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09-02 投稿


corregidor 发音

英:[[k?'reg?d?:(r)]]  美:[[k?'reg??do?r]]

英:  美:

corregidor 中文意思翻译



corregidor 词性/词形变化,corregidor变形

副词: correctly |形容词: correctable |动词过去式: corrected |动词现在分词: correcting |动词第三人称单数: corrects |动词过去分词: corrected |名词: correctness |

corregidor 同义词

mark | rebuke | factual | rectify | alter | amend | put right | proper | respectable | suitable | slump | reform | fix | chasten | chastise | counterbalance | decent | relieve | regulate | objurgate | adjust |right | orthodox | straighten | change | advisable | mathematical | becoming | even up | true | sound | heal | edit | exact | discipline | ethical | orderly | make up | appropriate | punish | set | revise | precise | improve | formal | emend | modify | faithful | even out | redress | adapted | decline | sort out | castigate | nice | desired | perfect | accurate | so | confirmed | compensate | remedy | acceptable | mend

corregidor 短语词组

1、corregidor bgg ─── 科雷吉多尔bgg

2、corregidor housing fort bragg ─── 布拉格堡科雷吉多住宅

3、corregidor map ─── 科雷吉多地图

4、corregidor island ─── 科雷吉多尔岛

5、corregidor island pics ─── 科雷吉多岛图片

6、corregidor dz ─── 科雷吉多dz

corregidor 反义词

falsify |incorrect | wrong

corregidor 相似词语短语

1、Corregidor ─── n.科雷吉多尔岛(位于菲律宾西北部)

2、corridors ─── n.廊道,[建]走廊(corridor的复数形式)

3、corrector ─── n.校正者;惩罚者;中和剂;校正程序

4、corridor ─── n.走廊

5、Correggio ─── 柯勒乔;n.(Correggio)人名;(意)柯勒乔

6、corrugators ─── n.皱眉肌

7、corrugator ─── n.皱眉肌

8、correlators ─── n.[电子]相关器;[物]相关因子

9、correlator ─── n.[电子]相关器;[物]相关因子

corregidor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To Make A Reservation At The Howard Johnson Inn Corregidor Hotel Buenos Aires With Our Secure Online Booking Form, Please Choose Your Preffered Period Of Stay. ─── 科雷吉豪生酒店布宜诺斯艾利斯优惠预订,如果您需要在布宜诺斯赛利斯,阿根廷住宿(包括酒店、宾馆、旅店,饭店、汽车旅馆),这个酒店将是一个不错的选择。

2、Across Manila Bay stands Corregidor, the island fortress that played a prominent role in the Pacific War. ─── 渡过马尼拉湾是柯雷吉多尔,这个岛的要塞位置在太平洋战争中扮演了突出角色。

3、1942, during WWII, Americans and Filipino surrender to Japanese forces on the Philippine island of Corregidor in the Pacific. ─── 1942,二战期间,美国和菲律宾人在菲律宾的太平洋上的Corregidor岛向日本军队投降。

4、Across Manila Bay stands Corregidor, the island fortress that played a prominent role in the Pacific War. ─── 渡过马尼拉湾是柯雷吉多尔,这个岛的要塞位置在太平洋战争中扮演了突出角色。

5、The first message to come in that morning was from Fort Mills on Corregidor, announcing that the food situation on Bataan had become desperate. ─── 清晨,由柯里几道尔的密耳斯堡发来第一次报告称巴丹的粮食问题很严重。

6、On February 16, 1945, elements of the U.S.Sixth Army began the assault on Corregidor, and after furious fighting, MacArthur made good on his promise. ─── 1945.2.16,美军第6方面军开始进攻科雷吉多尔,一番恶战后,麦克阿瑟兑现了他的誓言。

7、Corregidor:an island of the northern Philippines at the entrance to Manila Bay. ─── 柯雷吉多尔岛:马尼拉湾入口处菲律宾群岛北部一个岛.

8、As a captain he had been serving with the 4th Marines when it was surrendered to the Japanese on Corregidor in the Philippines. ─── 在他还是一名上尉时曾经在陆战4团服役,当时该团在菲律宾的科雷吉多尔向日本人投降。

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