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09-02 投稿


sonorous 发音

英:['s?n(?)r?s; s?'n??r?s]  美:['sɑn?r?s]

英:  美:

sonorous 中文意思翻译



sonorous 词性/词形变化,sonorous变形

名词: sonorousness |副词: sonorously |

sonorous 短语词组

1、sonorous rale ─── [医] 鼾音

2、sonorous 2 ─── 铿锵有力2

3、sonorous definition ─── 清晰的定义

4、sonorous rhonchus ─── [医] 鼾性罗音

5、sonorous rose ─── 响亮的玫瑰

6、sonorous iv ─── 响亮的iv

7、sonorous in a sentence ─── 铿锵有力

8、sonorous respirations ─── 响亮的呼吸

9、sonorous tv ─── 响亮的电视

sonorous 相似词语短语

1、dolorous ─── adj.忧伤的;悲痛的

2、sonorously ─── adv.朗朗地;响亮地

3、onerous ─── adj.繁重的;麻烦的;负有义务的;负有法律责任的

4、sombrous ─── adj.阴沉的,昏暗的

5、canorous ─── adj.音乐般的;音调优美的

6、nonporous ─── adj.无孔的,无孔隙的

7、odorous ─── adj.香的;有气味的;难闻的

8、savorous ─── 美味的

9、saporous ─── 聪明的

sonorous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the sonorous tones of the priest ─── 教士那圆润低沉的声调

2、Here you can also enjoy Ba nationalities' mysterious burial by suspending the coffins in the cave, village girls' rinsing yarn and the sonorous and excited working song sung by the boatmen. ─── 串起一个急流险滩的是水波不惊的静水区,“峡江无人语,鸟鸣山更幽”,沿江两岸,危崖耸峙,奇石满布,飞瀑流泉,清风送爽,茂林修笪,山花叶香,雄奇险绝中透出清丽妩媚。

3、a sonorous voice ─── 嗓音洪亮

4、Some few words passed between them in that sonorous language in which homer makes his gods converse ─── 他们又用荷马写史诗的那种音调铿锵的语言交谈了几句话。

5、Doctor McKee?" the man called in an even, sonorous voice. ─── 麦基医生?”那个男人电话上的声音均衡浑厚。

6、” His voice rolled through the auditorium in 11)sonorous phrases, as I sank lower in my seat. ─── 他言词夸张,声音在礼堂里盘旋回响。弹簧而座位上的我,却缩得更低了。

7、Eastern Han shined through ancient history for imperial government's praise of moral integrity and scholars' sonorous spirit, which formed the bright character of ethic control in this term. ─── 东汉素来以朝廷表彰名节、士风高亢而彪炳中古史册,这构成该时期伦理控制的鲜明特征。

8、I develop a standard and fluent Mandarin, and sonorous and expressive voice; ─── 普通话标准流利,声音宏亮,有表现力;

9、A stringed instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than a violin, tuned a fifth lower, and having a deeper, more sonorous tone. ─── 中提琴提琴家族中的一种弦乐器,稍大于小提琴,调音比小提琴低五度,声音更为深沉、洪亮

10、Is still a clean bare bones, so sonorous sound of the foot Chexi cool mountain lake, so honest and kind-hearted, full of entire villages, like rice. ─── 依然袒露出干净的骨头,让铿锵的足音响彻西凉湖的山水,让淳朴与善良,稻穗一样饱满整个村庄。

11、Stringed instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than a violin, tuned a fifth lower, and having a deeper, more sonorous tone. ─── 提琴家族中的一种弦乐器,稍大于小提琴,调音比小提琴低五度,声音更为深沉、洪亮。

12、His ecstatic declamation of the sonorous rhythm was enough for me. ─── 他朗诵时的那种洪亮的节奏,那种心醉神迷,对我已足够了。

13、The Orange-bellied Leafbird, Passeriformes Fairy bluebirds and leafbirds, is active with sonorous and has brilliantly colored plumage. It reflects people's quest for peace. ─── 橙胸叶鹎是雀形目和平鸟科叶鹎属,它色彩鲜艳,有着清亮的鸣声及哨声,性活跃,象征着人民对和平的追求。

14、It was a low dome of sonorous blue, with an undertone of sultry sulphur-colour, because of the smoke that dimmed the air. ─── 低低的深蓝色的穹苍,带着一点儿闷热的硫磺气味,因为空气被烟弄得昏暗了。

15、Each word weighed heavy, and when he came to recite them (knowing them all by heart) they filled his mouth, sonorous and huge. ─── 写下每一个词都要斟酌再三,而当他背诵它们时,发出的每一个音节都饱满洪亮。

16、Very orderly and methodical he looked,with a hand on each knee,and a loud watch ticking a sonorous sermon under his flapped waistcoat,as though it pitted its gravity and longevity against the levity and evanescence of the brisk fire. ─── 他看上去十分整饬,十分拘谨。两手放在膝盖上,有盖的背心口袋里一只怀表大声滴答着,响亮地讲着道,仿佛要拿它的庄重与长寿跟欢乐的火焰的轻佻与易逝作对比。

17、" among the percussion instruments, the""qing"", tuned sonorous stone chimes of the Zhou era, has been retained today." ─── 在打击乐器中,一种声音洪亮悦耳的石制编钟"磬"一直从周朝沿用至今。

18、The pipa is a sonorous, four-stringed, pear-shaped instrument held upright on the lap. ─── 琵琶是一种音色清亮的四弦乐器,其形如梨,演奏时被竖抱于膝上。

19、Sonorous singing came from the distance. ─── 从远处传来高亢的歌声。

20、Northern opera is defined by very loud and sonorous singing. ─── 北方的梆子腔高亢嘹亮。

21、Sonorous Description: When this charm is cast upon someone's throat, their voice will magnify to carry over a large crowd. ─── 当此咒语被释放到某人的喉咙上时,该人的嗓音将被放大到能传递到一大群人中。

22、He has a deep sonorous voice. ─── 他的声音深沉而洪亮。

23、It features sonorous drawn-out strains, beautiful arias and flexible tempos, which contributes to its enduring charm and appeal. ─── 其曲调高亢悠长,唱腔优美,节拍自由,韵味浓厚,颇具感染力。

24、a sonorous style of writing ─── 华丽的文体.

25、The music is "Duolang Mukamu" (a big divertimento), accompanied by sonorous male singing. ─── 此舞由《多朗木卡姆》(大型套曲)伴奏,并且和着乐曲有高亢的男声伴唱

26、It was a low dome of sonorous blue, with an undertone of sultry sulphur-color, because of the smoke that dimmed the air. ─── 低低的深蓝色的穹苍,带着一点儿闷热的硫磺气味,因为空气被烟弄得昏暗了。

27、It was a low dome of sonorous blue, with an undertone of sultry sulphur-color, because of the smoke that dimmed the air. ─── 低低的深蓝色的穹苍,带着一点儿闷热的硫磺气味,因为空气被烟弄得昏暗了。

28、a stringed instrument of the violin family,slightly larger than a violin,tuned a fifth lower,and having a deeper,more sonorous tone ─── 中提琴;提琴家族中的一种弦乐器,稍大于小提琴,调音比小提琴低五度,声音更为深沉、洪亮

29、" the cry of asbestine is excited and sonorous, shi Ding was heard for certain. ─── 石棉的叫声激动而宏亮,石丁肯定听到了。

30、He was continually giving vent to a hearty, sonorous, unshared laugh ─── 他还时常发出一阵愉快、响亮、干脆的笑声。

31、His firm, sonorous, and unexpected voice made every one start. ─── 他这坚决,响亮和出人意外的声音使人人都吃了一惊。

32、He took his job seriously: so seriously that, with his professor's glasses and a voice as sonorous as gravel shifting underground, he seemed like a shaman of the trade. ─── 他对待工作一丝不苟;如此严肃,再加上颇有教授风范的眼镜和地下砂石雷动般地洪亮嗓音,让他看起来就像是这行的萨满。

33、He has a sonorous voice, and is perfectly fit for performing heitou (male character in traditional Chinese opera with a painted face). ─── 他的嗓音特别洪厚, 非常适合唱黑头。

34、Solemn stirring and sonorous, powerful and broad - minded --The explanation to some famous frontier fortress seven- syllable Quatrains of flourishing Tang Dynasty ─── 悲壮高亢雄浑开阔--解读几首盛唐著名的边塞七绝

35、large pure white wild swan of western North America having a sonorous cry ─── 叫声洪亮的北美洲西部大型纯种野生白天鹅

36、sonorous rhonchus ─── [医] 鼾性罗音

37、A lone woman completes the scene and her voice is multipled in sonorous forms”. ─── 一个美丽的女子徜徉在大殿,她的声音铿锵有力。

38、His sonorous voice is in congress hall resound, aroused collectivity to represent the applause with enthusiastic again and again. ─── 他洪亮的声音在大会堂里回荡,激起了全体代表一次又一次热烈的掌声。

39、The voice of Luciano Pavarotti is sonorous and resonant, having the force to cross the cloudy sky and crack stones. ─── 帕瓦罗蒂的声音高亢嘹亮, 真有穿云裂石之势。

40、a herald chosen for his sonorous voice. ─── 为他嘹亮的声音而宣布的决定。

41、The Gray peacock pheasant, loved by Laotian as the symbol of Propitious, is a rare genus with a sonorous sound and dark feathers. ─── 灰孔雀雉是鸡形目雉科灰孔雀雉属,数量稀少,羽毛色彩较暗淡,叫声清脆响亮,深受老挝人民喜爱,是吉祥的象征。

42、The lor=# cc0066>sonorous voice of the priest resounded in the church. ─── 教士那圆润低沉的声音在教堂里回响。

43、His voice is so sonorous and piercing that it penetrated the farthest alleys and retreats of the town. ─── 他的声音如此尖锐宏亮,都传到了镇上最远的小巷和偏僻幽静的角落。

44、At regular intervals the London dailies and weeklies break into sonorous complaints against the American invasion. ─── 每个一段时间,伦敦日报和周报就会大肆痛斥美国的侵略。

45、"among the percussion instruments, the""qing"", tuned sonorous stone chimes of the Zhou era, has been retained today." ─── 在打击乐器中,一种声音洪亮悦耳的石制编钟"磬"一直从周朝沿用至今。好评(0

46、large pure white wild swan of western North America having a sonorous cry. ─── 叫声洪亮的北美洲西部大型纯种野生白天鹅。

47、The magnificent 60-year struggle, the 60-year earth-shaking changes. 60 years of New China forge ahead of the journey, there are Chinese people sonorous and forceful pace mapping; ─── 60年波澜壮阔的奋斗,60年沧海桑田的巨变。在新中国60年奋发前进的征程中,有中国测绘人铿锵有力的步伐;

48、heavy sounds; a herald chosen for his sonorous voice. ─── 响亮的声音;为他嘹亮的声音而宣布的决定。

49、If the bell doesn't have the quality of purity and silence, its sound should not be sonorous. ─── 如果钟本身不具纯净、沉寂的性质,那它发的声音必定不会那么宏亮。

50、heavy sounds; a herald chosen for his sonorous voice ─── 响亮的声音;为他嘹亮的声音而宣布的决定

51、Sonorous bugle aroused everyone from sleep. ─── 嘹亮的号声将每个人从睡梦中唤醒。

52、with sonorous trifles charms our ears. ─── 装饰炫人耳目。

53、There is a sonorous bell in the tower. ─── 塔里有一口洪亮的钟。

54、" This engagement once entered into, a man seated in the corner of the wine-shop "assumed a sonorous tone," and said, "You understand! ─── 宣誓以后,一个坐在那店角落里的人便“敞着嗓门”说:“你同意啦!

55、The sonorous tones of the auctioneer, calling out to clear the way, now announced that the sale was about to commence. ─── 拍卖人用洪亮的声音招呼大家闪开一点然后宣布拍卖即将开始。

56、(of a voice) loud and powerful; orotund; resonant; sonorous ─── 洪亮

57、Ruha was within one hundred yards of the high rock when she heard the sonorous tones of Ajaman' ─── 她的心脏狂跳不止,露哈把注意力转回沟谷,害怕死去的那个人的同伴之一目击了这场搏斗。

58、But getting inside and seeing Big Ben, the sonorous main bell that gives its name to the whole contraption, isn't easy. ─── 但要想进入大本钟内,去看一看给这座巧夺天工的建筑享誉全球的名字的那个响声洪亮的主钟,可不是件容易的事。

59、The music is "Duolang Mukamu"(a big divertimento), accompanied by sonorous male singing. ─── 此舞由《多朗木卡姆》(大型套曲)伴奏,并且和着乐曲有高亢的男声伴唱;

60、When new Party member makes a pledge, face party flag, lift right hand make a fist to cross a shoulder, the sound of read out oath wants sonorous, infuriation. ─── 新党员宣誓时,面对党旗,举右手握拳过肩,宣读誓词的声音要宏亮、激昂。

61、Every one hour clock GMT issued in accordance with the sonorous sound of heavy, a few miles away can be heard reverberating bell. ─── 每隔一小时,大钟根据格林威治时间发出沉重而铿锵的响声,在数英里之外也能听到钟声的回荡。

62、Regurgitation is abrupt halt, dribble and white bubble, send asthma subsequently, heart sounds is sonorous, temperature is elevatory, spirit is exceeding depressed, later gradually answer constant. ─── 反刍忽然停顿,流口水和白色泡沫,随之发喘,心音洪亮,体温升高,精神极度沉郁,以后渐复常。犯病次数夏秋多于冬春。

63、sing in sonorous and pleasing voice ─── 歌声铿锵悦耳

64、sonorous voice of the speaker echoed round the hall. ─── 演说者洪亮的声音在大厅内回荡。

65、The main reason is that its rhythm is bold and unconstrained, solemn and stirring.Its aria is dolorous and melting and its tune is loud and sonorous. ─── 它以其高亢的唱腔,丰富的曲牌,众多的剧目,迷倒了一代又一代的痴情观众。

66、I was a portion of the great force on which I drifted, then much of it, then entirely it, confusing the throbbing of my own heart with the great sonorous beating of this omnipresent natural heart. ─── 我随着一股巨大的力量飘荡,我是它的一部分,然后是它的大部分,然后是它的全部,无所不在的大自然的心脏在砰然跳动,我把它同自己心脏的搏动混淆了。

67、The fishermen's work song in Qidong is sonorous and forceful. ─── 啟东的渔家号子雄壮有力。

68、Only if it is knocked, it gives out sonorous sound to transmit it to the far. ─── 只有在撞击它时,才会有宏亮的声音发出来,传播四方。

69、6) Sounded a knockout, good brick sonorous voice, the voices of low brick worse, nausea cloud. ─── 6)敲一敲,好砖声音清脆响亮,差砖声音低沉、闷浊。

70、3.It is no longer anything but a mass of sonorous vibrations incessantly sent forth from the numerous belfries; ─── 最后只成为一个颤动的音响整体,不停地从无数的钟楼发出宏亮的乐声来;

71、She was now a large woman, fat and round, with full cheeks and a sonorous laugh. ─── 她现在是位大块头的女人,肥胖滚圆,面颊饱满,笑声洪亮。

72、The third movement is with much faster cadence.The sonorous, rhythmic and strong melody demonstrates an indomitable spirit. ─── 第三段速度更快,铿锵有力的旋律和坚定的节奏,表现出一种坚强不屈的气质。

73、have a stentorian (or sonorous) voice ─── 声如洪钟

74、Bayonne, Bayonne, the perfect city: riverrain, aerated with sonorous suburbs (Mouserolles, Marrac, Lachepaillet, Beyris), yet immured, fictive: Proust, Balzac, Plassans. ─── 巴约纳,巴约纳,完美之都:河雨,伴着喧嚣的郊区;然而,亦是禁闭、虚构之都:普鲁斯特、巴尔扎克、普拉桑。

75、Some few words passed between them in that sonorous language in which Homer makes his gods converse. ─── 他们又用荷马写史诗的那种音调铿锵的语言交谈了几句话。

76、The central stone is called the Heavenly Center Stone. It is said that the voice of a person standing there sounds especially resonant and sonorous. ─── 中心的圆石叫做“天心石”。据说站在石头上讲话,声音会变得特别有扩音效果。

77、My normal speaking voice was a squeak like Henry Days, but when I sang "If you go out in the woods tonight," I sounded exactly like the sonorous bass of Frank DeVol on the record. ─── 我正常的说话声是和亨利?戴一样的尖声尖气,但当我唱起“如果你今晚进入森林”,唱腔和录音带里弗兰克?德佛尔的低音一模一样。

78、Like the GTI, the GTD is equipped with a “sound generator” that emits a "sonorous" sound, says VW, which helps it sound nearly as sweet as a gasoline engine. ─── 如倡议,电话簿配备“声音发生器”的发出“铿锵”的声音说,大众汽车,这有助于它健全的近甜作为汽油发动机。

79、Make metallic sounds, of sonorous composition that rings in the ears ─── 敲金戛石

80、It is mainly written in a four-character style. With its strict parallelism, it sounds sonorous and forceful. ─── 文章以四言句式为主,讲究铺排,音调铿锵,感染力强。

81、He was chosen as a broadcaster for his round and sonorous voice. ─── 他因为嗓音圆润洪亮而被选为播音员。

82、“the singing way of behind” stresses on voice's thickness, strength, and width of throat cavity.Combining the two ways can result in voice sonorous, concentrated, rich and pearshaped. ─── “靠后唱法”则强调声音的厚度、力度、喉腔开度大,音的立体柱状感及音的落点感受较深。

83、Very orderly and methodical he looked, with a hand on each knee, and a loud watch ticking a sonorous sermon under his flapped waistcoat, as though it pitted its gravity and longevity against the levity and evanescence of the brisk fire. ─── 他看上去十分整饬,十分拘谨。 两手放在膝盖上,有盖的背心口袋里一只怀表大声滴答着,响亮地讲着道,仿佛要拿它的庄重与长寿跟欢乐的火焰的轻佻与易逝作对比。

84、Master Xu is a woman , but she created the loud and sonorous style to describe Baoyu 's happiness , excitement and his sadness , despair . ─── 徐玉兰、王文娟让越剧《红楼梦》红遍中国。大师徐玉兰虽然是位女性,但她创造了高亢亮丽的强调来表达宝玉的喜悦兴奋和他的悲伤绝望。

85、A deep sonorous tone and a weight reduction of 18 kg (40 lb) are additional benefits of this stainless steel exhaust system. ─── 另外,音效更加低沉,车身重量也减少了18千克(40英镑)。

86、have a sonorous voice ─── 嗓音豁亮

87、Aggressively hard-hitting, free-revving and with a sonorous acoustic profile, the powerful two-liter, turbocharged four-cylinder unit with FSI petrol direct injection proves to be a smooth, high-performance engine. ─── 积极强硬,自由转速,以铿锵声知名度,强大的两公升,增压四缸股控股汽油直喷证明是顺利,高性能发动机。

88、The bell measures two metres high, with a girth that takes three pairs of outstretched arms to encircle and it gives forth the same mellow, sonorous sounds as its predecessor. ─── 楼内大钟,高约2米,须3人才能合抱,钟声依旧雄浑激越。

89、Second, the Chinese women's football recent years overall strength and the result slide obviously, the player prestige was lower than in 1999 far that batch of sonorous roses. ─── 二是中国女足近些年整体实力与成绩下滑明显,球员声望远低于1999年那批铿锵玫瑰。


Petrichor (/?p?tr?k??r/)


is the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil.


1.Hiraeth 怀旧之情

2.Ephemeral 瞬息之间 白骏过隙

3.Limerence 迷恋 愿一见颜色 不异琼树枝

4.Sonorous 波涛汹涌,气势恢宏

5.Mellifluous 声如银铃 悦耳动听

6.Aurora 拂晓,黎明

7.Phosphenes 幻觉中的斑驳陆离

8.Petrichor 空山新雨后,泥土自芬芳

9.Luminescence 华灯初上,火树银花


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