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09-02 投稿



graf 发音

英:  美:

graf 中文意思翻译



graf 短语词组

1、graf spee battleship ─── 格拉夫斯佩战舰

2、graf lantz ─── 兰茨曲线图

3、Graf Zeppelin ─── [网络] 齐柏林伯爵号;齐帕林;飞艇伯爵

4、admiral graf spee ─── 斯佩上将

5、Steffi Graf ─── [网络] 葛拉芙;格拉芙;后葛拉芙

6、Stephanie Graf ─── [网络] 格拉夫;格拉芙;葛拉芙

7、graf and sons reloading supplies ─── 格拉夫和儿子们正在重新装载补给

8、graf spee ─── 标枪图

9、graf and sons ─── 格拉夫父子

10、graf & sons abbr.graphic additions to fortran FORTRAN ─── 语言的图形增加法

graf 词性/词形变化,graf变形


graf 相似词语短语

1、gran ─── abbr.全球救援警报网(GlobalRescueAlarmNetwork);n.(Gran)人名;(瑞典)格兰;(法)格朗;(德、西、俄、芬、挪)格兰

2、graft ─── n.嫁接;移植;辛苦的工作;贪污;v.嫁接;移植;辛苦地工作;贪污;植根;引入;(尤指不恰当地)将(某物)永久地插入别的物体

3、grad ─── n.毕业生;校友;n.(Grad)人名;(英、法、德、罗、瑞典)格拉德

4、graph ─── n.图表;曲线图;vt.用曲线图表示;n.(Graph)人名;(英)格拉夫

5、grat ─── v.问候,迎接(greet的过去式和过去分词);n.(Grat)(美、法、加)格拉(人名)

6、goaf ─── n.废矿

7、grab ─── vt.攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引;vi.攫取;夺取;n.攫取;霸占;夺取之物

8、gram ─── n.克;鹰嘴豆(用作饲料);n.(Gram)人名;(英、法、德、丹、挪、瑞典)格拉姆

9、Graf ─── n.伯爵

graf 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Seles was stabbed in the Back at a tennis tournament in Hamburg by a crazed Steffi Graf fan. ─── 塞莱斯在汉堡网球赛中被一位疯狂的史蒂夫·格拉芙球迷刺伤背部。

2、Graf Company, Switzerland, a famous card clothing manufacturing firm in the world, produces metalic card clothing, flexible card clothing, card parts etc. ─── 瑞士格拉夫(Graf)公司是世界著名的针布制造公司。 生产金属针布、弹性针布、梳棉机部件等。

3、Describing him as a "wonderful gift", Graf, 32, said Jaden Gil would be "smothered in love". ─── “一个令人惊喜的礼物,”32岁的格拉芙这样形容自己的新生儿,她说杰登-吉尔将“沐浴在爱的海洋里。”

4、"What you do in your 20s is going to impact your skin in the future," says New York City dermatologist Jeannette Graf. ─── 20多岁:抵抗衰老“你在20多岁时(对肌肤的保养)所做的将对你以后的肌肤产生影响,”纽约的皮肤科医生詹妮特.格拉芙这样说。

5、Graf took the better part of the year to climb to No. 1 in women's tennis. ─── 格拉芙身手不凡,登上了本年度女子网球赛冠军的宝座。

6、German player Graf, who ranks first among women players in the world now, has a good situation, as she ousted the 19 year-old American young gun Anne Marie with 6:2, 6:1 and also barged into the second round. ─── 目前世界女子排名第一的德国选手格拉夫状态不错,以6:2和6:1淘汰了19岁的美国小将安·马尔,也闯入第二轮。

7、Graf, who won 107 career singles titles, said juggling the demands of motherhood and her charity work made it difficult to establish a strict training regimen. ─── 职业生涯赢得107次单打冠军的格拉芙说为了勉强满足做母亲的需要和她的慈善实业使建立一个严格的训练强化课非常困难。

8、FILBURN T,NALETTE T,GRAF J.The Design and Testing of a fully Redundant Regenerative CO2 Removal System (RCRS) for the Shuttle Orbiter[R].SAE,2001-01-2420. ─── 周抗寒,陆熙瑜,等.固态胺二氧化碳控制系统中的CO2浓缩技术研究[J].航天医学与医学工程,2000,13(3):179-182.

9、The crew on parade on Admiral Graf Spee. ─── 舰员站在甲板上参加阅兵礼。

10、while on the other hand, the big battleships of Bismarck and Graf Spee only made headlines as being hunted and sunk by the Royal Navy. ─── 另一方面,大型战列舰俾斯麦号和格拉夫施佩号只获得了英国皇家海军追捕和击沉的头号标题。

11、Late May 1939: Admiral Graf Spee in Hamburg, Germany welcoming troops of the Condor Legion home from Spain. ─── 1939年5月底,格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号在汉堡,德国人在此欢迎从西班牙回国的秃鹰军团。

12、December 14, 1939: Admiral Graf Spee being assisted by the tug Jose Pascaul at Montevideo, Uruguay. ─── 1939年12月14日在乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚的格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号,海战后的损毁清晰可见。

13、The Effect of Repeated Isoflurane Anesthesia on Spatial and Psychomotor Performance in Young and Aged Mice Noam N. Butterfield, Peter Graf, Craig R. Ries, and Bernard A. MacLeod ─── 反复异氟醚麻醉对年轻和老年小鼠空间感和精神运动功能的影响

14、Early 1936 Admiral Graf Spee seen soon after completion. ─── 1936年初,服役不久的格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号。

15、A Study of Fourier-Transform Infrared of Method of Determining MAH Content Graf ted on PP ─── 用付里叶变换红外光谱仪测定聚丙烯中马来酸酐接枝量的方法研究

16、6 Duchowny M,Pellock JM,Graf WD,et al.Lamotrigine add-on therapy for partial seizures in children.Neurology,1999,53(8): 1724. ─── 7陈葵,潘映辐,李秀华,等.拉莫三嗪添加治疗癫痫的长期研究.中国神经精神疾病杂志,2003,29(5):371.

17、"A lack of hydration affects the natural exfoliation process, causing it to slow down, which can make skin look dull," says Graf. ─── “水份的缺失影响了正常的表皮脱落过程,使它变得缓慢,这样的皮肤看上去就变得很暗淡。”格拉芙说。

18、who was stabbed in the back in the midst of a match by a virulent fan of her vival, Steffi Graf. ─── 她在比赛当中被对手格拉芙的一位恶意的球迷刺伤背部。

19、October 1938: Admiral Graf Spee returning from an Atlantic cruise. ─── 1938年10月格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号由大西洋返航。

20、Steffi Graf ─── 格拉芙

21、She had passed 5 onsets ofacute rejection, and slight harm was seen in her graf after the fourth onset. ─── 于术后190日内度过了5次急性排斥,第4次排斥后胰岛功能显示部分障碍。

22、Graf's next command, as captain of the guided-missile cruiser U. S. S. Cowpens, would be her last. ─── 格拉夫的下一个命令,如考彭斯队长的导弹巡洋舰,将是她最后一次。

23、....Oberst Claus Graf Schenk v. ─── 暗杀希特勒 Stauffenberg (2004) .

24、Graf has been the most consistently brilliant of all German tennis players, perhaps of all players anywhere. ─── 格拉夫是德国网球界最出色、最稳定的球员,也许在世界上也是如此。

25、The funny thing was, we had to break into the parking lot too, so we totally felt like we were legit in the whole graf scene too. ─── 有趣的是,我们也要挤进停车场,那样我们好像感觉到我们也是整个涂鸦作品的一部分。

26、Born in Germany in 1969, Graf started to play tennis at the tender age of four. ─── 格拉芙1969年生于德国,4岁时,尚处幼年的她就开始学习打网球。

27、Davenport beat Steffi Graf in the 1999 final and was second in 2004 and ‘05. ─── 在1999年决赛中达文波特击败了格拉芙,她还在2004与05年获得了亚军。

28、ZU RANTZAU, Detlev Graf ─── 德特勒夫·格拉夫·楚兰曹

29、I was at de Graf's workshop to see Moxy, the first completely computer-animated character. ─── 我去格拉夫的工作室,是想见一见莫西:第一个完全计算机化的动画人物。

30、"Virtual reality," says de Graf, "is not going to be interesting unless it is populated with interesting characters. ─── “虚拟现实”,格拉夫说,“只有里面住满了有趣的角色,才可能如此有趣。”

31、Hotel Graf Waldersee : Book online and save up to 30%. ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

32、He graf ted a shoot from a good apple tree in an old tree. ─── 他把优良品种的苹果树的嫩枝接到一株老树上去。

33、The best airships were the giant Graf Zeppelin and the luxurious Hindenburg of the 1930s. ─── 最好的飞船是20世纪30年代特大的齐柏林号和豪华的兴登堡号。

34、Attends French Open final between Steffi Graf and Monica Seles. Vows to her mother she will one day win there. ─── 1992年,观看了法网女单决赛,对阵双方为格拉芙和塞莱斯。向母亲发誓有一天也要在那里赢得比赛。

35、"OYSTAR staff have thus made a crucial contribution toward the restructuring of our corporate group, " stressed Graf. ─── “OYSTAR工作人员就此提出了对我们公司集团重组的重要贡献,强调:”格拉夫。

36、Steffi Graf gave women's tennis a freeh face. ─── 在女子网球赛上,斯蒂菲·格拉芙崭露头角。

37、Admiral Graf Spee at the fitting-out quay at the Marinewerft Wilhelmshaven. ─── 袖珍战列舰格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号在威廉港市的舾装码头。

38、April 1939: Admiral Graf Spee in the Atlantic during the naval exercise. ─── 1939年4月在大西洋演习期间的格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号。

39、An undated handout received from the Polish Navy July 28, 2006, shows (top to bottom) a sonar image and a picture of a model of the Graf Zeppelin. ─── 波兰海军发布的资料-上图为“齐柏林伯爵”残骸声纳图,下图是模型

40、If Seles had not been robbed of 28 months in the prime of her career, though, there might be a lot less distance between Graf, Martina Navratilova, Seles, and Chris Evert. ─── 但是如果没有塞莱斯在她职业生涯最巅峰被刺后的28个月,那格拉芙,玛蒂娜.拉芙纳提诺娃,塞莱斯和克里斯.埃佛特本将分享这个荣誉。

41、"Minerals work well with oily skin, have a natural SPF, and enhance the protective effect of antioxidant enzymes in the skin that help prevent fine lines and uneven tone," advises Graf. ─── “矿物成分能很好地和油性肤质亲和,加上自然的防晒系数,就能提高皮肤中的抗氧化酶的保护效应,从而帮助抵御皮肤的幼纹和一些不平衡基调。”

42、April 1939: Admiral Graf Spee with Deutschland following during the naval exercise in the Atlantic. ─── 1939年4月在大西洋演习期间,格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号和德意志号一起。

43、She was also one of the most popular players with tennis fans, many of who were inspired by her comeback after being stabbed by a crazed Stefi Graf fan in 1993. ─── 她也是最受球迷欢迎的网球选手之一,这些球迷当中有许多人都从她那里受到了精神上的鼓舞,因为她虽然在1993年被史蒂芬·格拉芙的狂热球迷刺伤,但后来又重返赛场。

44、BMP and the theory of bone induction is the most active and rapidly progressing aspect in the study of bone grafting with their results and conclusions becoming the theoretical basis for guiding the clinical practice in bone graf(?) ─── 初步结果表明:BMP_1、BMP_2、BMP_3的mRNA在软骨及骨形成早期呈现高表达,其表达细胞主要是不同分化阶段的间充质细胞及成软骨和成骨细胞。

45、December 14, 1939: Admiral Graf Spee at anchor in Montevideo, Uruguay following the Battle of the River Plate. ─── 1939年12月14日海战后的格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号到达乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚。

46、The Blending of Graf Copolymer P(BA-co-AA)-g-(PMMA-GMA) and Its Zinc Ionomer ─── P(BA-co-AA)-g-(PMMA-GMA)三元接枝共聚物及其锌离聚体共混研究

47、Graf, who won107 career singles titles, said juggling the demands of motherhood and her charity work made it difficult to establish a strict training regimen. ─── 曾获得107个职业单打冠军的格拉芙,说当母亲和做慈善事业一起干时,使得很难进行所谓严格的训练体系.

48、Graf took the better part of the year to climb to No.1 in women's tennis. ─── 格拉芙身手不凡,登上了本年度女子网球赛冠军的宝座。

49、Navratilova handed Graf her only two defeats of the season in the finals. ─── 娜芙拉蒂洛娃仅在本赛季的两场决赛中战胜过格拉芙。

50、Treatment of Thoracolumbar Tuberculosis by Anterior Lesion Clearance, Bone Graf tin and Posterior Internal Fixation Concurrently ─── 一期前路病灶清除后路内固定术治疗脊柱结核

51、June 30, 1934: Admiral Graf Spee begins to slide down the slipway. ─── 1934年6月30日,格拉夫。斯佩海军上将号下水。

52、I did not know anybody when I came to this camp, only Graf was with me. ─── 刚来战俘营的时候我不认识任何人,只有格拉夫和我在一起。

53、Stephanie Graf ─── 斯蒂法妮·格拉夫

54、De Graf works in a cramped studio in a redecorated warehouse. ─── 格拉夫的狭窄工作室在一个重新装修过的仓库里。

55、"Steff Graf reaches the semi-finals of Lipton Championship by edging out Japan's Kimiko Date 7-6, 6-3." ─── 史蒂夫·格拉芙以7:6,6:3将日本选手伊达恭子淘汰出局,打入立顿网球赛半决赛。

56、During that close match, the Swiss teenager was frustrated by close calls and a crowd that supported Graf. ─── 在那场难分高低的比赛中,辛吉斯被接近的比分和为格拉芙加油的拉拉队所击败。

57、On 6. January 1936 Admiral Graf Spee is commissioned in Wilhelmshaven. The crew is gathered on deck and shipyard workers and others watch the ceremony from the pier. ─── 1936年1月6日,袖珍战列舰格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号在威廉港服役。船坞的工人们和其他人员观看舰员们集合在甲板上。

58、July 1938: Admiral Graf Spee at Kiel, Germany undergoing modifications. ─── 1938年7月,格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号在基尔。

59、His wife, Staffi Graf, is great as well. She has a nice backhand slice. It's a shame that she's retired. ─── 最近新人辈出,可惜他们大部分都没有像阿格西或葛拉芙那样强烈的个人球风。

60、The Graf von Faber-Castell writing instruments of Sterling silver take this into account. ─── 在格拉夫冯辉柏嘉书写工具的纯银考虑到这一点。

61、Why searching on "Graf" results in Web pages on general subject of tennis? ─── 为什么搜索“格拉夫”的最终结果是网球的一般项目?

62、November 27, 1939: A set of false guns to disguise the true identity of the Admiral Graf Spee are added abovethe forward turret. ─── 1939年11月27日格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号的前主炮塔上安装了一对假炮管,伪装成英舰。

63、Part of that excitement surely comes from knowing he will now have more time to devote to his wife, Steffi Graf, and their two children. ─── 他的兴奋其中当然也包括了他终于有了更多的时间陪妻子格拉芙,以及他的两个孩子。

64、How to Sleep Less and Stay Healthy - Y. Graf ─── 如何减少睡眠时间却保持健康

65、The fountain pens, roller-ball pens, propelling pencils and ball pens in the Graf von Faber-Castell Classic Collection are designed as matchings sets and available in several variants. ─── 该钢笔,滚轴圆珠笔,推动在格拉夫冯法伯铅笔,圆珠笔,卡斯特利经典系列设计成婚配集和几个种类。

66、Kournikova made her WTA debut at 15 years old at the US Open where she finally lost against player Steffi Graf. ─── 库尔尼科娃15岁时,第一次在WTA美国公开赛中亮相,败在斯黛菲?格拉夫手下。

67、And his wife, Staffi Graf, is awesome, too. I like the backhand slice of hers. Too bad she's retired. ─── 他的老婆葛拉芙也很强哦。我喜欢她的反手切球,可惜她退休了。

68、Admiral Graf Spee is now in commission. ─── 格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号服役。

69、Admiral Graf Spee in the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal. Perhaps returning from the Spanish patrol in February. ─── 1938年2月,格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号从西班牙回国途径凯撤威廉大帝运河(基尔运河)。

70、S. refused to sell it to Nazi Germany.Completed after the loss of Hindenburg, the Graf Zeppelin II was never used as a passenger ship, but did conduct espionage flights around England and Poland. ─── 由于美国政府拒绝出售氦气给纳粹政权,在兴登堡号报销以后,格拉夫齐柏林II型飞艇就再也没有飞过客运航线,而从事波兰往英国投送间谍的工作。

71、Steffi Graf has been the most consistently brilliant of all German tennis players, perhaps of all players anywhere. ─── 施特菲·格拉夫是德国网球界最出色、最稳定的球员,也许在世界上也是如此。

72、The head of the justice department for Zurich, Martin Graf, said the liberal voices had won. ─── 苏黎世司法部长MartinGraf称,自由的声音赢得胜利。

73、Watch as a Graf Zeppelin of debt propels its self-styled “Viking Raiders” across the world's financial stage, accumulating companies like gamblers hoarding chips. ─── 眼看着一位债务领域的齐伯林伯爵在全世界金融舞台上推动其自诩的“维京掠夺者”,就像赌棍囤积筹码一样蓄积着公司。

74、Th e distal intimal rupture was sealed through operation,and a bifurcate stent graf t in 1 case, respectively. ─── 45例主动脉夹层共应用 56个支架型人工血管行近侧内膜破口封堵 ,1例同时行远侧内膜破口手术关闭 ,1例远侧破口以分叉的支架型人工血管封闭。

75、He then worked part-time as a draughtsman for Wilbur T. Trueblood and Hugo Graf in St Louis. ─── 然后,他非全时工作作为素描的威尔伯吨特鲁伯罗德和Hugo格拉夫在圣路易斯。

76、Let K be statistical self-similar set defined by Graf. ─── 设K是由Graf定义的统计自相似集.

77、Graf was sent to Moscow and follows a downward path there. ─── 格拉夫去了莫斯科,而这里则是每况愈下。

78、Keywords wool fabre;graf;butyl-methacrylate;property; ─── 羊毛纤维;接枝;甲基丙烯酸丁酯;性能;

79、The imposingly built and athletic Steffi Graf was an intimidating athlete between the lines. ─── 伟大的斯蒂芬.格拉夫在球场上很有压迫感。

80、Cosatto E,Graf H P.Sample-based Synthesis of Talking Heads.Computer Animation 98,Proceedings,1998: 103 -110 ─── 王洵.人脸建模与动画的研究[博士学位论文].合肥:中国科学技术大学计算机科学技术系,2001

81、Only yesterday it looked as if Hingis could be the next Steffi Graf,but she has been knocked out of the past four Grand Slam events by S. Williams,Davenport,Pierce and V.Williams. ─── 仅在昨天,辛吉斯还仿佛要成为史蒂夫·格拉芙第二,但却已在过去的四项大满贯赛事中被塞雷娜·威廉姆斯、达文波特、皮尔斯和维纳斯·威廉姆斯逐一淘汰出局。

82、Admiral Graf Spee seen in late 1936 or early 1937. ─── 1936年底至1937年初的格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号。

83、Graf Andrenyi sprach mit einem Ernst, dem man sich nicht entziehen konnte. ─── 安德列尼伯爵说得很认真,以至于人们不得不加以接受。

84、“Peter Strasser” is my name for the planned follow-on to the Hindenburg and Graf Zeppelin II. ─── “彼得施特拉塞尔”是作者对于兴登堡号和格拉夫齐柏林II型飞艇的后续飞艇计划的一个命名。

85、But, at this time that Graf back dispatches wrong drinking of sun to have applied that cup poisonous wine. ─── 而这时那个伯爵阴差阳错的喝下了那杯毒酒。

86、Finally the author summerizes the key points where grinding and maintenan- ce are important to Graf card clothing,C4 high-speed carding machine and rotor spinning system in Jinzhou Cottoh Mill. ─── 最后综述格拉夫针布、C4高速高产梳棉机、及金纺气流纺纱工程在磨针及针布维修的重点所在。

87、Steffi Graf gave women's tennis a fresh face. ─── 在女子网球赛上,斯蒂菲?格拉芙崭露头角。

88、"In 1993, Seles was stabbed in the Back at a tennis tournament in Hamburg by a crazed Steffi Graf fan." ─── 1993年,塞莱斯在汉堡网球赛中被一位疯狂的史蒂夫·格拉芙球迷刺伤背部。

89、May 1937: Admiral Graf Spee at the Spithead Naval Review representing Germany at the coronation of King George VI. ─── 1937年5月斯皮特黑德海湾,代表纳粹德国参加英王乔治六世加冕典礼的格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号。








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