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09-02 投稿



huntress 发音

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英:  美:

huntress 中文意思翻译




huntress 网络释义

n. 女猎人n. (Huntress)人名;(英)亨特里斯

huntress 短语词组

1、huntress of soul ─── 灵魂猎手

2、huntress of souls ─── 灵魂猎手

huntress 相似词语短语

1、undress ─── v.使脱衣服;使卸去装饰;把(伤口上的)敷料拿开;n.裸体;(别于礼服)军便服;adj.便服的

2、hunters ─── n.[林]猎人(hunter的复数)

3、unstress ─── n.非重读(音节)

4、chantress ─── n.女吟唱者

5、sundress ─── n.太阳裙;背心裙

6、buttress ─── n.扶壁;山边扶壁状凸出部分;支持力量;v.支持;用扶壁支撑(建筑物等)

7、suitress ─── 女主人

8、huntresses ─── n.女猎人;n.(Huntress)人名;(英)亨特里斯

9、chauntress ─── 温特斯

huntress 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Huntress: Then we'd better hurry. If the undead overtake his Den before he's awakened. . . ─── 女猎手:那么我们要抓紧时间了。如果不死族在他苏醒之前夺取巢穴的话…

2、After peevish years cast as China's underperforming neighbour, the huntress is now in hot pursuit. ─── 印度这个“捕猎者”作为中国的近邻,多年来一直表现不佳,心情急躁,如今正奋起直追。

3、Huntress: You were right, sisters. These green-skinned brutes have no respect for life! Slay them in Elune's name! ─── 女猎手:姐妹们,你们是对的。这些绿皮肤的野兽根本不尊重生命!以月神艾露尼的名义杀死他们!

4、You are a huntress Goddess, ─── 您是一位狩猎女神

5、Huntress: You were right, sisters. These green-skinned brutes have no respect for life! Slay them in Elune's name! ─── 女猎手:姐妹们,你们是对的。这些绿皮肤的野兽根本不尊重生命!以月神艾露尼的名义杀死他们!

6、You have won, Maiev, but the huntress is nothing without the hunt. You are nothing without me. ─── 你赢了,麦维,但是正如猎手离不开猎物,没了我,你也就没用了。

7、Huntress Swiftriver would have plenty of food to provide for the soldiers today. ─── 女猎手疾川今天想必能为前线的战士们提供充足的食物了。

8、Accompanied by ALEX (Sarah Wynter), a huntress whose life he saved, Gabriel's only hope is to find justice in a world careening out of control. ─── 幸占对另一追捕者艾利斯(莎拉温特饰)曾有救命之恩,在她协助下,占希望在这个失控的世界上找到一点点公平。

9、Huntress: Priestess, the undead have constructed a final settlement! They are mustering new forces with every passing moment! ─── 女猎手:女祭司大人,不死族已经建立了最后的基地!他们每时每刻都在集结新的部队!

10、One-on-one, a huntress is practically unbeatable, possessing profound tactical insight, a hunter's eye, and a dancer's grace and alacrity. ─── 在一对一之下,女猎手几乎无法被打败,她们拥有渊博的战术见识,猎人的眼光,与舞者般的优雅和敏捷。

11、Huntress: Be careful, Priestess! These woods are overrun by the dead! ─── 猎手:小心,女祭司大人!这些森林已经被死亡侵蚀!

12、Ah, how often, afraid to stay n the woods all night alone, she wandered about the neighborhood of her former haunts; how often, frightened by the dogs, did she, so lately a huntress, fly in terror from the hunters! ─── 啊,有多少个夜晚她徘徊在以前住过的地方,因为她不敢独自在林中过夜;有多少次她这个不久前的猎手被猎犬吓得四处逃窜,怕被猎人捉住。

13、Decreased the Fighter-based Huntress Stance? ─── 减少战系女猎的姿势?

14、I think I'll make this 'Blonde Huntress' girl my next target. ─── 嗯...接下来嘛,就抓这个金发女猎人吧。

15、Actaeon lies in wait for Diana, the Huntress hunted, to see her finally dripping wet at her bath, resting from hunt. ─── 阿克铁龙躲藏在那里等待猎人女神戴安娜,为了观看她放下打猎工作最后湿淋地沐浴,女猎人成为被观看的猎物。

16、Increased the Fighter-based Huntress Offensive Stance ─── 增加战系女猎的防御姿势

17、In the woods she dressed herself up like a huntress and kept the youth company all day long, and wandered through grounds and groves and over hills and valleys with him. ─── 她装扮成一个女猎手,让这个年轻人整日陪伴左右,并与他一起游遍了山林、河谷。

18、inexperienced huntress then left the impala as if she had given up. ─── 经验不足的小雌豹离开黑斑羚,看来是已经放弃。

19、She is an excellent huntress, debilitating her foes with her arrows and disabling spellcasters. ─── 她是个杰出的女猎人,使用她的箭矢衰弱她的敌人并使法师们失去能力。

20、In the grotto is a fountain and pool, at which the huntress Diana and her nymphs disport themselves, naked. ─── 女猎师戴安娜和众仙女在洞穴的池塘和瀑布边上玩耍嬉戏。

21、The inexperienced huntress then left the impala as if she had given up. ─── 经验不足的小雌豹离开黑斑羚,看来是已经放弃。

22、Wards are no longer hit by Huntress Moon Glaive bounce. ─── 守卫不在会被女猎手的反弹击中。

23、That dark, tender huntress, so full of fire and yearning, had the queerest power of symbolising all longing, and moving one' s heart. ─── 这个发肤黝深的女猎手,情如火燎,实是世间一切渴求的最奇妙不过的象征,而且实在动人。

24、Arethusa was once a fairy maiden huntress. ─── 阿瑞塞莎是位迷人的仙女猎人。

25、In the woods she dressed herself up like a huntress and kept the youth company all day long. ─── 她装扮成一个女猎手,让这个年轻人整日陪伴左右,并与他一起游遍了山林、河谷。

26、Wasteland huntress is an agile hero. She can handle any type of enemy. ─── 荒原女猎是个灵活的英雄.她能应付各种类型的敌人.

27、how often, frightened by the dogs, did she, so lately a huntress, fly in terror from the hunters! ─── 有多少次她这个不久前的猎手被猎犬吓得四处逃窜,怕被猎人捉住。

28、In the woods she dressed herself up like a huntress and kept the youth company all day long. ─── 在山林里她装扮成一个女猎手,让这个年轻人整日陪伴左右。

29、Does Diana the Huntress photograph the “Others” as they are? ─── 狩猎女神戴安娜能如实地摄下“他人”的形象吗?

30、and more.Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, the huntress Artemis. ─── 阿波罗是宙斯和勒托之子,他有一个孪生妹妹狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯。

31、Artists showed her as a beautiful young huntress wearing hunting clothes, carrying a bow and quiver of arrows , and accompanied by forest nymphs and hunting dogs, or with a deer at her side. ─── 在美术作品里,阿耳忒弥斯是个漂亮的女猎手,身穿猎装,携带弓箭,或伴以仙女和猎犬,或伴以一头鹿。她保持着自己的童贞,所以是贞洁的象征。

32、You have won, GAMER, but the huntress is nothing without the hunt. You are nothing without me. ─── 你赢了,玩家,但是正如猎手离不开猎物,没了我,你也就没用了。

33、The warlock district ,for example, has a very distinct, dark color scheme, while the hunter trainers are marked with an impressive gold statue of an elven huntress outside their building. ─── 例如,术士区域拥有明显的黑色风格,而猎人训练师所在的房间外面有一个非常醒目的金色女猎手塑像。

34、your parents have chosen you a bride built on the model of Diana, the huntress, and yet you are not content." ─── 你父母给你选的这位新娘就是把她当作一位活的狩猎女神也满可以说得过去的,可是你还不满足。”

35、Illidan: You have won...Maiev. But the huntress...is nothing without the ─── 伊力单:你是赢了....米夫。但是一个猎人没有了目标,就一无所有。

36、She is an excellent huntress, debilitating her foes with her arrows and disabling spellcasters. ─── 她是个杰出的女猎人,使用她的箭矢衰弱她的敌人并使法师们失去能力。

37、Arethusa a was once a fairy maiden huntress. ─── 阿瑞塞莎是位迷人的仙女猎人。



月亮:直译:the moon

意译:celestial body, heavenly body, planet, orb of night, moon goddess, green cheese, Diana, Luna, Phoebe, Cynthia, queen of heaven,queen of night, queen and huntress, chaste and fair

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