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09-02 投稿


chopine 发音

英:[[t???'pi:n]]  美:[[t?o?'pi:n]]

英:  美:

chopine 中文意思翻译



chopine 短语词组

1、chopine definition ─── 肖邦定义

2、chopine history ─── 肖邦历史

3、chopine shoes ─── 肖邦鞋

4、chopine en anglais ─── 肖邦英语

5、chopine unit ─── 肖邦单位

chopine 相似词语短语

1、chomping ─── vi.格格地咬牙,咬响牙齿;切齿

2、chopines ─── n.高底鞋

3、choline ─── n.[生化]胆碱;维他命B复合体之一

4、chorine ─── n.合唱团女成员,歌舞团女队员

5、chopin ─── n.肖邦(波兰钢琴家)

6、chopping ─── v.(用斧或到)砍,剁;(用斧子等工具)砍伐(树木);削(球);取消;(大幅度地)削减;向下猛击;(非正式)反复无常(chop的现在分词)

7、chorines ─── n.合唱团女成员,歌舞团女队员

8、chopins ─── n.肖邦(波兰钢琴家)

9、choice ─── n.选择;选择权;精选品;adj.精选的;仔细推敲的

chopine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To develop a more singing legato, Chopin made use of new rhythms which required a more flexible and freer use of the fingers. ─── 为制造出更适合连唱的连续音,肖邦写出了只有更巧妙自如的指法才能应付的旋律。

2、He plays Chopin exquisitely. ─── 他演奏肖邦的作品很出色。

3、Although Chopin did play in the large concert halls on occasion, he felt most at home in private settings, enjoying the social milieu that accompanied concerts for the wealthy. ─── 尽管肖邦有时也在大型音乐厅演出,但他更喜欢在家或是一些私人的场合,享受更融洽的氛围。

4、I really go for Chopin. ─── 我真喜欢肖邦的作品。

5、I plays for you Chopin's Serenade to mark my lost love. ─── :我为你弹奏肖邦的乐曲是为了纪念我那死去的爱情.

6、His father, Nicholas Chopin, was a French tutor to many aristocratic Polish families, later accepting a position as a French teacher at the Warsaw Lyceum. ─── 他的父亲尼古拉斯是具有波兰血统的法国人,而母亲却是一位纯粹的波兰人。尼古拉斯原本是波兰贵族家庭的一名法语教师,后来到华沙的一所中学教授法语。

7、I listened to him playing a piece by Chopin on the piano. ─── 我倾听他用钢琴弹奏肖邦的曲子。

8、Professor Good-day,Madam Chopin.Good-day.Monsieur Chopin,Good-day,Isabelle.There's a popil for you.He's superb this morning,superb,and how's madam? ─── 教授你好,肖邦夫人。你好,肖邦先生。你好,伊莎贝尔。太好了。那是你的学生。他今天早上表现可真不错,真不错。夫人,您还好吗?

9、She played two Chopin works, a nocturne and a waltz. ─── 她便演奏了两首肖邦的作品,一首夜曲,一首华尔兹。

10、In 1830, Chopin to the French capital Paris, and was well-known musicians, Berlioz, Liszt and so on from close. ─── 1830年,肖邦到法国首都巴黎,与当时著名的音乐家柏辽兹、李斯特等来往密切。

11、Chopin joined Franz Liszt, Hector Berlioz, Felix Mendelssohn, Vincenzo Bellini, and Auguste Franchomme, all proponents of the "new" Romantic style. ─── 在这里,肖邦结识了西欧文艺界许多重要人物,包括匈牙利艺术家李斯特,柏辽兹,意大利音乐家贝利尼等新浪漫主义的拥护者。

12、Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport is named for Chopin; so is asteroid 3784 Chopin. ─── 华沙的肖邦机场以肖邦的名字命名;第3784颗小行星也被命名为肖邦。

13、Young Chopin received his first piano lessons from his older sister Ludwika (Polish for “Louise”) and was subsequently taught by his mother. ─── 他的姐姐路德维亚(波兰语中是“路易斯”)给年幼的肖邦上了第一堂钢琴课,然后由其母继续教导。

14、Jay's November Chopin - Maltose ... ─── [周杰伦.-.[十一月的萧邦.-.麦芽糖

15、Letter by Frederick Chopin from Chaillot to Ludwika Jedrzejewiczowa, nee Chopin, 25-26 June 1849. ─── 22回复:有没有人有肖邦作品手稿的图片??

16、At the same time, Chopin followed his professor Joseph Elsner to study 18th century theory.The piano trio op.8 was created under this situation. ─── 在同一时期萧邦随其师艾斯纳学习十八世纪之音乐理论,钢琴三重奏作品八即是在此情况下创作而成。

17、I shall never forget hearing him play Chopin. ─── 我将永远忘不了听他演奏肖邦的乐曲。

18、I'm playing a Chopin's nocturne in memory of my past love, a sound sharing something in common with the night breeze. ─── 为你弹奏萧邦的夜曲,纪念我死去的爱情,跟夜风一样的声音。

19、She plays Chopin very well. ─── 她演奏萧邦的作品很出色。

20、Even the real Chopin can't play sadness in my heart . ─── 北京很好玩嘛.下次去你一定开心.!

21、He said he looked up to Chopin. ─── 他说他崇拜萧邦。

22、The body of the 1)brilliant pianist and 2)composer Frederic Chopin, who died on October 17, 1849, can be found in a Paris 3)cemetery. ─── 才华扬溢的钢琴家暨作曲家肖邦逝于1849年10月17日,他被葬在法国的一处公墓。

23、I like Casal of Bach, tango, Yann Tierson, Federick Chopin, opera, etc. ─── 我对音乐的喜好偏向古典,所谓有点“过时”的那种。

24、In his school years, Chopin was noted to be an accomplished sketch artist and a talented, witty letter-writer. ─── 在他的学生生涯里,肖邦熟练的素描功底和诙谐的写作才能很引人注目。

25、French by heritage, and desirous of finding musical acceptance from a less traditional audience than that of Vienna, Chopin ventured to Paris. ─── 为了得到更多浪漫派听众的认可,加上自己拥有一半的法国血统,肖邦来到了法国巴黎。

26、The prodigy was featured in Warsaw newspapers, and "little Chopin" became an attraction in the capital's aristocratic salons. ─── 华沙的报纸刊登特写报道了这为天才,小肖邦成为了首都贵族沙龙的宠儿。

27、During the 2009/10 season he will celebrate the 200th Anniversary of Chopin's birth playing Chopin recitals and also the Chopin Piano Concerti. ─── 在2009-2010演出季,他将为纪念肖邦诞辰200周年演奏肖邦独奏音乐会和肖邦协奏曲。

28、As I entered the building the strains of Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2 greeted my ear. ─── 我进入大楼时听到了肖邦第二钢琴协奏曲的乐曲声。

29、The Awakening is the representative work of Kate Chopin, an American women writer. ─── 摘要《觉醒》是美国女作家凯特?萧邦的代表作。

30、Plenty of classical musis works are featured in Nodame Cantabile including well-known pieces from Liszt,Beethoven,Chopin,and Gershwin,etc. ─── 想来还是那帮学生对音乐的执著和痴迷打动了我,以及那么多的情人梦粉丝们;

31、What's that little thing of Chopin's she plays so magnificently? Tra-la-la-lira-lira-lay. ─── 她演奏萧邦的那段什么小曲子真是妙极了:特拉-拉-拉-利拉-利拉-莱。

32、We listened to him play a piece by Chopin on the piano. ─── 我们倾听他用钢琴演奏肖邦的曲子。

33、She spends hours in her rehearsal room playing Schubert sonatas and Chopin nocturnes. ─── 她有很长时间都在排演室里度过,弹奏着舒伯特的奏鸣曲和肖邦的小夜曲。

34、We thought it a bit thick when she said she would play Chopin. ─── 她说她要弹萧邦的曲子时,我们觉得有点厌烦。

35、I always thought that the ideal way of playing Chopin must have been the way Chopin himself has played his music. ─── 我欣赏着那美妙的节目,同时自然也很好奇,自己在青年时代所挚爱的肖邦,将如何被一位中国的音乐家表现出来。

36、B: I don't have one single favorite, but these days I listen to a lot of Chopin. ─── 我没有最喜欢的一个,但最近我听了不少肖邦。

37、She played a Chopin waltz as an encore. ─── 她应听众的要求又演奏了一首肖邦的圆舞曲。

38、It reminds me of a Chopin piece. ─── 它让我想起肖邦的曲子。

39、He has been filmed playing Chopin using an orange. ─── 他曾经被拍摄到用一只橘子弹奏肖邦。

40、Minfang Hsu play Chopin Sonata No.2 4st mov. ─── 台湾徐敏芳演奏萧邦:第二号钢琴奏鸣曲,...

41、Generally recognized as a forerunner of American Feminist novel, The Awakening, by Kate Chopin, is mainly about the protagonist Edna's awakening of the selfhood. ─── 凯特·肖邦的《觉醒》被认为是历史上美国女性主义文学的先驱。 小说主要讲述了主人公Edna 的自我意识的觉醒。

42、Whenever I would burst into tears, he would close me up alone in the room and make me listen to Chopin. ─── 他说肖邦是好东西,当我号啕大哭,他就是要把我一个人关在屋子里听肖邦。

43、Auer is currently recording the major works of Chopin, in honor of Chopin s Bicentennial year 2010. ─── 在录音方面,2010年适逢萧邦二百周年纪念,为了向一代经典钢琴大师萧邦致敬,奥尔近来积极录制萧邦的主要作品。

44、The composer and pianist Frederic Francois Chopin was born near Warsaw, Poland, in 1810. ─── 作曲家和钢琴家弗雷德里克·弗朗克伊斯·肖邦于1810年生于波兰华沙附近。

45、That is great, since I am trying to pickup piano again and practicing (or try to practice) couple of Chopin's Etude and Nocturnes, would really like to see 十级 play. ─── 十级跟我们就是不一样的。不是只会那么几首表演。你让她弹一个下午都没问题。

46、I would like you to play some Chopin for me. ─── 我想请你给我弹几首肖邦的曲子。

47、He plays Chopin exquisitely as his own. ─── 他以精湛的技艺演奏着肖邦的作品,好像作品是出自他自己之手。

48、Even the most ardent egalitarians would find it hard to object to an Einstein appearing every 50 years or a Chopin every century. ─── 即使是最狂热的自我中心主义者也很难反对让爱因斯坦每50年出现一次,或者让肖邦每100年出现一次。

49、The concert closed with a nocturne by Chopin. ─── 会议以肖邦的夜曲结束。

51、My favorite song is Chopin's nocturne. ─── 我最喜欢的曲子是肖邦的夜曲。

52、Frederic Chopin - Grande Polonaise in E flat major Op. 22. ─── 俺地梦想就是有朝一日能弹这样的曲子。。。。。。。。

53、Sa Chen's debut disc "Chopin Impression" was released in 2003 under the JVC label. ─── 2005年初,陈萨在被称为世界上难度最高的钢琴比赛的第12届范.克莱本国际钢琴比赛上的赢得了第三名水晶奖。

54、At 18, Yundi burst onto the European scene, claiming First Prize at the 14th International Frederick Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw. ─── 18岁时,云迪在第14届华沙肖邦国际钢琴大赛上夺冠,在欧洲一举成名。

55、Today, I was listening to Debussy and Chopin in my car, the most wonderful piano sonatas and chamber music. ─── 今天,我在车上听DebussyandChopin,最美妙的奏鸣曲,室内音乐。

56、Her playing of Chopin delighted the guests. ─── 她演奏肖邦的乐曲使宾客们感到愉快。

57、I was familiar with Cziffra's breathtaking performance, but I never expected he will do the same thing to Chopin Etudes. ─── 只需短短的几个小节就已经让我震撼无比,我听到的是李斯特在演绎肖邦练习曲。

58、 双语使用场景

59、Both Scarlatti and Chopin were inspired by cats. ─── 斯卡拉蒂和肖邦都受到过猫的启示。

60、Henry, Jack London, Kate Chopin, Sarah Orne Jewett, Edith Wharton, F. ─── 作者: Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen Crane, Mark Twain, O.

61、Later, some of Chopin's Polish friends journeyed to Paris with a jar of earth from their native land and scattered it over his grave so that Chopin would lie under Polish soil. ─── 后来,肖邦的几位波兰朋友来到巴黎,将一罐祖国的泥土撒在了他的坟墓上,这样,肖邦就得以长眠在波兰的土壤下了。

62、His older sister took Chopin's will and sent his heart back to Poland. ─── 他姐姐依照萧邦遗愿,把心脏送回祖国波兰。

63、Going back several hundred years, the music of Brahms, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, List and Chopin was a reflection of the sound of the inner cities. ─── 回顾到几百年前,勃拉姆斯、贝多芬、莫扎特、舒伯特、李斯特和肖邦是那时候城市内在音乐的反映。

64、The A major polonaise Op. 40 No. 1, "Military," and the polonaise in A flat major Op. 53, "Heroic," are among Chopin's most beloved and played works. ─── 大调波兰舞曲作品40第1号“军队”,和降A大调作品53“英雄”是肖邦最钟爱也是最常弹奏的作品。

65、Even if still aesthetic, Chopin, also flicks sadness not producing me. ─── 即使再唯美的肖邦,也弹不出我的悲伤。

66、I would even go so far as to say that this is Chopin’s reinvention of the fugue in Romantic guise. ─── 我甚至可以就此断言,这是肖邦对赋格于浪漫派外衣下的重新发明。

67、In October 2000, Li Yundi took part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Warsaw, Poland. ─── 2000年10月,李云迪参加了在波兰华沙举行的“第14届肖邦国际钢琴比赛”。

68、Yesterday afternoon, played the role of “Chopin”, to work as “cowboy” Zhou Jielun changed a body magician once more. ─── 昨天下午,扮过“肖邦”、当过“牛仔”的周杰伦再次变身一个魔术师。

69、Her taste runs also to arrangements of Chopin and Joplin, as well as to Japanese and Brazilian music, part of an eclectic approach that is winning her fans around the world. ─── 她的音乐品位包括对肖邦和乔普林作品进行改编,以及从日本,巴西音乐中取材,这是他汲取各家的风格的一部分,正是这种风格使她赢得了世界范围的粉丝。

70、Aconcert-recital recording from the winner of the Chopin Competition 2000, Featuring the repertoire for which he is best known-Chopin and Liszt-as well as a variety of unique bonus material. ─── 2000年肖邦国际钢琴经赛得主的独奏会录像,内容是他最著名的肖邦与李斯特的曲目,还包括了多首返场曲及31分钟的附加节目。

71、Both Were Inspired by Cats Both Scarlatti and Chopin were inspired by cats. ─── 两人都受到过猫的启示斯卡拉蒂和肖邦都受到过猫的启示。

72、Fou you ... You play a Chopin's Nocturne. ─── 为你...弹奏一曲萧邦的夜曲.

73、As far as the requirements for performers are concerned, Op.740 is no worse than the etudes of Chopin and Liszt. ─── 从对肌体的肌能要求而言,如速度,灵敏度、力度、适应性、准确性、持久力等等,都不弱于肖邦,李斯特的练习曲。

74、Duckworth, Emily Bronte, Linda H.Peterson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ross C.Murfin, Kate Chopin, Nancy A.WalkerBedford/St. ─── 作者所著图书 Emma & Wuthering Heights 2e & Scarlet Letter & Awakening 2e 作者 Austen, Jane, Alistair M.

75、The king of Chinese pop, Jay Chow, keeps his crown with his newest album "November's Chopin". ─── 华语流行乐之王,周杰伦,凭借最新专辑《十一月的萧邦》续登桂冠。

76、Please play Chopin for us. ─── 你给大家弹肖邦的曲子。

77、While Chopin was in Austria, Poland and Russia faced off in the apparent beginnings of war. ─── 在波兰民族运动走向高潮,与沙俄的战争一触即发的时候,肖邦身在奥地利。

78、Strauss' son Johann Strauss, established himself as the waltz king in Vienna. Chopin complained that classical music was being ignored in favour of the waltz. ─── 斯特劳斯的儿子约翰·斯特劳斯在维也纳成了“华尔兹之王”。 肖邦抱怨说,由于人们对华尔兹的偏爱,古典音乐正在受到忽现。

79、Will you play me some Chopin? ─── 你愿意为我弹奏一些萧邦的曲子吗?

80、The Scarlet Letter of Hawthorne and The Awakening of Kate Chopin, simply speaking, both tell the stories of extramarital love. ─── 摘要霍桑的《红字》与凯特?肖邦的《觉醒》,从简单意义上说,都讲述了婚外恋的故事。

81、He said Chopin is good for you. Whenever I would burst into tears, he would close me up alone in the room and make me listen to Chopin. ─── 他说肖邦是好东西,当我号啕大哭,他就是要把我一个人关在屋子里听肖邦。

82、Later we visited a monastery in Valldemossa, which is famous because Frederic Chopin stayed a few months there together with his girlfriend. ─── 后来我们参观瓦德莫莎大教堂,该教堂之所以出名,是因为肖邦曾经和他的女友在这里住过几个月。

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