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09-02 投稿



dissuading 发音

英:[d??swe?d??]  美:[d??swe?d??]

英:  美:

dissuading 中文意思翻译



dissuading 短语词组

1、dissuading witness ─── 劝阻证人

2、dissuading in hindi ─── 用印地语劝阻

3、dissuading definition ─── 劝阻性定义

4、dissuading a victim ─── 劝阻受害者

5、dissuading define ─── 劝阻性定义

6、dissuading a witness ─── [法] 收买证人

7、dissuading synonym ─── 劝阻同义词

8、dissuading means ─── 劝阻手段

dissuading 词性/词形变化,dissuading变形

动词现在分词: dissuading |动词第三人称单数: dissuades |动词过去式: dissuaded |名词: dissuader |动词过去分词: dissuaded |

dissuading 反义词


dissuading 同义词

discourage | put off | of | deter | talk out of | talk | out

dissuading 相似词语短语

1、dissundering ─── 传播

2、disloading ─── 脱臼

3、dissipating ─── v.驱散,消散(dissipate的ing形式)

4、disseating ─── vt.夺席位;使离座

5、dissaving ─── n.动用储蓄;支出多于收入;v.储蓄减少;动用储蓄金(dissave的ing形式)

6、disbudding ─── n.打芽;疏芽;打尖;[兽医]断角术;v.摘去嫩芽;去蕾(disbud的ing形式)

7、disgrading ─── 抑郁

8、dispreading ─── vt.向四方张开;展开;vi.扩张;展开

9、dishoarding ─── n.减少储藏;v.减少储存;抛售囤积货物(dishoard的ing形式)

dissuading 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Freedom Tower, though that name has quietly been dropped for fear of dissuading potential tenants from taking up office space. ─── 尽管害怕名字会影响租户租用办公楼的热情,这座塔楼还是被命名为自由塔。

2、The movement of the web may tell potential intruders that they are in the vicinity of a large animal, dissuading it from getting closer to the vulnerable baby spiders. ─── 网的震动会使入侵者认为,它们即将面对的是庞然大物,脆弱的幼蛛们以此来让入侵者乖乖远离。

3、as in suing oneself for malpractice, or dissuading others from utilizing one's services into the future out of bitterness. ─── 作为控诉你误诊,或劝其他人不要使用你的服务让你在未来遭遇苦难。

4、"McDonald's was actively dissuading customers from coming back," says John Glass, a Morgan Stanley analyst. ─── “麦当劳采取了积极的行动阻止顾客回来,”一个摩根的分析师这样说。

5、If he has once fastened upon an idea ,there is no dissuading him from it . ─── 他一旦认准一个主意,就不可能让他放弃。

6、Many regions are also politically unstable or dangerous, further dissuading investors. ─── 许多地区政局不稳甚至充满危险,更让投资者望而却步。

7、dissuading, discouraging, or discountenancing them in that which is good; ─── (四)对善事,横加拦阻、打击士气、不鼓励;

8、Concerns over theft of intellectual property and political risks are significant factors dissuading microchip companies from investing in manufacturing or design in China. ─── 对于知识产权失窃以及政治风险的担心,是阻碍芯片企业在中国投资进行制造或设计的重要因素。

9、If this is the case he may or may not succeed in dissuading the rulers of the country from the fatal course they contemplate. ─── 如此一来,尽管这个国家的领导阶层正想著走上绝路,他还是有可能让他们打消念头。

10、"It is realistic to demand a bigger role for these business owners in dissuading smokers, " Yang said. ─── 杨国燃耗焕主任说,对那些企业主要求其在劝阻吸烟者上发挥更大的作用是一个可行的。

11、I am referring to sympathetic contacts and naturally do not include those made for the purpose of dissuading these persons from evil-doing. ─── 这里所说的,是指对他们抱同情态度的那种联系,至于有的同志是为做他们的工作才去发生的联系,当然不在此列。

12、During the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Ling of the Kingdom of Chin ordered a nine-level platfrom built for himself, and issued an order prohibiting people from dissuading him. ─── 春秋时,晋灵公为了享乐,不惜花费大量人力物力,要建造一座九层的高台。

13、Third, he must reach an accommodation with Iran that acknowledges its place as a regional power while dissuading it from getting a destabilising nuclear weapon. ─── 第三,他必须与伊朗进行和解,一方面承认其区域性强国的地位,一方面劝其放弃造成不稳定因素的核武器研究。

14、as in suing oneself for malpractice, or dissuading others from utilizing one's services into the future out of bitterness. ─── 作为控诉你误诊,或劝其他人不要使用你的服务让你在未来遭遇苦难。

15、Third, he must reach an accommodation with Iran that acknowledges its place as a regional power while dissuading it from getting a destabilising nuclear weapon. ─── 第三,他必须与伊朗进行和解,一方面承认其区域性强国的地位,一方面劝其放弃造成不稳定因素的核武器研究。

16、"You'd better not go since you know the danger. " Yimin could not help dissuading him. ─── “既然知道危险,还是别去!”伊敏不由自主地开始劝他。

17、But, as one student in Tokyo says, “Japan's policy is one of persuading people to come and then dissuading them from staying. ─── 但正如在东京的一名学生所说:“日本的政策是说服大家过来、然后又阻止他们留下来。

18、Two decades of effort to make life more livable by dissuading people from driving into town has made Nantes a beacon for other European cities seeking to shake dependence on the automobile. ─── 为了让这里变得更适合居住,劝说人们不要开车进城的努力20年来从未终止过。

19、Tight public day-care capacity is another issue dissuading potential new mothers. ─── 公共托儿所接受能力有限是令潜在的准妈妈们泄气的另一个问题。

20、dissuading a witness ─── [法] 收买证人

21、To ease these nations' debt, he has argued that the international community should regard loans to odious regimes as loans to the ruling despots themselves, perhaps dissuading banks and other private lenders. ─── 为了减轻开发中国家的负债,他主张国际社会应该将那些可憎政府的贷款,视为独裁统治者自己的贷款;也许应该劝阻银行或其他私人贷方与那些独裁者之间的借贷。

22、It was called Freedom Tower, though that name has quietly been dropped for fear of dissuading potential tenants from taking up office space. ─── 尽管害怕名字会影响租户租用办公楼的热情,这座塔楼还是被命名为自由塔。

23、(5)the kind of persuading and dissuading; ─── (5)劝说、劝阻类;

24、"McDonald's was actively dissuading customers from coming back, " says John Glass, a Morgan Stanley analyst. ─── “麦当劳采取了积极的行动阻止顾客回来,”一个摩根的分析师这样说。

25、Many regions are also politically unstable or dangerous, further dissuading investors. ─── 许多地区政局不稳甚至充满危险,更让投资者望而却步。

26、I was always treated as if I had insisted on being born, in opposition to the dictates of reason, religion, and morality, and against the dissuading arguments of my best friends. ─── 我从一生下来到现在所受到的待遇,就好像我天生就是理性、宗教以及道德准则的死对头,就是反对好朋友的劝阻,本来不该出生,而我却坚持出生的。

27、It is an affectation, indeed, not very common among merchants, and very few words need be employed in dissuading them from it. ─── 事实上,这种装模作样的神态在商人中间并不普遍,用不着多费唇吞去劝阻他们。

28、From Shaping, Responding, Preparing to Dissuading, Deterring and Defeating:A Comparison of "Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) 1997 and 2001" ─── 从塑造、反应和准备到阻止、威慑和击败--美国1997年与2001年的"四年防务评估报告"的比较

29、It is an affectation, indeed, not very common among merchants, and very few words need be employed in dissuading them from it. ─── 事实上,这种装模作样的神态在商人中间并不普遍,用不着多费唇吞去劝阻他们。

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