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09-02 投稿


castanea 发音

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castanea 中文意思翻译



castanea 短语词组

1、castanea dr ─── 板栗

2、Castanea mollissima Bl. ─── [医] 栗

3、Castanea pumila ─── [网络] Cast藜

4、castanea sp ─── 板栗属

5、Castanea dentata ─── [医] 美栗

6、genus Castanea ─── [网络] 卡斯塔尼亚属

7、castanea spp ─── 板栗属

8、castanea blog castanea ─── 博客

9、Castanea crenata ─── [网络] 日本栗;日本板栗;毛板红

10、castanea leaf ─── 板栗叶

11、Castanea Mill ─── [医] 栗属

12、castanea pa ─── 板栗

13、Castanea sativa ─── [网络] 欧洲栗;欧洲板栗;欧洲栗木

14、Castanea mollissima ─── 板栗

15、Castanea vulgaris ─── [医] 欧栗

16、Astarte castanea Say ─── 阿斯塔特·卡斯塔尼亚说

17、Castanea chrysophylla ─── [网络] Cast藜

castanea 相似词语短语

1、castrated ─── 阉割的

2、pastances ─── 锡膏

3、castanets ─── n.响板

4、castrates ─── vt.阉割;删除;去掉最重要的部分;使丧失力量

5、castanet ─── n.响板(用硬木或象牙制成);n.(Castanet)人名;(法)卡斯塔内

6、calcanea ─── n.跟骨(calcaneum的变形)

7、casaba ─── n.卡萨巴甜瓜

8、elastanes ─── 弹性纤维

9、castrater ─── 阉割者。

castanea 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Castanea mollissima was one of several damaged insect species in Masson pine (Pinus massonian Lamb) forest. ─── 摘要波纹杂毛虫幼虫是马尾松林又一害虫。

2、According to pollen analyses, such marshy plants as Alnus, Salix, Cryptomeria, Gramineae and Nymphaceae are abundant, Lepidobalanus, Castanea and Fraxinus are common, and Fagus cf. ─── 孢粉分析显示沼泽植物,如Alnus,Salix,Cryptomeria,Gramineae,Numphaceae丰富,Lepidobalanus,Castanea,Fraxinus常见,而Fagus cf.

3、Nikara castanea ─── n. 独夜蛾

4、Xestia castanea ─── n. 栗红鲁夜蛾

5、Keywords Castanea mollissima BI.;ovary;endogenous hormone;nutritious substances;empty-shell chestnut; ─── 板栗;子房;内源激素;营养物质;空苞栗;

6、Lenodora castanea ─── n. 栗柔枯叶蛾

7、A Study of the Technical Research of Preservation and Freshness Angrily of Castanea mollissima ─── 板栗商业气调贮藏保鲜技术研究

8、Castanea Mill ─── [医] 栗属

9、This paper reported high branch grafting techniques for Castanea mollissima and its management measures, and analyed some questions. ─── 对板栗高枝嫁接及摘后培管技术进行报道,并对存在问题进行了分析探讨。

10、Castanea molissima Blume ─── 板栗

11、Analysis and Assesment of Chemical Constituent of Castanea mollissima Blume ─── 板栗品质的化学成分分析和评价

12、Studies on introduction and cultivation of Castanea crenata Sieb. Et Zucc ─── 日本栗引种栽培试验研究

13、With the development of economy and sustainable agriculture, Castanea mollissima Bl. waste on people's lives have no longer use value. ─── 随着经济的发展和可持续农业的兴起,板栗废弃物对人们的生活不再有利用价值。

14、Parathelypteris castanea ─── n. 台湾金星蕨

15、High-efficient Liquid Chromatographic Determination of the Internal Hormones in Castanea mollissima Blume ─── 板栗内源激素的高效液相色谱测定方法

16、Sphingidae, Macroglossinae - Acosmeryx castanea! ─── ID 大蛾一只!

17、Correlation Analysis between Yield and Physical and Chemical Properties of Branches Growth of Secondary Bearing Castanea mollissima ─── 二次结实板栗产量形成与其枝生长发育理化特性的相关性分析

18、Seiwa K.Watanabe A.Saitoh T.Kanno H Akasaka S Effects of burying depth and seed size on seedling establishment of Japanese chestnuts,Castanea cretuytta 2002 ─── 张世挺.杜国祯.陈家宽.熊志远不同营养条件下24种高寒草甸菊科植物种子重量对幼苗生长的影响[期刊论文]-种子2003(09

19、Castanea seguinii ─── n. 茅栗

20、wood of any of various chestnut trees of the genus Castanea. ─── 各种属于栗树的乔木木料。

21、Acosmeryx castanea ─── n. 缺角天蛾

22、Castanea henryi ─── n. 锥栗

23、genera Castanea; ─── 山毛榉树;

24、Castanea crenata ─── n. 日本栗

25、Castanea plants are of high genetic diversity and wide distribution. ─── 栗属植物资源丰富,分布广泛。

26、Application of Budding with Branch in Grafting of Castanea mollissima Blume Seedling ─── 带枝芽接在板栗幼苗嫁接中的应用

27、Also, the processing technology of microwave puffing Castanea henryi flaky pastry was studied according to market needs. ─── 并在此基础上,结合市场需求,对锥栗酥饼微波膨化工艺进行了研究。

28、Soil samples of 5,10,20-year's intensive cultured Chinese chestnut(Castanea mollissima) stand in Anji,Zhejiang province were collected to study active organic carbon variance. ─── 为了解不同集约经营历史板栗林土壤活性有机碳的演变规律,在浙江省安吉县采集了集约经营历史分别为5、10和20a的板栗林土壤样品,并与灌木林进行比较。

29、Morphological studies on the flowers and fruits of the genera Fagus, Castanea, Castanopsis and Limlia. ─── 台湾木青冈、板栗、苦槠及淋漓等属树木花果之形态学研究.

30、Production fo Hairy chestnut (Castanea mollissima Blume) has a effective wayin the rich ressource region by grafting wild Hairy chestnut and transforming into chestnutorchard. ─── 利用野生板栗就地嫁接改建成栗园,在资源丰富的地区,确是一条多、快、好、省发展板栗生产的有效途径。

31、wood of any of various chestnut trees of the genus Castanea ─── 各种属于栗树的乔木木料

32、storage time and temperature models of Castanea Henryi were studied in the third part. ─── 第三部分研究了锥栗贮藏时间、温度模型。

33、Castanea vulgaris ─── [医] 欧栗

34、Of all researched regions,amino acid content of Castanea mollissima in Southern Zhejiang was highest ;In Eastern Western and Northern Zhejiang, amino acid content was close. ─── 在所研究的几个地域中,浙南地区的板栗氨基酸含量高,浙东、浙西和浙北的氨基酸含量较为接近。

35、The Influence on the Growth of Leaves and the Production in the Early Stage by Different Stock Grafting Castanea mollissima 'AiSi' ─── 不同砧木嫁接艾思油栗对树体叶幕形成及早期产量的影响

36、Prospects of Castanea mollissima 'Jinzhai' after China join in "WTO" ─── 中国"入世"后金寨板栗的发展策略

37、Spatial Structure of Allozyme Frequencies in Castanea mollissima Bl. ─── 中国板栗居群间等位酶基因频率的空间分布。

38、Abstr: Occurrence of Exolontha castanea was investigated in Laibin planting areas of Guangxi from 2010 to 2014. ─── 文章摘要: 2010-2014年对广西来宾市兴宾区平阳镇蔗区进行栗等鳃金龟发生为害情况调查。


40、Correlationship between Flowering and Mineral Elementsin Different Cultivars of Castanea mollissima BL. ─── 不同板栗品种的矿质元素含量与开花结实的关系。

41、Effects of the Ion Implantation on Castanea mallissime BL[J]. ─── 引用该论文 项艳,刘正祥,胡蕙露,张良富.

42、Keywords castanea mollissima shell;natural pigment;lipid;antioxidant activity; ─── 关键词板栗壳;天然色素;油脂;抗氧化;

43、Parascela castanea ─── n. 栗色似角胸肖叶甲

44、Poromya castanea ─── n. 栗壳孔螂

45、Nuisance Free Production Technique of Castanea henryi in Jian'ou as Geographical Mark Output ─── 建瓯锥栗地理标志产品无公害生产技术

46、Experiment on Effect of Different Plant Growth Regulators on Growth of Castanea mollissima Saplings ─── 不同生长调节物质对板栗幼树生长的影响

47、Comparative test on different time and quantity of applying fertilizer to Castanea mollissma ─── 板栗不同施肥时间和施肥量的对比试验

48、Steatoda castanea ─── n. 粟色肥腹蛛

49、Bila castanea ─── n. 栗色圆花蝽

50、chestnut(Castanea crenata Sieb. Et Zucc.) ─── 日本栗树

51、Astarte castanea Say ─── n. 栗爱神蛤(爱神蛤超科,爱神蛤科)

52、Nilaparvata castanea ─── n. 栗褐飞虱

53、The paper reports the results of cultivated experiment of Castanea crenata Sieb. ci Zucc in Guilin. ─── 摘要报道日本栗在桂林引种栽培研究结果。

54、Allozyme diversity in Chines e,Seguin and American chestnut(Castanea spp.). ─── Huang H(黄宏文),Dane F,Norton J D.

55、The Path Analysis of Main Quantitative Characteristics on Single Plant Yield of Castanea Mollissima ─── 板栗主要数量性状与单株产量的通径分析

56、Castanea mollissima Bl. ─── [医] 栗

57、This paper deals with the changes of chemical substances during the storage of Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima). ─── 这篇论文研究了板栗贮藏过程中其化学物质所发生的变化。

58、Compiling of Chronological Table for Control of Main Pests and Diseases of Castanea mollissima BI. In Yunnan ─── 云南板栗主要病虫害防治年历表的编制

59、Mougeotia castanea ─── n. 栗褐转板藻

60、Extraction of DNA and Estabilishment of AFLP Techniques in Leaves of Castanea mollissima Blume ─── 板栗叶片DNA的提取及AFLP反应体系的建立

61、Abstract: Kind and content of amino acid in 11 samples of Castanea mollissima from 4 main varieties growing in 7 regions were analysed, and their nutrient value was also discussed. ─── 摘 要: 分析了浙江省7个产地栽培的4个主要板栗品种共11个板栗样品的氨基酸组成和含量,同时探讨了其营养价值。

62、edible nut of any of various chestnut trees of the genus Castanea ─── 各种栗子树的可食用的坚果

63、Carollia castanea ─── n. 艾氏短尾叶鼻蝠

64、chiefly monoecious trees and shrubs: beeches; chestnuts; oaks; genera Castanea; Castanopsis; Chrysolepis; Fagus; Lithocarpus; Nothofagus; Quercus. ─── 主要是雌雄同株乔木和灌木;山毛榉树;栗子;橡树;板栗属;锥栗属;水青冈属;石栎属。

65、Nilautama castanea ─── n. 栗色扬角蝉

66、Title: Correlationship between Flowering and Mineral Elementsin Different Cultivars of Castanea mollissima BL. ─── 关键词:板栗;矿质元素;雌花数;开花结实;光合速率;相关性

67、Chestnut (Castanea mollissima blume), is an important economic species tree, and has been planted in China for a long time. ─── 板栗(Castanea mollissima blume)在我国有悠久的栽培历史,是重要的经济树种。

68、edible nut of any of various chestnut trees of the genus Castanea. ─── 各种栗子树的可食用的坚果。

69、About Base Construction of Castanea henryi in Qingyuan ─── 庆元县锥栗特色基地建设刍议

70、Nereiphylla castanea ─── n. 栗色仙须虫

71、Baaed on the results of survey and study in several years, species, quantity and distribution of Castanea idioplasmic resources in Anhui Province were summarized systematically. ─── 摘要在多年深入调查研究的基础上,系统地总结了安徽省栗属资源的种类、数量及分布情况;

72、Chinese chestnut (castanea mollissima) ─── 中国板栗

73、Streblote castanea ─── n. 木麻黄胸枯叶蛾

74、Maobanhong and Castanea mollissima were very similar in Kind of amino acid, and their difference between regions was larger than that between their varieties. ─── 分析毛板红和魁栗的氨基酸,其组成极相似,且两者在地域上的差异较品种本身差异大。

75、The analysis showed that, Castanea mollissima almost contained all kinds of amino acid necessary for human body.Castanea mollissima cv. ─── 对板栗中17种氨基酸的分析表明,板栗几乎含有所有人体必需氨基酸。

76、The leaves of Castanea mollissima B1. ─── 板栗叶

77、Relation between Seed Dormancy and Embryo Form, Testa and Inclusion of Castanea mollissima cv. 'Yanshanhong' ─── 燕山红栗种子休眠与种胚形态、种皮及内含物的关系

78、Sitta castanea ─── n. 栗腹

79、Comparative anatomical studies on the woods of Castanea Mill. and Trigonobalanus Forman in China. ─── 中国栗属和三棱栎属木材比较解剖学研究.

80、Castanea mollissima industry ─── 板栗产业

81、2. chiefly monoecious trees and shrubs: beeches; chestnuts; oaks; genera Castanea; Castanopsis; Chrysolepis; Fagus; Lithocarpus; Nothofagus; Quercus. ─── 主要是雌雄同株乔木和灌木;山毛榉树;栗子;橡树;板栗属;锥栗属;水青冈属;石栎属。收藏指正

82、Kind and content of amino acid in 11 samples of Castanea mollissima from 4 main varieties growing in 7 regions were analysed, and their nutrient value was also discussed. ─── 分析了浙江省7个产地栽培的4个主要板栗品种共11个板栗样品的氨基酸组成和含量,同时探讨了其营养价值。

83、Promoting the Differentiation of Female Buds of Castanea mollissima Blume ─── 促进板栗雌花芽分化的研究

84、The Influence on the Growth of Leaves and the Production in the Early Stage by Different Stock Grafting Castanea mollissima 'AiSi' ─── 不同砧木嫁接艾思油栗对树体叶幕形成及早期产量的影响

85、Geographical variation of Morphologic Characteristics of Castanea mollissima Seeds and Legumes ─── 板栗叶片性状表型多样性研究

86、Castanea mollissima ─── n. 栗

87、Effects of Shock Treatment with Low O_2 and High CO_2 on the Flavor and Pathogenic Fungi Growth of Chinese Chestnut (Castanea mollissima Blume ) ─── 板栗及其病原菌对低O_2、高CO_2冲击处理的耐受力

88、Applying nitrogenous fertilizer to increase Castanea mollissima fruit-bearing has significantly effective on poor soil nutrients. ─── 在土壤有效养分较低的土壤上施用氮肥对提高结实有明显效果。

89、Salvia castanea ─── n. 栗色鼠尾草

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