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09-02 投稿


thresher 发音

英:['θre??]  美:['θr???]

英:  美:

thresher 中文意思翻译



thresher 网络释义

n. 打谷机;打谷者;[鱼] 长尾鲨n. (Thresher)人名;(英)思雷舍

thresher 短语词组

1、common thresher shark ─── 普通脱粒鲨

2、reaper thresher ─── 收割机脱粒机

3、thresher's lung ─── [医]农民肺:同farmers lung

4、overview of thresher shark ─── 脱粒机shark概述

5、thresher shark face ─── 脱粒机鲨鱼脸

6、Pelagic thresher ─── 远洋脱粒机

7、thresher sharks nei ─── 脱粒鲨鱼nei

8、pelagic thresher shark ─── 远洋脱粒鲨

9、bigeye thresher shark ─── 大眼脱粒鲨

10、thresher ultimate ─── 终极脱粒机

11、roller thresher ─── 滚筒脱粒机

12、centrifugal thresher ─── 离心脱粒机

13、thresher shark size ─── 脱粒机鲨鱼尺寸

14、bigeye thresher ─── 大眼脱粒机

15、thresher shark ─── 长尾鲨

thresher 词性/词形变化,thresher变形

动词第三人称单数: threshes |动词过去分词: threshed |动词现在分词: threshing |动词过去式: threshed |

thresher 相似词语短语

1、thrasher ─── n.打谷机;脱粒机;鸫鸟之类;长尾鲨鱼;n.(Thrasher)人名;(英)思拉舍

2、threader ─── n.螺丝车床;穿线器

3、threshers ─── n.打谷机;打谷者;[鱼]长尾鲨;n.(Thresher)人名;(英)思雷舍

4、fresher ─── n.(非正式)大学一年级新生;adj.(尤指食物)更新鲜的;更新的;(水)更淡的;(天气)清凉的;更洁净的;adv.更新鲜地;更新地;n.(Fresher)(美、俄、英)弗什尔(人名)

5、threshes ─── vt.推敲;打谷;反复做;vi.打;打谷;颠簸;n.打谷

6、threshels ─── 阈值

7、threshel ─── 脱粒

8、thrashers ─── n.打谷机;脱粒机;鸫鸟之类;长尾鲨鱼;n.(Thrasher)人名;(英)思拉舍

9、threshed ─── vt.推敲;打谷;反复做;vi.打;打谷;颠簸;n.打谷

thresher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Owe the hook of half a mountainous area use manpower that develop to cut standing grain, thresher of dynamoelectric, motor-driven or manpower thresher threshing are relatively general; ─── 欠发达的半山区使用人力镰刀割禾,电动、机动打谷机或人力打谷机脱粒较为普遍;

2、reptile skins from India, 19,000 big-eye thresher shark fins in Ecuador and 23 metric tonnes of pangolin in Asia have all been seized. ─── 来自印度的55000张爬行动物皮、厄瓜多尔的19000只大眼长尾鲨鳍和亚洲的23吨穿山甲都被查获。

3、This company is interested in the following products: - Harvester Thresher combines machine - flexible discharge hose and irrigation device - Irrigation device ... ─── 查看“农业-农业机械和工具-排灌机械”:公司信息商品信息供应信息

4、corn thresher ─── 玉米脱粒机

5、I get towards the bottom and can access a bridge, and across that there are two Thresher guns.Shortly after the game ends and it says I was too late. ─── 我开始下到底层,经过一个桥,穿越这里时遇上了两挺守卫入口的枪炮、在游戏结束不久之后,我才知道自己已经太晚了。

6、Now electricity runs the thresher. ─── 脱粒机现在由电驱动。

7、chopper thresher ─── 切碎脱粒机

8、I looked out over the wastes in the fading light, trying to detect the telltale horned fins of the thresher cutting through the surface of the sand. ─── 我借助着渐渐消退的光线向远处荒地望去,试图发现沙鳄破沙而出时露在外面的可怕的角状鳍。

9、Relationship between thresher velocities and rice grain broken rate ─── 水稻脱粒破碎率与脱粒元件速度关系研究

10、treadle operated rice thresher ─── 脚踏打谷机

11、In this teahouse that carefully preserved its original folklore of Western Sichuan, there are the old copper hoops, the old-fashioned wooden thresher, and the wheel barrow which would creak with a push, which would let your imagination fly. ─── 在这家苦心保留原汁原味川西民俗的茶馆里,古旧的铜环,老式的风谷机,一推就“咿咿呀呀”响的鸡公车,让人浮想联翩。

12、The utility model relates to a holding-type rice thresher which belongs to a working implement on fields in agricultural machinery. ─── 夹持式水稻脱粒机属于农业机械中的场上作业机具。

13、The Present Situation and Improving Suggestion of Small-model Thresher in Jiangxi Province ─── 江西省小型脱粒机械的现状与改进建议

14、So to expound the different kinds and structures of threshing machinery, analyze the theory and application of threshing device thats core of thresher. ─── 为此,对脱粒机械的种类、构造进行了论述,并就其核心部分脱离装置的原理和应用进行了剖析。

15、double cylinder-type thresher ─── 双滚筒式脱粒机

16、small-capacity motor-driven thresher ─── 电动小型脱谷机

17、Surely he says this for us, doesn't he?Yes, this was written for us, because when the plowman plows and the thresher threshes, they ought to do so in the hope of sharing in the harvest. ─── 不全是为我们说的麽.分明是为我们说的.因为耕种的当存著指望去耕种.打场的也当存得粮的指望去打场。

18、Long ago driven away from settled locales to the deep desert wastes of the Borderlands, the dune thresher is rarely seen by city dwellers. ─── 当我着手开始将我所知关于世界的所有知识都集合到一本书中时,命运之手轻轻拍了拍我的肩膀。

19、Development of a Soybean Pickup Thresher ─── 大豆捡拾脱粒机的研制

20、drum for thresher ─── 脱粒滚筒

21、"Their sound riles a thresher up something fierce. ─── “这声音会激怒长尾鲨。

22、It was written for our sake, because the plowman should plow in hope, and the thresher in hope of receiving a share. ─── 的确是为我们记载的,因为犁地的当怀着希望去犁,打场的也当怀着有份的希望去打场。

23、use the tractor motor to power the thresher ─── 用拖拉机上的发动机带动打谷机

24、As application of the model, mathematical simulation of the threshing performance of the thresher is made and optimal designs of the-thresher is described. ─── 作为模型的应用,文中对脱粒装置的脱粒分离性能进行了数学模拟,并指出了它在脱粒装置优化设计上的应用。

25、It had actually dug itself halfway out of the thresher, clawing at the air as its skin was slowly eaten away. ─── 它其实已经马上就从沙鳄的体内出来了,爪子在空中挥舞,皮肤在慢慢被腐蚀。

26、the food has finally parted company with the soil before it is handed over to them: this, however, might be said with equal truth of the thresher, the winnower, the makers of butter and cheese; ─── 粮食在运交他们以前已经最终地和土地断绝了联系;但这一点对打谷者、扬谷者、奶油和奶酪的制作者来说也是同样正确的;

27、auto-harvester thresher ─── 自动收割脱粒机

28、It was written for our sake, because the plowman should plow in hope and the thresher thresh in hope of sharing in the crop. ─── 分明是为我们说的。因为耕种的当存著指望去耕种;打场的也当存得粮的指望去打场。

29、He and his cousins bought a steam thresher on shares. ─── 他和他的堂兄弟们合伙买了一台蒸气脱粒机。

30、Aircraft flying corn thresher, and national patent applications submitted to relevant departments. ─── 机悬挂玉米脱粒机,并上报有关部门申请国家专利。

31、An Analysis of the Prospect of Straw Shredder Fixed on the Thresher ─── 机动脱粒机上安装秸秆切碎装置的前景分析

32、”) That he had grabbed a thresher by the tail and pulled it into his boat. (“That tail is all muscle, and it knows how to use it. ─── 他曾抓住一条长尾鲨的尾巴,把它拖到了船上(“它的尾巴肌肉非常发达,并且非常灵活。

33、" The same basic mechanism for sex determination apparently occurs in all fishes and amphibians," says project leader Ron Thresher of Australia's CSIRO research institute. ─── "决定性别的基本原理同样对所有的鱼类和两栖类都适用。

34、the way this jaw design enables the thresher to swim effortlessly beneath the sand with unimaginable swiftness; ─── 下颚的性状可以让它毫不费力的在沙漠之下以不可想象的速度游弋;

35、harvester thresher ─── 联合收割机

36、wooden thresher ─── 木制脱粒机

37、Chunking chains of agricultural machinery are mainly used in variously agricultural machinery (harvester, thresher etc).The tooth form of link plate is an important parameter. ─── 摘要农机夹持输送链是多种农业机械(收获机、脱粒机等)上的主要工作元件,其链板的各部尺寸是影响机械工作性能的重要参数。

38、Longago driven away from settled locales to the deep desert wastes of theBorderlands, the dune thresher is rarely seen by city dwellers. ─── 很久以前,它们只是栖息在偏远的边境之地的沙漠深处,沙鲨很少会被居民看见。

39、chop thresher plant ─── 切碎脱粒装置

40、Thresher has single, double, automatic three types; ─── 脱粒机有单人、双人、自动三种类型;

41、Yes, for our sake it was written, because the plowman ought to plow in hope, and the thresher to thresh in hope of sharing the crops. ─── 分明是为我们说的。因为耕种的当存着指望去耕种。打场的也当存得粮的指望去打场。

42、Matters needing attention of the thresher safety handling ─── 脱粒机安全使用注意事项

43、This photo shows a thresher shark caught in a fisherman's net in Mexico's Gulf of California. ─── 这张照片显示了一条被渔民网住的长尾鲨,拍摄于加利福尼亚州的墨西哥湾。

44、In the TPC harvester a drum type thresher is used to thresh the standing rice, the air suction is employed to reduce the grain loss and a pick-up system is equipped for harvesting the lodged crop. ─── 在该收获机上用滚筒式脱粒装置对站立的水稻进行脱粒,并用气流吸运以减少脱粒损失、有扶禾器拨禾以利于收严重倒伏的作物。

45、pedal rotary thresher ─── 脚踏脱粒机


47、In a village in Thailand's North-East stands a communal rice-thresher in a padlocked cage. ─── 在泰国东北部的一个村庄里,立着一台公用打稻机,锁在一个笼子里。

48、War Scythe - Grim Scythe - Giant Thresher ─── 巨战镰刀-残酷镰刀-鲛尾巨斧

49、field thresher ─── 田间脱粒机


51、portable thresher ─── 移动式脱粒机

52、Or is He speaking altogether for our sake?Yes, for our sake it was written, because the plowman ought to plow in hope, and the thresher to thresh in hope of sharing the crops. ─── 林前9:10不全是为我们说的麽.分明是为我们说的.因为耕种的当存著指望去耕种.打场的也当存得粮的指望去打场。

53、Design of Straw Shredding Device Fixed on Thresher ─── 机动脱粒机秸秆切碎装置的设计

54、foot thresher ─── 脚踏脱粒机足踏脱粒机

55、spare parts for finishing thresher ─── 清选脱粒机备件

56、side delivery thresher ─── 横移式脱谷机

57、"Their sound riles a thresher up something fierce.Better get them into the sand before we have company up here. ─── "笼子里的声音会激怒长尾鲛.我们最好在其它"客人"过来之前把笼子里的东西沉到沙子里去.

58、automatic thresher ─── 自动脱粒机

59、pedal-driven thresher ─── 脚踏脱谷机

60、thresher's lung ─── 农民肺, 脱粒工(尘)肺

61、Testing method for rice and wheat thresher ─── 稻麦脱粒机试验方法

62、head-feed thresher ─── 头端给料式脱谷机

63、5TG-200 thresher ─── 5TG-200脱粒机

64、power thresher ─── 机动脱粒机电动脱粒机

65、In this paper, the shape of the air exit of cross-fan grain thresher was studied. ─── 本文对横流风机式谷物脱粒机排风管道的形状进行了研究。

66、A third species, thresher sharks, also showed "directed walking" like the tigers, but on much smaller scales. ─── 另一种鲨鱼,长尾鲨同样能够像虎鲨那样“直来直去”,但是活动区域较小。

67、In this paper, the author aimed at the question of threshing rice, design and calculation one of semi-feeding thresher ,lay a foundation for the further research. ─── 本文针对水稻脱粒问题,对一种半喂入脱粒机进行设计与计算,为该机的进一步研究奠定基础。

68、Caught in a gill net in the Gulf of California, this thresher shark is among the estimated 100m sharks killed annually for their fins. ─── 悲惨鲨鱼。在加利福尼亚湾被流刺网捕获的长尾鲨,据估计每年上亿头鲨鱼因为鳍而被捕杀。

69、Freddy Thresher has a problem: a really, really, big problem. ─── 弗雷迪遇到一个问题,一个真的真的非常重要的问题。

70、How to Improve Safety of Using Thresher ─── 如何提高脱粒机的使用安全性

71、rice thresher ─── 水稻打谷机打稻机

72、finishing thresher ─── 清选脱粒机

73、a thresher of grain. ─── 一个打谷者

74、Study on the Thresher of Rice-wheat before Cutting ─── 原生脱粒稻麦收获机的研制

75、But this one morning I jumped in and found this thresher that had just recently died in the gill net . ─── 但在一个早晨我跳入水中,发现了这条长尾鲨,它刚刚死在这张刺网中。

76、After my encounter with the savage dune thresher, one might think it natural were I hesitant to venture into the wastes surrounding Caldeum. ─── 在我遭遇沙丘长尾蜥后,人们觉得我对去卡迪安周边荒郊探险肯定是有顾虑的。

77、Thresher's disease ─── 农民肺, 哮喘性支气管炎, 由于有机灰尘引起

78、Many shark species, including makos, blue sharks and thresher sharks, swim in and out of New England waters each year, according to Massachusetts' Division of Marine Fisheries. ─── 根据麻萨诸塞州海洋渔业部门的报告,每年都有很多鲨鱼种类,包括灰鲭鲨、蓝鲨和长尾鲨,在新英格兰水域游进游出。。

79、throw-in-type thresher ─── 抛投式脱谷机

80、"You really want to feed some thresher, don't you, al-Hazir? ─── "你真的很想去喂喂某条沙丘长尾蜥是么,al-Hazir?

81、"Cleaners showed preferences for foraging on specific areas of a thresher shark's body, " the scientists write. ─── “清洁鱼显现出在长尾鲨的身体上某些特定区域觅食的偏好”,科学家们写道。

82、harvester( - )thresher ─── 联合收割打谷机

83、I will make you a thresher, new and with sharp double teeth: you will thresh hills and mountains, crushing them and reducing them to chaff. ─── 看啊,我使你成为一架锋利多齿的新打禾机,叫你压搾高山,压得粉碎,使丘陵变为碎末。

84、When the motor grain thresher utilized in grain threshing operation, it can solve the problem of low safety and reliability. ─── 本机动稻谷脱粒机用于稻谷脱粒操作时,可以解决现有的小型机动稻谷脱粒机在保持其轻巧特点情况下的安全性和可靠性均不高的问题。

85、stationary thresher ─── 固定脱粒机

86、This artical involves trying to study and provide a diagnosing and setting method for customers to set a horizontal thresher correctly. ─── 本文试图对卧式打叶机诊断方法进行探讨,提供一种对卧式打叶机的诊断方法.以便于企业对卧式打叶机的调整。

87、Keywords Thresher;One-way threshing;Threshing tooth;Frame bar;Reversible threshing; ─── 打叶器;单向打叶;打钉;框栏;换向打叶;

88、According to the rub threshing method, the new thresher was made. ─── 提出了擦离脱核的方法并设计制造了一种新型脱核机。

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