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guidebook 发音

英:['ga?db?k]  美:['ɡa?db?k]

英:  美:

guidebook 中文意思翻译



guidebook 网络释义

n. 旅行指南;指导手册

guidebook 短语词组

1、local guidebook ─── 当地指南

2、tourist guidebook ─── 旅游指南

3、tour guidebook ─── 旅游指南

4、how to write guidebook ─── 如何编写指南

5、it is for us to read this guidebook ─── 我们应该读这本旅游指南

6、a travel guidebook ─── 旅行指南

7、field guidebook ─── 现场指南

8、business guidebook ─── 业务指南

9、how to write a guidebook ─── 如何编写旅游指南

10、a tourist guidebook ─── 旅游指南

11、travel guidebook ─── [网络] 旅游指南;旅游手册;旅行导游书

guidebook 词性/词形变化,guidebook变形


guidebook 相似词语短语

1、guide books ─── n.[图情]指南(guidebook的复数);旅行指南

2、guestbook ─── n.留言板;访客留言簿

3、guidebooks ─── n.[图情]指南(guidebook的复数);旅行指南

4、guidebookish ─── 旅行指南者

5、guide book ─── 指南,参考手册;指导手册

6、guideboard ─── 路牌

7、guidebooky ─── 导游

8、grade book ─── 记分册;成绩册

9、codebook ─── n.电报密码本

guidebook 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I had prepared for the trip to Moscow by getting a guidebook and a good street map in English since I couldn't read the Russian Cyrillic script. ─── 为了给莫斯科之行做准备,我专门买了一本旅行指南和一张很管用的英文版街道地图,因为我看不懂俄语的西里尔字母的书写体。

2、Any guidebook is only as good as the input of information into it. ─── 一本指南好不好要看它里面的信息如何。

3、A Guide to Mediumship and Physical Unfoldment (303 pages) A Guide to Mediumship and Physical Unfoldmen, by E.W and M.H Wallis, a guidebook of spirit contact and mediumship. ─── 指南mediumship和物理unfoldment(303页)指南mediumship和物理unfoldmen,大肠杆菌钨和M小时瓦利斯,全书的精神联系和mediumship.

4、They are both priceless and valuable--a guidebook that will teach you how to love a woman,how to understand people,and how to respect and maintain your integrity. ─── 它们既是无价的又是珍贵的--它们是一部人生指南,从中你能学到如何去爱一个女人,如何去理解他人,如何做到自尊自重,如何做一个正直诚实的人。

5、We got a guidebook and went to the majormuseums, saw a play, went to a concert in Central Park, and took the Staten Island Ferry. ─── 拿起一本旅游指南,我们切耍了主博物馆,看了场话剧,切中央花园看了场音乐会,还切坐了斯泰滕岛渡轮勒。

6、Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Fighters and Monk ─── 剑与拳:战士和武僧的职业手册

7、If you have some questions, please refer to the guidebook. ─── 如果你有问题,请参阅旅游指南。

8、Operate guidebook:Use left key of mouse ambulation an among thoses fresh flowers, five fresh flowers of[with] homology connect a glimmer of can remove then. ─── 操作指南:使用鼠标左键移动其中一朵鲜花,相同的五朵鲜花连成一线便可消除。

9、I learned more about a city in two hours with a local than I did reading the entire city section in a guidebook. ─── 如果同样是花两个小时来了解一个城市,我跟一个当地人待在一起会比阅读旅游指南书的整个城市介绍要深刻得多。

10、Immediately across the road from the rocks is a new symbol of the nation, one that is unlikely to feature in any guidebook or on the notes of the collapsing Zimbabwean dollar. ─── 但是过一个马路,在平衡石的正对面是该国最新的象徵;不同的是,这个象徵不太可能被印在导游书上,或是被印在面临崩溃边缘的辛巴威币上。

11、Catty-corner to us, a middle-aged Western tourist couple held hands and gazed around, each clutching a guidebook. ─── 不远处有一对中年西方夫妇,他们牵着手,每人拿着一本旅行指南,眼睛凝视着四周。

12、Be equipped with digital EPG program guidebook for skimming through the list of the TV programs. ─── EPG电子节目指南,可以浏览现在和将要播出的节目信息。

13、The golden sun media guidebook for business plan ─── 复旦大学项目名称:金太阳传媒商业计划书

14、Where can I get a guidebook or map of Beijing? ─── 到哪儿买旅游手册或者北京地图?

15、Operate guidebook:The direction key control, the blank space key attackstone. ─── 操作指南:方向键控制,空格键攻击。

16、Operate guidebook:The direction key control. ─── 操作指南:方向键控制。

17、Guidebook for School Lunch Supplier ─── 学校午膳供应商实用手册

18、A guidebook for English language teachers ─── 学习教学:英语教师指南

19、To answer a few of your questions, I usually stay in cheap hotels which are listed in my guidebook. ─── 回答一些你的问题,我通常住在旅游指南上所列的廉价旅馆。

20、You can buy a guidebook or a tourist map. ─── 您可以买一本导游手册或旅游地图。

21、Operate guidebook:The direction key control run about, the blank space key inside out and square piece, want to walk while turn over. ─── 操作指南:方向键控制行走,空格键翻转方块,要边走边翻哦。

22、Operate guidebook:The direction key control is or so, press the mouse left key dint about 90% BE above and then can throw to go out all three pass, close each time three fight two win. ─── 操作指南:方向键控制左右,按鼠标左键蓄力大约90%以上就可丢出去全部三关,每关三战两胜。

23、The guidebook description has been on my mind every waking hour for several days. Five truck-sized boulders guard four slots. ─── 几天以来,我在清醒的每一刻心中都记得旅行指南中对它的描述。

24、I bet you picked the first restaurant you found in the guidebook. ─── 我猜想这是你在[旅游指南]小册子中找出来的第一家餐馆。

25、My guidebook recommends afternoon tea at the Wedgewood, which happens to be where I'm staying. ─── 我的导游书介绍最好在威基伍花布饮下午茶,而我正好住在那里。

26、The guidebook says to turn left. ─── 旅游指南上说应向左拐。

27、Operate guidebook:The up and down or so control races car sport.Hint:Instant brake BE for the sake of better headway. ─── 操作指南:上下左右控制赛车运动。提示:即时的刹车是为了更好的前进。

28、The guidebook warns against walking alone at night. ─── 这本指南告诫夜间不要单独行走。

29、Operate guidebook: The direction key control, the F key shoot. ─── 操作指南:方向键控制,F键发射。

30、Operate guidebook:The operation is simple, as long as use left key of mouse continuous dint then. ─── 操作指南:操作简单,只要用鼠标左键续力即可。

31、Using some oil-based pencils from my makeup kit, I began to sketch Eichmann's face on the only paper I had: my guidebook. ─── 我从化妆盒里拿出几枝油笔,在一本旅行指南上画他的脸部素描,这是我唯一能找到的纸。

32、However, the guidebook is not allowed to be delivered to humans. ─── 但是,这些使用手册不得提供给人类。

33、The guidebook publisher's site makes a fine start to discovering destinations you may have overlooked (so far). ─── 这本旅行指南出版商的网站能提供给你一个更好的开始去发掘那些你(迄今为止)可能忽略的目的地。

34、Unique guidebook that is a person is an own conscience, looking back things of the past. ─── 做人的唯一指南就是自己的良心,回首往事。

35、Operate guidebook:Three homology pictures the ability expunction. ─── 操作指南:三个相同图片就能消去。

36、A Guidebook to Fighters and Monks ─── 战士和武僧的指南

37、Operate guidebook:Made up to press behind left descend Cape of the button can go in to change clothes;Then clothes type clicked and replaced. ─── 操作指南:化完妆后按左下角的按钮就可以进去换衣服;然后点击要更换的衣服类型。

38、If you visit Delphi today, you will have to use your imagination, or a guidebook, to reconstruct the ancient site. ─── 今天,如果你参观德尔斐古迹,你一定要发挥你的想像力,或阅读旅游指南,重建这一古迹。

39、Designed to generate interest in the strange world out there, this is a fully illustrated, humourous mock guidebook to the nations people create in their own backyards. ─── 国王在国情报告中说:一个独立的主权国家必须有啤酒和航空业,当然要能组个足球队搞点核武器更好,但连啤酒都没有它就不配当个国家。

40、Peter and Xiao Yun are looking at a guidebook of Mi Yun. ─── 彼得和小云在看密云旅游指南。

41、Operate guidebook:The or so key control direction, in order to spring up, the blank space key effort! ─── 操作指南:左右键控制方向,空格键为跳起,努力吧!

42、As one guidebook put it: "Woe betide the mere mortals, with their few extra kilos, who commit the social faux pas of heading to one of the top beaches hoping to relax with a book. ─── 就像一本旅行指南上说的:“那些有权有势的人们,带着身上多余的脂肪,来到这个全球数一数二的海滩,妄图捧着书度过悠闲时光,殊不知,灾难已经降临到他们的头上。”

43、Kaylee: I also want to visit the National Museum. It says in the guidebook that all the art galleries in London are free. ─── 凯莉:我也想去参观大英博物馆,旅游指南上说,伦敦所有的美术馆都是免费的。

44、I know Londoners who carry around a London A-Z guidebook to help them navigate! ─── 据我所知每个伦敦人都有一个A-Z的地名小册子来告诉他们怎么在这里驾驶!

45、Operate guidebook: The direction key run about, the blank space key jump up. ─── 操作指南:方向键行走,空格键跳跃。

46、4-Color Advertisement in LUBRICANT GUIDEBOOK ─── 《润滑油品导购》彩色广告

47、The science development view is a guidebook of law construction in socialism developments. ─── 摘要科学发展观是建设社会主义法治国家的行动指南。

48、Operate guidebook: Click the arrowhead portrait starts game, moving a mouse to keep balance of give the ratio. ─── 操作指南:点击箭头图象开始游戏,移动鼠标来保持托比的平衡。

49、According to the guidebook, there are some fantastic views when we get to the top of this ridge(山脊) . ─── 据导游手册上说,登上这座山峰就可以饱览壮观奇异的景色。

50、Operate guidebook:The direction key control, can walk everywhere according to springing up posterity up, mouse the left key shoot. ─── 操作指南:方向键控制,按上跳起后人就可以到处走,鼠标左键射击。

51、Can I have a sightseeing guidebook? ─── 我能要一本观光指南吗?

52、Guidebook to Erection shall be delivered within Five hundred and forty (540) days (18 months) from the Effective date. ─── 安装指导手册应自生效之日起540天(18个月)内交付。

53、United States Coast Guard Data Naming Standards Guidebook. ─── 了解关于美国海岸警备队数据命名标准的更多信息。

54、End Of Life Care Issues Guidebook ─── 临终关怀事宜指南

55、Operate guidebook:Use the mouse carries on moving to take aim at a target, pressing down the mouse left key 蓄 dint, releasing to fling out. ─── 操作指南:使用鼠标进行移动瞄准目标,按住鼠标左键蓄力,放开扔出去。

56、GUIDEBOOK FOR PUBLISHING PHILOSOPHY JOURNALS History of Philosophy Quarterly. ─── 出版有关哲学史文章的先行者,专门刊登关注当代和历史的哲学史论文。

57、Anna: One of them has read his guidebook very carefully. ─── 安娜:其中一个游客把旅游指南读得很仔细。

58、Download guidebook on trade test ─── 下载技能测验指引

59、Operate guidebook:The direction key control, think the way eats to the beverage. ─── 操作指南:方向键控制,想办法吃到饮料。

60、Operate guidebook: The decorations, clothing clicked to like directly is then. ─── 操作指南:直接点击喜欢的装饰品、装即可。

61、An American guidebook that he had picked up in France had said that he would be afforded a wide, sweeping view of the city from there. ─── 从一本他从法国捡来的美国旅游手册上,他获得一个广阔的,全面的城市视角。

62、Using some oil-based pencils from my makeup kit, I began to sketch Eichmann's face on the only paper I had: my guidebook. ─── 我从化妆盒里拿出几枝油笔,在一本旅行指南上给他画脸部素描,这是我唯一能找到的纸。

63、Levenson SA (ed). Medical Direction in Long-term Care: A Guidebook for the Future, 2nd ed. 1993. North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press. ─── 国家卫生研究院论坛长期照护委员会:建立长期照护复健服务模式座谈系列。2001年。台北:国家卫生研究院。

64、A guidebook to study abroad II. ─── 出国留学指南2。

65、Don't you have a guidebook? Could you lend it to me? ─── 我记得你有一本旅游指南的书,能借我看看吗?

66、Hotel is rank in order of luxury in the guidebook. ─── 指南手册中,饭店根据其豪华程度被划分成不同的等级。

67、Operate guidebook:The decorations,clothing clicked to like directly is then. ─── 操作指南:直接点击喜欢的装饰品、服装即可。

68、Operate guidebook: Use a mouse in the interface can choose a big gold under various action just, right descend the passage that showed time of red time of the Cape. ─── 操作指南:用鼠标在界面下方可以选择大金刚各种动作,右下角的红色时间条显示着时间的流逝。

69、He took this guidebook along not because he believed in it but for the exact opposite reason. ─── 他随身携带这本导游手册不是因为他相信里面的内容,而完全出于相反的理由。

70、Operate guidebook: Rules of the game, click left key of mouse to enter water toilet fluently with next practice a line then. ─── 操作指南:游戏规则,点击鼠标左键将厕所下水的上口和下口练成一条线即可。

71、Operate guidebook:The direction key control, the blank space key shoot.Or the mouse control, ordering the red direction key ambulation, in the center 1 open fire. ─── 操作指南:方向键控制,空格键发射。或鼠标控制,点红色方向键移动,中间一个是开火。

72、after checking in and going to the bank , evan discusses the guidebook with kathy. ─── 登记住宿和去银行后,艾凡和凯西讨论观光指南。

73、Can you tell me where I can get a sightseeing guidebook? ─── 你能告诉我在那里可以买到观光手册吗?

74、Operate guidebook:Use the ambulation of the direction key control person, the blank space key takes to the product, mouse's ordering a person is a dialogue. ─── 操作指南:用方向键控制人物的移动,空格键拿去物品,鼠标点人是对话。

75、Operate guidebook:The operation is simple, the key dish is or so to carry on ambulation. ─── 操作指南:操作简单,按键盘左右进行移动。

76、One notable difference: The primeval organisms did not have a guidebook to inform them about what to expect and how to deal with some of the fabulous things to come. ─── 一个显著的不同之处是:原始生物没有一本指南来告诉他们以后将会发生什么事情以及如何去处理未来的非常事件。

77、Operate guidebook:Use the mouse carries on ambulation, clicking left key to carry on an attack, the upper left contain blood quantity of show the oneself and the other party enemy. ─── 操作指南:使用鼠标进行移动,点击左键进行攻击,左上方有显示自己以及对方敌人的血量。

78、Scrivener, J. 2002.Learning Teaching: A Guidebook for English Language Teachers[M].Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. ─── 包育彬、陈素燕.2004.中学英语任务教学的策略与艺术[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社.

79、Operate guidebook:The game operate:The clothes type that clicks and replaces directly can change to pack. ─── 操作指南:游戏操作:直接点击要更换的衣服类型就可以换装了。

80、Operate guidebook:The direction key control, the or so key make a turn, up and down the key go forward countermarch. ─── 操作指南:方向键控制,左右键转弯,上下键前进后退。

81、Latest date of delivery of the Guidebook to Erection-18 months from the Effective date of the Contract. ─── 安装指导文件最晚交货期:合同生效之日起18个月

82、Visitors to the castle had to fork out for a guidebook. ─── 参观城堡的游客得为一本旅游指南掏很多钱。

83、Have you any simpler guidebook? ─── 你有没有较简单的观光指南?

84、Designed for the practicing oncologist, this clinical guidebook allows for quick, authoritative access to the latest and best multimodality therapies. ─── 为培养训练的肿瘤学家设计,这本临床的指南考虑到迅速,威权的最新的和最好的多峰性治疗的入口。

85、International Space Year Guidebook ─── 国际空间年指南

86、FAQ 1.05 Why do developers need a guidebook for C++ and OO technology? ─── 为什么开发人员需要一本关于C++和面向对象技术的指导书?

87、You can buy a guidebook or a tourist map.The bookstall is just over there. ─── 你可以买本导游手册或旅游图.报亭就在那边.

88、Operate guidebook:Use the mouse ambulation carries on an attack, the blank space key fills to play a medicine, the purpose does not let the iron bottle drop down. ─── 操作指南:使用鼠标移动进行攻击,空格键填充弹药,目的是不让铁罐落下来。

89、Operate guidebook: The CTRL attackstones for the big gun, the space attackstones for the nailhead hammer, the arrowhead acts,jumps up. ─── 操作指南:CTRL为大炮攻击,空间为钉头锤攻击,箭头行动、跳跃。

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