复国主义者,布兰迪斯对阿拉伯人丝毫没有怜悯之心。

8、To make hostile, unsympathetic, or indifferent; alienate. ─── 使疏远使怀有敌意,使不友善或使疏远;离间

9、a disposition to be distant and unsympathetic in manner ─── 不合群并且缺乏同情心的性格

10、found the task disagreeable and decided to abandon it; a job temperamentally unsympathetic to him. ─── 觉得讨厌那份工作,于是就决定放弃了;一份令他反感的工作。

11、Her new boss is unsympathetic and possibly sexist and racist and seems to have it in for her. ─── 她的新老板缺乏同情心,可能带有性别歧视和种族歧视,还总跟她过不去。

12、To make hostile,unsympathetic,or indifferent;alienate. ─── 使疏远使怀有敌意,使不友善或使疏远;离间

13、Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic breeze. ─── 然而,脱离束缚的自由使它完全处于无情微风的摆布下。

14、suburbanites can't vote in city elections, so Bloomberg can afford to be unsympathetic ─── 由于郊区人无权参加纽约市长竞选,所以布隆伯格就敢对他们不表同情了。

15、She may find me unsympathetic after all, and no man can remedy that. ─── 到头来,她也可能对我有反感。 这,任何男人都能拿出补救办法。

16、“The school was utterly unsympathetic,” says his wife.“Because we were in arrears , they wouldn't let her finish the term, or go on a school trip we had already paid for. ─── “学校一点同情心都没有,”约翰的妻子说:“因为我们欠了些学费,他们就不让老大读完这个学期,也不让孩子参加学校组织的郊游,其实那郊游我们已经交了费。”

17、yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic breeze. it fluttered ungracefully to the ground and landed in a tangled mass of weeds and string against a dead bush. ─── 然而,脱离束缚的自由使它完全处于无情微风的摆布下。它毫无风度地震颤着向地面坠落,落在一堆乱草之中,线缠绕在一颗死灌木上。

18、they put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct. ─── 他们对他的行为做出恶意的解释。

19、Waiting until the last minute means the couple will be stuck paying for your meal, making them very unsympathetic to your fictional illness. ─── 等待最后一刻才通知意味着新婚夫妇为你的这一份婚宴买了单,会让他们对你编造的病情一点都不同情。

20、I told him about the problem but he was totally unsympathetic. ─── 我把麻烦事告诉了他,但他完全无动于衷。

21、Yet despite her flaws she is never unsympathetic. ─── 尽管有她的原因,可她并不让人憎恨。

22、But George was unsympathetic . ‘Oh, that,’ he said with a smile as if he were talking about an old friend. ‘That's Sebastian. ─── 弗兰克几乎无法掩饰自己兴奋的心情,因为他明白自己发现了一件珍品。

23、one unfortunately sees historic features carelessly lost when estates fall into unsympathetic hands. ─── 当所有权落入到了没有同情心的人的手中的时候,那么人们就会看到具有历史意义的东西被随意抹杀掉了。

24、After listening to this debate, children and elderly man will be a change of position, said passers-by can be unsympathetic to the elderly, so that a child has to walk. ─── 听了这样的议论,孩子和老翁便换了一个位置,可路人又说老人于心何忍,竟让小孩子步行。

25、The government was unsympathetic to public opinion. ─── 政府违背了民意。

26、But the election was during the worst economic depression to date, and voters blamed Van Buren, seeing him as unsympathetic to struggling citizens.Harrison campaigned vigorously and won. ─── 但选举期间正逢经济萧条时期,选民对范布伦多有抱怨,视之为对人民生活困苦毫不关心的总统,哈里森的竞选宣传因而对选民产生很大影响、赢得选举。

27、3.The Jews were a proud people and throughout history they had trouble with the unsympathetic Genitals. ─── 犹太人是骄傲的民族。在整个历史里,他们被冷淡的生殖器困扰。

28、He dismissed the event with a most unsympathetic shrug. ─── 他无所谓地耸耸肩就把这件事情打发了。

29、Paddy is an unsympathetic and feelingless man. ─── 培迪是个无情而冷酷的人。

30、9.all the characters were peculiarly unsympathetic. ─── 所有的角色都让人特别地感到厌恶。

31、It was at best an acute and frightful reminder that we were living foolishly and confusedly without much plan or foresight in a dangerous and unsympathetic universe. ─── 它至多是个尖锐而又可怕的提示,我们正愚蠢、迷茫地生活在一个充满危险、冷漠无情的世界上,没什么打算,也没什么预见。

32、His face assumed an expression as unsympathetic as remote ─── 他脸上带着一种淡漠而疏远的表情。

33、So Phillip Tattaglia would rant on to audiences unsympathetic and contemptuous. ─── 因此,斐力普 - 塔塔格里亚对部下说话总是大吼大叫、不通人情、趾高气扬。

34、1.unsympathetic officialdom; people unsympathetic to the revolution; his dignity made him seem aloof and unsympathetic. ─── 没有同情心的官僚;人们反感革命;他的高贵使他看起来冷淡而且没有同情心。

35、He came across as an unsympathetic figure in the news media ─── 在新闻媒体方面看来他好像是个冷漠无情的人。

36、a disposition to be distant and unsympathetic in manner. ─── 不合群并且缺乏同情心的性格。

37、Save your breath!Don't even mention your illness to your unsympathetic boss. ─── 省点力气吧!甚至别对你那位没有同情心的老板提及你生病的事。

38、These few words reveal a cold, indifferent, unsympathetic woman. ─── 这几句话揭示了冷战,冷漠,缺乏同情心女人。

39、Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us. ─── 然而,穿过太空的港湾,那里的意识对于我们的来说就像我们的意识比动物的意识一样,冷酷广博而无情的智慧,用嫉妒的眼睛看作地球,慢慢地肯定会制定针对我们的计划。

40、a job temperamentally unsympathetic to him. ─── 一份令他反感的工作。

41、To coerce in an unsympathetic or cruel way. ─── 胁迫以不同情或残忍的方式胁迫

42、7.found the task disagreeable and decided to abandon it; a job temperamentally unsympathetic to him. ─── 觉得讨厌那份工作,于是就决定放弃了;一份令他反感的工作。

43、As for China's criticism of the U.S., Volcker was unsympathetic. ─── 至于中国对美国的批评,沃尔克并不同情中国。

44、to be unsympathetic to(wards) sth ─── 对某事不表同情

45、All the characters in the novel are as unsympathetic as each other. ─── 这部小说中的所有人物都不招人喜欢。

46、2.Jane left home after a big fight with her husband.But after living for a month with her unsympathetic mother, she pocketed her pride and returned home. ─── 简与丈夫大吵大闹一顿之后就离开了家,但是到娘家住了一个月,母亲对她毫不表示同情,她只得含垢忍辱回家去了。

47、Despite a massive outpouring of charity in the wake of the quake, Chinese bloggers have been quick to round on those deemed unsympathetic. ─── 尽管地震之后人们的同情心大量地迸发了出来,中国的博客写手们却很快开始了对那些被认为是冷漠无情的人的批判。

48、But George was unsympathetic. ─── 但乔治却无动于衷。

49、Though initially unsympathetic to the contestants, Trump later said,“Whenever I see their breakdowns, I understand. ─── 在会议室中,她同样要对选手进行评估,指出失败原因并对任何借口予以有利反驳。

50、Banks and real estate tycoons in Japan were corrupt, profligate and unsympathetic figures, and no one wanted to help them. ─── 日本的银行和地产业巨头都是贪污,挥霍浪费和冷漠无情的角色,以至于没有人愿意帮助他们。

51、The characters are slightly drawn and are the stock figures of romance ?disapproving in-laws, unsympathetic and tear-away siblings and supportive but puzzled parents ?who all behave predictably. ─── 人大了就大不同,以前觉得自己在处理人际关系方面做得不错,如果要向上爬一定不难,但现在却没兴趣过这种生活,我不想回头一看,原来自己从来没有生存过似的。

52、Hard,cold,and unsympathetic ─── 铁石心肠的;冷酷的;无同情心的

53、Strangely, despite the unsympathetic image of comparing humans with flies, this idiom is used as often regarding friendly forces or groups of people we care about, as it is used regarding foes. ─── 奇怪的是,尽管我们拿苍蝇和人类来无情的比较,这条习语更多的用于朋友之间或者用于我们所关心的人,而不是用在仇敌身上。

54、At this first appearance in a starring role, he was hissed off by an unsympathetic audience ─── 他第一次以主角身分出现时就被没有共鸣的观众嘘下了台。

55、unsympathetic "a. ─── 不表同情的,无情的,不共鸣的"

56、How can you trust a government that is unsympathetic to public opinion? ─── 你怎么能信赖一个违背民意的政府呢?

57、The widow's servants kept him clean and neat, combed and brushed, and they bedded him nightly in unsympathetic sheets that had not one little spot or stain which he could press to his heart and know for a friend. ─── 寡妇的佣人帮他又梳又刷,把他收拾得干干净净,每晚又为他换上冷冰冰的床单。 哈克想在上面找个小黑点按在心口做朋友都找不到。

58、Human factor is because the fire fighting archives is imperfect; the careless of fire fighting archives management, the unsympathetic of the users cause the loss, blot, tear of the fire fighting archives. ─── 人为因素是指由于消防档案工作制度不健全,消防档案管理人员的疏忽以及有关使用者的不爱护等原因,造成消防档案材料丢失、污、裂。

59、Why is so unsympathetic? ─── 为什么要这样绝情呢?

60、unsympathetic officialdom; people unsympathetic to the revolution; his dignity made him seem aloof and unsympathetic ─── 没有同情心的官僚;人们反感革命;他的高贵使他看起来冷淡而且没有同情心

61、unsympathetic audience ─── 冷漠无情的观众/听众

62、We can also accuse the dental surgeon of being unsympathetic and the researcher of being unscrupulous for selfish reasons. They have both failed in their duty. ─── 我们自然可以指责那名研究员和医生缺乏职业道德,甚至可以追问和质疑这种道德的底线。

63、But at the word"Goodbye",and although the piano sounded more desperate than ever, her face broke into a brilliant, dreadfully unsympathetic smile ─── 可是唱到“再见”时,尽管琴声哀绝,她脸上却绽露出一股兴奋的光彩,与歌子的情调极不协调地微笑了起来。

64、By nature he is not an unsympathetic man. ─── 他本性倒并不是没有同情心。

65、His wife Clytemnestra and his lovely daughter Iphigenia made a pathetic appeal for mercy, but they found agamemnon cold and unsympathetic ─── 妻子克吕泰涅斯特拉和自己可爱的女儿伊菲革尼亚苦苦哀求,可是阿伽门农态度冷漠,不为所动。

66、I'm highly unsympathetic to what you are trying to achieve. ─── 我很不愿意支持你正在极力追求的目标。

67、The authorities were unsympathetic, but he expected that. ─── 官方是冷漠无情的,不过他想到了这点。

68、British law is broadly unsympathetic to such notions. ─── 但英国的法律都不允许这种做法。

69、The person who had swindled him in life was actually nobody else but himself, for his eyes had been blurred by his unsympathetic mind. ─── 生活中欺骗拟的往往不是别人,而是拟的双眼被自己冰冷的心灵所蒙蔽了。

70、Europeans, the English, with their own ample and well-sewn luggage, have been unsympathetic to the American language plight. ─── 英国人的各色行箧一应俱全,而且做工考究,比其他欧洲人更不体谅美国人在文字上的困难。

71、Lacking kindness; inconsiderate or unsympathetic. ─── 冷酷的缺乏善意的; 不为他人考虑的或对他人没有同情心的

72、Even as unsympathetic, or have been injured in the sad cried after self-torture, self-tortured finished and the same weight as if nothing start. ─── 就算被视为冷漠无情,也好过,被伤得痛哭伤心后又自我折磨,自我折磨完了又仿佛没事一样的重头开始.

73、Could you imagine this trial if we had THAT albatross around our neck! Ha! Talk about your unsympathetic defendants! No, you guys really did yourselves a favor losing him. ─── 你能想像如果我们审判的时候抱着那样一个烫手山芋会是多么可怕么!哈!为一个毫无同情心的被告做辩护!说实在的,和他一刀两断对你们来说还真是件好事情。

74、If it fails to strengthen regional ties, it is destined to see its economic expansion hemmed in by unsympathetic and threatening neighbours. ─── 如果印度不能加强区域联系,它就注定会看到,自己的经济扩张被冷漠而充满敌意的邻国所遏制。

75、He sometimes gentle and considerate, sometimes indifferent, sometimes benevolent kind-hearted, sometimes harsh in the unsympathetic. ─── 他有时侯温柔体贴,有时冷漠,有时仁慈善良,有时严苛得不近人情。

76、Parents tend to be unsympathetic to their own children's needs when family or parental needs are competing for the child's time. ─── 当家庭或父母需要争取孩子的时间时,父母往往不去同情孩子们的需要。

77、"I hate to admit it, but he is unkind and unsympathetic to people, " she said, as I recall. ─── “我不愿承认这一点,但他对人冷酷无情,”据我回忆她如此说道。

78、8.Destruction of unfavorable records by unsympathetic Pharaohs, and even mass obliteration of cartouches from monuments, is known to have occurred at several epochs in Ancient Egyptian history. ─── 令人不快的记录被冷醋无情的法老毁坏,甚至大量的轮廓从纪念碑上被抹去,这种情形也发生在古埃及历史上的几个时期里。

79、There are even special truckers' songs, like "I'm a Truck," in which a truck complains about its unsympathetic driver ─── 甚至还有专门为货车司机编的歌曲,像“我是一辆货车”。在这首歌里,一辆货车抱怨它的司机开车根本不管它的死活。

80、“The school was utterly unsympathetic,” says his wife.“Because we were in arrears, they wouldn't let her finish the term, or go on a school trip we had already paid for. ─── “学校没有丁点的同情心,”他的妻子说,“就因为我们欠了些学费,他们都不肯让她把整个学期学完,甚至不让她参加已经交完钱的学校郊游。”

81、an unsympathetic response ─── 冷淡的反应

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