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09-02 投稿


convincingly 发音

英:[k?n?v?ns??li]  美:[k?n?v?ns??li]

英:  美:

convincingly 中文意思翻译



convincingly 词性/词形变化,convincingly变形

副词: convincingly |名词: convincingness |

convincingly 反义词


convincingly 同义词

realistically | credibly | strongly |persuasively | forcefully

convincingly 短语词组

1、convincingly demonstrate ─── 令人信服地证明

2、convincingly proved ─── 令人信服地证明

3、convincingly def ─── 令人信服地

4、convincingly driven ─── 令人信服的驱动力

5、convincingly clear ─── 令人信服的清楚

6、convincingly caring ─── 令人信服的关怀

7、convincingly mean ─── 令人信服的卑鄙

8、convincingly demonstrates ─── 令人信服地证明

9、convincingly imitate ─── 令人信服地模仿

10、convincingly argue ─── 令人信服的争论

11、convincingly prove ─── 令人信服地证明

12、convincingly advanced ─── 令人信服的先进性

convincingly 相似词语短语

1、continuingly ─── 不断地

2、unconvincingly ─── 缺乏说服力地;无法令人信服地

3、connivingly ─── 纵容

4、convicinity ─── 方便

5、conducingly ─── 有助于

6、consentingly ─── 同意地

7、contendingly ─── 抗辩地

8、confidingly ─── adv.信任地

9、convincing ─── adj.令人信服的;有说服力的;v.使相信;使明白(convince的现在分词)

convincingly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She replied to my point so convincingly that my argument is soon in tatter. ─── 她反驳我提出的各点都很有说服力, 很快就将我的论点驳倒。

2、That, at least, is the case convincingly put forward at a website devoted to the history of the bank of San Giorgio. ─── 至少这是一种有信服力的说法,该论断由致力于研究圣乔治亚银行历史的网站提出。

3、Megawati Sukarnoputri, his predecessor, was a mediocre president and Jusuf Kalla, the president's deputy, cannot convincingly take more credit for the government's successes than Mr Yudhoyono. ─── 尤多约诺的前任梅加瓦蒂是个政绩平平的总统,而前副总统尤索.卡拉,也不能让公众相信他能够在领导国家上比尤多约诺更胜一筹。

4、1 A United Nations special rapporteur, Philip Alston, accused the army in the Philippines of being in a state of denial about a spate of extra-judicial killings "convincingly attributed" to the security forces. ─── 我觉得应该是联合国的特别报告起草人阿尔斯通指责在菲律宾的军队否认把法外处决所造成的死亡完全归于安全部队的行为。

5、he argued convincingly. ─── 他的辩论很令人信服。

6、He argues convincingly. ─── 他的辩解很有说服力。

7、He reasoned very wittily but not convincingly. ─── 他的推论十分机智但不能令人信服。

8、But we do need to act convincingly to curb future deficits. Austerity can't be fun, but how painful it will be is still partially up to us. ─── 但我们需要采取令人信服的行动来控制将来的赤字。

9、I expected to have maybe more of a struggle today than yesterday. That I came through so convincingly, for me it's quite surprising. ─── 本来我预计今天的比赛会比昨天更艰苦,能够赢得这么轻松着实令人吃惊。

10、They won convincingly. ─── 他们赢得令人信服。

11、"It was important for us to finish top and we did it very convincingly. ─── “俺们现在令人信服地位居榜首,但对俺们来说最重要的是要把领先进行到底。

12、He seemed, as usual, to be most convincingly sane. ─── 他似乎还同平时一样,心里是十分清醒的。

13、She replies to my point so convincingly that my argument is soon in tatter. ─── 她很有说服力,很快就将我的论点驳倒。

14、convincingly demonstrate ─── 有力的证明

15、Pinker convincingly demonstrates that there has been a dramatic decline in violence, and he is persuasive about the causes of that decline. ─── Pinker令人信服地向我们展示了暴力行为大幅下降的趋势,其列出的原因也是有说服力的。

16、I carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes Ibelieve it that I can be happy the way things are be happy with the things I'm done. ─── 凭诚实的信念而行事,有时事实正如我所相信能感到快乐的方法就是对自己的所为感到满足。

17、Scientific research is an art form in this sense: It does not matter how you make a discovery, only if your claim is true and convincingly validated. ─── 在这种意义上科学研究是一种艺术形式:除非你的主张是真实的而且是可信服的生效了,而你是怎么作出发现的并不重要。

18、She reply to my point so convincingly that my argument be soon in tatter ─── 她反驳我提出的各点都很有说服力, 很快就将我的论点驳倒

19、" But this ideal act is not a passive one, for the totality which love has to continually reclaim is precisely the totality which time so convincingly appears to fragment and hide. ─── 但是这种理想的行为不是消极的,因为爱情持续不断要求索回的总体性,正好就是时间以不可抗拒的力量撕碎和隐藏的那种总体性。

20、They put the case for more financial resources very convincingly. ─── 他们为筹集更多的资金而提出的论点非常有说服力。

21、Picudo, a heavily muscled male wrestler, "chokes" Marina de La Paz, who grimaces convincingly. ─── “象鼻虫”,一个肌肉超级发达的男摔跤手,扼住了“拉巴斯的玛莲娜”的脖子,后者痛苦的表情说明了一切。

22、Her case was convincingly argued. ─── 她的辩辞很有说服力。

23、“Hyden's studies, to cite one example, convincingly show that biochemistry can open a new point of view on biologic phenomena as complicated as memory. ─── “例如海顿的研究,充分地显示出,生物化学能为象记忆这样复杂的生物现象开拓新的研究视野。

24、She carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are ─── 有时事实正如她所相信能感到快乐的方法就是对自己的所为感到满足

25、'I remember the bogey years when we would go to Charlton and get beat, very convincingly one year, but the last two years we have been on our game when we have gone there, and we have to be this time. ─── “我还记得在不远的过去、那段我们会在查尔顿被打得一败涂地的难堪岁月,但近两年来在那儿的比赛都由我们掌握着全局,这次我们也需要做到这点。”

26、Again, as such a strong indicator of movement, it is difficult (though not impossible) to convincingly show movement one way or the other if the first branch and the apex face in opposite directions. ─── 再有,既然结顶和第一出枝是盆景动感的指针,那么第一出枝和结顶方向相反的话,就很难(或者说几乎不可能)展示盆景的动感。

27、He very convincingly tells us that instead of dissolving Class III co-operatives we should set about putting them in order ─── 本文作者很有说服力地告诉我们,不应当去解散那些“三等社”,而应当去做整顿工作。

28、We won it convincingly and hopefully the same can be done in Cardiff. ─── 我们令人信服的赢了那场比赛,并且我希望在加的夫我们同样能做到。

29、She reply to my point so convincingly that my argument is soon in tatter. ─── 她反驳我提出的各点都很有说服力,很快就将我的论点驳倒。

30、She carries the act so convincingly the fact is ─── 她的行为让人信服

31、More convincingly, the Democrats argue that they knew far in advance that this election was going to be a tough one. ─── 更加确切地是,民主党人认为他们很早时候就知道此次选举将会异常艰难。

32、He spoke so convincingly that you couldn't help believing him. ─── 他说得有根有梢的,不由得你不信。

33、More convincingly, major borrowers are pressuring banks to lend out as much of the credit quota as possible. ─── 更有说服力的是,主要借贷方正向银行施压以尽可能多的借出信贷配额。

34、Miss Marceau is convincingly obstinate and bubbly by turns, depending on whether she's with her parents or with her friends, which certainly makes her a convincing teen-ager. ─── 当片中的玛索和父母或朋友相处时,她自如在固执与奔放两种个性之间进行转换,这令她成为了一个有说服力的少女。

35、and third, we shall have demonstrated more convincingly the superiority of the socialist system. ─── 第三,就更加能够体现社会主义制度的优越性。

36、Once an idea has been floated as convincingly as I think it needs to be, I don't want to go on flogging it forever! ─── 当我认为一份构想已经很有说服力的提出来共大家欣赏以后,我就不想再去鞭打一匹死马一直到永远!

37、Few cross-examiners have sufficient technical sophistication to meet an expert on his own ground and challenge his methodology or analysis convincingly. ─── 几乎没有几个反诘问者具备足够的技术经验,能够和专家就专家的论点相对抗,并对专家的方法或分析令人信服地提出疑问。

38、The Coke ruling, equally brief, did not convincingly identify competition concerns. ─── 商务部关于可口可乐的裁定同样简短,却未能令人信服地指出竞争利害关系。

39、Not until the middle of the next century, when we have reached the level of the moderately developed countries, shall we be able to say that we have really built socialism and to declare convincingly that it is superior to capitalism. ─── 只有到了下世纪中叶,达到了中等发达国家的水平,才能说真的搞了社会主义,才能理直气壮地说社会主义优于资本主义。

40、For such claims to succeed, the officials who agreed to the deals will have to testify convincingly that they had no idea what they were doing. ─── 对那些进行中的案件,同意了衍生品交易的政府官员必须有足够的证据证明他们根本不知道自己在做什么。

41、- Communicates effectively both verbally and in writing.Ability to articulate ideas convincingly, negotiate contracts and solutions to complex problems. ─── 可高效地进行口头和书面的交流,具有极强说服力,清晰表达意图,进行合同和复杂问题解决方案的谈判。

42、Mr Lemarchand, tighter, more academic but equally passionate, convincingly argues that, although natural resources may prolong wars, they do not start them. ─── 勒马耳尚先生口风更紧、更有学术色彩,但同样态度强烈,他指出,虽然自然资源可能拖延战争,但这不是战争的起因。

43、The eurozone has had two years to create a sanitary cordon around Greece's public finances and has so far failed to do so convincingly. ─── 欧元区曾有两年的时间围绕希腊的公共财政筑起一道“防疫线”,但迄今为止却仍未能令人信服地完成这一任务。

44、Gale Harold plays a homosexual heartthrob in the Showtime series "Queer as folk," a role he does so convincingly that many viewers wonder about Harold's real-life orientation. ─── Gale Harold在SHOWTIME连续剧QAF中饰演一个同志情人,他把剧中角色演绎得很有说服力,使大量观众想知道关于GALE的真实性向。

45、If we adhere to the Common Programme, adopt an honest, sincere attitude and speak convincingly, other people will readily accept our criticisms of them. Only by doing this can we be regarded as good leaders. ─── 如果我们既坚持共同纲领,又态度坦白诚恳和具有说服力,这样就是批评别人,别人也愿意接受,这才算是好的领导。

46、"We performed fantastically against them and won convincingly and they have not won since. ─── 我们在面对阿森纳的时候表现的非常优秀,赢得了比赛。

47、At a time when profits and share prices are touching record highs, it is hard to argue convincingly that America's bosses have lost their capitalist zeal. ─── 企业利润和股价处于高位时,要说服民众相信美国的老板们业已失去了资本家的热忱并非易事。

48、Lenin spoke so convincingly that even his opponents were won over by his arguments. ─── 列宁的演讲很有说服力, 甚至连他的对手也被他的 论述争取过来.

49、" In their view, "so far in the communist world, there is no precedent," and "convincingly show that China's political self-confidence. ─── 他们认为,这“迄今在共产主义世界中尚无先例”,“令人信服地表明中国的政治自信心”。

50、I do that to help you learn to think more clearly, to express yourself convincingly, and to develop your intellectual power, your ability to understand the world. ─── 我做这一切,是为了让你们学会更清晰地思考问题,学会有说服力地表达自己的观点,学会培养自己的理性,锻练自己理解世界的能力。

51、“We have to beat Andorra convincingly, we owe that to fans and coach. ─── "我们必须干净利落的击败安道尔,我们要对球迷和教练负责.

52、His action shows convincingly that there is no chance of expecting that this man will ever give up his practice of using force to gain his will ─── 他的行动充分证明,没有可能期待这个人放弃以武力达到目的的习性。

53、He argues convincingly ─── 他的辩解很有说服力.

54、It has been convincingly demonstrated recently that application of cricoid pressure decreases lower esophageal sphincter (LES) tone and barrier pressure (4). ─── 最近有研究明确证实,环状软骨压迫降低了食道下端括约肌(LES)张力和屏障压[4]。

55、But, because I couldn't lie convincingly even to myself, I had to check. ─── 但是,因为连我自己也无法说服自己,我不得不巡视四周。

56、He had gone after Jama privately and demonstrated convincingly that the fist was swifter than the magic sword. ─── 他私下里找到贾马单挑,并向他证明了拳头要比魔法剑来得迅猛。

57、The sweetest of all the CLs for me, won after beating not only all the top guns in Europe and convincingly but also and above all, the Cugini and the Gobbi. ─── 整个冠军杯历程最令我感到甜蜜的,不仅仅是我们击败了欧洲的所有强队令人信服地最终夺冠,更重要的是,我们先后击败了国际米兰和尤文图斯。

58、Her case was convincingly argued. ─── 她的辩辞很有说服力。

59、Although previous spy pictures did not convincingly show the car as an Aveo, this is the real deal. ─── 尽管以前的间谍照片没有令人信服地表明,作为一个乐骋轿车,这是真正的交易.

60、"Hyden's studies, to cite one example, convincingly show that biochemistry can open a new point of view on biologic phenomena as complicated as memory. ─── “以海顿为例,他的研究充分地表明,生物化学能为象记忆这样复杂的生物现象开拓新的视角。

61、From the "rational economic man" point of view, there is only one reason to convincingly explain the choice of Internet cafe owners, that is, high operating costs. ─── 从“理性的经济人”的角度,只有一种理由能够令人信服地解释网吧业主的选择,那就是经营成本过高。

62、We should do our work honestly, take an analytical approach, write convincingly and never strike a pose to overawe people ─── 我们应该老老实实地办事,对事物有分析,写文章有说服力,不要靠装腔作势来吓人。

63、if the first branch of a bonsai (or sometimes the branch with the lowest foliage) faces left, it is very difficult to make the movement of the tree face right convincingly. ─── 如果盆景的第一出枝(有时也是带叶片的最低部位的枝)朝左,可以信服的告诉你,你很难把这个盆景的动势调整到朝右。

64、"Facts have shown convincingly that "one country, two systems"is entirely workable, that Mr. Tung Chee Hwaand the SAR Government under his leadership have the talent and ability to sit on top of complicated situations " ─── 事实充分证明,"一国两制"是完全行得通的,董建华先生及其领导的特别行政区政府是具有驾驭复杂局势的智慧和能力的。

65、I want the team to win convincingly today. ─── 我需要队对赢使人信服地今天。

66、Because of this role, I started to become a fan of Lam Ching Ying, since such a man who never said "I love you" but would sacrifice his life for love were performed so convincingly by him. ─── 喜欢林刚,进而因此喜欢林正英,是因为这个绝不会说“我爱你”,却会为你赴汤蹈火的人,在他演来竟如此有说服力。

67、He placed his palms together and raised his eyes heavenwards in what he hoped was a convincingly pious attitude. ─── 你也快快去罢,可别掉了一根头发,你师姊来烧我们寺庙。”

68、Shrek's world and story are brought vividly to life, and the timeless moral of the story is convincingly realized ─── 史瑞克的世界和他的故事生动地呈现出来,故事里的永恒寓意也表现得令人信服。

69、Can the benefits involved in the opportunity be articulated convincingly to a defined target markets? ─── 机会说带来的利益是否能准确地与特定的目标市场联系起来?

70、She replied to my points so convincingly that my argument was soon in tatters. ─── 她反驳我提出的各点都很有说服力,很快就将我的论点驳倒.

71、The hands appear convincingly empty. ─── 手使人信服地出现倒空。

72、"When you consider the fact he has been plagued with injuries, he's done brilliantly to come back so convincingly. ─── “不过看看内维尔,我觉得福斯特不会怨天尤人。

73、She argues convincingly that expansionary policy saved us from a possible replay of the Great Depression. ─── 她令人信服的观点是:扩张性的政策使我们避免“经济大萧条”可能的重演。

74、He spoke so convincingly that you couldn't help believing him ─── 他说得有根有梢的,不由得你不信。

75、The actor also had to be able to look convincingly like Italian. ─── 同时,这个演员还需要看上去信服地像个意大利人。'

76、Burning like a star, and convincingly, so that you feel sometimes ─── 像明星般燃炽,煞有介事,让你感觉

77、They won convincingly. ─── 他们赢得令人信服。

78、These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working. ─── 这些结果有力地证明,我们的运动正在发挥作用。

79、She replies to my point so convincingly that my argument is soon in tatter . ─── 她反驳我提出的各点都很有说服力,很快就将我的论点驳倒。

80、And he proved his skill by winning the first 1000 mile (1600 km) reliability trial promoted by Sir Alfred Harmsworth so convincingly that a special gold medal was struck in his honour. ─── 他也确实因赢得阿尔弗莱德爵士倡导的1000英里(1600公里)汽车耐用性测试冠军而充分证实了自己的能力。

81、Watching from the sidelines as the Blues beat Tottenham convincingly last month, he was impressed by the electric atmosphere inside the stadium. ─── 在替补席上观看了上个月蓝军令人信服地取得对托特纳姆热刺的比赛后,他已经感受到了球场内一触即发的紧张气氛。

82、Jeff Bennett plays the young reporter more convincingly than anyone on televisions." ─── "杰夫.班纳特演的年轻记者比电视上任何人演得都要逼真."

83、Understandable doubts remain about the durability of Germany's revival: consumer spending has so far failed to take off convincingly. ─── 可理解的疑惑保持在对德国复苏的持久性上:消费支出迄今还没有令人信服地拉动起来。

84、She replied to my points so convincingly that my argument was soon in tatters ─── 她

85、He must be able to bring the character alive at once, and to relay each shot and scene freshly and convincingly. ─── 演员必须能够说演就演,在镜头和片断间连接得生动可信。

86、A growing body of evidence has convincingly shown that SARS is caused a novel coronavirus, called SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). ─── 研究报告证实,严重急性呼吸道症候群是经由一种新的冠状病毒所引起,称为:严重急性呼吸道症候群冠状病毒。

87、In four rounds of voting by the 89 delegates in Monaco on the night of December 4th, Shanghai outlasted Yeosu in South Korea to win the final run-off convincingly by 54 votes to 34. ─── 12月4日晚,89名代表在摩纳哥举行了四轮投票,上海在最后一轮投票中击败韩国的丽水,以54票对34票的明显优势胜出。

88、Partly, I suppose, the problem in my case has been to imitate heterosexuality convincingly. ─── 对我而言,问题的部分根源在于我要令自己扮演的异性恋者令人信服。

89、She carries the act so convincingly ─── 她始终坚信自己的路

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