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09-02 投稿


tang 发音

英:[t??]  美:[t??]

英:  美:

tang 中文意思翻译






tang 短语词组

1、Li Tang (painter) ─── 李唐(画家)

2、calvin tang ─── 加尔文·唐

3、brother tang ─── 唐大哥

4、Li Tang-yuan ─── 李堂元

5、cherry tang ─── 樱桃糖

6、Tian Xu (Tang Dynasty) ─── 田旭(唐代)

7、High Flying Songs of Tang Dynasty ─── 唐代高飞歌

8、Tang Yin ─── 唐寅

9、Tang dynasty n. ─── 唐朝 [网络] ─── 唐代; ─── 唐朝乐队; ─── 唐王朝

10、f tangtang f ─── 唐 ─── 唐

11、Conquest of Southern Tang by Song ─── 宋对南唐的征服

12、sea tang ─── [网络] 海棠

13、Japanese Tang ─── 日本汤

14、Pueraria pseudo-hirsuta Tang et Wang ─── [医] 葛

15、Liriope platyphylia Wang et Tang ─── [医] 阔叶麦冬

16、Southern Tang ─── 南唐

17、er tang ─── 二堂

18、Li Chong (Tang Dynasty) ─── 李冲(唐代)

19、a small tang ─── 小唐

tang 词性/词形变化,tang变形


tang 常用词组

tang dynasty ─── 唐朝

tang suit ─── 唐装

tang 相似词语短语

1、tangi ─── n.(毛利人的)葬礼,守丧仪式;n.(Tangi)(美、英、法、意)丹木(人名)

2、tangs ─── n.诗家董(上海百货公司名)

3、tangy ─── adj.扑鼻的;有刺激性的;强烈的;咸的

4、stang ─── v.刺,蜇,叮;(使)感觉刺痛;激怒,使心烦;敲诈(sting的过去式);n.(Stang)(美)斯唐(人名)

5、-tang ─── n.特性;强烈的味道;柄脚;vt.使声尖锐;装刀柄于;vi.发出铿锵声;发出当的一声;n.(Tang)人名;(柬、缅)当

6、tango ─── n.探戈舞;探戈舞曲;vi.跳探戈舞;n.(Tango)人名;(日)端午(名);(意)坦戈

7、thang ─── n.(Thang)人名;(德)唐

8、twang ─── n.鼻音;弦声;砰然一声;vi.发拨弦声;带鼻音讲话;砰然一声响;vt.用鼻音讲;使发拨弦声

9、tanga ─── n.坦噶(坦桑尼亚东北部一港市)

tang 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Is Tang dynasty of contemporary of East Rome? ─── 唐朝和东罗马帝国是同一时期的吗?

2、The Tang Dynasty is the golden age of Chinese poetry. ─── 唐朝是诗的黄金时代。

3、The Tang Dynasty was one of the most prosperous dynasties in Chinese history. ─── 唐朝是我国历史上最兴盛的朝代之一。

4、Legend refers the custom to the Tang Dynasty of China. ─── 传说这一风俗起源于中国唐代。

5、He seemed to hear a voice telling him, "Wu Tang! ─── 他好像听到有个声音在对他说,“吴唐!

6、Tangxinyi seems to go to America when she leaves college, for an old duck named Tang will wait for her there. ─── 大学毕业以后,唐心怡好像要去美国,因为唐老鸭在那里等待着她。

7、Luo YQ, Quan XM, Wang Q, Tang Y, Chen JY, Zhao XZ. ─── 关键词:速度向量成像;

8、Tang and Li were playing football at the moment. ─── 唐和李那时正在踢球。

9、Would you like to see the orchestra of the Tang Dynasty? ─── 你想不想看看唐朝的管弦乐队啊?

10、"When I first started it was a scary thought to be working around dead people all day, " Tang said. ─── 刚开始工作那会儿,我总觉得整天围着死人工作很恐怖。

11、Come on, Tang Min, take it from them! ─── 唐敏,上呀!从他们那儿把球抢过来。

12、The Tang tri-colored glazed pottery is a low-melting glaze pottery. ─── 唐三彩是一种低温釉陶器,

13、Tang's monk:H'm?The mountain poured, you how come out? ─── 唐僧:嗯?山都没有倒,你怎么就出来了?

14、In the Tang Dynasty, there lived a man by the name of Wang Lu. ─── 唐代时,有一个人叫王鲁

15、Not Tang Costume to internationalize? ─── 不要唐装要国际化?

16、The Tang Dynasty was the golden age of classical Chinese poetry. ─── 唐朝是中国古诗的极盛时期。

17、There was a poet named Meng Jiao in the Tang Dynasty. ─── 唐朝有一位诗人叫孟郊。

18、Tang Bohu and the Overlord Spear of His Family in Tale. ─── 传说中的唐伯虎及其唐家霸王枪。

19、Tang Kaiyuan for thirteen years before that都督府Fuzhou Fuzhou. ─── 唐开元十三年设福州都督府始称福州。

20、Tang:Yes,I was a salesman for BSB before. ─── 唐彬:是的,我曾为BSB作过推销员。

21、Tang Yian was sent along with him. ─── 唐易安随军同往。

22、Mr. Tang,what are the famous historical spots in Shanghai? ─── 唐先生,上海有什么著名的历史遗迹?

23、Hua Tang Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. ─── 华堂房地产开发有限公司。

24、Tang sanzang takes him as a disciple instead of punishing him. ─── 唐三藏没有惩罚他而收他为徒。

25、Tang, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing are Yueyang County, said. ─── 唐、宋、金、元、明、清均称岳阳县。

26、Tang Gulu takes a look at Tao Zi. ─── 唐咕噜朝陶子看了看。

27、The second, about actual part of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty. ─── 其次,关于隋唐时期的僧尼的实际角色。

28、"Luxury items are not easily defined," Tang said. ─── “哪些属于奢侈品难以界定,”唐说。

29、Can you alter the body shape of Tang Xiao-shan? ─── 你能改变唐小山的身形吗?

30、The Tang Dynasty made Chang'an its capital. ─── 唐代建都长安。

31、Portrait painting boomed in the Tang Dynasty. ─── 唐代是人物画非常繁盛的时代。

32、Poetry was blooming in China in the Tang dynasty. ─── 中国的诗歌在唐代十分盛行。

33、Monk Tang was very sad for the damage. ─── 唐僧十分难过,因为经书不完整了。

34、Tang Chuan and Song Qiang haven't any erasers. ─── 唐川和宋强没有橡皮。

35、A: Mr. Tang, here comes Mr. Hubert Jackson. ─── 唐先生,休伯特.杰克逊先生来了。

36、Tang is the registered trademark of General foods Corporation, USA. ─── tang乃美国通用食品公司注册商标。

37、Arrived Tang Chao, the ethos that drink tea has pervaded folk. ─── 到了唐朝,饮茶的风气已经遍及民间。

38、C: Nice to meet you,Miss Tang. ─── 唐小姐,我也很高兴认识你。

39、He memorized many Tang poems thoroughly. ─── 他能把许多唐诗背得滚瓜烂熟。

40、Finally there are four Tang dancers who seem to be swaying to a tune. Suddenly all the other figures seem static and mute. ─── 最后是四个唐代的舞姬,她们似乎正随着一首乐曲摇曳身躯,霎那间让人放佛觉得其他所有的陶俑都变得静寂无声。

41、Tang Gulu comes up in a hurry. ─── 唐咕噜忙着走过来。

42、Was Tang living an extravagant life or a modestone? ─── 他是否因此过上了奢侈的生活?

43、And Tang Zong and Song Zu In letters not wide read. ─── 唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。

44、Tang Hao on the need to keep business out of G8 negotiations. ─── 唐昊呼吁不要让商业议题进驻G8会谈。

45、Mr Tang has a long and distinguished record of public service. ─── 唐先生多年来曾担任不少公职,成绩有目共睹。

46、By the Tang Dynasty, reached the pinnacle of clay art. ─── 到了唐代,泥塑艺术达到了顶峰。

47、Patriarch Feng was Guru Chen's teacher in Tang Tantra. ─── 冯大阿闍梨是陈上师的唐密教授师。

48、The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality. ─── 唐朝是一段以开明著称的时期。

49、Yu xia lie tong ben: Wan zai tang wen ji / Guo Zhiqi zhuan. ─── 与下列同本:宛在堂文集/郭之奇撰.

50、Your fan and friend, Linda Tang. ─── 你的影迷及朋友,唐琳达。

51、Tang ShiZeng was born in 1961, Jiang Su Province. ─── 唐师曾,1961年出生于江苏省。

52、Tang's Labor Contract can be Terminated or Not? ─── 企业解除唐某的劳动合同是否正确?

53、East forecourt Tang Jingyun a corner stone Suozhu years. ─── 前院东隅有唐景云年间所铸的石碑。

54、In the early seventh century, the Tang Dynasty replaced the Sui. ─── 公元七世纪初,唐朝代隋而兴。

55、It is fine to be chubby,so are the Empresses of Tang Dynasty. ─── 一点点赘肉别紧张,杨贵妃照样迷死唐明皇.

56、Tang Renjia, a dried seafood retailer, is overjoyed to hear the news that his wife, Ling Qiao, has completely recovered from cancer. ─── 鲍鱼海味商唐仁佳的大太太凌巧,曾患癌症,如今她的健康检查报告显示她的癌症可能已经痊愈,全家为此乐翻天。

57、Two towers were all set up in Tang at first. ─── 两塔均始建于唐南诏时代。

58、The tang dynasty is think of as the high summer of chinese poetry. ─── 人们认为唐朝是中国诗歌的全盛时期。

59、The child could reel off many poems of the Tang Dynasty at the age of five. ─── 这孩子五岁时就能把许多唐诗倒背如流。

60、One of them, a 26-year-old teacher Tang Hong, had been working there for seven years and had a seven-month-old baby of her own. ─── 其中一个参加救援的老师叫汤鸿,26岁,在这所小学已经工作了七年,自己的孩子才七个月大。

61、Bianwen of the Tang Dynasty: A Headstream of Folk Buddhist Music? ─── 唐代变文,民间佛曲的源头?

62、Tang Hao reports on how government waste threatens conservation. ─── 唐昊报道“浪费型政府”对“节约型社会”发展的制约。

63、One Tang Dynasty myth holds that the Earth once had 10 suns circling it. ─── 一个是唐朝的神话故事,说的是当时地球被10个太阳包围着。

64、In the first year of their new hobby, Wan and Tang made thirteen rocking horses. ─── 在他们新爱好的第一年,万和唐制作了13匹摇摆马。

65、Tang Gulu uses her arms to knock Li Gungun's arms away. ─── 唐咕噜挥手打掉了李滚滚的胳膊。

66、Doctor Tang Beijing Medical Technology Co., Ltd. ─── 北京唐博士医学科技有限公司。

67、NJStar cattle Doo-hui, North Xuan Tang Ying-chi Phoenix. ─── 南极星辉牛斗度,北堂萱映凤凰枝。

68、Six of the Tang Dynasty celadon origin one. ─── 为唐代六大青瓷产地之一。

69、But where is the Forbiden City,Madam Tang. ─── 可紫禁城在哪里。

70、Shanghai Heng Shou Tang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ─── 上海恒寿堂药业有限公司。

71、They found some remains of the Tang Dynasty. ─── 他们发现一些唐代遗物。

72、In Tang Dynasty Jiannan Dao administered 38 Zhous an Fus. ─── 唐代剑南道下辖38个州府,其中有35个州府进贡81种药物。


74、They said, "Tang is a good king indeed. ─── 他们说:“汤真是一位贤王啊。

75、Tang Hao discusses a new approach to technology. ─── 唐昊谈论新洁净技术。

76、Won't Mr. Tang perform today? ─── 唐先生今天不表演吗?

77、Its bright white color, softli kou ,tang wei scent. ─── 其色泽洁白清亮,柔软利口,汤味清香。

78、It is fine to be chubby, so are the Empresses of Tang Dynasty. ─── 一点点赘肉别紧张,杨贵妃照样迷死唐明皇。

79、Xiao Juzi a food, eat small tomatoes, eating Mala Tang. ─── 吃个小橘子,吃个小番茄,吃下麻辣烫。

80、The Collection of 300 Tang Poems will be reprinted next month. ─── 《唐诗三百首诗集》将于下月再版。

81、The Tang Costume stands for Chinese history and fashion culture. ─── 唐装代表了中国的历史和时尚文化。

82、Mr and Mrs Tang went the whole journey in a small buggy, with their child riding bodkin. ─── 唐先生和唐太太一路上乘坐一辆轻型马车,让孩子挤坐在他俩中间。

83、Mr. Tang no longer lives here. ─── 唐先生不住这里了。

84、Han Jia, do I look like a giant of the Tang Dynasty? ─── 你看,我像不像唐朝的大力士?

85、Madam Tang is not a guide by profession. ─── Tang女士不是一个在职业上的向导。

86、Tang scripts sheltered in the Stele Forest of Xi'an. ─── 保存在绵阳碑林的唐代石经。

87、Tang Yin was a native of Wu County and a student of Shen Zhou. ─── 唐寅(1470-1523),吴县人。唐寅也是沈周的学生。

88、It has been weeks since the accusations against Tang first caught the public's eye, and yet the dust is far from settling. ─── 自从对唐骏的指责引起公众关注以来,时间已过去了几个星期。但是尘埃还未落定。

89、Again, about part conflict of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty. ─── 再次,关于隋唐时期的僧尼角色冲突。







组词造句:唐突3. 一般白话翻译,能够清通达意,不唐突古人,已是万幸,何敢有更高要求。

4. 在我们听来,这似乎是唐突无礼,其实它并非冷淡或失敬。

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