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09-02 投稿



epicardium 发音

英:[[?ep?'kɑ:d??m]]  美:[[?ep?'kɑ:d?rm]]

英:  美:

epicardium 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 心外膜


epicardium 词性/词形变化,epicardium变形


epicardium 相似词语短语

1、epimyocardium ─── n.心肌外膜

2、epicardia ─── n.贲门上部;食管腹部

3、epicardiac ─── 心外膜

4、epicedium ─── n.哀悼歌

5、epicardial ─── adj.心外膜的

6、mesocardium ─── 心系膜

7、pericardium ─── n.[解剖]心包;心包膜

8、endocardium ─── n.[解剖]心内膜

9、-cardium ─── n.鸟蛤属

epicardium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Epicardium electrocardiogram in vivo ─── 在体心外膜心电图

2、Although signs of tamponade were seen on echocardiography, we propose that myocardial hyperkalaemia from the diffusion of potassium through the epicardium accounted for some of the clinical picture. ─── 虽然心包压塞的征象可以在超声心动图上观察到,我们认为由心包的钾离子逸出导致的心肌高钾也造成了一些临床表现。

3、It demonstrated the procedure of radiofrequency ablating the epicardium could be a practicable treatment for AF. ─── 结果表明在心外膜按一定路线射频消融治疗AF是可行的。

4、Seen over the surface of the epicardium are pale white-tan nodules of metastatic tumor. ─── 在心外膜的表面可见灰白色转移性肿瘤结节。

5、Keywords total flavones of pollen typhae;myocardial ischemia;epicardium electrocardiogram;enzymology in serum; ─── 蒲黄总黄酮;心肌缺血;心外膜电图;血清酶;

6、Procainamide prolonged ARI in all myocardial layers. The pooled ARI prolongation of the epicardium,midmyocardium and endocardium of the 6 animals was 66.8 ms+18.3 ms,70.3 ms+14.7 ms and 65.3ms+15.7 ms(P>0.05),respectively. ─── 普鲁卡因胺对各层心肌的AR I均有延长作用,心外膜、中层心肌和心内膜的AR I分别延长了(66.8±18.3)m s、(70.3±14.7)m s和(65.3±15.7)m s(P>0.05)。

7、For a long time, it was thought that the epicardium was a derivative of the outermost layer of the primitive myocardium of the early embryonic heart tube. ─── 长期以来,心外膜被认为是起源于胚胎发育早期心管的最外层原始心肌。

8、Having no pattern in the cardiac muscles,their distribution was often found in the myocardial layers,and occassionally under the epicardium. ─── 在心肌内分布无规律,多见于心肌层,也偶见于心外膜下。

9、Using 3-channel bipolar ECG signals simultaneously recorded from different positions of ventricular epicardium, the inversion of VF dynamical model is explored. ─── 利用从心室肌表面不同位置同时记录到的三通道双极性电信号反演VF动力学模型。

10、Keywords Guanxinshengmai granule;Myocardial Ischemia;Epicardium electrocardiogram in vivo;Myocardial infarct;Dog; ─── 冠心生脉颗粒;心肌缺血;在体心外膜心电图;心肌梗死;犬;

11、Development of an multiple-site mapping system for atrial epicardium ─── 心房心外膜多位点标测系统的研制

12、The Origin and Development of the Epicardium ─── 心外膜的起源与发育

13、Conclusions: Repolarization gradients exist over the swine left ventricular epicardium in normal state. ─── 结论:猪正常供血状态下左心室心外膜存在复极梯度。

14、Here are petechial hemorrhages seen on the epicardium of the heart. ─── 这是在心外膜看到的点状出血。

15、The transverse fibers began to appear in the middle and inferior segments of CT near epicardium. ─── 从界嵴的中部向下,近心外膜侧,开始出现横行纤维。

16、It demonstrated the procedure of radiofrequency ablating the epicardium could be a practicable treatment for AF. ─── 结果表明在心外膜按一定路线射频消融治疗AF是可行的。

17、Transthoracic pacemaker implantation in epicardium for two adults ─── 成人经胸植入心外膜下心肌永久起搏器二例

18、epicardium electrocardiogram ─── 心外膜电图

19、Results During sinus rhythm,there was no significant difference in the pooled ARI between the epicardium(266.0 ms+30.5 ms), midmyocardium(265.0 ms+ 28.9 ms) and endocardium(265.7 ms+28.1 ms,P>0.05). ─── m in-1后观察AR I的变化。 结果窦性心律时,心外膜、中层心肌和心内膜的AR I差异无显著性,[分别为(266.0±30.5)m s、(265.0±28.9)m s和(265.7±28.1)m s,P>0.05]。

20、The main artery centerlines are first extracted from two successive images and then the motion parameters of artery and related epicardium are computed along these centerlines. ─── 从连续的两帧图像中提取出动脉主要分支的中心线,沿中心线采用光流法计算出血管以及相关心外膜的运动参数。

21、Over the other surface of the heart lies another layer of connective tissue, the epicardium ─── 心脏的外表面是由另一层结缔组织,即心外膜所覆盖。

22、Excision of lesion of epicardium ─── 心外膜病损切除术

23、These ganglia mainly lie under the epicardium and in coronary sulcus. ─── 这些神经节主要分布在心外膜下,以及冠状沟内。

24、Seen over the surface of the epicardium are pale white-tan nodules of metastatic tumor . ─── 在心外膜的表面可见灰白色转移性肿瘤结节。

25、Excision of scar of epicardium ─── 心外膜瘢痕切除术

26、There are rich microvilli on the surface of epithelial cells in the epicardium . ─── 心外膜表面的上皮细胞有丰富的微绒毛。

27、The mechanism and effect of pituitrin on monophasic action potential (MAP) were studied using the technique for recording MAP from epicardium in the closed-chest state in rabbits. ─── 用保持家兔处于闭胸状态记录心外膜心肌单相动作电位(MAP)的技术,研究垂体后叶素(Pt)对MAP的影响及机理。

28、There are rich microvilli on the surface of epithelial cells in the epicardium. ─── 心外膜表面的上皮细胞有丰富的微绒毛。

29、Autologous bone marrow MNCs were injected via the epicardium into the infarcted area in the latter two groups at 1 and 2 weeks after the infarction, respectively. ─── 分为3组:空白对照组、心肌梗死1周后处理组及心肌梗死2周后处理组,处理组经心外膜向心肌注射自体骨髓单核细胞。

30、Twenty-seven VTs were targeted on the epicardium with the use of activation, entrainment, or pace mapping with focal/linear ablation and targeting of late potentials. ─── 应用活化,拖带或焦/线性消融和晚电位靶向起搏图示将27次VTs定位于外膜。

31、Here are petechial hemorrhages seen on the epicardium of the heart. ─── 这是在心外膜看到的点状出血。

32、over the surface of the epicardium are pale white-tan nodules of metastatic tumor. ─── 在心外膜的表面可见灰白色转移性肿瘤结节。

33、No matter with or without d-sotalol the slopes have no significant difference between epicardium and endocardium. ─── 这种离子通道在空间分布的异质性,改变了心脏复极在空间上的同步性,并引起兴奋性和不应期的不均一性。

34、The dull red color to the myocardium as seen below the glistening epicardium to the lower right of the thrombus is consistent with underlying myocardial infarction. ─── 管腔内见一暗红色新鲜血栓,血栓右下方位于闪亮心外膜之下的心肌呈暗红色与梗死后的颜色一致。

35、Early afterdepolarizations (EADs) and APD alternant were induced by d - sotalol in M cells but they were not found in endocardinm and epicardium. ─── d-索他洛尔作用于M细胞,诱发早期后除极(EADs)和APD交替变异,而心内膜、外膜细胞则未见。

36、Effect of amiodarone and sotalol on electrophysiological characteristics in rabbit epicardium, midmyocardium, and endocardium across the left ventricular wall ─── 胺碘酮和索他洛尔对家兔不同部位心室肌细胞电生理特性的影响

37、epicardium mapping ─── 心外膜标测

38、2.The fibrin often results in the the finding on physical examination of a "friction rub" as the strands of fibrin on epicardium and pericardium rub against each other. ─── 听诊时出现心包摩擦音,这是因为沉积在心外膜和心包的纤维素相互摩擦所致。

39、In adults epicardium-derived progenitor cells line the heart, but have become dormant. ─── 成熟个体中,心外膜来源的祖细胞分化形成心脏,但是一旦分化之后,这些祖细胞就进入休眠状态。

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