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09-02 投稿


grasshopper 发音

英:['grɑ?sh?p?]  美:['ɡr?shɑp?]

英:  美:

grasshopper 中文意思翻译



grasshopper 网络释义

n. 蚱蜢;[植保] 蝗虫;小型侦察机vi. 见异思迁;蚱蜢似地跳

grasshopper 词性/词形变化,grasshopper变形

名词复数形式:grasshoppers 过去式:grasshoppered

grasshopper 短语词组

1、rhino grasshopper ─── 犀牛蚱蜢

2、monkey grasshopper ─── 猴蝗

3、grasshopper sparrow ─── 蝗草鹀

4、grasshopper spring ─── [医] 蚱蜢式弹簧

5、long-horned grasshopper ─── 蝈 ─── 蝈儿;莎鸡

6、short-horned grasshopper 【 ─── 昆虫】蝗(locust)

7、grasshopper mouse ─── [网络] 沙居食蝗鼠属;仓蝗鼠属

8、knee high to a grasshopper ─── 及膝到蚱蜢

9、migratory grasshopper un. ─── 迁徙蚱蜢

10、the grasshopper song ─── 蚱蜢之歌

11、the ant and the grasshopper ─── 蚂蚁与蚱蜢

12、the ants and the grasshopper ─── 蚂蚁和 ─── 蚂蚱

13、the grasshopper ─── 蚱蜢

14、on the grasshopper and cricket ─── 关于蚱蜢和蟋蟀

15、palpi function grasshopper ─── 帕尔皮函数蚱蜢

16、a grasshopper ─── 蚱蜢

17、knee high grasshopper ─── 及膝蚱蜢

18、Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler ─── 米登多夫的蚂蚱

19、hooded grasshopper ─── 带帽蚱蜢

grasshopper 相似词语短语

1、grasshoppers ─── n.草蜢;轻型飞机(grasshopper的复数);v.像蚱蜢似地跳;见异思迁(grasshopper的三单形式)

2、gray snapper ─── 紫红笛鲷

3、transshipper ─── 转运人

4、grasshopper pie ─── 蚱蜢派

5、transhipper ─── 转运船

6、brushpopper ─── 刷子

7、grasshopper pies ─── 蚱蜢派

8、grass hockey ─── 草地曲棍球

9、grass over ─── 草覆盖

grasshopper 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. ─── 在一个领域有一年夏天的一天,一个蚂蚱是跳跃,啁啾和歌唱到它的核心的内容。

2、He looked like a grasshopper in a fit. Laurie and I couldn't help laughing. Did you hear us?' ─── “他学跳新舞步时像个痉挛的草蜢。我和劳里都忍不住笑起来,你听到了吗?

3、A grasshopper, half perished with hunger, besought the ant to give him a morsel of to preserve his life. ─── 一只蚱蜢,饿的要死,恳求蚂蚁给他一些食物让他保住性命。

4、One morning the grasshopper woke up and was surprised to see that snow had fallen during the night.He shivered and looked for a green leaf for food. ─── 人类是固执而有叛逆性的,他们的性命里充斥了错误和罪行,但由于上帝是慈悲的,所以祂宽恕了祂的仆人。

5、The EAG data are discussed with regard to the role of host plant volatiles in host plant orientation and selection by the grasshopper. ─── 另外,结合触角电位的数据资料,作者讨论了寄主植物挥发性化合物在该种蝗虫定位和选择寄主植物方面的作用。

6、Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler ─── n. 小蝗莺

7、And, seeing a frisky young grasshopper, he asked where it lived. ─── 不一会儿,他看见了一只蹦蹦跳跳的小蟋蟀,于是他就问她住在哪儿。

8、Of these you may eat any kind of locust, katydid, cricket or grasshopper. ─── 22其中有蝗虫,蚂蚱,蟋蟀与其类,蚱蜢与其类,这些你们都可以吃。

9、The grasshopper is outside. ─── “蝗虫在外边。

10、He looked like a grasshopper in a fit when he did the new step. Laurie and I couldn't help laughing. Did you hear us? ─── 当他跳新舞步时,看起来像只蚂蚱,劳瑞和我忍不住笑出声来,你听到了吗?

11、I hadn't seen a grasshopper for years since I moved into the city. ─── 从我搬进城里以后,我有好几年没见过蚂蚱了。

12、The fragmented environment is the reason for the unconnected-distribution of more-area-distributed grasshopper species in Ningxia. ─── 不连续的环境是造成宁夏蝗虫多布种不连续分布的主要原因。

13、I also discovered in the bushes carrying a large grasshopper jumped it in a small grasshopper. ─── 我又在草丛里发现了一只大蚂蚱背着一只小蚂蚱在蹦呢。

14、Take the case of the ant and the grass hopper: The grasshopper played all summer, while the ant worked and saved. ─── 以蚂蚁和蚱蜢为例:蚱蜢整个夏天都在嬉戏,蚂蚁则工作并储存食物。

15、Olga Dymov - The flighty, snobbish yet endearingly vivacious protagonist of The Grasshopper. ─── 奥尔加Dymov -的轻浮,势利尚未endearingly活泼主角的蝗虫。

16、Cured the grasshopper with chemical method ─── 化学治蝗

17、It has long gangly forearms like a wingless bat large hind legs similar to a grasshopper's in shape and several pairs of vestigial limbs. ─── 前臂瘦长,如同一只无翼的蝙蝠,后腿巨大,外形上和蝗虫的后腿相似,还长有几对残肢。

18、Labiodental fate has no room to see other people's jokes, sharing their own self-rescue has become a Rope a grasshopper. ─── 唇齿共命运已容不得看别人的笑话,自救己与共救成了一条绳上的一对蚂蚱。

19、Cluster analysis of Grasshopper zoogeographical division in Ningxia ─── 宁夏蝗虫地理分布的聚类分析

20、It's all right,@ comforted the grasshopper. ─── “节哀顺便吧,”那只蚱蜢安慰道。

21、Two ants came out and took the grasshopper into their nest. ─── 两只蚂蚁出去然后把蝗虫带到了它们的洞穴里。

22、The Effect of Azadirachtin on Respiration of Nymphs of Chinese Rice Grasshopper ─── 印楝素对中华稻蝗若虫呼吸作用的影响

23、Distribution and area of endemism of Catantopidae grasshopper species endemic to China ─── 中国斑腿蝗科特有种的分布及特有分布区划分

24、So they decided to send the centipede; and the grasshopper explained how to get to the nearest liquor store. ─── 于是他们决定让蜈蚣去,并且蝗虫告诉他怎样去最近的啤酒商店。

25、His works focus on painting, especially good at depicting the small nature of life, such as butterflies, Mantis, Grasshopper, led by the cattle, frogs, dragonflies and other, life, love food. ─── 他笔下的作品,注重写生,尤善于描绘大自然的小生命,如蝴蝶、螳螂、蝈蝈、牵牛、青蛙、蜻蜓等,栩栩如生,引人喜爱。

26、Grasshopper, half perished with hunger, besought the Ant to give him a morsel of it to preserve his life. ─── 一只饿得半死的蚱蜢恳求蚂蚁给它一口谷子来维持他的生命。

27、The Small rice grasshopper(SRG), Oxya chinensis Thunberg, occurs one generation a year in Taiyuan, Shanxi province and it overwinters as a egg. ─── 中华稻蝗(Oxya chinensis Thunberg)在山西太原一年发生一代,以卵越冬。

28、A grasshopper jumped on Zhus foot.It thought it find a warm place,and combed its feeler there. ─── 一只绿蚱蜢跳到小柱的脚背上,它肯定觉得这地方很暖和,就停下来,理了理触须。

29、Harrison has designed a "grasshopper" of the escapement, to improve the accuracy of time clocks. ─── 哈里森设计了一种有“蚂蚱”之称的擒纵器,提高了钟表计时精准度。

30、In the lightly grazed area,density of grasshopper was the lowest. ─── 合理放牧后的栖境则不利蝗虫发生。

31、Ordination and Regression of Grasshopper Communities on South -facing Slope of the Taibai Mountain ─── 太白山南坡蝗虫群落排序及环境因素分析

32、Then came the Grasshopper: he was certainly much heavier, but he had a good figure, and wore the green uniform that was born with him. ─── 接着蚱蜢就出场了,它的确很粗笨,但它的身体很好看。它穿着它那套天生的绿制服。

33、I haven't seen you since you were knee-high to a grasshopper! ─── 我上次见你你还是个小不点呢!

34、The grasshopper laughed at the little ant and went on his way. ─── 蚱蜢嘲笑着那只小蚂蚁,还是我行我素。

35、monotonous, long and lasting "cicada" sound out of the bushes Grasshopper in the four-string sound. ─── 单调,绵长,持久的“知了”声引逗出草丛里的蝈蝈的四弦琴声。

36、How narrow is the vision that exalts the busyness of the ant above the singing of the grasshopper. ─── 将蚂蚁的忙碌捧得高过蚱蜢的歌唱,这是多么狭隘啊。

37、Ant and grasshopper On a cold, frosty day an ant was dragging out some of the corn which he had laid up in the summertime, to dry it . ─── 蚂蚁和蚱蜢在寒冷,结霜的气象,一只蚂蚁拖曳出一些夏天储存起来的玉米,想晾干。

38、Saskatchewan, a province known for its vast fields of wheat, also has a reputation for vast, cyclical grasshopper invasions. ─── 以拥有广袤麦田著称的萨斯喀彻温省同时也以严重的周期性蝗灾闻名。

39、A module like a streamlined, art-deco grasshopper arced away in one direction;a thing like a glittering bat deployed wings and banked in another. ─── 一块流线型、有点艺术装饰味道的一只蚱蜢形状的模块从一个方向拱了出来,那东西又有那么一点像一只闪闪发亮的蝙蝠展开翅膀堆在另一只上面。

40、To fulfill the aim of supplying prompt services in all aspects, GRASSHOPPER has set up their own giant Storage and Logistics distribution centers in Polish headquarter、Germany、Holand and Russia. ─── GRASSHOPPER在波兰总部、德国、荷兰、俄罗斯设有自己强大的仓储物流中心,达到全方位、快捷地服务客户的目标。

41、The grasshopper was right. You really are a horrible little boy. ─── “蚱蜢说的对。你确实是个讨厌的小孩。”

42、So the grasshopper was the one spreading the nasty rumours. ─── 原来蚱蜢就是那个散布这个令人讨厌的谣言的人啊!

43、Faunal composition of grasshopper in different habitats of Northeast China ─── 东北地区不同生境内蝗虫区系的比较

44、KJV] Canst thou make him afraid as a grasshopper? the glory of his nostrils is terrible. ─── [新译]是你使它跳跃像蝗虫吗?它喷气之威使人惊惶。

45、The young pupil looked down in astonishment and saw his first grasshopper of the new spring. ─── 年轻的学生看不起在震惊和看到他的第一蝗虫的新春天。

46、I' ve known him since he was knee-high to a grasshopper. ─── 他很小的时候我就认识他了.

47、I've known him since he was knee-high to a grasshopper. ─── 他很小的时候我就认识他了。

48、Was originally a green grasshopper in the bounce it. ─── 原来是一只绿色的蚂蚱在蹦呢。

49、Xu SQ, Zheng ZM, Li HH. 2004. Cluster analysis on the distribution patterns of grasshopper in Ningxia [J]. ─── [许升全,郑哲民,李后魂.2004.宁夏蝗虫地理分布格局的聚类分

50、A grasshopper, dressed in a black robe and wig, ─── 一只蚱蜢,穿着黑色的长袍,戴着假发,

51、Also, Winnie Low appears at the concert to support Grasshopper. ─── 刘小慧也到演唱会支持草蜢。

52、Rumours clear - Grasshopper is not going to split......also they will be signing contract with Rock Record in two weeks time. ─── 关于草蜢折伙的谣言,已经有了答案-草蜢不会折伙。。。。。。两个星期内将与滚石签约。

53、Correlation between monthly average temperature and grasshopper outbreak in the region around Qinghai Lake based on GIS ─── GIS支持下青海湖地区草地蝗虫发生与月均温的相关性

54、Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler winters in big numbers in Ilan's reedbeds (especially Xia Pu and Diao Bie Ci). A fresh first-winter Pallas's can be seen below, very similar but blacker-marked. ─── 北蝗莺在宜兰有大量的度冬族群(特别是在下埔和钓鳖池)。下面有只一龄冬羽新换羽毛的小蝗莺,和(你拍的)这只很像但是黑色部分更加明显。

55、Did you use Clive as a golf ball?@ asked the grasshopper. ─── “你是不是把克莱夫当作高尔夫球了?”蚱蜢问道。

56、The Embryonic Development in Chinese Rice Grasshopper Egg and Its Application ─── 中华稻蝗卵胚胎发育观察与应用技术

57、There are a lot of interesting insects.They are ants, butterflies, dragonflies, fireflies, grasshopper and other interesting insects. ─── 在里面有许多有趣的昆虫:有蚂蚁、蝴蝶、蜻、萤火虫、蚱蜢和其他有趣的昆虫.

58、A: How can you eat that grasshopper? It doesn't make you sick? ─── 你怎麽吃得下那只蚱蜢?你不觉得恶心吗?

59、Wisdom of the Grasshopper IV - This ability raises your allies'strength greatly and their dexterity slightly. ─── 大幅提高同伴的力量,小幅提高敏捷。

60、"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling in that way? ─── “过来跟我聊聊天吧,”蚱蚂说,“用不着那么辛苦地工作吧?”

61、Canst thou make him afraid as a grasshopper? the glory of his nost***ls is ter***ble. ─── 20是你叫它跳跃像蝗虫吗。它喷气之威使人惊惶。

62、The distributive areas of each grasshopper group were taken as their distribution pattern. ─── 各组蝗虫在宁夏的自然分布作为其分布格局。

63、Due to our expertise, we have stood out from this industry ,and have got the opportunities to keep in comprehensive cooperation with GRASSHOPPER in Chinese market. ─── 也正因为我们专业,我们才走到了同行的前列,我们才有机会和GRASSHOPPER在中国的全面合作。

64、Insects of the jury,@ chirped the grasshopper, ─── “昆虫陪审团,”蚱蜢尖声说道,

65、An Anaysis of the Climatic Factors of Grasshopper Outbreak in the Region around Qinghai Lake Aided by GIS ─── GIS支持下青海湖地区草地蝗虫发生的气候因子分析

66、Occurrence,Control and cure of Chinese Rice Grasshopper in middle region of Liaoning ─── 中华稻蝗在辽宁中部地区的发生与防治

67、Liar, liar, pants on fire,@ sang the grasshopper. ─── “骗子,骗子,裤子着火,”蚱蜢唱到。

68、Autograph Session at Takashimaya - Ngee Ann City - Only for first 500 "THE BEST OF GRASSHOPPER '96 LIVE" concert tickets. ─── 宝丽金音乐嘉年华(高岛屋)-签名会-只限首500张草蜢“神魂颠倒”演唱会的门票。

69、I bought a painting of a bug and a grasshopper. ─── 我买过一幅画着虫子和蝗虫的画。

70、According to Ming Pao Magazine, Grasshopper might invite some top female singers like our Sandy and Shirley Kwan to his up coming concert in HK next month. ─── 今期明周报道,草蜢下月的演唱会,会有天后级嘉宾,文中并开了忆莲与关淑怡的名字。

71、The grasshopper sprang straight into the King's face, so the King declared that was horribly rude. ─── 蚱蜢向国王的脸上跳过来,因此国王就说这简直是可恶之至。

72、Genetic differentiation among four populations of Chinese rice grasshopper Oxya chinensis in China ─── 中华稻蝗四个种群的遗传分化

73、large wingless nocturnal grasshopper that burrows in loose soil along the United States Pacific coast ─── 大型舞池夜间活动的蝗虫,在美国太平洋海滨松软的泥土中钻洞

74、When Zhu was thinking about it, suddenly,all the grass on the ground changed to be grasshopper and jumped to the clouds. ─── 小柱这样一想,院里的沿阶草,忽然都一跳一跳地变成了绿色的蚱蜢,向着云端,飞去了。

75、Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler ─── n. 北蝗莺

76、It is the Cricket and Grasshopper Kingdoms that address you today. ─── 今天是蟋蟀和蚱蜢王国向你们讲话。

77、Spear red cocktail cherries onto cocktail picks to create a pair of red "grasshopper eyes" sticking out of the drink. ─── 用红樱桃在鸡尾酒上上做出一对突出的红色“蚂蚱眼”。

78、That's always been your problem,@ snapped the grasshopper. ─── “你总是有你自己的借口,”蚱蜢咬牙切齿地说道。

79、He thought he had made an end of the little grasshopper. ─── 他以为把那个小蚱蜢干掉了。

80、The sensilla on the maxillary and labial palpus of the grasshopper Rammeacris kiangsu (Tsai) were examined with scanning electron microscopy. ─── 利用扫描电子显微镜研究了黄脊雷篦蝗Rammeacriskiangsu(Tsai)口器的下颚须、下唇须上的感觉器结构。

81、How much, how soon? You ask too many unanswerable questions, Grasshopper. ─── 多少钱,多久能提车?你问了太多无法回答的问题,小子。

82、The Southwest China is not only the distribution center of grasshopper genus Ceracris Walker, but also the original and speciation center of it. ─── 中国的西南地区是竹蝗属的分布中心,同时也是其起源和物种分化中心。

83、When winter came, the grasshopper had nothing, but the ant complained of chest pains. ─── 到了冬天,蚱蜢一无所有,可是蚂蚁却喊胸口疼。

84、Excellent, grasshopper. ─── 好极了, 小蚱蜢

85、A green grasshopper jumps to here.He dont see the growing turnip in the earth,and soon jumping upto the luffa trellis with blossom. ─── 一个绿蚱蜢跳过来,它没有看到已经长大的小萝卜,就又跳到开着黄花的丝瓜架下去了。

86、If that happens, the grasshopper has a backup defense. ─── 如果发生这种情况,蚱蜢就有了后备防御。

87、A grasshopper on a moss-covered tree, oblivious of itself. ─── 停在长满绿苔树上的蚱蜢,浑然忘我。

88、Zheng ZM. 1985. Grasshopper of Yunnan , Guizhou, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Ningxia [M]. Beijing: Sciences Press. ─── [郑哲民.云贵川陕宁地区的蝗虫.北京:科学出版社.1-406.

89、"You don't think." The grasshopper went and sat down. ─── “你没想过。”蚱蜢走到座位坐了下来。




部首:虫 部外笔画:11 总笔画:17

五笔86:TUJJ 五笔98:TUJJ 仓颉:HYLII

笔顺编号:35444251214251214 四角号码:27136 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+87BD








虫名。蝗类的总名 [grasshopper]。如:螽水(虫灾及水灾)



螽斯 zhōngsī

[long-horned grasshopper] 绿色或褐色昆虫,善跳跃,吃农作物。雄的前翅有发声器,颤动翅膀能发声隐藏更多释义

以下结果由HttpCN提供字形结构汉字首尾分解:冬虫 汉字部件分解:冬虫




a katydid; a long-horned grasshopper; a locust

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