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09-02 投稿



capitate 发音

英:['k?p?te?t]  美:['k?p?,tet]

英:  美:

capitate 中文意思翻译



capitate 短语词组

1、capitate eminence ─── [医]头状隆凸,肱骨小头

2、capitate cpt ─── 头状锥体贯入度

3、capitate gland ─── 头状腺

4、capitate colony ─── [医]头状菌落,半球形菌落

5、capitate-incrusted ─── [医]头部有泌结物的,头状包壳的

6、capitate hair ─── 头状毛,槌毛

7、capitate rate ─── 人头率

8、capitate verb ─── 头状动词

9、capitate fx ─── 人头外汇

10、capitate tentacle ─── 锤形触手

11、capitate def ─── 头状def

12、capitate bone ─── [医] 头状骨

13、capitate cap ─── 头状帽

capitate 相似词语短语

1、captivate ─── v.迷住,使……着迷

2、capitated ─── 头状(槌形)的

3、capacitate ─── v.(使)在法律上有资格的;使(精子)获能

4、capitulate ─── vi.认输,屈服;屈从,停止反抗;有条件投降;让步

5、cavitate ─── v.在……成穴;形成空洞;成泡

6、decapitate ─── vt.斩首;解雇;使无效

7、crepitate ─── v.噼啪作响

8、capitative ─── 人头税的

9、palpitate ─── vi.发抖;(心脏)悸动;跳动;vt.使发抖

capitate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Inflorescence spicate, capitate, or paniculate; ocrea neither 2-cleft nor lacerate; petiole not articulate; filaments not dilated at base. ─── 穗状,头状的花序,或圆锥状;托叶鞘不两2半裂也不撕裂状;叶柄无节;花丝而不是膨大的在基部。(17

2、mild uneven articular surface with a tiny subchondral cyst at the humeral capitate. ─── 有轻微的骨表不平整,边缘有微小的骨刺形成,

3、Male inflorescences capitate, with a receptacle and involucres. ─── 雄花序头状,具一花托和总苞。

4、In this paper,a new method of estimating bone age is reported that is based on spatial description parameters and Fourier frequential description parameters according to children capitate bone shape in different stages. ─── 本文根据儿童腕骨生长过程不同年龄的形态变化规律,用空域描述方法和付里叶频域描述方法对儿童腕骨轮廓进行计算,提出空域描述参数和付里叶频域描述参数估计骨龄方法

5、any plant of the genus Filago having capitate clusters of small woolly flower heads. ─── 林鼠曲草属植物,成串的头状多毛小花冠。

6、Inflorescences capitate cymes, 3-7-flowered, subtended by a whorl of 5 or 6 prominent involucral bracts. ─── 头状的花序聚伞花序,3-7花,在以前轮生的5或6突出总苞片。

7、capitate stigma ─── 头状柱头

8、Style twice 2 - cleft, each branch with a spatulate or capitate stigma. ─── 两次的花柱2半裂,每分枝具一匙形的或头状柱头。

9、stigma capitate, conic-peltate, or punctiform; ─── 柱头头状,圆锥形,或点状;

10、stigma capitate or 3-lobed, small. ─── 柱头头状或3浅裂,小。

11、persistent stigma capitate, deeply 6-lobed. ─── 宿存的柱头头状,6深裂。

12、capitate only leaf, peduncular and long and thin and flimsy. ─── 头状花序单生叶腋,花梗细长而脆弱。

13、Inflorescences spicate, racemose, or rarely capitate. ─── 穗状,总状的花序,头状的或很少。

14、Stigmas 2, equal, oblate, undivided, or 1, terminal, capitate, undivided or 2-lipped. ─── 柱头2,等长,扁球形,不裂,或1,顶生,头状,不裂或二唇形。

15、This species is distinct in always having a globose tuber, capitate inflorescences, and a narrow, smooth achene. ─── 本种在有一球状的块茎,头状的花序和一狭窄,平滑的瘦果方面是独特的。

16、Capitate Chan Shengzhi supports, always luxuriant piece multilayer, bud piece foliaceous. ─── 头状花序单生枝顶,总苞片多层,苞片叶状。

17、Stigma 1, terminal, capitate, undivided. ─── 柱头1,顶生,,不裂。

18、Indumentum of simple or stipitate glandular capitate trichomes. ─── 毛被为单毛或者具柄腺体的头状毛。

19、During the late development,the apical cell did not divide and therefore the capitate glandular hair with one secretory cell formed if the stalk cell rapidly enlarged longitudinally. ─── 以后的发育过程中,由于有的腺毛的柄细胞迅速分化,其顶细胞不再分裂,从而形成单个分泌细胞构成头部的头状腺毛;

20、Taproot gray-brown, stout, digitate-branched, capitate, woody when old forming a thickened caudex. ─── 直根灰棕色,粗壮,分枝,头状,木质老时形成一加厚的茎基。

21、Inflorescences pedunculate, capitate, surrounded by a campanulate involucre, several flowered. ─── 花序有花序梗,头状,被一钟状的总苞,数朵花包围。

22、Styles short; stigmas capitate. Utricles irregularly circumscissile (bursting). ─── 花柱短柱头头状不规则的胞果周裂的(爆发)。

23、persistent stigma mammilliform or capitate; ─── 宿存的柱头乳头状的或头状;

24、Style twice 2-cleft, each branch with a spatulate or capitate stigma. ─── 两次的花柱2半裂,每分枝具一匙形的或头状柱头。

25、stigma capitate, cylindric, or bluntly conic, longitudinally grooved. ─── 柱头头状,圆筒状,或钝的圆锥形,具纵向槽沟。

26、Capitate Transposition for Treatment of Kienbock's Disease in Advanced Stage ─── 头状骨移位治疗月骨无菌性坏死

27、stigma capitate, rarely more massive, discoid. ─── 柱头头状,很少更巨大,盘状。

28、Stigmas capitate. Achenes exceeding persistent perianth, brown, shiny, broadly ellipsoid, trigonous. ─── 柱头头状瘦果超过宿存花被,棕色,发亮,宽椭圆形,三棱。

29、There are 1 or 2 secretory cells in a capitate glandular hair but 8 secretory cells in a peltate glandular hair. ─── 头状腺毛的头部只有1个或2个分泌细胞,盾状腺毛由8个分泌细胞构成头部。

30、capitate gland ─── 头状腺

31、bracteoles lanceolate, 7-12 mm, apex conspicuously awned spinescent, densely villous, capitate glandular. ─── 披针形的小苞片,7-12毫米,显著具芒具刺的顶,密被长柔毛,头状腺。

32、stigma capitate, entire or decurrently 2-lobed. ─── 柱头头状,全缘或2裂。

33、stigma punctate to capitate. ─── 柱头具点状或头具点。

34、Inflorescences capitate to racemose. ─── 对总状头状的花序。

35、stigma turgid, spirally twisted-tortuous or U-shaped, capitate or reniform and setose-papillose. ─── 柱头肿胀,螺旋缠绕扭曲的或U形,头状的或肾形和具刚毛具小乳突。

36、The morphology and development of capitate and peltate glandular hairs on the leaves of Mentha haplocalyx Brig.were studied with the help of thin section and a scanning electron microscope. ─── 应用扫描电镜及薄切片技术研究薄荷叶的盾状腺毛和头状腺毛的形态发育过程。

37、Open fracture of capitate bone of wrist ─── 腕头骨开放性骨折

38、stigma diverse, capitate, penicillate-capitate (brushlike), subulate, filiform, ligulate, or peltate. ─── 柱头形状多样,头状,具毛撮的头状(毛刷状),钻形,丝状,舌状,或者盾形。

39、capitate eminence ─── 头状隆凸, 肱骨小头

40、Stigma capitate, 5-lobed. ─── 柱头头状,5浅裂。

41、capitate to racemose. ─── 状头状的花序。

42、Fracture of capitate bone of wrist ─── 腕头状骨骨折

43、capitate colony ─── 头状菌落, 半球形菌落

44、capitate hair ─── 头状毛槌毛

45、Intercarpal fusion included scaphoid, trapezium and trapizoid bones fusion in 5 cases and scaphoid, capitate bone fusion in3 cases. ─── 腕骨间融合采用舟骨、大多角骨、小多角骨融合5例,舟骨、头状骨融合3例。

46、capitate antenna ─── 头状触角

47、ovary superior, deeply lobed with 5 free gynobasic stylodia connected above into a capitate stigma; ─── 子房上位,有5个着生子房基部的深裂且离生的分枝花柱,上面合生为头状柱头;

48、Armpit of capitate only leaf, peduncular and long and thin and flimsy. ─── 头状花序单生叶腋,花梗细长而脆弱。

49、Stipules green, ovate to broadly ovate, margin incised serrate, teeth with a capitate apical gland. ─── 绿色的托叶,卵形到宽卵形,边锐裂状锯齿,有一个头状的顶端腺的牙齿。

50、stigma capitate, entire or 2-lobed. ─── 柱头头状,全缘的或2裂。

51、stigma disciform, capitate, or ampuliform. ─── 柱头盘状,头状,或瓶状。

52、Inflorescence terminal or axillary, capitate, ca. 1 cm in diam., several capitula aggregated and panicle-like; ─── 圆锥花序顶生或腋生,头状,直径约1厘米,数个头状聚生和象圆锥花序状;

53、Closed fracture of capitate bone of wrist ─── 腕头状骨闭合性骨折

54、Anatomical study of the joint among capitate, hamate, lunate, and triquetrum ─── 四角腕骨融合器设计的相关解剖学研究

55、Stigma 1, terminal, capitate to ovoid or obtriangular, undivided or sometimes 2-lobed. ─── 柱头1,顶生,到卵球形或者倒三角形,2裂的不裂或有时。

56、Capitate odd unripe bine supports, ligulate flower yellow, female, tubular flower is violet Brown, bisexual. ─── 头状花序单生茎顶,舌状花黄色,雌性,管状花紫褐色.两性。

57、fertile flowers ovary ovate, stigma capitate. ─── 可育雌花子房卵形,柱头头状。

58、Inflorescence terminal or axillary, capitate, several capitula aggregated and panicle-like; ─── 圆锥花序顶生或腋生,头状,数个头状聚生和象圆锥花序一样;

59、Infructescence a capitate or globose coenocarpium composed of numerous achenes. ─── 果序为由许多瘦果组成头状或者球状的聚花果。

60、Keywords capitate;proximal row carpectomy;anatomy; ─── 头状骨;近侧列腕骨切除术;解剖学;

61、Female inflorescences shortly spicate to capitate. ─── 短穗状到头状的雌花序。

62、Stigma 1, terminal, depressed-globose or capitate, undivided. ─── 柱头1,顶生,扁球形或头状,不裂。

63、Brassica oleracea var. capitate ─── 结球甘蓝

64、Inflorescences pedunculate, capitate cymes, subtended by a whorl of 6 prominent involucral bracts. ─── 有花序梗的花序,头状聚伞花序,在轮以前被包着突出总苞片。

65、Stigma capitate to broadly clavate, entire. ─── 柱头头状到宽棍棒状的,全缘。

66、Verticillasters in leafless, terminal, capitate or spicate inflorescences, upper ones contiguous; floral leaves linear or nearly similar to stem leaves; corolla throat hairy or glabrous inside. ─── 在无叶,顶生方面的轮状聚伞花序,穗状的或花序,上部的邻接;花的叶线形或近类似于茎生叶;在里面的花冠喉有毛或无毛。(4

67、capitate rhododendron branchlet and leaf ─── 小叶杜鹃

68、Mexican authorities have discovered the capitate bodies of nine men including some believed to be soldiers in the southern state of Goraro . ─── 墨西哥当局发现九个人的头骨,其中包括南部州的士兵。

69、stigma platelike or capitate, inconspicuously lobed. ─── 柱头层状或头状的,不明显浅裂的。

70、stigma usually punctiform, capitellate, or capitate. ─── 柱头通常点状,小头状,或头状。

71、stigma capitate, penicillate, 2-lobed or forming 2 filiform branches. ─── 柱头头状,具毛撮,2裂或者形成2丝状的分支。

72、stigma capitate or appressed globose, papillose. ─── 柱头头状或贴伏球状,具小乳突。

73、inflorescence capitate or short spicate, 3--15- flowered; ─── 穗状的花序头状的或短,3-15-花;

74、Inflorescences narrowly spicate or capitate, densely flowered; ─── 狭的花序穗状的或头状,花密集;

75、stigma lobed, capitate, or disciform. ─── 柱头分裂,头状或盘状。

76、capitate bone ─── [医] 头状骨

77、This species is distinct in always having a globose tuber, capitate inflorescences, and a narrow, smooth achene. ─── 本种在有一球状的块茎,头状的花序和一狭窄,平滑的瘦果方面是独特的。

78、Capitate, sheet generates two 3 bunch to give birth to Yu Zhiding, submit most Fu made of baked clay form, inflorescence is globose. ─── 头状花序,单生成两三簇生于枝顶,呈多数覆瓦状,花序球形。

79、capitate knotweed herb ─── 石莽草

80、Capitate transposition based on the dorsal branch of anterior interosseous artery in place of the lunate was designed and applied in 22 cases clinically. [WT5”HZ]Results... ─── 结论本手术方法既切除了病灶又保持了腕骨的稳定和腕关节功能,对治疗晚期月骨无菌性坏死是一种疗效好、副作用小、功能满意的方法。

81、stigma discoid or capitate, sometimes slightly lobed. ─── 柱头盘状或头状,有时稍浅裂。

82、Leaves strigillose. Inflorescences capitate with crowded flowers near apex of stems and branches. Pedicel erect, 2--4 mm. Calyx ca. 4 mm. Corolla ca. 5 mm. Fl. Jun-Jul. ─── 叶具短糙伏毛。花序头状的具茎和分枝的密集的花近先端。花梗直立,大约4毫米花冠约5毫米花期的2-4毫米花萼6-7月。

83、Plants 15-100 cm tall, pubescent with falcate hairs, inflorescence with capitate and clavately tipped glandular hairs. ─── 植株15-100厘米高,短柔毛具毛,花序具和棍棒状顶部腺毛。

84、Inflorescences bipinnate panicles; flowers corymbose; branchlets and midrib tomentose with reddish, elongated, 2-celled capitate trichomes. ─── 花序2回羽状的圆锥花序;花伞房状;被绒毛的小枝和中脉有带红色,拉长,2室头状毛状体。(9

85、Rhizome long or short; leaf blade ternate or 3-sect, petiole narrow or basally sheathing; involucral bracts sessile; pistils and achenes with distinct or obscure style and small or capitate stigma. ─── 根状茎长或短;叶片三出或3裂,叶柄狭窄或基部具鞘;总苞片无柄;雌蕊和瘦果具明显或不明显花柱和小的或头状柱头。(4

86、Inflorescences terminal or axillary racemes, sometimes spicate, long or short and capitate. ─── 有时,圆锥花序顶生或腋生总状花序,渴望或短和。

87、stigma capitate or disciform. ─── 柱头头状或盘状。

88、stigmas 2(or 3-5), or coherent to capitate or peltate. ─── 柱头2(或3-5),或者合生成头状或者盾形。

89、stigma capitate, truncate, rarely 2-lobed or concave. ─── 柱头头状,截形,很少2裂的或凹。

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