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09-02 投稿


dissociable 发音

英:[[d?'s?????bl]]  美:[[d?'so???rb?l]]

英:  美:

dissociable 中文意思翻译



dissociable 词性/词形变化,dissociable变形

名词: dissociability |副词: dissociably |

dissociable 短语词组

1、dissociable nom ─── 可分离名词

2、dissociable effects ─── 分离效应

3、dissociable synonym ─── 离合同义词

4、dissociable meaning ─── 离合意义

5、dissociable define ─── 可分离定义

6、dissociable means ─── 可分离的手段

dissociable 相似词语短语

1、dissociably ─── 孤僻的

2、indissociably ─── 不合群的

3、indissociable ─── adj.不可分割的

4、insociable ─── adj.不爱社交的;不善交际的,不会交际的

5、associable ─── adj.可联想的;交感性的

6、dissocial ─── adj.孤僻的;不爱交际的;反社会的

7、dissociate ─── vt.游离;使分离;分裂;vi.游离;分离;分裂

8、dissolvable ─── adj.可溶解的;可分解的;可解散的

9、dissocialise ─── 解耦

dissociable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the dissociable element of R-module ─── 关于R-模的游离元

2、1. He is a dissociable writer. ─── 他是个性格孤僻的作家。

3、Labor and labor theory of value are contacted already dissociable. ─── 劳动与劳动价值论既 相联系又可分离。

4、On the Dissociable Element of Algebraic System ─── 关于代数系统的游离元

5、On the Dissociable Element of Algebraic System ─── 关于代数系统的游离元

6、Previously, Miss Cai is a little dissociable, so she can not find a suitable man to get married.And she just wants to have a try when being one of our members. ─── 蔡女士原来比较孤僻,一直没有找到合适的男士结婚,加入我司也只是抱着试试看的心态。

7、unworth motives are usually not dissociable. ─── 高尚的兴不高尚的动机通常是无法分开的。

8、The reason of characteristic of manpower capital property right depends on, manpower capital carrier and manpower capital both neither are dissociable must and OK and detached property. ─── 人力资本产权特殊性的原因在于,人力资本载体与人力资本既不可分离又必须而且可以分离的性质。

9、Keywords wood texture;GLCM;dissociable basis;separability criterion;BP neural networ; ─── 木材纹理;灰度共生矩阵;可分性判据;特征选择;BP神经网络;

10、dissociable basis ─── 可分性判据

11、Worthy and unworth motives are usually not dissociable. ─── 高尚的兴不高尚的动机通常是无法分开的。

12、But more recent work has revealed that dreaming and REM sleep are dissociable states, controlled by distinct, though interactive, mechanisms. ─── 但是最近的研究指出,做梦与REM睡眠是可以分离的,且由不同但互动的机制所控制。

13、Worthy and unworthy motives are often not dissociable. ─── 高尚和不高尚的动机不是时常能够区别开来的。

14、Resolution to Kernel Function with Dissociable Variables Based on Fourier Transform ─── 基于傅立叶变换的变元可分离核函数的确定方法

15、Education of excrement and urine is dissociable give dysenteric bacili; ─── 粪便培养可分离出痢疾杆菌;

16、dissociable desk and chair ─── 分离式课桌椅

17、Education of excrement and urine is dissociable give dysenteric bacilli; ─── 粪便培养可分离出痢疾杆菌;

18、In this paper, we introduce some conceptions correlative to it, give some kinds of dissociable basis and we put the stress on discussing some algorithms most in use of the characteristic selection. ─── 本文介绍了相关概念,给出了常见的几种类别可分性判据,讨论了特徵选择的几种常用算法。

19、Worthy and unworthy motives are often not dissociable ─── 高尚和不高尚的动机不是时常能够区别开来的。

20、It has shown that the polymer dispersant with flat structure in the hydrophobic group and dissociable anion in the hydrophilic group is much stable against the hydrolytes, w... ─── 研究表明,疏水端平面结构好、亲水端可解离的阴离子聚合物分散剂抗电解质能力很强,以其为分散剂分散原生粒径较小的酸性炭黑,可以得到稳定性优良的分散液。

21、The advantage of screen of dissociable mood feeling is to be able to be put in the spot, the operation is simple. ─── 可分手式触摸屏的优点是可放在现场,操作简单。

22、On the dissociable element of R-module ─── 关于R-模的游离元

23、dissociable form ─── 可离解型

24、medial temporal lobe and the frontal lobe might perform important and dissociable functions in the generation of relatedness effects. ─── 颞叶中部和额叶对关联性记忆错觉的产生十分重要,并且它们各自的作用似乎都不是单一的。

25、Standard Test Methods for Cyanides in Water--Automated Methods for Total Cyanide, Acid dissociable Cyanide, and Thiocyanate ─── 水中氰化物测定的标准试验方法。总氰化物、酸分解氰化物和硫氰化物自动测定法

26、To many, drugs and crime are not dissociable. ─── 对许多人来说,吸毒和犯罪是不可分开的

27、The results showed that alkali lignin of rice straw is a good fertilizer raw material.It has high dissociable humic acid content and good fertilizer efficiency. ─── 结果表明,稻草碱木素具有较高的游离腐殖酸含量,其活性高,肥效好;

28、Resolution to Kernel Function with Dissociable Variables Based on Fourier Transform ─── 基于傅立叶变换的变元可分离核函数的确定方法

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