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09-02 投稿



economize 发音

英:[ ?'kɑn?'ma?z]  美:[??kɑ?n?ma?z]

英:  美:

economize 中文意思翻译



economize 网络释义

vi. 节约,节省;有效地利用vt. 节约,节省;有效地利用

economize 短语词组

1、economize water resource ─── 节约水资源

2、economize in food ─── 节约食物

3、economize on ─── 节约, ─── 节省

economize 词性/词形变化,economize变形

名词: economizer |动词现在分词: economizing |动词第三人称单数: economizes |动词过去式: economized |动词过去分词: economized |

economize 相似词语短语

1、economizers ─── 节约的人,节省的人(economizer的复数);节省原料的装置(economizer的复数)

2、economizes ─── vi.节约,节省;有效地利用;vt.节约,节省;有效地利用

3、economise ─── vt.节约,节省;vi.节约,节省

4、economises ─── vt.节约,节省;vi.节约,节省

5、economic ─── adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的

6、economised ─── v.节约,节省(economise的过去式及过去分词,economise等于economize)

7、economiser ─── n.节热器

8、economizer ─── n.节能装置;节俭的人,节约的人

9、economized ─── vi.节约,节省;有效地利用;vt.节约,节省;有效地利用

economize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Overaller understanding with respect to built Anshun Converter Station and build why and economize in energy and so on. ─── 对已建成的安顺换流站和为什么要建它以及节能等方面作一个比较全面的了解。

2、The rational “ townization” would be beneficial to economization on land.The great potentialities of economize on land are in the rural area. ─── 合理城镇化有利于节约土地,而节约土地的巨大潜力在农村。

3、In order to economize,we have to cut down the non-productive expenditure of our factory to a mininum. ─── 为厉行节约,我们把工厂里非生产性的开支削减到最低限度。

4、Economize a great deal of telephone expenses for you. ─── 为您大幅节约了电话费。

5、Engineering project price control in one of the three critical controls in project management and the important means by which Employer economize investments and increase benefits. ─── 工程项目造价控制是项目管理的三大控制之一,是业主节约资金提高效益的重要手段。

6、We must economize on fuel. ─── 我们必须节约燃料。

7、The reaction cleaners and polishes are that the Hi-Tech intelligence which Germany RDT group produces by cooperating with Beijinger's day company economize on water the energy-conserving products. ─── 德国RDT集团与北京人地天公司合作开发的高科技智能节水节能产品。

8、The results in comparing the theory values with actual values are good.It proves that improved trad itional mill's design method is effective way to economize energy. ─── 并把磨机驱动功率的计算值和实测值进行比较,说明改进磨机的传统设计方案是实现磨机节能的有效途径。

9、tighten one's belt; economize ─── 喻节俭

10、By advancing knowledge, we not only create new forms of resources, but we also find ways to economize their use. ─── 通过提高知识,我们不仅创造了新的资源形式,而且还找到了节约使用资源的方法。

11、I felt blue at his words and warned myself that I should economize in my life because there are still a lot of people who could not even manage to have a full meal. ─── 听到这些,我心里总是酸溜溜的,同时也在警醒自己:平时生活要多多节省,这世界上还有很多人想吃一顿饱饭都很艰难呢!

12、In order to economize fuel oil when start up or shut down pulverizer on high load condition of boiler,the viewpoint that starting up or shutting down pulverizer without fuel oil was put forward. ─── 为节约锅炉高负荷阶段启停磨煤机所耗的燃油,提出了不投油启停磨煤机的设想。

13、Fifth, economize your social life. ─── 五、节约社交开支。

14、On the basic of ensures the washing result, we summarized the washing ways that can economize the washing using water. ─── 在保证漂洗效果基础上,对漂洗的用水量建立了数学模型,进行理论分析,得出了节约漂洗用水的几个途径。

15、The system is valuable in that it can influence the distribution of the burden of proof , improve the litigating efficiency and economize on judicial resources . ─── 只要是属于法定司法认知范围内的事项,当事人无需举证、质证,由法官依职权或依当事人申请而直接予以认定。

16、We should effectively protect, rationally exploit and economize on natural resources. ─── 切实保护、合理开发和节约使用各种自然资源。

17、Establishing this system is to protect more lawful rights and interests of citizen, economize more resource of judicatory. ─── 建立这种制度的立法本义是基于更好的保护公民的合法权益和节约司法资源。

18、As a unity in the earth, we are all in duty bound to protect surroundings, prevent pollution, and economize energy sources and make persistent efforts to improve. ─── 我们作为地球上的劳动者,有义务保护环境、预防污染节约能源并持续改善。

19、We should economize on all kinds of energy. ─── 我们应该节约各种。

20、We're going to have to economize from now on. ─── 我们得从现在起节省开支。

21、We should increase production and economize as much as possible. ─── 我们应该尽可能地增产节能。

22、He praised the econom ic y stimul us ates package approved by the House of Representatives and urge d the Senate to follow suit. ─── “我认为,如果你真的想解决经济增长放缓的问题,上议院就应该接受众议院的方案,通过并尽快送交我批准。”

23、though he did not know how to economize, and brought the end nearer by a week when he gave his sister Marian five dollars for a dress. ─── 可他却不知道怎样节约,又给了妹妹茉莉安五块钱买了一件衣服,让结局提前了一个星期。

24、All work should preserve and be in harmony with creation. Find ways to save,economize, and recycle. Be a good steward. ─── 所有工作都应该既不断维护,又保有创意。要学会节省、简约,实现良性循环。当一名优秀的管家。

25、If you have an expensive car,it's foolish to try to economize on servicing it. ─── 如果你有一辆昂贵的车,不舍得花钱保养它是愚蠢的。

26、Old people often try to economize on heating, thus endangering their health. ─── 老年人常常想方设法节约用暖气,结果损害了他们的健康。

27、In mining mineral resources, a mining enterprise or individual must economize on the use of land. ─── 开采矿产资源,应当节约用地。

28、economize to avoid running short ─── 富多远缓

29、We have to economize on water during the dry season ─── 我们在旱季不得不节约用水

30、We must economize on water. ─── 我们必须节约用水。

31、Some of our recently established areas are fairly rich in material resources and, counting on this, the cadres there are unwilling either to economize or to engage in production. ─── 我们有些地区开辟不久,还颇富足,但是那里的工作人员自恃富足,不肯节省,也不肯生产。

32、Green chemistry tries to prevent the pollution from its beginning, to economize resources. It covers all the range of chemistry. ─── 绿色化学致力于节约资源,从源头上防止污染物的生成,是涉及整个化学领域的一个交叉学科。

33、Housewives can economize by buying their milk in gallon containers. ─── 家庭主妇可以购买加仑装的牛奶而节省开支。

34、If the grouted new technique of pile surroundings and pile toe is adopted, we can increase the load capacity 30 per cents than that of the replacement pile, and economize 20 per cents of the cost. ─── 已建多座桥梁工程采用桩周、桩底压浆新工艺的比较分析表明,该工艺可使水下混凝土的用量节省40%以上,且比传统的钻孔灌注桩可提高承载力30%以上;

35、He'd rather economize on clothes and food than travel. ─── 他宁愿俭衣节食,而不愿节省旅游开销。

36、From about the middle of the Eighteenth Century the improvement in agricultural technique began to make it possible to economize in labour. ─── 自十八世纪中叶前后起,由于农业技术的改进,节约劳动力开始成为可能。

37、In MANET, the routing mechanism should adapt rapidly to the frequently changed network topology and in the mean time economize valuable network resources with its best. ─── MANET中的路由要能迅速地适应频繁的网络拓扑结构的变化,同时最大限度地节约网络资源.

38、The multi-rate variable well testing can weaken wellbore storage, shorten test time and economize the cost of test, and the contradiction between test and production is also solved to some degree. ─── 多级变流量试井可以减少井筒储存效应,缩短测试时间,节省成本,使试井与生产的矛盾在一定程度上得以缓解。

39、In order to increase the benefit of evaporating and economize enery and pretect equipment and incrense economic benefit. ─── 意在提高蒸发效率,节约能源,保护设备,提高经济效益。

40、To economize my time, I only went shopping once a week, so I was overloaded each time I returned from the supermarket. ─── 当时,为节约时间,每周只去采购一次,所以每次都是大包小包而归。

41、You see I am obliged to economize, in case your prosperity should cease. ─── 你看,我不得不省吃俭用,以防你的倒运。

42、For this, construction department of state promulgates a series of policies and laws to economize energy consumed for heating. ─── 为此,建设部颁布了一系列政策法规来节约采暖能耗。

43、However, its advantages are obvious: it could increase the yield rate by about 20%, economize fuel about 30%, decrease labor force about 50% and save production cost by about 30%. ─── 但生料酿酒的优越性是显而易见的,可提高出酒率20%左右,节约燃料30%左右,减少劳动强度50%左右,降低生产成本30%左右。

44、Innovative wood technologies were used for the building structure to economize on the use of natural resources. ─── 将木材用于建筑结构的技术创新表现,从而节约自然资源的使用。

45、"If we reject this opportunit y to support a friend with good econom ic policy, if we turn down this free trade agreement, it will hurt our relations in South America. ─── “如果我们拒绝这个可以和良好的经济政策建立友好关系的机会,如果我们拒绝这自由贸易的协议,这将会给我们南美带来伤害。

46、We'll get by if we economize. ─── 如果节省花费,我们将会熬过难关

47、Main brand: Germany RDT , China ZHANING intellectual reaction economize on water serial products. ─── 主要品牌:德国RDT、中国ZHANING 智能感应节水系列产品。

48、The water crisis facing us today sounds the alarm for us that we must economize onevery drop of water, for the water resources are not inexhaustible. ─── 今天面临的水危机给我们敲响了警钟:我们必须节约每一滴水,因为水资源不是取之不尽,用之不竭的。

49、The people hoped anxiously has one kind both to be able to economize frugal, and can improve the kitchen environment the new product. ─── 人们急切盼望有一种既能节约省钱,又能改善厨房环境的新产品。

50、It has brilliance characteristics like super-thin, super-light, even light, economize on energy, environmental protection, non-dark space, durable, hard etiolation, easy installation and maintain. ─── 具有超薄、超亮、导光均匀、节能、环保、无暗区、耐用、不易黄化、安装维修简单快捷等鲜明特点。

51、I'd rather economize on clothes than food. ─── 我情愿节衣不愿缩食。

52、Economize on expenditures whenever we can ─── 千方百计节约一切可以节约的支出

53、On the day before Christmas, Nora Helmer was Busying herself with last minute shopping, for this was the first Christmas since her marriage that she had not had to economize. ─── 圣诞节前一天,娜拉·海尔茂仍忙于进行最后的采购。因为这是她结婚以来第一个不用精打细算的圣诞节。

54、Environmental friendly and economize on energy have become nowadays watchwords, Aoqun is willing to follow these guidelines to create a miracle in this industry. ─── 在当今倡导"环保节能"的时代,傲群愿以脚踏实步走出工厂领域的一片净土。

55、In order to economize, we have to cut downthe non-productive expenditure of our factory to a mininum. ─── 为厉行节约,我们把工厂里非生产性的开支削减到最低限度。

56、It occurred to him that he had lowered the flow from his inhalant tank, to economize during sleep. ─── 他忽然想起,为了在睡眠中减少消耗,他调低了呼吸罐的流量。

57、We should restrain the emission of industrial wastes and find a better way to economize the use of fresh water and recyle waste water. ─── 我们应该控制由工厂排放的废物,并且形成新的更节省的使用淡水和废水再循环的方法。

58、He who will not economize will have to agonize. ─── 不能节俭的人将会苦恼。

59、It also indicates that the parasite singles choose to live with parents due to their employed location to economize their expenses. ─── 另外发现原籍为北台湾之单身青年样本因工作地点而与家人同住的情况相当显著;

60、Our electricity bills are higher than we can afford we must start to economize. ─── 我们的电费已经高得付不起了--得节省些了。

61、This article would like to provide reference for the health care system reform in our country, after the changeover from planned econom... ─── 以求对我国从计划经济向市场经济转轨后,医疗保健制度的改革提供借鉴。

62、In a time of national austerity, one had to economize in everything, and since the weather would be warming up soon, he might as well forget it. ─── 国难时期,万事节约,何况天气不久回暖,就省了罢。

63、The beforehand module can compartmentalize the finite element reseau automatically, then it can economize the works markedly. ─── 前处理模块主要进行网格的自动化分,避免了许多复杂的工作。

64、It is the transformation of the slant boiler with reciprocating grates that it not only makes an enterprise economize energy sources,but also increases economy benefit greatly. ─── 倾斜往复炉排锅炉的改造,使企业节约了能源,更大增加了企业的经济效益。

65、I don't know where all the money goes on. I try to economize, but it just seems to evaporate. ─── 我不知道钱都花到哪里去了。我尽量节约,但是钱似乎阴干了。

66、Firms exist to economize on the cost of coordinating economic activity. ─── 商业机构的特点就是它能够减少商务费用.

67、Do we economize on lights,telephons,computers,air-conditioners and copy papers succesfully? ─── 在你我使用电灯、电话、电脑、空调、复印纸的时候,我们做到节约了吗?

68、The large earthquake of MS 7.4 attacking Izm it city, Turkey, on August 17, 1999, caused heavy casualtiesand econom iclosses . ─── 1999年8 月17日土耳其伊兹米特MS 7.4 大地震造成了重大的人员伤亡与经济损失。

69、Please economize on water, otherwise, your tear might be the last drop of water in the world. ─── 世界上最后一滴水就是人的眼泪,请节约用水。

70、We have to economize on water during the dry season. ─── 我们在旱季不得不节约用水。

71、Economize on water and electricity use.Attention on fireproofing.Do not wire the apartment or repair the electricity switch without permission. ─── 不准私自接电源或检修电器开关,以防止触电事故。

72、Establish the maintenance plan, promote the energy sources economize, solve problems. ─── 制定维护计划,推进能源节约,解决问题。

73、Water has always been supplied [for free] in public places, so students have not been trained to economize their consumption. ─── 在公共场合,水一直是免费提供的,所以,学会们还没有学会去节约他们的消耗。

74、We have to economize from now on since we have little money left. ─── 我们剩下的钱不多了,所以从现在起得节俭些。

75、Economize electricity of attrition is 50% efficiently that is serving control automatically. ─── 50%省电效率与自动伺服机。

76、the building economize on energy ─── 建筑节能

77、The Greens had to economize because Mr. Green's income could hardly cover the expenses. ─── 因为格林先生入不敷出,所以一家人只好省吃俭用。

78、Since high voltage frequency conversion equipment plunge into run, toward run word status of improve, power economize of status bring measure and collect. ─── 在高压变频器投入运行后,对运行工况的改善,能量节约的状况进行测量与汇总。

79、As an over-wrap, on one hand, it can economize cost, on the other hand, it can keep electronic components away from static damage caused by insulator rubs mutually. ─── 作为外包装既节约成本又可以保护电子产品不会因绝缘体之间相互摩擦而产生静电损坏电子组件。

80、For the use of warning on highway, parking lot, airport, charge station residential quarter and construction site.It is convenient to take easy to install economize energy with little maintenance. ─── 公司介绍 太阳能指示灯 Solar energy pilot lamp 适用于公路、停车场、机场、收费站小区及施工场地的警示作用,具有携带方便、安装简单、节约能源、较少维护等优点。

81、By this way, we mig ht economize the hardmetal more than 40%, depress the cost much than 25%, at the same time, increase the life of the product. ─── 与硬质合金件比较,可节约硬质合金40%以上,生产成本降低25%以上,同时使用寿命也有一定的提高。


83、ELEPHaNT stabilizer can adjust the voltage and economize electricity, and is therefore used as a safeguard of computers. ─── “象牌”稳压器能调整电压,节约用电,是电脑的保护神。

84、We could economize on petrol by all going in one car. ─── 我们都坐一辆汽车,这样可以节省汽油。

85、To carry out the campaign of the classified garbage recovery and utilization in campus can not only economize resources but also enhance the consciousness of environmental protection of students. ─── 在校园中开展垃圾分类回收利用的活动,不但可以节约资源,还可以培养学生环境保护的意识。

86、If we have to use it, we use it;but try to economize in anything you can, anything at all, even white paper. ─── 如果我们必须用就用,但是任何东西都要尽量节省,不管是什么东西,即使白纸也是。

87、rural economize energy sources and reduce discharging contamination ─── 农村节能减排

88、They set up an influential committee to advise workers on how to economize in food. ─── 他们成立一个强有力的委员会来劝告工人们节约用粮。

89、Therefore,it have an important meaning to use advanced technology in environmental protection,economize on energy and reduce wastage,enhance work productivity and improve work condition. ─── 因此,采用先进的粉末喷涂工艺技术,对环保、节能降耗、提高劳动生产率、改善劳动条件,都具有重要的意义。

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