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09-02 投稿



embellishing 发音

英:[?m?bel????]  美:[?m?bel????]

英:  美:

embellishing 中文意思翻译



embellishing 词性/词形变化,embellishing变形

动词过去分词: embellished |动词过去式: embellished |动词第三人称单数: embellishes |名词: embellisher |动词现在分词: embellishing |

embellishing 相似词语短语

1、embellished ─── 美化

2、disembellishing ─── 被剥夺了权利。

3、embellishingly ─── 修饰

4、embellisher ─── 修饰

5、embolising ─── 栓塞

6、embellishment ─── n.装饰,修饰;润色

7、emperishing ─── 帝王制

8、embellish ─── vt.修饰;装饰;润色;vi.装饰起来;加以润色

9、embellishes ─── vt.修饰;装饰;润色;vi.装饰起来;加以润色

embellishing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nothing that seemed to embellish upon the truth. ─── 似乎没有什么装饰真实。

2、Method To review the recent progress in several compounds embellishing the liposomal films on the basis of related references. ─── 方法分别介绍不同化合物在提高脂质体稳定性中的应用。

3、You don't need to embellish to be interesting. ─── 你 无 需 装 作 很 风 趣 。

4、"Back sebaceous glands is secreted the most exuberant, some people return chairman whelk, can use a few relaxed embellish system products, even need not. ─── “背部皮脂腺分泌最旺盛,有些人还会长青春痘,可以用一些清爽的润体产品,甚至不用。”

5、Make the coriaceous layer embezzle of the hair contains moisture content, with Chang Baozi embellish burnish. ─── 使头发的皮质层中饱含水分,以常保滋润而光泽。

6、His Ci was good at using allusions and embellishing his language. ─── 善于用典,语言琢炼工致。

7、Be like again, people often like to thrive, auspicious festive, novel vocabulary to shop name, like "parkson" and "days", "good to embellish the", "quanjude", "the sheraton". ─── 再如,华人通常喜欢以喜庆、兴隆、吉祥、新颖的词汇给店铺命名,如“百盛”、“天润发”、“好来顺”、“全聚德”、“喜来登”。

8、But dive to the price of roc embellish, most ambry produces manufacturer to did not make known his position clearly however. ─── 但对于鹏润的价格跳水,多数的橱柜生产厂家却没有明确表态。

9、General eye frost, after be being used in skin of clean skin bright, before embellish skin. ─── 一般的眼霜,用在洁肤爽肤之后、润肤之前。

10、The attention when pink should wipe divide evenly on and as downy as color of skin interblend, the lukewarm embellish that makes facial outline shows nature is melting. ─── 上粉时注意要抹匀并与肤色柔和相混,使脸廓显出自然的温润甜美。

11、"People have a tendency to remember and/or embellish or falsely remember those things that they think might be relevant," he said in an interview. ─── 在接受采访时.他表示:"人们总有一个倾向,就是去记住,甚至是错误地记住,而且/或是润色,那些自认为是可能有关联的事物."

12、Adopt adaptive B-spline to embellish contours in image segmentation ─── 图像分割中采用自适应三次B样条修饰轮廓线

13、About the web design, we emphasize “refinement” and “originality”, renovating creativity, consummating artifice, rectifying gist and embellish design. ─── 在网页设计方面,我们突出“精美”和“创意”,创意新颖、技术全面、切点准确、构思精妙。

14、He lived through it, and I made use of it, embellishing it as I saw fit. ─── 他经历了这个故事,而我利用了这个故事,根据自己的想法,对其润色。

15、to add embellishing details in order to make much more attractive ─── 为使其更具有吸引力而添饰物

16、Additional, body of plant sex embellish protects wet product place to contain part basically is to have the plant that keeps wet function to extract content. ─── 另外,植物性润体保湿产品所含成分主要是具有保湿功能的植物提取物。

17、The skin foundation that is water embellish health at the same time solves beautiful Bai Hequ to knit a problem, the skin that is skin turning point undertakes nursing faultlessly. ─── 同时为水润健康的肌肤基础解决美白和祛皱问题,为肌肤转折点的肌肤进行完美的护理。

18、Do not want reuse, you may be to use allergy, use ice now face of mineral water apply, milk is used after apply is over moist, or it is to brush some of embellish skin dew. ─── 不要再使用了,你可能是用了过敏了,现在用冰矿泉水敷脸,敷完后用牛奶滋润一下,或是擦些润肤露.

19、The usurious that it is seize embellish, pleasant should hit one gun to change the guerrilla of a place. ─── 为攫取高利润,甘当打一枪换一个地方的游击队。”

20、Women of the past generally had long hair and kept their hair up embellishing it with a variety of hairpins.This hairpin is adorned with five pearls. ─── 以前妇女需留长发,梳理后,在头发上插上各式发簪(又称为针仔头钗),以稳定发型,而发簪的样式很多,也可以增添美观,本件为五颗珍珠的发簪。

21、You'll learn how to develop solos that embellish and support the melody, and use lead sheets to help you generate your own musical ideas. ─── 你能学到如何即兴创作来装饰和支持主旋律,学会使用谱例(分析)来归纳自己的音乐意图。

22、However, many people consider illustrations as affiliations to a dictionary so their functions such as explaining the meaning of a word and embellishing a dictionary are neglected. ─── 但人们往往将其视为文字附属物,忽略了它在辞典释义、美化辞典等方面的作用。

23、They embellish the simple dress with colourful embroidery ─── 他们给朴素的女衣绣上鲜艳的花样。

24、Summer, before sunbathe, appear place should oil of daub embellish skin or vanishing cream. ─── 夏天,在日光浴前,外露部位应涂抹润肤油或雪花膏。

25、Markings for slurs, dynamics and ornaments should not be observed. They are only there to embellish the score. ─── 在圆滑、强弱及不该被忽略的装饰音处做记号。它们写在那里就是为了装饰整个谱。

26、With this, you can view, embellish, frame, compress andsend your pictures through e-mail to anybody.It features slideshow, thumbnail view, screen captureand bookmark options. ─── 你能够看,修饰,框架,压缩和对任何人的电子邮件发送你的画。

27、Even the most truth-loving person can hardly relate a dream without exaggerating and embellishing it in some degree. ─── 甚至连最信奉真理的人在描述梦时,也免不了会夸大或者添油加醋。

28、Every culture has its own way or embellishing this plain cloth. ─── 不同文化都有自己独特的方法装饰平纹布。

29、Magnify his honor;be the first to gloriously praise him, humbly embellishing him as a Sage.Then his state will suffer great losses. ─── 以至高无上的名位尊崇他,先夸耀他的功绩显荣,再恭维他德比圣人,这样他必然会狂妄自大而对于国事懈怠废驰了。

30、Labial the four seasons is very dry, product of lip of embellish of the money that where to use is good? ? ? ─── 嘴唇四季都很干,用哪款润唇产品好???

31、You don't need to embellish to be interesting. ─── 你无需装作很风趣。

32、Action: Embellish is knitted in vain, enhance skin flexibility. ─── 作用:润白去皱、增强皮肤弹性。

33、Stop obfuscating the information and embellishing it. ─── 不要再刻意润饰各种一塌糊涂的信息了。

34、It's used on CSR tours and trainings, and users are encouraged to write their thoughts directly on a copy, embellishing the information in a personal way. ─── 对同仁而言各项环保节能的生活习惯早已习以为常不以为意。殊不知这即是企业降低成本、珍惜资源的最佳典范。

35、If hold to,bit of embellish is wiped to deliver syrup on the hair after shampoo everyday, can make namely hair more luster, complaisant and easy comb. ─── 假如坚持天天洗头后在头发上抹点润发露,即能令头发更有光泽、柔顺且易梳理。

36、The tradition of embellishing a repetition comes from opera, and several of this movement's melodies resemble a simple aria from an Italian opera. ─── 备注注一:图象思维能力就是在脑海中想像图像/物件并加以变化的能力,过程无需实物的存在,是量度智商的一项重要指标。

37、"When embellish of an industry annual interest exceeds 50 million RMB, will surely draw a large number of epigone. ─── “当一个行业年利润超过5000万人民币时,必会引来大量追随者。”

38、Embellish of go smoothly of the administer below the company and Fu Bangjia have a plant, the Fu Bangjia that builds completion provides industrial city to be located at developing zone of peaceful wave economy. ─── 公司下辖亨润和富邦家具工厂,新建落成的富邦家具工业城坐落于宁波经济开发区。

39、Light and shadow, have embellish effect to living in adornment. ─── 光和影,对于家居装饰有润色作用。

40、Because water maintains to dim blandly as far as possible when this bath, use moist bath syrup, besmear instantly after bath on embellish skin breast. ─── 因此沐浴时尽可能保持水暖和暧,使用滋润的沐浴露,浴后立即涂上润肤乳。

41、The temptation to embellish may be overwhelming,but eventually your online connection will suss out the turth. ─── 也许你很想对自己加以修饰,但是你的网友迟早会发现真相。

42、Dead is the monarch,dead the servant who cringed befor him,dead the city in which they dwelt .Instead we continued to embellish the cover story ,walking blindly into his trap. ─── 君主消逝了,在他面前卑躬屈膝的侍从也消逝了,他们生活过的城市也消逝了.可是我们还是继续润色着这个飘渺的故事,盲目的走进他的圈套.

43、Considered economy well, make the whole view facilities level the embellish for show waste that matched to avoid the view facilities mutually with the area file time. ─── 充分考虑了经济性,使整体景观设施水平与小区档次相匹配,避免了景观设施的铺张浪费。

44、Makeup look is delicate and elegant, nature is harmonious, be the look opposite side is slight decorate with embellish. ─── 妆色清淡典雅,自然协调,是对面容的轻微修饰与润色。

45、If adduction of he is 3 days is less than money, he plans this picture again embellish, add tail and other organ, sell that person to exhibit. ─── 如果他3天之内收不到钱,他打算把这幅画像再润色一下,加上尾巴和其他器官,卖给那人去展览。

46、Eager both to demonstrate and to enhance his power, he set about enlarging and embellishing it in an extravagant fashion. ─── 为了展示和提升自己的权力,他用极度奢华的时尚气质来扩建和妆点伊斯法罕。

47、If until forgotten review, like learning new knowledge, and then, we'll always is a beginner, although in hard to boil water, but difficult to its pleasant embellish taste. ─── 如果等到忘记了再来复习,就象又学新知识一样,那么,我们就永远是初学者,虽然在辛辛苦苦地烧开水,却难品味到其甘润。

48、Don't embellish the truth with ideas of your own. ─── 你别对事实添油加醋。

49、What is a man's No.1 bounden duty? The answer is simple, do not false embellish himself. ─── 2人的第一天职是什么?答案很简单:不伪饰自己。

50、It seemed to her very proper that Mr. Townsend's destined bride should wish to embellish her mind by a foreign tour. ─── 她觉得汤森德先生的未婚妻通过海外观光来陶冶心情的做法是十分妥当的。

51、Bumper's each angle is embellishing the small air vent, manifested complete bikes's width to increase. ─── 保险杠的每个角都点缀着小的通风孔,体现了整车的宽度增加。

52、Appear after this kind of circumstance, latex of skin of a few embellish should be brushed after bath of ferial Li Mu. ─── 出现这种情况之后,平日里沐浴后就应该擦一些润肤乳液。

53、To prevent lose color, but preexistence corrupt mark is in an a few drop clear water, will wipe gently again after its embellish is wet. ─── 为防止掉色,可先在污痕处滴几滴清水,将它润湿后再轻轻擦拭。

54、I launched into the parable, embellishing the story with invented dialogue and extra details. ─── 我开始投入地讲这个寓言,编了些对话和额外细节为故事添油加醋。

55、Another characteristic was to realize edition of such as planography, embellish, glazing, model to cut, pack wait for muti_function module combination. ─── 另一个特点是实现了诸如平版、润版、上光、模切、包装等多功能的模块组合。

56、Choose external use commonly protective agent, wait for the effect that can have remedial gentle to solve ache like lotion of all sorts of embellish skin lotions, calamine. ─── 一般选用外用保护剂,如各种润肤剂、炉甘石洗剂等可起到治疗和缓解疼痛的作用。

57、Look for quotes in order to criticize or to embellish one's writing ─── 寻章摘句

58、Just tell the truth and don't embellish the story by any means. ─── 你只要讲清事实,千万不要添枝加叶。

59、An urban yet poetic feel infuses Techno Poetry, gently embellishing our daily lives with a fusion of romance and futurism. ─── 一个都市却又充满诗意的感觉灌注于“诗意科技”,用浪漫和未来主义温柔地润饰着我们的生活。

60、Carpet, as a housellold decoration, is gaining morep popularity, especially the silk carpet,asymbol of grace, deluxe and property, which can definitely embellish the room. ─── 地毯作为居家装饰,越来越深受人们的青睐,特别是真丝地毯象征着高雅、华丽、富贵,更能让您居家增辉!

61、Same, after clean, embellish works, preexistence is cervical reach clavicular place to dab ? of water of a soft skin maintains skin tender slippery. ─── 同样的,在清洁、润干后,先在颈部及锁骨处轻拍一层柔肤水?保持肌肤嫩滑。

62、Yet you can re create harmony by embellishing your auras with the light of balance, when you know the lesson. ─── 然而当你们了解该课程之后,你们能够通过用平衡之光装点你们的光环,重新创造和谐。

63、Besmear first before delicious atmosphere on embellish skin dew. ─── 喷香氛前先涂上润肤露。

64、At times they are fond of these things too, but that is when they are hunting for novelty, for something with which to embellish their own works, or even for certain backward features. ─── 他们有时也爱这些东西,那是为着猎奇,为着装饰自己的作品,甚至是为着追求其中落后的东西而爱的。

65、Therefore the people embellish carefully, arranges own ideal homeland attentively. ─── 于是人们精心点缀,用心布置自己的理想家园。

66、Beijing reader Mr Zhang: In the winter my skin always is particularly dry, brushed product of skin of a lot of embellish to also be used without giving thought to. ─── 北京读者张先生:冬天我的皮肤总是非凡干,擦了很多润肤产品也不管用。

67、After be sure to keep in mind cutin, the skin can work quite, because this wants first after smear can balance the embellish skin frost that skin PH is worth, again apply uses face film. ─── 切记脱完角质后,皮肤会比较干,因此要先擦上可以平衡皮肤PH值的润肤霜后,再敷用面膜。

68、Usability pledges besmear of gentle embellish skin frost is on the lip, massage gently next let its exuviate go. ─── 可用性质暖和的润肤霜涂在唇上,然后轻轻按摩让它蜕去。

69、To the accompaniment of the jingling lutes and babbling brooks, they embellish this world for the Balinese, and lend wings to their imagination for an even sweeter next world. ─── 叮叮琴音,淙淙流泉,装饰了巴厘人的现实,也为巴厘人的来世,添长了翅膀。

70、Face before sleeping thoroughly clean skin, 0.3 grams pearl powder and embellish skin water mediate, dab go up at the face. ─── 临睡前彻底清洁皮肤,将0.3克珍珠粉与润肤水调和,轻拍于面上。

71、An embellishing note, usually one step above or below the note it precedes and indicated by a small note or special sign. ─── 倚音,附音一种装饰音,通常比它所引导的音符高或低一个音阶并以一个小音符或特殊标记来表示

72、Interior design is one of the activities that mankind combine for the sake of creating and embellishing the environment which they live in. ─── 室内设计是人类为了创造并美化自身的生存环境而进行的活动之一。

73、He kept embellishing it in his mind, building up the laughs. ─── 他在心里不断地为它添油加醋,增加笑料。

74、Who will dare to guarantee that such lake stones are not endowed with the inspiration of embellishing heaven and earth? ─── 谁敢保证,这样的湖石会不会点染天地的灵气了。

75、Actually, the defeat also can embellish the life. ─── 其实,失败也能点缀人生。

76、TR: The only way I write is when I'm in cahoots with somebody, when I already have a book or a script, and then I embellish. ─── 只有和别人一起,或者有现成的书或剧本时,我才会这么做,我只是做接下来的润饰工作。

77、Notice 5 keys are nodded, make beautiful hair plump be filled with embellish, quality quantity is spotless! ─── 依据自己发质的需要选择相应的洗发产品,同时兼顾产品的滋润性。

78、An embellishing note, usually one step above or below the note it precedes and indicated by a small note or special sign. ─── 倚音,附音一种装饰音,通常比它所引导的音符高或低一个音阶并以一个小音符或特殊标记来表示。

79、Eager both to demonstrate and to enhance his power, he set about enlarging and embellishing it in an extravagant fashion. ─── 为了展示和提升自己的权力,他用极度奢华的时尚气质来扩建和妆点伊斯法罕。

80、Floral perfumes are the ones for you, whether fruity, woody or musky or even green. Their auras follow you and embellish your beauty and personality. ─── 仍然有兴致的做着许多在各处看到的心理测试,只是觉得自己越来越不了解自己了。。。

81、When the wool that blow system, want to use the leg rough cutter that contains embellish skin part, besmear remembers going up later some of vaseline. ─── 在刮体毛时,要使用含有润肤成分的腿毛刀,之后记得涂上些凡士林。

82、Embellishing your past compensation to generate a higher offer when negotiating with employers is another strategy that can backfire.Companies can verify your former earnings quite easily. ─── 在谈薪水的时候夸大以前的收入也会适得其反,公司很容易调查到你以前的收入。

83、The generous cup pluses to embellish colourfully, floating the beer of the carbonic acid gas bubble, drinking with it is also a delicious clearness! ─── 宽大的杯口加上五颜六色的点缀,浮着气泡的啤酒,用它来饮用更是香醇清爽!

84、Stimulative stomach bowel wriggles: In the morning a cup of water is best embellish agent, can promote alvine peristalsis, prevent stomach and duodenum ulcer, prevent constipation. ─── 促进胃肠蠕动:早晨一杯水是最好的润便剂,可促进肠蠕动,预防胃及十二指肠溃疡,防止便秘。

85、If exuvial case is not severe, usability pledges besmear of gentle embellish skin frost is on the lip, massage gently next let its exuviate go. ─── 假如蜕皮情况并不严重,可用性质暖和的润肤霜涂在唇上,然后轻轻按摩让它蜕去。

86、Just tell the truth and don't embellish the story by any means. ─── (喻)"你只要讲清事实,千万不要添枝加叶。"

87、With just like drenched the colour developing effect of the transparent burnish of kind of jade-like stone embellish and bright, the lip that deduces rich and full, stereo feeling is sweet. ─── 以宛如湿透般莹润的透明光泽与璀璨的显色效果,演绎饱满、富有立体感的唇蜜。

88、Costive patient should eat the food with embellish aperient bowel to wait like banana, honey. ─── 便秘病人应吃润肠通便的食物如香蕉、蜂蜜等。

89、Although use the idea of moist cream in the winter already thorough popular feeling, but " embellish system product " do this protect wet new idea how to many advocate have again? ─── 尽管冬天使用滋润面霜的观念已经深入人心,但“润体产品”这一保湿新概念又有多少拥护者呢?

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