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09-02 投稿


alder 发音

英:[???ld?r]  美:[???ld?(r)]

英:  美:

alder 中文意思翻译



alder 网络释义

n. [林] 桤木

alder 词性/词形变化,alder变形


alder 短语词组

1、gray alder ─── [网络] 灰al

2、mountain alder ─── [网络] 山al

3、common alder un. ─── 欧洲桤木

4、green alder ─── [网络] 绿色al鱼

5、alder-leaved ─── [网络] al鱼

6、hazel alder ─── [网络] 榛子al鱼

7、black alder ─── 赤杨

8、alder dogwood ─── [网络] der木山

9、Oregon alder ─── [网络] 红桤木

10、Diels-Alder adducts ─── [化] 狄尔斯-阿德耳加成物; 狄尔斯-阿德耳反应加成物

11、alder blight ─── [网络] der ight

12、European black alder ─── [网络] 欧洲黑al鱼

13、grey alder ─── [网络] 灰色桤木;北部地区还有一种灰桤木

14、alder-leaved serviceberry ─── [网络] 枸杞子

15、Diels-Alder reaction ─── [化] 双烯合成; 二烯合成(即第尔斯-阿尔德反应)

16、alder fly n. ─── 蜻蜓科的昆虫;昆虫

17、Alder reaction ─── [化] 艾勒德反应(即双烯合成)

18、alder tree ─── [网络] 赤杨树;桤木;桤木树

19、alder buckthorn ─── [植物]药炭鼠李

alder 相似词语短语

1、aldea ─── n.(Aldea)人名;(西)阿尔德亚;(英)阿尔迪亚;(罗)阿尔代亚

2、Calder ─── n.考尔德(姓氏)

3、alders ─── n.[林]桤木

4、Elder ─── adj.年龄较大的;(用于人名前或后,指同名者中)年龄较大的一个;资格老的;n.长辈,年长者;比……年长的人;(基督教会中的)长老;(部落等群体的)头人,族长;接骨木;n.(Elder)(美)埃德(人名)

5、aider ─── n.协助者;教唆者

6、aldern ─── 年龄

7、adder ─── n.蝰蛇(欧洲产的小毒蛇);加算器;猪鼻蛇(北美产无毒的)

8、Balder ─── n.巴尔德(男子名)

9、aulder ─── 嚎叫

alder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A Preliminary Discussion on Effect of Artificial Inoculation on the Nodule Formation and Nitrogen Fixation of Alder ─── 人工接种对桤木结瘤固氮的效应初探

2、Along the roads, laurel , viburnum and alder , great ferns and wildflowers delighted the traveler's eye through much of the year. ─── 在路的两旁,一年中许多时候,月桂树、荚莲、桤木、蕨类植物和各样的野花都能让过往的行人赏心悦目。

3、Exploring the woodlands on a warm summers evening, he spotted this lone caterpillar delicately balanced on the stem of a black alder leaf. ─── 在一个温暖夏天的夜晚他探究森林,发现一条孤零零的毛毛虫微妙的平衡在一个黑色桤木叶的茎上。

4、The grass on the nether bank stretched out before his gaze, and beyond it a somber grove of alder trees sloped up to the skirts of the hills. ─── 对岸的草长长地伸展在他的眼前,再远处,是阴森的树林,那些古老的树木,环绕着那些山丘底部的斜坡生长着。


6、Among the alder's valuable ecological contributions is its capacity to fix nitrogen in nitrogen-deficient soils. ─── 在桤木的价值中,在生态学上的贡献是在氮缺乏的土壤中巩固氮的存在。

7、Thus, the fate of a mayfly is primarily determined by the histrionics of neighboring frog, trout, alder, water spider, and the rest of stream life, each playing the environment for the other. ─── 因此,蜉蝣的命运主要取决于附近装模作样的青蛙、鳟鱼、赤杨、水蜘蛛,和溪流里其余的生物,每一种生物都充当着其他生物的环境。

8、Alder cell ─── Alder细胞

9、Alder Birch and Mono Maple wood were impregnated with ME, UF, MUF resin and the relationships among the resin kind, resin content, impregnating conditions and dimensional stability of the modified wood were approached. ─── 以西南桦和械木为研究对象,探索不同种类的热固性树脂和不同浸注条件与树脂浸入量和改性材尺寸稳定性的关系。

10、The genetic responses of 13 alder(Alnus cremastogyne) provenances was evaluated for at 5 test locations. ─── 对桤木13个种源在5个测试点进行了生长性状的遗传测定.

11、lanate alder bark ─── 牛屎树

12、The alder nitrogen fixation promoted growth of the after crop. ─── 十年生桤木林采伐迹地上,桤木固氮改良土壤,并促进后续植物的生长.

13、The is in the alder that it is : winter bud that differs with birch has a power, the nutlet that provides a wing is dispersed after, the Guo Bao of 毬 fruit shape still stays on branch. ─── 与桦木不同之处为:桤木的冬芽有柄,具翅的小坚果散布以后,毬果状的果苞仍留在树枝上。

14、Alder Flycatcher ─── n. 赤杨蚊霸鹟

15、PEG could significantly improve the germination energy of alder seed, with its extent relating to the maturity level of seed, no effect of PEG was found on the relative higher maturity seed of alder. ─── PEG能显著提高桤木种子的发芽势,提高发芽率的效用与种子的成熟度有关,对成熟度高的种子影响不显著;

16、Liverpool's first-team squad took time out of their festive preparations to bring some Christmas cheer to the patients at Alder Hey Children's Hospital on Tuesday afternoon. ─── 在星期二下午利物浦主力球员从抽出节日繁忙时间给奥德黑儿童医院的孩子们带来圣诞问候和欢庆。

17、a disease of alders caused by the woolly alder aphid (a plant louse). ─── 由于蚜虫导致的杞木枯萎。

18、From the south bank of the water poplar and alder and ash and horse-chestnut let fall high liquid curtains of lemon and bronze. ─── 湖的南岸,白杨.赤杨.岑树.七叶树等连成一片,像从空中垂下的一道柠檬色间青铜色的水帘。

19、Diels - Alder reaction ─── Diels-Alder反应

20、There he soon died, and it is strange to reflect that he may have regretted his Cage upon Ben Alder. ─── 没多久,他就死在那,想想也奇怪,说不定是他对本·亚尔德山上的“笼子”曾经是依依不舍呢。


22、alder: tree of the birch family,usu growing in marshy places ─── 桤木(桦木科,通常生长于沼泽地带).

23、Mr Alder said: "It requires a fairly high degree of pressure to improve standards across the board. " ─── 欧达礼表示:“要普遍提高标准,是需要施加相当大的压力的。”

24、Alder (Alnus nepalensis) ─── 桤木

25、The tiniest unfurling of pale green at the tips of the alder trees’ branches. ─── 桤树枝头露出点点新绿;

26、Jason: Oh really? Well then explain Allan Alder? ─── 杰森:是吗?那么请问艾拉毛瑞呢?

27、The meanders of a prattling brook, were shaded with straggling willows and alder trees ─── 一条小河蜿蜒掩映在稀疏的柳树和桤树的树荫间,淙淙作响。

28、Introduced in Jiangxi, Sichuan alder performance is still good, now in multiple regions to promote, have shown a good adaptability and speed naturally. ─── 四川桤木在江西引种表现尚好,目前已在多个地区推广,均表现出良好的适应性和速生性。其生长速度不亚于拟赤杨,胜过杉木、枫香、蓝果树、木荷、火炬松等树种。

29、?2.Water?retaining capacity of litter layer:?Robinia pseudoacacia?>?Alnus cremastogyne?>mixed pines and alder forest>?Pinus elliotii. ─── 枯枝落叶持水:刺槐林>桤木林>混交林>湿地松林;

30、Italian Alder ─── 意大利赤杨(桦木科)

31、A few scrubby trees, like red alder, have re-established themselves, and ants, frogs, meadowlarks, beavers and other species have moved in. ─── 一些矮灌木丛,像红桤木很快又长起来了,蚂蚁青蛙草地鸬海狸还有其他一些物种也都迁进来了。

32、alder fly ─── n. 泥蛉

33、Over the years a ragged secondgrowth of aspen and birch and speckled alder, at the far edge of the baseball diamond, has blotted out that view ─── 棒球场外围伐过的树林,多年以来又长出了参差不齐的白杨、白桦和满身斑点的桤木,挡住了视野。

34、The orders of forests diversity indexes,from high to low,are Yunnan pine forests,mixed coniferous(Yunnan pine)and broadleaf forests,Oriental oak and Diamyo oak forests,glabrous tanoak forests,longpenduncled alder forests,etc. ─── (2 )在森林中各类型多样性指数较大的从大到小依次是云南松、云南松与阔叶林混交林、栓皮栎和柞栎林、多变石栎和硬斗石栎林、桤木林等 ;

35、In midmost of the stream, embraced in the weir's shimmering arm-spread, a small island lay anchored, fringed close with willow and silver birch and alder. ─── 在大坝那闪光的臂膀环抱中,安卧着一个小岛,四周密密层层长着柳树、白桦和赤杨。

36、Dynamics of population biomass and its density-density-dependent regulation in alder and cypress mixed forest ─── 桤柏混交林种群生物量动态与密度调节

37、Even with snow on the ground, the high bushy understory is exposed; also snow and wind bring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and other arboreal fodder. ─── 即使地上有雪,高而浓密的下层植被也显露出来;雪和风也会吹落雪松、铁杉、红桤木多叶的树枝和其他的树木草料。

38、Studied on the Diels - Alder Reaction of C_(60) with Heteroatomic Diene ─── 2,5-二甲基噻吩硫氧化物与C_(60)的Diels-Alder反应研究

39、Analysis and Research of AMMI Model for Alder Provenances Regional Trails ─── AMMI模型应用于桤木种源区域试验的分析研究

40、Study on Phenotypic Variation in Natural Range of Longpeduncled alder ( Alnus cremastogyne ) ─── 桤木自然分布区内表型变异的研究

41、wood of any of various alder trees; resistant to underwater rot; used for bridges etc. ─── 桤木属树木的木料,抗水蚀,用于造桥梁等。

42、The host range of ectomycorrhizae is primarily restricted to certain tree species, including members of the Pinaceae (pines), Betulaceae (alder), and Myrataceae (eucalyptus). ─── 外生菌根的寄主主要是几种树种包括松科(松树)、桦木科(桦树)和桃金娘科(桉树)。

43、No sooner could I wait to unveil the royal coupling in solid bar form, a deep milk chocolate with bits and pieces of applewood smoked bacon and just a sprinkling of Alder salt. ─── 我急切地想揭开这个忠诚的呈固体条状的融合物,一块纯牛奶巧克力和小片苹果木味培根加上仅仅少量阿尔德盐分。

44、I pointed to where our village lay, on the flat in-shore among the alder-trees and pollards , a mile or more from the church. ─── 我把我们村子的位置指给他看。村子就坐落在距离教堂一英里多远的平坦河岸上,四周耸立着赤杨树和截梢树。

45、The fitted multivaliate quadratic regression equation can better express the relation between nodulation and nitrogen fixation of alder and physical-chemical factor of the soils. ─── 桤木结瘤固氮与土壤理化因素的关系,可用多元二次回归方程表达。

46、He has also captured pollen from alder, pine and willow. ─── 他还从桤树、松树和柳树上采集了花粉。

47、When they reach the destination, Alder stopped the car and let her go down. ─── 到了那个女生所说的地方时,阿德就停车好让她下车了。

48、Therefore, only the four legs and a layer on top are made of American alder; the materials for the other parts cannot be confirmed. ─── 因此,只有四条桌腿和表层是美国桤木;其他的无法知道是由什么材料组成。

49、From the south bank of the water popal and alder and ash and horse-chestnut let high liquid cur-tains of lemon and bronze. ─── 湖的南岸,白杨,赤杨,槐木,七木树等模糊一片,氲氤溟蒙,橄榄黄与青铜色相间,犹如悬在高空的水帘。

50、The instrument has an alder body with a Three-color Sunburst finished, graphite-reinforced modern C-shaped maple neck with a rosewood fingerboard, and jeweled headstock inlay. ─── 工具有有一个三种彩色的完成入射的阳光一个 [植]桤木身体,石墨加强的现代 C 形的枫以一个紫檀键盘拥抱, 而且饰以珠宝了主桥承镶嵌物。

51、PEG could improve the germinating rate and the germinating potential of the alder's seeds, but there needs a condition. ─── PEG 对未完全成熟的桤木种子的发芽率和发芽势的提高是有一定条件的。

52、laurel, viburnum and alder, great ferns ─── 在一年的大部分日子里,月桂、荚莲、桤木、大蕨

53、Joseph L, Izzo JR, Daniel Levy, et al. Importance of systolic blood pressure in alder Americans[ R]. Clinical Advisory Statement, New York. U. S. A,2000 ─── 吴国强,吴珏珍,沈霖霖,等.高血压病人压力反射敏感性受损[J].上海医科大学学报,1999,26(3):172-175


55、He has captured pollen from alder, pine, and willow. ─── 他从桤树、松树和柳树上捕捉到了花粉。

56、longpeduncle alder tender stem and leaf ─── 桤木枝梢

57、European alder ─── 欧洲桤木

58、A few scrubby trees, like red alder, have re-established themselves, and ants, frogs, meadowlarks, beavers and other species have moved in. ─── 一些矮灌木丛,像红桤木很快又长起来了,蚂蚁青蛙草地鸬海狸还有其他一些物种也都迁进来了。

59、It showed that 38.6%(98/254) of the flow in the benign nodules was Alder 2 or 3 and 69.6% (71/102) of the folw in the malignant nodules was Alder 2 or 3 and there was significant difference between them (P

60、The Origin and Development of Adventitious Roots in Alder Cuttings ─── 桤木插穗不定根发生与发育的解剖学观察


62、The purplish soils with the different properties and fertility had obvious influence on nodulation and nitrogen fixation of the alder. ─── 具有不同性质和肥力水平的紫色土,明显影响到桤木的结瘤和固氮。

63、The following have been G7 certified: Bruce Bayne, Alder Technology; ─── 以下七国集团已经证明:布鲁斯贝恩,阿尔德技术;

64、C alder wasn't ClA. He was FBl. ─── 我是海伦.卡德,有事吗?

65、The dynamic characteristics of soil moisture and water storage modulation for forestry mainly inter-planted with cypress and alder in central hilly area of Sichuan ─── 川中丘陵区桤柏混交林的土壤水分及其调蓄动态特征

66、Alder Parrot ─── n. 桤木亚马孙鹦哥

67、Its name is Ben Alder, it is a wild, desert mountain full of hills and hollows. ─── 它的名字是本·亚尔德,是一座尽是些山岗和鸡谷的漠无人烟的荒山。

68、Common Alder ─── 凹叶赤杨(桦木科)

69、Alder (Alnus nepalensis),an important non-legume nitrogen-fixing plant,occurs widely in the eastern Himalayas. ─── 桤木(Alnusnepalensis)是一种重要的非豆科固氮植物,广泛分布于喜马拉雅山脉东部地区。

70、Down yonder little glen the shrubs are drooping under their burden, and the red alder berries contrast with the white ground ─── 在那边小小的山凹之中,灌木已经累累结实,红色的浆果同白色的雪地相映成趣。

71、Accumulation of above-ground biomass and nutrients in swidden fallows: A comparison between planted alder fallows and unmanaged grassy fallows in Yunnan ─── 云南省自然休闲地与桤木休闲地地上部分生物量与养分蓄积量的研究


73、I pointed to where our village lay on the flat inshore among the alder trees and pollards, a mile or more from the church. ─── 我把我们村子的位置指给他看。村子就坐落在距离教堂一英里多远的平坦河岸上,四周矗立着赤扬树和截梢树。

74、Grey Alder ─── 灰赤杨(桦木科)

75、Four people lifted me to the ambulance and off we went,bells and lights going crazy,racing to Alder Hey. ─── 于是4个人把我抬上了救护车,在我们出发了,一路上呼啸着闪着红光,直奔AlderHey医院。

76、Energy characteristics of alder cypress mixed plantation ecosystem. ─── 人工桤柏混交林生态系统的能量特征

77、a disease of alders caused by the woolly alder aphid (a plant louse) ─── 由于蚜虫导致的杞木枯萎

78、Alder body (with flamed maple top) Rock Maple bolt-on neck Rosewood fin... ─── 本页全部内容仅供参考,请以实物为准 。

79、Status on Pulping/Papering Research of Alder and Prospect of Utilization of Alder Pulp Wood in China ─── 桤木制浆造纸研究现状与我国桤木浆的开发利用

80、The fitted multivariate quadratic regression equation can better express the relation of seedling growth of the alder to physical-chemical factor of the soils. ─── 根据36种土壤上桤木(Alnus cremastogyne)盆栽试验的结果,用多元二次回归方程拟合,通过微电脑运算,探讨了幼苗生长与13项土壤理化因素的关系。

81、A study of ecological geochemical warning of the forest soil in an alder plantation ─── 人工桤木林林地生态地球化学预警评价研究

82、Keywords Alder Fiber morphology Chemical composition Evaluation; ─── 桤木;纤维形态;化学组成;评价;

83、Alder's anomaly ─── 奥尔德(氏)异常:指所有白细胞中含有粗大的嗜苯胺蓝颗粒, 而无症状的遗传性异常, 奥尔德-赖利二氏异常

84、alder and cypress mixed plantation ─── 桤柏混交林

85、The Impact of PEG Treatment on Seed Vigor of Two Alder Species ─── PEG处理对两种桤木种子发芽的影响

86、The quality of DNA extracted from 3 days old cotyledons was the best.The alder of cotyledons, the more serious degradation of DNA extracted. ─── 子叶6d龄时,提取的DNA质量次于3d龄,少量DNA开始出现降解,以后随著子叶日龄的增加,DNA降解加重。

87、Alder roots contain clusters of nitrogen-fixing nodules like those found on legumes such as beans. ─── 桤木的根部含有成串的氮固定结,就像是在豆荚中的豆子一样。

88、Photo-physio Ecological Mechanism of Mixed Alder and Cypress Forest ─── 人工桤柏混交林光合生理生态机理研究

89、Simulation of Diels- Alder antireversion cure kinetics for sulfur accelerated natural rubber compound ─── 天然橡胶硫黄促进剂体系的抗返原硫化动力学的模拟

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