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09-02 投稿



exilic 发音

英:[eɡ?z?l?k]  美:[eɡ?z?l?k]

英:  美:

exilic 中文意思翻译



exilic 相似词语短语

1、exiling ─── n.流放,充军;放逐,被放逐者;流犯;vt.放逐,流放;使背井离乡

2、hexylic ─── 己基

3、enolic ─── adj.烯醇的

4、exility ─── n.稀少;纤细;稀薄

5、exile ─── n.流放,充军;放逐,被放逐者;流犯;vt.放逐,流放;使背井离乡

6、exiled ─── adj.被流放的,流亡的;v.流放,放逐,使流亡(exile的过去式和过去分词)

7、emblic ─── [园艺]余甘子

8、exilian ─── adj.放逐的;流亡的

9、exiler ─── n.流放,充军;放逐,被放逐者;流犯(exile的变形)

exilic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shiqu, A Exilic Place for Soul ─── 石渠:灵魂放逐地

2、They reached their final form in the exilic or post-exilic period. ─── 最终它们处于放逐中或被放逐后的状态。

3、Contemple avec les pleurs d‘une soeur exilée, ─── 珠泪盈盈,凝视,一双姐妹花,浪迹天涯,

4、In the second chapter, a brief survey has been done on James’s exilic career, from which the impact of James’s exilic experience on his diasporic writings is examined. ─── 另一方面与本土的分离以及与寄居国之间的隔膜使他成了边缘人,始终徘徊在两种文化的夹缝之中。

5、"The effort has left me breathless not only because of the energy expended but especially because of the vitality of this exilic prophet's message. ─── 今天拿到这本英文的以西结书注释,厚厚地捧在手中,有期待,也有惶惶。

6、send into exil ─── [法] 放逐

7、He studies the exilic books of the Old Testament. ─── 他研读旧约圣经关于犹太人被放逐至巴比伦诸章。

8、exilic Christ ─── 流放的耶稣

9、There are many passages that make it clear that it's written from an exilic perspective . ─── 也有很多章节明确地表示,它是从流放者角度书写的。

10、Of all that has been adduced in support of the post-exilic theory, only passages like iv. ─── 所有这一切已经被引用,以支持后放逐理论,只有代像四。

11、The Priestly source, likewise, contains many, many older traditions but reached its full and final form in the exilic or post-exilic period. ─── 同样,牧师来源中包含了许多古老的传统,但在流放或流放后时期达到了完整和最终的形式。

12、However, thanks to his exilic experience, James created his famous “international novels”, which depict the confrontations between American and European cultures. ─── 人们会觉得流散者是他所处环境中的一员,但他总是格格不入,始终徘徊于两种文化的夹缝之中。

13、This exploration of identity can help us to understand the exilic essence of the immigrants' identity. ─── 对身份的探索有利于我们理解移民身份的本质。

14、Association pour les victimes de la repression en exil ─── 援助流亡中的受迫害者协会

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