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09-02 投稿


conquerable 发音

英:[?k??k?r?bl]  美:[?k??k?r?b?l]

英:  美:

conquerable 中文意思翻译



conquerable 短语词组

1、conquerable mean ─── 可征服的手段

2、conquerable China ─── 可征服的中国

3、conquerable meaning ─── 可征服的意义

4、conquerable antonym ─── 可征服反义词

5、conquerable crossword ─── 可征服纵横字谜

6、conquerable 8 letters ─── 可征服的8个字母

7、conquerable definition ─── 可征服的定义

8、conquerable synonym ─── 可征服同义词

conquerable 词性/词形变化,conquerable变形

动词第三人称单数: conquers |动词过去分词: conquered |名词: conqueror |动词现在分词: conquering |动词过去式: conquered |形容词: conquerable |

conquerable 同义词


conquerable 反义词


conquerable 相似词语短语

1、unconquerable ─── adj.克服不了的;不可征服的;压制不了的

2、Honourable ─── adj.荣誉的;值得尊敬的;表示尊敬的;正直的(honorable的英式写法)

3、considerable ─── adj.相当大的;重要的,值得考虑的

4、coinsurable ─── 可共保的

5、unconquerably ─── 不可战胜的

6、conquerableness ─── 征服

7、colourable ─── adj.可着色的;似是而非的;虚伪的

8、censurable ─── adj.该责备的;可非难的

9、conferrable ─── adj.能授与的,可赠予的

conquerable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Im a hiker that climbs to look , not conquer . ─── 即时通讯远足登山说,看,而不是征服.

2、Tsheri tried to conquer Everest last year but failed. ─── 伽利去年就试过要征服圣母峰,不过没有成功。

3、To enter by force in order to conquer or pillage. ─── 侵略以武力进入以便征服或掠夺

4、Conquer of fear of death and you are put into. ─── 不怕死,然后才能生。

5、He dreamed that he could conquer hostility with love. ─── 他曾梦想用爱战胜对手.

6、The king will only target on conquerable land. ─── 国王只会把目标放在可征服之土地上。

7、Sennacherib's grandson Assurbanipal did actually conquer Egypt in 670 BC. ─── 塞纳克里布的孙子亚瑟巴尼帕尔确实在公元前670年攻克埃及。

8、Cancer will be conquerable in the foreseeable future. ─── 在可以预见的将来癌症将可以征服。

9、Conquer your fear, and I promise you will conquer death. ─── 只要战胜恐惧,我保证你们就会战胜死亡。

10、He did not like being dragged into a Eurpean war for Germany to conquer Poland. ─── 他并不愿意因为德国要征服波兰而卷入欧洲战争。

11、Today I decide to conquer English. ─── 今天我决定攻克英语。

12、Why does humanity "conquer and pillage" earth? ─── 为什么人类要“征服和掠夺”地球?

13、The most persuasive and conquerable things for an enterprise are prospective planing, speed of development and entire level. ─── 对一个企业来说,最具说服力和征服力的是远景规划,发展速度和整体水平。

14、How does the humanity conquer the rivers and lakes? ─── 人类如何面对江湖?

15、They learned that even in times of war, love can conquer all. ─── 他们学到了即便在战争时期,爱仍能战胜一切。

16、The cost modifiers in outposts and conquerable stations are now scaleable. ─── 在哨站和可征服的空间站里的服务税现在可以被计算。

17、Hitler had failed to quell or conquer Britain. ─── 希特勒未能打败或征服不列颠。

18、Man has yet to conquer the Mars. ─── 人类还需征服火星。

19、For us, there is no ground for pessimism; we can conquer any difficulty. ─── 在我们面前是没有悲观的,我们能够战胜任何的困难。

20、One who can conquer himself, he can conquer the wholeness. ─── 一个人如果能战胜自己,就能战胜一切;

21、Man can conquer nature; Man will triumph over nature. ─── 人定胜天

22、And to see if you can conquer the beast. ─── 和征服这些野兽的可能。”

23、And despite a broken toy, Tutter and Ojo learn that love can conquer all. ─── 只要有爱,哪怕是个坏掉的玩具,呱呱和娇娇总把它当成宝贝一样呢!

24、China's soon-to-be first emperor is about to conquer the war-torn land. ─── "即将成为中国首位皇帝的""他""要统一这片饱经战争的土地。"

25、His empire is too much of a mish-mash of domestic brands to conquer the world. ─── 他的王国是一个本国品牌大杂烩,难以征服世界。

26、You may conquer her thoughts of fleeing. ─── 你会征服她种种逃避的念头。

27、Maybe under these circumstances we may say that man can conquer nature. ─── 也许在这样的情况下我们可以说人定胜天。

28、The king will only target on conquerable land. ─── 国王只会把目标放在可征服的土地上。

29、Divided we fall , united we conquer. ─── 分离就会垮台,团结就能征服。

30、Once untied, we common people are able to conquer nature, too. ─── 只要团结起来, 我们老百姓也能移山倒海。

31、With the team, I feel that I can conquer my shyness gradually! ─── 和团队在一起,我发现我能慢慢的克服我的羞怯了!

32、For man is to conquer out fate. ─── 人就是主宰自己命运的主人.

33、I shall conquer untruth by truth. ─── 偶会用真理战胜谬误.

34、You must conquer your fear of driving. ─── 你必须克服驾驶车辆的恐惧心理.

35、Borrow The Road To Conquer Guo. ─── 假道伐虢。

36、Divide your food and conquer overeating. ─── 分开包装食物,战胜饮食过量。

37、To conquer the oceans, and to explore the prairies. ─── 去征服海洋,去草原探险。

38、Nothing can conquer the heroic people of China! ─── 任何困难都战胜不了英雄的中国人民!

39、Today I have a dream , I want let me more adamancy , I have many handicap to conquer , I must learn it! ─── 今天,我有一个目标就是我要变得坚强,因为以后我会有更多的问题去解决,我必须学会这些!

40、It helps if you can conquer your shyness and yell out English crazily. ─── 如果你能够克服你的羞涩,疯狂大喊英语,将会对你有好处。

41、The only way to conquer a fear is to face it. ─── 克服恐惧的唯一方法是正视恐惧。

42、Tremble mortals, and the power of dread will conquer all! ─── 卡尔蕾丝的剧本?什么剧本,能否拿来看看?

43、She had to conquer everything to satisfy herself. ─── 只有征服一切困难才能使她自己满意。

44、To conquer we have need to dare, to dare again, ever to dare! ─── 为了胜利,我们需要勇敢,再勇敢,永远勇敢!

45、If you won't conquer English words else you will afflicted by the words! ─── 如果你不把单词折磨得死去活来,它就会把你折磨得死去活来!

46、He set out to conquer the literary world of london. ─── 他决心赢得伦敦文学界的赞誉。

47、You can conquer your shyness if you really try. ─── 只要你去尝试,你一定可以克服你的羞怯。

48、Want to conquer the Earth's original pilaf adults. ─── 原来是想征服地球的皮拉夫大人。

49、Girls would conquer a man with eyes;ladies would conquer a man with tears. ─── 少女习惯用眼神征服男人,少妇习惯用眼泪征服男人。

50、Lord Kelvin and I have made new arrangements to conquer Lanzhou. ─── 开尔文爵士和我对征服兰州有了新的安排

51、Man has yet to conquer the stars. ─── 人类尚需征服星球。

52、There has been a tremendous international effort to conquer cancer. ─── 全世界已做出了巨大努力来征服癌症。

53、One laugh will conquer gloom. ─── 一声大笑可以战胜忧郁。

54、But Jason showed that he was able to conquer his fears. ─── 但是詹森说他能够战胜恐惧。

55、By now, the hamburger was ready to conquer the world. ─── 到现在为止,汉堡包已快速风靡全球。

56、He is having therapy to conquer his phobia. ─── 他正在治疗他的恐惧症。

57、Accurate conquer the thing of muscularity, who is strong person. ─── 准战胜了力大的东西,谁就是有力的人。

58、You must conquer your fear of heights. ─── 你必须战胜畏高症。

59、Tears conquer the face of the bossy head nurse. ─── 严厉的护士长的脸上挂满了泪水。

60、So long as we pull together, there's no mountain top we can't conquer. ─── 只要咱们一条心,就没有攀登不上的高峰。

61、Human beings are learning to conquer all kinds of natural disasters. ─── 人类正在学会征服各种自然灾害。

62、Man who do not conquer woman with kiss will not beat her with fist too. ─── 不用吻获得女人心的男人也不会用拳头征服她!

63、The king will only target on conquerable land. ─── 国王只会把目标放在可征服的土地上。

64、But its haunting chords and rhythms do not conquer tone-deaf bureaucracies. ─── 但是那些令人难以忘怀的音律和曲调却没有政府那些音盲的政府。

65、A: How long will it take to conquer English? ─── 学好英语要多长时间?

66、You must conquer your fear for exam. ─── 你必须克服对考试。

67、They wanted to demonstrate they could conquer anything. ─── 他们想要证明自己能够征服一切。

68、Conquer the desire, or they will conquer you. ─── 你不战胜欲念,欲念就会征服你。

69、Kindness is noblest weapon to conquer with. ─── 仁爱乃征服人类之最高贵兵器。

70、in outposts and conquerable stations are now scaleable. ─── 在哨站和可征服的空间站里的服务税现在可以被计算。

71、Conquerable stations no longer be checked as constellation capital. ─── 可征服空间站不再可以被设置成星座首星。

72、The world is yours to conquer. ─── 你的潜力无限。

73、Cancer will be conquerable in the foreseeable future. ─── 在可以预见的将来癌症将可以征服。

74、How much did Demetrio feel to have contributed to this title conquer? ─── 对于那次冠军德米觉得自己贡献了多少呢?

75、But we will always oppose the effort of one nation to conquer another nation. ─── 但是我们将永远反对一国对另一国的征服。

76、She found it difficult to conquer an inclination to cry. ─── 她直想哭,觉得难于抑制。

77、He made a desicion to conquer his shortcoming. ─── 他已下定决心克服他自己的缺点.

78、You must conquer that bad habit. ─── 你必须改掉那种坏习惯。

79、While they have intelligence enough to defend the hive from natural predators, they prove easily conquerable by more sharp-witted foes. ─── 虽然他们有足够的智能可以保护虫群免于自然掠食者的侵害,但也很容易被更聪明的敌人征服。

80、A good heart conquer ill fortune. ─── 仁能克暴。

81、Dogged willpower can conquer any peak in the world . ─── 36顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰。

82、You must conquer your fear of losing face. ─── 你必须克服害怕丢脸。

83、You can virtually conquer anything if you possess the quality of persistence. ─── 如果你有坚持的品质,你实际上可以战胜一切!

84、So long as we pull together,there's no mountain top we can't conquer. ─── 只要咱们一条心,就没有攀登不了的高山。

85、There is always one thing to conquer [overcome] another. ─── 一物降一物。

86、Swords conquer some, but words subdue all men. ─── 刀剑威逼顺者少好言劝说人皆服。

87、Laura failed to conquer fully her fear of water or enclosed places. ─── 劳拉没有完全克服她对水或密闭空间的恐惧。

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