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09-02 投稿


canthoplasty 发音


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canthoplasty 中文意思翻译



canthoplasty 短语词组

1、canthoplasty video ─── 鼻甲成形术视频

2、canthoplasty cost ─── 鼻甲成形术费用

3、canthoplasty cpt ─── 鼻甲成形术

4、canthoplasty l2 ─── 眦成形术l2

5、canthoplasty dog ─── 健美犬

6、canthoplasty risks ─── 健身风险

7、provisional canthoplasty ─── [医] 暂时性眦切开术

8、canthoplasty eye ─── 眼角成形术

canthoplasty 相似词语短语

1、angioplasty ─── n.血管成形术

2、anaplasty ─── n.[外科]整形术

3、autoplasty ─── n.自身组织移植手术

4、chiloplasty ─── 唇成形术

5、alloplasty ─── n.发育异常;用合成材料作移植;兴趣外向

6、cheiloplasty ─── n.[口腔]唇成形术

7、arthroplasty ─── n.[外科]关节成形术;[外科]关节造形术

8、cytoplast ─── n.细胞质(等于cytoplasm)

9、gastroplasty ─── n.胃形成术

canthoplasty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、correction of ptosis and canthoplasty ─── 睑下垂矫正联合眦整形术

2、Keywords Eyelids;Lateral canthal anchoring;Lateral canthopexy;Lateral canthoplasty;Lower eyelid retraction; ─── 眼睑;外眦锚着术;外眦固定术;外眦成形术;下睑退缩;

3、Blaskovics lateral canthoplasty ─── 布拉斯科维奇外眦成形术

4、A canthoplasty is commonly performed in conjunction with other eyelid surgery, to aid in stabilizing a normal position of the eyelids. ─── 手术在局部麻醉下进行,大约1小时左右。在其后的2-4会有轻微肿大和瘀青。在咨询期间医生会与您详细讨论手术的方案和预期

5、Objective To describe the techniques of lateral canthal anchoring (canthoplasty and canthopexy) which relate to cosmetic surgery and reconstruction of the lower eyelid and their progress recently. ─── 目的介绍下睑美容与重建有关的外眦锚着术(外眦成形术和外眦固定术)的方法和近年来的进展情况。方法应用计算机检索PUBMED的相关文章,并限定文章语言种类为英语。

6、A new method for medial canthoplasty combined double eyelid formation ─── 内眦赘皮与重睑成形同期手术的一种新方法

7、Keywords epicanthus;double eyelid plasty;medial canthoplasty; ─── 内眦赘皮;重睑成形术;内眦开大术;

8、Medial canthoplasty ─── 内眦成形术

9、Conclusion The restoration of both soft and stiff tissue and canthoplasty play an important role in late retoration of traumatic defomities around the orbita. ─── 结论眶周畸形的后期整复在修复软组织缺损的同时,应注重硬组织的填充和复位,兼顾内外眦的整复;如眼球已摘除应尽可能安装眼座、佩带义眼。

10、Keywords medial epicanthus;double eyelid plasty;medial canthoplasty; ─── 内眦赘皮;重睑成形;内眦开大;

11、provisional canthoplasty ─── [医] 暂时性眦切开术

12、The scar at canthus after surgery is minimal in all 76 cases.Conclusion The canthoplasty with a local skin flap for epicanthus opening has a good result in minor and moderate epicanthus. ─── 结论针对内眦赘皮矫正术术后所遗留的问题,所提出的相应的处理原则与手术方法,操作简便,效果良好。

13、lateral canthoplasty ─── 外眦成形术

14、Blaskovics' lateral canthoplasty ─── 布拉斯科维茨(氏)外眦成形术

15、including incision, nonsuturing technique; excluding medial and lateral canthoplasty ─── 包括切开法,非缝线法;不含内外眦成形

16、Objective To explore a new method to perform the medial canthoplasty applied with upper eyelid fold formation in one stage. ─── 目的:探索内眦开大术同时行重睑成形术的新方法。

17、The canthoplasty were done after double eyelid in 4 cases.Results The canthoplasty opened canthus widely and is easy to do. ─── 结果本术式操作简便,内眦开大效果良好,术后局部瘢痕轻微。

18、Kuhnt canthoplasty ─── 库恩特眼角成形术


cant斜面双语对照词典结果:cant[英][k?nt][美][k?nt]n.倾斜; (下层社会的)黑话; 斜面; 言不由衷的话; vi.斜穿; 使用黑话(或行话等); 说言不由衷的话; vt.使具有斜面; 使倾斜; 将…斜掷出去; 猛扔; adj.黑话的; 有斜面的; 斜穿的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But there is a lot of cant about. 但这里面很多是政治家的术语。


cant斜面双语对照词典结果:cant[英][k?nt][美][k?nt]n.倾斜; (下层社会的)黑话; 斜面; 言不由衷的话; vi.斜穿; 使用黑话(或行话等); 说言不由衷的话; vt.使具有斜面; 使倾斜; 将…斜掷出去; 猛扔; adj.黑话的; 有斜面的; 斜穿的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But there is a lot of cant about. 但这里面很多是政治家的术语。

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