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09-02 投稿


coordination 发音

英:[ ko,?rd?'ne??n]  美:[ko????rd??ne??(?)n]

英:  美:

coordination 中文意思翻译



coordination 网络释义

n. 协调,调和;对等,同等

coordination 反义词


coordination 短语词组

1、coordination chemistry ─── [化] 配位化学

2、coordination anion ─── [化] 配阴离子; 配位阴离子

3、concept coordination ─── [计] 概率配位; 概念组配

4、coordination bond ─── [化] 配位键; 配价键

5、budget coordination ─── [经] 预算协调

6、coordination atom ─── [化] 配位原子

7、back coordination ─── [化] 反馈配位

8、cage coordination compound ─── [化] 笼状配位化合物

9、coordination catalysis ─── [化] 配位催化; 络合催化

10、chiral coordination compound ─── [化] 手性配位化合物

11、coordination catalyst ─── [化] 络合催化剂

12、competition coordination ─── [化] 竞争络合; 竞争络合反应; 竞争配位; 竞争配位反应

13、coordination cation ─── [化] 配阳离子; 配位阳离子

14、coordinate bond (in coordination complex) ─── [化] 配位键; 配价键

15、coordination center ─── [计] 协调中心 ─── [化] 配位中心

16、bio-coordination compound ─── [化] 生物配位化合物

17、coordination agent ─── [化] 配位剂

18、closo coordination compound ─── [化] 闭合式配位化合物

19、arachno coordination compound ─── [化] 网式配位化合物

coordination 同义词

proficiency | direction |harmony | dexterity | expertise | adroitness | matching | organization | facility | management | skill | bringing together | regulation | synchronization | harmonization

coordination 词性/词形变化,coordination变形


coordination 相似词语短语

1、incoordination ─── n.不协调;不同等;不配合

2、ordination ─── n.分类;任命;神职授任;排成等级

3、inordination ─── 不服从

4、coordinating ─── v.(使)协调;协同动作;(衣服等)搭配;调节,协调;配合;与……形成共价键(coordinate的现在分词);adj.协调的;并列的;同位的;对等的

5、co-ordination ─── n.协调,调和;对等,同等

6、reordination ─── 再定向

7、inco-ordination ─── n.不协调;不同等;不配合

8、coordinative ─── adj.同等的;使…协调的;配位价的

9、coordinator ─── n.协调者;[自]协调器;同等的人或物

coordination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Work in coordination with the Molding Supervisors, assuring quality. ─── 与模具生产主管协调工作,保证质量。

2、An aggressive young team has rich theoretical and practical experience and focuses on cooperation and coordination. ─── 三、拥有一支理论和实践经验丰富、强调配合协调具有坚强战斗力的年轻团队;

3、High qualification, in pursuit of excellence and achievement, good at communication coordination and leader skill. ─── 具备优秀的人际沟通能力,良好的识别与分析能力,敏锐的市场洞察力及感知力。

4、Infrastructure construction, afforestation, facility coordination. ─── 基础设施、园林绿化、配套设施建设。

5、Each region would act only in its own interest without any coordination, counteracting the efforts of the others. ─── 各顾各,相互打架,相互拆台,统一不起来。

6、Rich variety of products, color coordination, broad application. ─── 产品花色丰富,色泽协调,应用广泛。

7、Coordination development of bond market II. ─── 债券市场的协调发展2。


9、Fencing requires balance,coordination,concentration,speed of thought and reaction,agility and flexibility. ─── 击剑运动员要求有平衡、协调,注意力集中,思想和反应速度快,灵活性和柔韧性等素质。

10、It requires speed,strength,balance,stamina,agility,felicity,coordination and good footwork. ─── 它要求有速度、力量、平衡、耐久力、灵敏性、柔韧性、协同配合以及良好的步法等。

11、The complex 1 features a 2D tetrazole coordination polymer. ─── 化合物1为二维四唑配位聚合物。

12、From Unidimensional Control to Differentiated Coordination. ─── 从线性控制到使有差异的协调。

13、Ability of technology coordination and management. ─── 具有技术协调和管理能力。

14、Intoxication interferes with speech and coordination. ─── 醉酒影响言语能力和协调性。

15、Coordination of all departments and disciplines within the workshop, and other department within the Production Dept. ─── 协调车间内部所有部门的关系,生产部内各部门之间的关系。

16、They worked in close coordination and finally won the game. ─── 他们密切配合,最终取得了比赛的胜利。

17、She has very good spatial awareness, coordination, flexibility, poise and a sense of timing. ─── 她有很好的空中感觉、协调性、柔韧性、平衡感和时间感。

18、Sports involving swinging logs require strong coordination. ─── 在浪木上作运动需要很强的肢体协调能力。

19、It requires speed,balance,stamina,agility,flexibility,coordination and good footwork. ─── 它需要速度、协调(平衡)、耐力、灵敏、柔韧、协作良好的步法。

20、Coordination is also important. ─── 全身协调也很重要。

21、Learning to drive is all a matter of coordination. ─── 学开车主要是靠协调。

22、She was on her way to a coordination coronation , not a campaign. ─── 她是在加冕而非竞选,而且在最后,她已经非常、非常接近胜利了。

23、Coordination not only reduces the chance of errors, it also provides opportunities to learn improved methods. ─── 协调不仅能减少出差错的可能性,而且还能提供机会学习经改进的方法。

24、Order followup, logistic coordination, payment hunting for Oil & Gas projects. ─── 对于油气泵项目进行订单跟踪,货运协调和回款跟踪。

25、Of or involving coordination. ─── 协调的或涉及协调的

26、Have good ability of English speaking and coordination. ─── 具有良好的英语沟通能力。

27、The basic individual qualities include balance,concentration,coordination and a sense of timing. ─── (个人)基本素质包括: 平衡、注意力集中、协调和时间感。

28、It requires speed, strength, balance, stamina, agility, felicity, coordination and good footwork. ─── 它要求有速度、有力量、协调(平衡)、耐久力、灵敏性、柔韧性、协同配合的良好的步法等。

29、It is a matter of coordination and reflexes; a well-synchronized mechanism can create wonders. ─── 它就一个协调和反应能力的问题;良好的协调机制可以创造奇迹。

30、Gymnastics is a sport that requires a considerable level of coordination. ─── 体操是一项需要高协调性的运动。

31、Outside China yielding trial coordination. ─── 境外杂交种测试的协调。

32、Introduce pragmatic fashion coordination and dressing up for different occasions. ─── 介绍实用的时装来配搭及装扮知识,是应付各种场合着装需要的最佳指南。

33、She has high levels of shooting accuracy, concentration, and coordination. ─── 他在射击的精确性、注意力的集中以及协调等方面都达到了较高的水平。

34、Lacking coordination; uncoordinated. ─── 失调的;不协调的

35、In principle, the coordination meeting shall be convened once every year. ─── 协调会议原则上每年召开一次。

36、Coordination with procurement of daily receiving of R.M &P.M. ─── 与采购协调每天原料和包材的接收情况。

37、need good hand-eye coordination to play ball games. ─── 玩球类游戏,手和眼的动作要协调好。

38、Liu Qi shakes hands with members of the Coordination Commission. ─── 刘淇与协调委员会委员亲切交谈。

39、The poor coordination with BP contractors, he says, 'was just a common occurrence. ' ─── 他说,与英国石油公司承包商协调不力的事经常发生。

40、Design, coordination, analysis and documentation of experiments, working closely with Process Integration. ─── 与工艺集成部门密切合作,对实验进行设计、调整、分析并归档。

41、But on the whole, I don't see that this advances in any substantial way the coordination between different agencies. ─── 但就整体而言,我看不到不同机构之间协调的实质性进展。

42、But Doctors Without Borders also came out with a strong condemnation of the lack of coordination between humanitarian groups. ─── 而医生无国界组织也对人道救援机构之间缺乏协调进行了指责。

43、Up to some level, creativity requires the coordination of all sides. ─── 创新,到达一定程度之后须要各方面的配合。

44、A weightlifter requires strength, stamina, flexibility, balance, coordination and determination. ─── 举重运动员需要具有力量、耐力、柔韧、平衡、协调和毅力等项素质。

45、Coordination with forwarder and other on site service company. ─── 与货运公司及其他当地服务公司协作。

46、Lacking physical or mental coordination. ─── 不协调的身体或精神不协调的

47、The number of ligands attached to the central ion is called the coordination number. ─── 同中心离子连接的配位体,数目称为配位数。

48、A: It requires eed, balance, stamina, agility, flexibility, coordination and good footwork. ─── 它需要速度、调性、力、敏、韧、作和良好的步法。

49、The Party's United Front has the function of" unity, coordination and cohesion". ─── 党的统一战线具有“团结、调、聚”作用。

50、Have strong responsibility and good ability on communication and coordination. ─── 具有责任心,有良好的沟通能力和协调能力.

51、The basic individual qualities of the archer include balance,concentration,coordination and a sense of timing? ─── 个人基本素质包括:平衡,注意力集中,协调和时间感。

52、Introduction: A hand is tempered by a small brain coordination game. ─── 又一款锻炼手脑协调的小游戏。

53、To achieve harmonious relation between both parties a coordination meeting shall be held to settle the dispute. ─── 为使双方关系融洽,纠纷得以解决,将举行一次调会议。

54、Sufficient coordination between banking and marketing executives should be enough to eliminate divergence of results. ─── 业务经理和市场营销经理必须进行充分合作借以消除结果上的南辕北辙。

55、Besides ,I possesses capacities of organization and coordination. ─── 另外,还有一定的组织和协调能力。

56、To analyze its deep connotation, it is necessary that take interest coordination as a main line to impenetrate in it. ─── 分析其深刻内涵,利益协调作为一条主线贯穿其中。

57、In June 1995, CNSA acceded to the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee. ─── 1995年6月,中国国家航天局正式加入了"机构间空间碎片协调委员会"。

58、As the eldest of the team, he mostly undertakes the coordination of schedule. ─── 作为队中最年长的成员,日程安排大多是由他负责协调的。

59、It requires eed, balance, stamina, agility, flexibility, coordination and good footwork. ─── 它需要速度、协调性、耐力、灵敏、柔韧、协作和良好的步法。

60、Capability in organization and coordination, and adaptability, team work; pay and benefits subject to negotiation. ─── 以上职位均要求组织协调及适应能力强,具有团队协作精神。工资待遇均为面议。

61、Good Coordination and Planning ability. ─── 协调、统筹能力较强。

62、In the coordination process will encounter what circumstances? ─── 在协调过程中会遇到哪些情况?

63、You will be responsible for the coordination of the whole enterprise. ─── 你将负责全企业的协调工作。

64、Coordination is the key subject of supply chain management theory. ─── 协调问题一直是供应链管理领域中的难题。

65、Carrigan's coordination skills were superb. ─── 卡里根的协调技能相当高超,

66、After such interference coordination, the adjacent interference will be normally tolerable. ─── 因此,在一般情况下,邻星干扰是可以容忍的。

67、We need to improve the prioritising of the government's agenda as well as overall policy coordination. ─── 令施政的优先次序更明确,政策更加全面协调。

68、Increased field coordination of technical, operational and logistic support is likewise needed. ─── 同样需要增加对技术、业务和后勤支持的现场协调。

69、He said there would be new rules to protect consumers and greater coordination between agencies regulating the financial system. ─── 他说,政府将出台新的规则来保护消费者,促进金融监管机构之间进一步协调。

70、Children will learn to pass balls over barriers. This game will develop their hand and brain coordination. ─── 传球过障碍物,培养幼儿手脑的协调能力。

71、He is with good coordination and a sunny smile. ─── 他非常随和,一副春风得意的样子。

72、"But I do expect some commitment to reinforce coordination. ─── 但我认为会做出一些承诺以加强协调。

73、They will highlight aspects of task coordination and will offer some pre-configured workflows. ─── 它们将突出显示任务协调的各个方面并将提供一些预配置的工作流。

74、However, regional integration may be in conflict with the multilateral trade system and relation coordination between them is needed. ─── 但是,区域一体化可能与世贸组织的多边贸易体制发生冲突,需要协调两者之间的关系。

75、Specific evidence for coordination complexes between pesticides and clay minerals is quite limited. ─── 关于农药和粘土矿物之间的配位络合的明确证据是十分有限的。

76、What a laudatory display of balance and coordination! ─── 他们这样一边唱、一边跳、一边弹奏,却能同时保持身体的平衡与协调,这是多么令人赞赏啊!

77、Indeed, greater international coordination effort is required. ─── 事实上,我们需要国际间更大的合作。

78、Coordination between the front office and the housekeeper is essential. ─── 前台和客房部之间的协调是不可缺少的。

79、Two years of administrative personnel, has exercised my good analysis coordination communication ability, can properly deal with emergency. ─── 两年的行政人事工作,锻炼了我良好的分析协调沟通能力,能够妥善地解决突发事件。

80、There were both troubles and cooperation,frictions and coordination. ─── 十麻烦(主语),也有合作;有摩擦,也有协调。

81、Coordination of collaborative joint promotion activities in Europe. ─── 在欧洲的联合推广的协调业务。

82、Between functions, conflicts arise, and communication and coordination fall off. ─── 在不同职能之间,冲突增加了,沟通和协调降低了。

83、The focus on this year is on Product Strategy and Price Coordination. ─── 今年会议的议题主要集中在产品策略和价格协调方面。

84、Commitments play a central role in multiagent coordination. ─── 在多主体合作时,承诺发挥着中心作用;

85、It is desired to have management skill and coordination ability. ─── 具备良好的管理技能和协调能力。

86、Coordination of customer requirements within Bosch Rexroth. ─── 协调博世力士乐内部客户需求.

87、It requires speed, strength, balance, stamina, agility, flexibity, coordination and good footwork. ─── 它要求有速度,有力量,协调(平衡),耐久力,灵敏性,柔韧性,协同配合和良好的步法等。

88、Lacking coordination;uncoordinated. ─── 失调的;不协调的

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