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09-02 投稿


paleozoic 发音

[,p?li:?u'z?uik; -,pei-]

英:  美:

paleozoic 中文意思翻译



paleozoic 短语词组

1、paleozoic canadia ─── 古生代加拿大

2、Paleozoic era un. ─── 古生代 [网络] ─── 古生代初期; ─── 古生代 ─── 古生代

3、paleozoic period ─── 古生代

4、paleozoic era plants ─── 古生代植物

5、paleozoic dinomischus ─── 古生代恐龙化石

6、paleozoic cambroraster ─── 古生代寒武纪

7、paleozoic invertebrates ─── 古生代无脊椎动物

8、Paleozoic Alps ─── 古生代阿尔卑斯山脉

9、paleozoic yugioh ─── 古生代尤吉奥

paleozoic 相似词语短语

1、Cainozoic ─── adj.新生代的(等于Cenozoic);n.新生代(等于Cenozoic)

2、heliozoic ─── 古生代

3、Palaeozoic ─── adj.(与)古生代(有关)的;古生代岩石;n.古生代时期

4、Paleozoic ─── adj.古生代的

5、Caenozoic ─── adj.新生代的;新生界的(等于Caenozoic)

6、holozoic ─── [动]全动物营养的

7、hylozoic ─── 古生代

8、Neozoic ─── adj.新生代的

9、paleozoologic ─── 古动物学

paleozoic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fankou Pb-Zn deposit is a submarinehydrothermal spring effusion type ore deposit, which occurred in upper Paleozoic carbonaterock formation. ─── 凡口铅锌矿床是发育于上古生界碳酸盐岩建造中的海底热泉喷溢矿床。

2、Buried hills of Archaeozoic,Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras developed well in the west part of Dongying Depression. ─── 东营凹陷西部发育太古界、古生界及中生界潜山。

3、The deformation of the shear zones possibly occurred in the late Early Paleozoic, which was related to the in teraction between the Cathaysian plate and the Yangtze plate during that period. ─── 剪切带的主要变形时代可能是早古生代后期,与这一时期华夏板块与扬子板块之间的相互作用有关。

4、This was one of the first fossil algae to be described as such from Late Paleozoic rocks. ─── 这是最早化石藻类之一,描述了这种从晚古生代岩石作为。

5、The Lower Paleozoic source rocks in the eastern exploration region of Sinopec are mainly marine carbonates with a low organic content. ─── 中国石化东部探区下古生界烃源岩以海相碳酸盐岩为主,有机质丰度较低。

6、During the discussing hydrocarbon property in Changdi Paleozoic erathem buried hill and its east flank of drape structure in 2000, the oil source in Changdi area was initially discussed. ─── 20 0 0年,在讨论长堤古生界潜山以及其披覆构造东翼的含油气性时,曾对长堤地区的油源问题进行过初步分析。

7、The Qiuling sediments-hosted disseminated gold deposit in Zhenan, Shanxi is hosted in Nanyangshan Formation and Yuanjiagou Formation of Upper Paleozoic. ─── 丘岭微细浸染型金矿床产于上古生界南羊山组及袁家沟组地层中。

8、Tall Paleozoic trees superficially resembling modern screw pines,structurally intermediate in some ways between cycads and conifers. ─── 一种高大的古生代树木,外表与现代的露兜树相似,结构上介于苏铁和针叶树之间。

9、South Boyang Sag is a typical superimposed basin,its Mesozoic and Paleozoic marine facies formation has relatively favorable conditions for generating oil &gas reservoirs. ─── 南鄱阳坳陷是一个典型的叠合型盆地,中、古生界海相具有较好的油气成藏条件;

10、Previous research considered that local intervals of Pingliang Formation were rich in mud and could act as Lower Paleozoic hydrocarbon source rocks, but they were not exploration targets. ─── 以往研究认为平凉组局部层段富含泥质,可作为下古生界烃源岩,但非勘探目的层。

11、There are great bifurcations as yet on the structural environment and on the evolution of the Xingmeng Paleozoic orogenic belt in Southeast Inner Mongolia during the Carboniferous Period. ─── 内蒙古东南部古生代造山带在石炭纪时期的构造环境和构造演化,至今在认识上存在较大的分歧。

12、This was the end of the Permian period, and of the era of life called the Paleozoic. ─── 这就是二叠纪以及整个古生代的终结。

13、Feng Zengzhao, Chen Jixing et al.1991. Lithofacies paleogeography of early Paleozoic of ordos.Beijing:Geological Publishing House(in Chinese). ─── 冯增昭,陈继兴等.1991.鄂尔多斯地区早古生代岩相古地理.北京:地质出版社.

14、Paleozoic simple dichotomously branched plants of Europe and eastern Canada including the oldest known vascular land plants. ─── 分布于欧洲和加拿大东部的古生代简单的二岐式植物,包含最古老的脉管陆地植物。

15、Within the belt ,the mid-late Proterozoic (epimetamorphic) green-schists were ovethrust from south to north onto the late Paleozoic granitic batholith at a low angle. ─── 中晚元古代浅变质的绿片岩系自南向北以低角度辗掩于晚古生代花岗岩基之上。

16、County formation hypoplasia, missing the entire Paleozoic sector in the health sector and the Triassic. ─── 县内地层发育不全,缺失整个古生界和中生界的三叠系。

17、The reservoir rocks are Archaean granite, Lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks,Mesozoic sand rock and volcanic rock and fracture,solution cavities and pores are the major preserving spaces. ─── 储集层由太古界变质岩、下古生界碳酸盐岩和中生界砂岩、火山岩组成,储集空间主要为构造裂缝及溶蚀孔隙;

18、The reservoir rocks are Archaean granite, Lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks, Mesozoic sand rock and volcanic rock and fracture, solution cavities and pores are the major preserving spaces. ─── 储集层由太古界变质岩、下古生界碳酸盐岩和中生界砂岩、火山岩组成,储集空间主要为构造裂缝及溶蚀孔隙;

19、Tarim Basin is a superimposed and composite basin of numerous proto type basins combosed of the Paleozoic cratonic basins and Meso Cenozoic foreland basins. ─── 全面系统地总结并提出塔里木盆地10大石油地质基本特征:(1)塔里木盆地为一古生界克拉通盆地与中新生界前陆盆地组成的大型叠合复合型盆地;

20、The sea-level fluctuation was an important controlling factor for karst carbonate reservoir development in the Early Paleozoic Tarim Basin. ─── 海平面变化是控制塔里木盆地下古生界岩溶储层发育的一个重要的因素。

21、The paleozoic source rock in North China went into the main oil generating period at the end of Triassic. ─── 华北地区古生界生油岩在三叠纪末已进入主要生油期。

22、According to the amplitude of vibration,wave group continuity and forms of seismic waves reflected on the 6 sections,the Meso Cenozoic,Upper Paleozoic,Predevonian,Precambrian,intrusive mass and the basic magma basement could be identified. ─── 利用深部地震剖面上反射波的振幅强弱、波组连续性和波组外形等识别标志 ,可识别出中、新生界、上古生界、前泥盆系、前寒武系、侵入岩体和基性岩浆底垫等地质体 ;

23、in Permian, it had developed and formed a typical Cathaysian flora and was an important part of late Paleozoic Cathaysian flora. ─── 二叠纪时已发展为典型的华夏植物区系的性质,是晚古生代华夏植物区系的重要组成部分。

24、The Lower Paleozoic reservoir mainly by corrosion pore, intercrystalline pore and the crack are composed. ─── 下古生界储层主要由晶间孔、溶孔和裂缝组成。

25、The Lower Paleozoic source rock in the region has undergone two oil generation processes,the first one has taken place in basin subsidence before Caledonian movement. ─── 区内下古生界烃源岩经历了两次成油过程,第一次在加里东运动前的盆地沉降阶段,第二次在加里东运动后晚古生代陆表海沉积阶段。

26、Accordingly, the South China was an Early Paleozoic orogenic belt instead of the Cathaysian Block (Paleocontinent). ─── 因此,华南是早古生代形成的造山带,而不是华夏地块(古陆)。

27、Hence, the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic zones over continental nucleus and its circumferences were of both individual feature and sizable superposition. ─── 其中波斯清盆地最为典型,古生界、中生界和新生界次第重合。

28、Compared with the Paleozoic, bivalves and are also many new types of development, ammonite is more complex decoration and chrysanthemum stone-suture. ─── 与古生代相比,双壳类和菊石类也多属新发展的种类,菊石多具有复杂的纹饰和菊石式缝合线。

29、Under the tectonic backgrounds of island arc belt, fore-arc trench belt, back-arc basin, and epicontinental active belt of Late Paleozoic, it has different volcanic rock characteristics. ─── 在晚古生代岛弧带、弧前海沟带、弧后盆地或陆缘活动带等构造环境下发育有不同的火山岩组合。

30、Discussion on Time- Depth Conversion for Paleozoic ─── 古生界时深转换关系探讨

31、Paleozoic carbonate buried hill reservoir in Nanpu oilfield is a pore-fracture dual media reservoir. ─── 南堡油田古生界碳酸盐岩古潜山油藏为孔隙-裂缝型双重介质油藏。

32、South Tianshan: a Late Paleozoic or a Triassic orogen? ─── 南天山:晚古生代还是三叠纪碰撞造山带?

33、Research on brachiopod fauna and stratigraphy of the late paleozoic in north China platform II. ─── 华北地台晚古生代腕足动物群及其地层研究2。

34、Any of numerous extinct marine arthropods of the class Trilobita, of the Paleozoic Era, having a segmented body divided by grooves into three vertical lobes and found as fossils throughout the world. ─── 三叶虫多种构成三叶虫纲任一种的已灭绝的海洋节肢动物,身体分节,有带沟将身体一分为三个垂直的叶,在世界各地都发现过其化石

35、Early Paleozoic high-overmature strata are important source rock in Chinese petroliferous basins. ─── 下古生界高过成熟地层是我国重要的烃源岩。

36、Based on the late Paleozoic fold basement, Simao Triassic sedimentary basin formed in the early continental island arc colliusion stage after the close of Paleo Tethys ocean. ─── 三叠纪沉积盆地建立在晚古生代褶皱基底之上,形成了古特提斯洋闭合后,造山早期的弧陆碰撞阶段。

37、Ancient plant in the early Paleozoic marine mainly to the late Silurian Period, the original plants begin boarding land. ─── 古植物在古生代早期以海生藻类为主,至志留纪末期,原始植物开始登上陆地。

38、The concentrations of Br are lower in Cenozoic and Mesozoic sections than those in Paleozoic section that suggests that the sedimentary environment and evapo-concentration have an important effect to the content of Br. ─── 中新生界溴浓度较低、古生界较高,溴浓度受海陆相沉积环境和蒸发浓缩作用的控制。

39、This study provides solid deep geochemical constraints on the existence of Precambrian blocks among the Paleozoic Xingmeng orogen. ─── 上述研究首次为兴蒙造山带内存在前寒武古老地体以及该造山带组成特征提供了明确和系统的深部地球化学制约。

40、In the Southern North China region,a series of the Late Paleozoic formation with platform facies,transitional facies and inland lake facies had been deposited. ─── 南华北地区晚古生代沉积了一套台地相-海陆过渡相-内陆湖相地层,上古生界烃源岩主要为一套连续沉积的含煤岩系。

41、After 1999, the basite zone was found in the group of Kuerliang in middle-upper Carboniferous, in the Late Paleozoic strata of the North Kunlun area. ─── 1999年以来,在北昆仑地区晚古生界中上石炭统库尔良群中发现了基性岩浆岩带。

42、The Kalaxianger porphyry copper deposit(belt)is located in a Late Paleozoic island arc on the southern margin of the Altay Mountains. ─── 卡拉先格尔斑岩铜矿(带)位于阿尔泰东南缘晚古生代岛弧区,含矿斑岩主要为一套中-晚海西期的中酸性斑岩,围岩为中泥盆统北塔山组。

43、At the same time, coal bearing series strata in upper Paleozoic distributes within all basins, so coal-genetic gas is also abound.In order to reali... ─── 因此,为实现大港油田天然气生产的良性循环,应坚持科技创新和油气并举的原则,加快对黄骅坳陷天然气新领域的勘探步伐,加快气田(藏)的高效开发和老区的滚动挖潜。

44、However, we should also research the Paleozoic in the sedimentary basins, and focus on the places where preserved good and overlying sediments are thin, as these places have good petroleum resources. ─── 另外,对盆地中的古生界应加强研究,在保存较好并且中新生代沉积较薄的地方做探查工作,应该有一定的油气前景。

45、of Paleozoic plants congregated at the water's edge and began to colonize the Earth's surface. ─── 的古生代植物聚集在水域边缘,并逐渐蔓延到地球的各个角落。

46、On the basis of a detailed study of the Late Paleozoic section in the Bogexi area,Batang county,western Sichuan,six lithostratigraphic formations may be recognized in the study area. ─── 在对四川西部巴塘县波格西地区晚古生代地层剖面研究的基础上,从岩性、岩相分析入手,将该区地层划分为6个组级岩石地层单位。

47、There is still much disagreement over the depositional characteristics of the Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation of Upper Paleozoic in the northern Ordos Basin. ─── 关于鄂尔多斯盆地北部上古生界石炭系太原组的沉积特点,目前存在着多种不同的观点。

48、From late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic , there was a complex trench-arc-basin system between Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks. ─── 从晚古生代-早中生代,扬子陆块和华夏陆块之间可能存在一个复杂的沟弧盆体系。

49、Bivalves and there have been noticeable changes in the types of Late Paleozoic only a very small number continue to exist, many new types of produce, and a considerable number of many. ─── 双壳类也有明显变化,晚古生代的种类只有很少数继续存在,产生了许多新种类,并且数量相当繁多。

50、The reservoir type is Ordovician weathering crust in the Lower Paleozoic,and the main gas layer is in the fifth member of Majiagou Formation. ─── 储集层类型为下古生界奥陶系古风化壳型,其主力含气层为马家沟组第五段。

51、Based on the late Paleozoic fold basement, Simao Triassic sedimentary basin formed in the early continental-island arc collusion stage after the close of Paleo-Tethys ocean. ─── 三叠纪沉积盆地建立在晚古生代褶皱基底之上,形成于古特提斯洋闭合后,造山早期的弧陆碰撞阶段。

52、The geotectonic background for copper-polymetallic mineralization in marine volcanic rocks of Paleozoic era,Beishan area,is expounde respectively according to synvolcanic and postvolcanic stages. ─── 分同火山作用期和后火山作用期间述了北山地区古生代海相火山岩中铜-多金属成矿作用的构造背景。

53、The following examples of oil and gas fields in distributary and delta-fringe sand bodies range in age from Late Paleozoic to Middle Cenozoic. ─── 下面所列举的是分布于分流和三角洲前绿砂体的油气田的例子,在地质时代上从晚古生代至中新生代。

54、The tectonic pattern of midding-deep hiberarchy which includes upper Paleozoic's carbonatite is possibly thrust and broad-tempered fold. ─── 以上古生界碳酸岩为主的中深层次,其构造样式推测以冲断和宽缓褶皱为主。

55、The sandstones in the upper Shihezi Formation of the Permian is the important objective reservoirs for the natural gas exploration in upper Paleozoic in the Bohai Bay Basin. ─── 二叠系上石盒子组砂岩是渤海湾盆地上古生界天然气勘探的重要目的储层。

56、The current Paleozoic is dominated by relic gas reservoirs survived reconstruction, while the Mesozoic is dominated by oil and gas r... ─── 下一步油气勘探应围绕古生界烃源岩在综合分析油气成藏条件的基础上,采用现代勘探技术落实有效圈闭,进行立体勘探。

57、The enormous amount of natural gas generated from gas source rock of Paleozoic erathem and continuous gas supply ability is the base of the concertrated gas reservoirs. ─── 上古生界气源岩巨大的排气量和持续的供气能力是古生界气藏富集的基础,天然气早期以垂向和侧向运移为主,晚期就近运移聚集,为古生界特别是上古生界大面积含气提供了有利条件。

58、The communities of Paleozoic plants congregated at the water ’s edge and began to colonize the Earth's surface. ─── 古生代的植物群落积聚在河边,逐渐向地面进军。

59、Uranium mineralization of ductile fault rock type and other types were with metallogenetic ages being of Middle-Late Proterozoic and Late Paleozoic. ─── 发育有韧性断层岩型等铀矿化类型,成矿时代为中晚元古代和古生代晚期。

60、Late Paleozoic spore fossils found in the Shishuyuan Formation in Nanzhao County, Henan Province, confirm the existence of a Late Paleozoic trough in the North Qinling. ─── 南召柿树园组发现晚古生代孢子化石,证实存在北秦岭晚古生代海槽。

61、On this basis the paleogeographical changing process during the Paleozoic in the eastern Qinling is discussed. ─── 在此基础上探讨了东秦岭古生代古地理变迁过程。

62、And the Bayan Har gold deposit, which is related to the granite-porphyry intruded in Sonid Zuoqi ophiolitic melange belt in the middle-late stage of the Late Paleozoic, is of an epithermal type. ─── 另一种是以巴彦哈尔为代表的、与侵入于蛇绿混杂岩带中的晚古生代中晚期花岗斑岩有关的浅成低温热液型金矿。

63、Cathaysia Flora, one of the four famous floras of Late Paleozoic, is always the focus of study to palaeobotanists at home and abroad. ─── 作为晚古生代全球四大著名植物群之一的华夏植物群 (CathaysiaFlora),一直是国内外古植物学家研究的焦点。

64、The crustal components in the region include: late Archean crystallization basement, middle-late Proterozoic fold series and Paleozoic cover of upper Sinian to Permian stratigraphic system. ─── 区域地壳结构有基底结晶岩系(新太古界)和褶皱岩系(中新元古界),盖层为古生界,自上震旦统至二叠系基本连续出露。

65、In Mesozoic, Guangdong flora had a big change, the gymnosperm was prosperous, but it was evolved from the late Paleozoic Cathaysian flora as a whole. ─── 中生代,广东植物区系成分发生了很大的变化,裸子植物大量繁盛,但总体上是在本区晚古生代华夏植物区系的基础上演化而来的。

66、Santanghu Basin is located between Altai Mountain and Tianshan Belt,it is a composite and reconstructed basin which superposes on the Paleozoic erogenic belt of Paleozoic age. ─── 三塘湖盆地位于阿尔泰山系与天山山系之间,为一叠置在古生代造山带之上的复合改造型盆地。

67、The gold deposit at Hongtugou-Chuancigou in the northern Qilian area occurs in an Early Paleozoic collision orogenic belt, is a typical ductile shear zone gold deposit. ─── 北祁连地区的红土沟-川刺沟金矿床产于早古生代碰撞造山带中,是该造山带形成和演化的阶段性产物。

68、Lin Huixi.2004.Karstification of Lower Paleozoic reservoir in Zhuangxi-Chengdao area,Jiyang Sag,China.Journal of Chengdu University of Technology (Natural Sci.Ed.),31 (5):490-497. ─── [2]林会喜.2004.济阳坳陷桩西-埕岛地区下古生界潜山储层岩溶作用.成都理工大学学报(自然科学版),31(5):490-497.

69、The content of this text is studying evolutive degree of the source rock of the upper Sinian and the Paleozoic group mainly by vitrinite,pyrogenation,conodont and sporopollen. ─── 以镜质体反射率、热解、牙形刺、孢粉作为划分的主要依据,研究了金衢盆地上震旦统和古生界烃源岩的演化程度。

70、Dynamic analysis of gas formation revealed that the resisting force for the capillary tubes in the Upper Paleozoic reservoir was so high that it prevented the remigration of gas. ─── 含气范围内的同一气层连通性较差,气水分布受区域构造控制,局部明显存在边底水,也没有整体活塞式气驱水作用形成的区域性气水界面。

71、From late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic, there was a complex trench-arc-basin system between Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks. ─── 从晚古生代-早中生代,扬子陆块和华夏陆块之间可能存在一个复杂的沟弧盆体系。

72、Of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time, system of rocks, and sedimentary deposits of the seventh and last period of the Paleozoic Era. ─── 二叠纪的,二叠岩的是、属于或标明为古生代第七个和最后一个阶段的地质时期、岩层及沉积矿藏

73、The Meso-Cenozoic Yingjisu depression is a piggyback foreland ba si n developed in the setting of the Paleozoic thrust nappe structure. ─── 叠瓦式逆冲断层、花状构造、构造三角带、断展褶皱和披覆构造是英吉苏凹陷的主要变形样式。

74、Of,belonging to,or designating the geologic time,system of rocks,and sedimentary deposits of the seventh and last period of the Paleozoic Era. ─── 二叠纪的,二叠岩的是、属于或标明为古生代第七个和最后一个阶段的地质时期、岩层及沉积矿藏。

75、Thus the Nalati-Bindaban-Weiya zone was interpreted as an accretion-collision suture of continental blocks during Paleozoic time. ─── 因此,该带被解释为古生代大洋俯冲、陆块碰撞拼贴的缝合带。

76、The Meso-Cenozoic tectonic movements have great influence on present petroleum accumulations in Paleozoic basins in the south of China. ─── 南华北中南部中新生代盆地的形成演化主要受郯庐断裂带、大别造山带构造运动的制约。

77、NAN Run-shan, GUO Sheng-zhe, Paleozoic biostratigraphy and geography in the geosyncline of Inner Mongolia -Northeast [M].Beijing: Geological Publishing House,1992: 1-142. ─── [4]南润善,郭胜哲.内蒙古-东北地槽区古生代生物地层及古地理[M].北京:地质出版社,1992:1-142.

78、The Paleozoic prototype is related with the orogeny of the surrounding Altay Mts., East and West Junggar Mts., Northwest Tianshan Mts. ─── 其古生代盆地的形成与相邻的阿尔泰山和东、西准噶尔山、天山及博格达山的造山作用相关。

79、The three-dimensional positions of Paleozoic strata in the South Tianshan orogenoic belt were changed architecturally during the collision between the Tarim and Yining paleo-continents. ─── 南天山古生代地层的三度空间位置因造山作用改造而发生结构性重组。

80、The paleozoic source rock in North China went into the main oil generating period at the end of Triassic. ─── 华北地区古生界生油岩在三叠纪末已进入主要生油期。

81、Longshan complex, the junction of Qinling-Qilian orogen, Archean TTG, southern margin of North China Craton, early Paleozoic, island arc volcanics, Xinjie Complex. ─── 01陇山杂岩:秦岭-祁连构造结合部位;太古代TTG;华北地块南缘;早古生代;岛弧火山岩;新街片麻岩套

82、The homoclinal reverse fold occurred in the Meso-Proterozoic.The superimposed fold in the late stage occurred in the Early Paleozoic. ─── 主期褶皱形成于中元古代,晚期褶皱形成于早古生代;

83、There are few survivors of the animals that lived in the Paleozoic period. ─── 古生代的动物现今已鲜有孑遗。

84、The communities of Paleozoic plants congregated at the water 's edge and began to colonize the Earth's surface. ─── 古生代的植物群落积聚在河边,逐渐向地面进军。

85、Geological stratums from all eras, including the Pre-Cambrian period to the Paleozoic era, the Mesozoic era, and the Cenozoic era, are evenly distributed. ─── 从年代角度看,从前寒武纪到古生代、中生代、新生代的所有地层均匀分布,岩石由各种火成岩、沉积岩及变质岩构成。

86、Li Hongsheng and Bian Q antao.1993.Upper Paleozoic radiolaria of the Xijin Ulan-Gangqiqu ophiolite complex,Kekexili.Geoscience,7(4) :410-420. ─── [2]李红生,边千韬1993可可西里西金乌兰-冈齐曲蛇绿混杂岩中晚古生代放射虫现代地质,7(4):410-420.

87、Meteoric water leaked and dissolved the lower Paleozoic carbonate rock along faults in Paleogene because of differential upwarding of fault-block. ─── 古近纪断块发生差异升降,大气淡水可以沿断裂渗流到下古生界碳酸盐岩中产生溶蚀作用;

88、They are, from the oldest to the youngest, the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras. ─── 他们是,从最老对最年轻,古生代,中生,和Cenozoic时代。

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