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embryo 发音

英:['embr???]  美:['?mbr?o]

英:  美:

embryo 中文意思翻译



embryo 网络释义

n. [胚] 胚胎;胚芽;初期adj. 胚胎的;初期的

embryo 短语词组

1、hexacanth embryo ─── [医] 六钩蝣, 钩球蝣

2、embryo- ─── [医]胚胎, 胎儿

3、somite embryo ─── [医] 体节胚

4、chick embryo antigen ─── [医] 鸡胚抗原

5、pre-embryo n. ( ─── 胎儿的)胚前期

6、in embryo ─── 在胎盘中,尚未成熟, ─── 在萌芽中

7、previllous embryo ─── [医] 绒毛前胚

8、embryo transfer ─── 胚泡移植

9、embryo transplant ( ─── 对妇女或优良母畜的)胚胎移植[参较egg transfer]

10、Spee's embryo ─── [医] 施佩氏胚

11、Janosik's embryo ─── [医] 雅诺西克氏胚(具有三个主动脉弓和二个鳃囊的胚)

12、giant embryo ─── [医] 巨胚, 巨胎

13、dwarf embryo ─── [医] 侏儒胎

14、embryo sac ─── 胚囊

15、half-embryo ─── [医] 半胚, 半胎

16、embryo grafting ─── 胚种嫁接

17、von embryo ─── [医] ─── [冯]施佩氏胚胎(1.5毫米人胚胎,约20天)

18、embryo nelumbinis ─── [医] 莲子芯

19、presomite embryo ─── [医] 体节前胚

embryo 词性/词形变化,embryo变形

名词复数: embryos |

embryo 习惯用语

1、in embryo ─── 在酝酿[考虑, 计划]中 ─── 初期, 萌芽时期

embryo 特殊用法

1、zygotic embryo ─── 合子胚

2、secondaryembryo ─── 次生胚

3、dwarf embryo ─── 侏儒胚[胎]

4、straight embryo ─── 直立胚

5、periphericembryo ─── 周位胚

6、antipodal embryo ─── 反足胚

7、adventitious embryo ─── 异位胚胎

8、rosetteembryo ─── 莲座胚

9、notorrhizalembryo ─── 胚根倚背胚

10、somatic embryo ─── 体细胞胚

11、vermiform embryo ─── 蠕虫形胚

12、endosperm embryo ─── 胚乳胚

13、adventive embryo ─── 不定胚

14、erect embryo ─── 直立胚

15、didermic embryo ─── 双层胚

16、hexacanth embryo ─── 六钩蚴,六钩胚

17、giant embryo ─── 巨胚

embryo 相似词语短语

1、embay ─── v.使入湾;围绕;成港湾状

2、embryo- ─── n.[胚]胚胎;胚芽;初期;adj.胚胎的;初期的

3、embryoid ─── n.胚状体

4、embryos ─── n.胚胎;晶胚

5、embargo ─── n.禁止,贸易禁运;禁令;封港令;v.禁止或限制贸易;禁止发表(或出版);征用或扣押

6、embry- ─── abbr.胚胎学(embryology);n.(Embry)人名;(法)昂布里;(英)恩布里

7、embays ─── v.使入湾;围绕;成港湾状

8、embrue ─── vt.玷污,浸染

9、embryol. ─── 胚胎学。

embryo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、My plans are still very much in embryo. ─── 我的计划在很大程度上仍在酝酿中。

2、The middle germinal layer of an early embryo,consisting of undifferentiated cells destined to become the mesoderm. ─── 中胚层,早期胚的中间胚芽层,由最终将发育成中胚层的未分化细胞组成。

3、At the heart-shaped embryo stage , the suspensor was well developed. ─── 心形胚时期,胚柄最为发达。

4、Relationships between embryo weight and incubation time were exponential regression. ─── 乌骨鸡胚胎的重量与孵化时间的关系呈指数式回归。

5、The occurrence of more than one embryo in the ovule denotes polyembryony. ─── 在胚珠中有一个以上的胚发生是表示多胚现象。

6、Much afterbirth embryo bears, every many lactation a baby, every time lactation time increases 30 minutes. ─── 多胞胎生育的,每多哺乳一个婴儿,每次哺乳时间增加30分钟。

7、Its functions are like a zygotic embryo in giving rise to a new plant. ─── 其功能象能产生一株新植物的合子胚。

8、Each seed consist of endosperm and 2 cotyledon embryo. ─── 成熟种子具胚乳,子叶二枚。

9、To cause the expulsion of(an embryo or fetus) before it is viable. ─── 使堕胎在(胚胎或胎儿)能够成活之前导致其排出

10、The caryopsis is unusual, as the embryo extends along its whole length. ─── 当胚沿着它的整个长度延长时,颖果是不平常的。

11、Her plans for the future are still in embryo. ─── 她对未来的计划尚在酝酿中。

12、The embryo inside the protostar is less massive than the envelope; most of the mass is still falling inward. ─── 原恒星内部的胚胎的质量比包壳小,大部分物质一直在朝中心落去。

13、The gunpowder "rocket" invented by ancient Chinese was the embryo of modern space rockets. ─── 中国最早发明的古代火箭,便是现代火箭的雏形。

14、Having three germ layers. Used of the vertebrate embryo. ─── 三重胚的具有三层原胚层的。用于脊椎动物的胚胎。

15、Embryo Culture and Rapid Propagation of Pholidota missionariorum Gagnep. ─── 尖叶石仙桃的胚培养与快速繁殖。

16、Cutting, coring and lectrically jolting a sheep embryo is a huge moral distance from doing the same to a human embryo. ─── 剪裁、提取、电击绵羊的胚胎与对人类胚胎实行同样的做法,从伦理上来说有天壤之别。

17、Embryo research is an emotive issue. ─── 胚胎研究是个让人情绪激动的问题。

18、Kriebel have used X-rays for sorting as well as to determine degree of embryo development in full seeds. ─── 克列拜尔已经用X射线对种子进行分级,并能对饱满种子中胚发育的程度加以鉴别。

19、They are engaging in an embryo research. ─── 他们正在进行一项胚胎研究。

20、The Texas researchers want to learn how genes determine embryo development. ─── 德克萨斯的研究者们想知道基因是如何决定胚胎发育的。

21、Zhongnong(Yangpu)Animal Embryo Gene engineering Co., Ltd. ─── 中农(洋浦)动物胚胎基因工程有限公司。

22、How much do I pay if my treatment cycle is canceled before egg recovery? Before embryo transfer? ─── 如果取卵前取消了治疗周期要花多少钱?如果胚胎移植前取消治疗周期又要花多少钱呢?

23、They warn of a brae new world of "embryo farms" and "cloning mills" for the cultiation of human spare parts. ─── 他们警告世界上将会有“胚胎农场”或是“克隆工厂”的产生,用于培育人体替换组织器官。

24、My plans are still very much in embryo . ─── 我的计划在很大程度上仍在酝酿中.

25、For example, in the development of the plant embryo from the zygote, one end becomes the radicle, the other gives rise to cotyledons. ─── 例如植物由合子到胚的发育,一端形成胚根,另一端成为子叶。

26、And, notes Hughes, finding aneuploidy in one or two cells of an embryo does not always mean that the embryo will not be viable. ─── 而且如Hughes指出的,从一个胚胎中发现1到2个非整倍性的细胞并不意味着胚胎就无法存活。

27、Having three germ layers.Used of the vertebrate embryo. ─── 三重胚的具有三层原胚层的。用于脊椎动物的胚胎

28、He was the embryo of the very thing we were trying to do consciously. ─── 他是我们试图按照意识去效仿每件事情的原型。

29、So as not to affect embryo implantation. ─── 以免影响胚胎着床。

30、Abnormal development was observed at tetrad and mature embryo sac. ─── 在四分体和成熟胚囊时期观察到了异常发育现象。

31、The market economy beginning start, be worth at the moment that diversified embryo become. ─── 市场经济初始,价值多元化胚胎形成之际。

32、Any of the blastomeres of an embryo from which the endoderm develops. ─── 内胚层指任何可生长成内胚层的胚胎分裂球

33、It was a colossal passion in embryo, It never matured. ─── 它是一种还处在胚胎中的伟大感情,从来没有成熟过。

34、Induced termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or fetus that is incapable of survival. ─── 堕胎促使怀孕的停止和无法存活的胚胎或胎儿排出

35、The multicellular proembryo and globular embryo possessed uniserial or untidy disposal multi-cellular suspensor. ─── 在多细胞原胚及球形胚期具有单列或不规则排列的多细胞胚柄。

36、Launched wheat embryo buds series, and enlarged the producing lines. ─── 1994年推出小麦胚芽原生片系列,生产线拓编。

37、His journal is only literature in embryo, his finished work stillborn. ─── 他的日记只是文学的胚胎,他成熟的作品难产了。

38、Development of more than one embryo from a single egg or ovule. ─── 多胚;多胎从一个单个的卵子或胚珠发展出一个以上的胚胎

39、The Liu Mou that installs an embryo in the home feels he is fumed dizziness, disgustingly , but she did not care about this matter too much. ─── 在家安胎的刘某感到自己被熏得头晕、恶心,可她并没过多在意此事。

40、It has been known that the self-sterility of conifers results from embryo collapse after self-fertilization. ─── 业已知道,针叶树自花不育是由于自花受精后胚凋萎。

41、Chick embryo and chick embryo fibroblast were infected with reovirus U. Conn. ─── 将呼肠孤病毒U. Conn.

42、The human embryo element product is with the placenta for the raw material production, where has such many placentas? ─── 人胎素产品和羊胎素产品有没有什么区别?

43、The middle germinal layer of an early embryo, consisting of undifferentiated cells destined to become the mesoderm. ─── 中胚层早期胚的中间胚芽层,由最终将发育成中胚层的未分化细胞组成

44、The middle zone of the mesoderm of a chordate vertebrate embryo, from which excretory tissue develops. ─── 中胚叶节脊索类脊椎动物胚胎的中胚层的中间部分,最终会发育成排泄组织

45、They believe that" cannibalising7" an embryo for cells is morally unacceptable. ─── 他们坚信把一个胚胎"拆成"细胞,在道德上无法接受。

46、To give birth before the embryo or fetus is capable of surviving on its own;miscarry. ─── 他的计划失败时,他总是到处找人推卸责任。

47、The cells of the quadrant in turn become partitioned to form the eight-celled embryo. ─── 四分体细胞于是分裂形成八细胞胚。

48、So the three meanings of the word alaqah correspond accurately to the descriptions of the embryo at the alaqah stage. ─── 因此血块这个词的三种意思的确符合对血块阶段的描述。

49、On hybrid embryo culture in vitro of Syringa L. ─── 丁香(Syringa L.)种间杂交幼胚离体培养研究

50、You were not a fish, but a human embryo role-playing a fish embryo. ─── 你不是鱼,而是一个扮演着鱼类胚胎角色的人类胚胎。

51、But the blastocyst from which it came can continue to develop into an embryo and then a foetus. ─── 但它是从胚泡移走细胞能继续发展成为一个胚胎,胎。

52、An eight-week-old embryo is only an inch long. ─── 一个8周大的胎儿仅1英寸长。

53、The stages of development for a baby are zygote, embryo, and fetus. ─── 婴儿的发育阶段有受精卵、胚胎、然后是胎儿。

54、So he introduced the genes of elephants into a cat's embryo. The result was - Phooey , a cat that was as big as an elephant! ─── 于是他用大笨象的基因,注入猫的胚胎中,培育出一只大笨象般大的猫儿阿福来!

55、Zygotic embryo is better than vegetative materials when used for explants. ─── 合子胚作为外植体明显好于营养器官作为外植体。

56、Embryo sac elongated at 1-nucleate stage by fusion of small vacuoles. ─── 功能大孢子时期核糖体密集, 线粒体和质体分裂以增加数目;

57、To cause to terminate pregnancy prematurely, before the embryo or fetus is viable. ─── 使败育在胚胎或胎儿成活之前导致其过早停止怀孕

58、It is formed by the coalescence of the first three neuromeres in the embryo. ─── 它是由胚胎时的前三个神经原节愈合而成的。

59、In cows,for example,the DNA switch-on occurs when the embryo reaches the eight-cell stage. ─── 例如:牛的胚胎在发育成8个细胞的阶段时DNA才出现转换。

60、By the time the seed coat and embryo have become fully embedded, the seed has lost its typical oval shape. ─── 当种皮及胚充分吸胀时,种子就失去典型的椭圆形。

61、The sex of the embryo is predetermined at fertilization. ─── 胚胎的性别早在受精时就决定了。

62、The excretory organ of a vertebrate embryo from which the kidney develops. ─── 原肾脊椎动物胚胎的排泄器官,肾由此发展而来

63、After one day, however, the body of the embryo is recognizable as a lighter line in the egg. ─── 一天后,但体内的胚胎是可以辨认的一个打火机线虫卵。

64、Starch grains present in the embryo sac and placenta are utilized by the embryo. ─── 存在于胚囊和胎座中的淀粉粒为胚胎所利用。

65、At one day, the embryo is visible as a whitish line. ─── 在一天中,胚胎是看见一个白色线。

66、Because ESW has more effects on the embryo and fetus a... ─── 临床应用ESW,对育龄妇女是安全的。

67、But in the real world it is impossible to make more than four babies from one embryo. ─── 但现实世界中,不可能从一个胚胎中产生四个以上的婴儿。

68、To cause to terminate pregnancy prematurely,before the embryo or fetus is viable. ─── 使败育在胚胎或胎儿成活之前导致其过早停止怀孕。

69、The origin and development of an individual organism from embryo to adult. ─── 个体发育一个生物个体从胚胎到成年的由来和发展。

70、Are differences in the developmental capacities of the egg and embryo paralleled by the distribution of metabolites? ─── 卵和胚发育能力的不同是否被代谢分布所平衡?

71、Main ingredients: aloe, wheat embryo oil, oat, HA moisturizing cells, aqualane, fibroin and etc. ─── 主要成分:芦荟、麦胚芽油、燕麦、HA保湿因子、角鲨油、蚕丝蛋白等。

72、He moved to Newcastle in 2006 because embryo experiments are banned in Germany. ─── 2006年,由于德国禁止进行胚胎试验,他转至纽卡斯尔大学。

73、The cotyledons of the mature embryo are either green, yellow or chalky yellow. ─── 成熟胚的子叶是绿色,黄色或浅黄色。

74、The nutritive tissue that is derived from the nucleus and surrounds the embryo of the seed. ─── 外胚乳包在种子胚芽外,产生于细胞核的营养性组织

75、By the time the seed coat and embryo have become fully embeded, the seed has lost its typical oval shape. ─── 当种皮及胚充分吸胀时,种子就失去典型的椭圆形。

76、The chalazal end megaspore develops into the embryo sac mother cell. ─── 合点端大孢子发育为胚囊母细胞。

77、Why is it so hard to clone an adult animal yet so easy to clone an embryo? ─── 为什麽复制成年动物是如此困难、而复制幼胚则如此容易?

78、Austin's masterpiece was yet in embryo. ─── 奥斯汀的著作还在酝酿阶段。

79、Pregnant later period should be become with lung of cortin hurried embryo ripe. ─── 孕后期应用肾上腺皮质激素促胎肺成熟。

80、They believe that "cannibalising" an embryo for cells is morally unacceptable. ─── 他们坚信把一个胚胎“拆成”细胞,在道德上无法接受。

81、Any spares are frozen, to be thawed later if the first embryo does not surie. ─── 如有多余的发育较好的胚胎则冷冻起来,以后如果第一个胚胎不能存活可以解冻。

82、The Study on Embryo and Endosperm of Cardamine Hupingshanesis[J]. ─── 引用该论文 代剑平,陈良碧.

83、The stem of a seedling or an embryo located between the cotyledons and the first true leaves. ─── 上胚轴位于子叶和最早的真叶之间的籽苗或胚芽的茎

84、Figure 1: Drawings illustrating the similarities in appearance Between a leech and a human embryo at the alaqah stage. ─── 图1:说明水蛭与人类胚胎在血块阶段相似之处的图组。(

85、The nutritive tissue that is derived from the nucleusand surrounds the embryo of the seed. ─── 外胚乳包在种子胚芽外,产生于细胞核的营养性组织。

86、A minute structure in seed plants, containing the embryo sac and surrounded by the nucellus, that develops into a seed after fertilization. ─── 种子植物的一个小的结构,含有胚囊并被珠心所包围,施肥后长成种子。

87、The human embryo does not begin to assume human features before its second month. ─── 人的胚胎在其发育的第二个月前未呈现出人的外貌特征。

88、To cause the expulsion of (an embryo or fetus) before it is viable. ─── 使堕胎:在(胚胎或胎儿)能够成活之前导致其排出。

89、Fetal liver mesenchymal cells were obtained from CDl mouse embryo of 14~16dpc. ─── 以14.5d胎龄的CD1小鼠为材料,建立了胎肝细胞分离培养体系。


vf-et的全称是:in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer,翻译成中文是体外受精-胚胎移植 。


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