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09-02 投稿



predetermined 发音

英:[ ,prid?'t?m?nd]  美:[?pri?d??t??rm?nd]

英:  美:

predetermined 中文意思翻译



predetermined 网络释义

adj. 业已决定的;先已决定的v. 已决定的(predetermine的过去式和过去分词)

predetermined 词性/词形变化,predetermined变形

动词第三人称单数: predetermines |动词过去分词: predetermined |名词: predetermination |动词过去式: predetermined |形容词: predeterminate |动词现在分词: predetermining |

predetermined 短语词组

1、predetermined burden rate ─── [经] 预定的制造费用分配率

2、predetermined category ─── [计] 预定分类, 预定范畴

3、predetermined reference level ─── 预定的参考水平

4、predetermined state ─── [计] 预定状态

5、predetermined system ─── [经] 预定(成本)制度

6、predetermined format ─── [计] 预定格式

7、predetermined code ─── [经] 预先制订的编码

8、predetermined basis ─── [经] 预定的基础(根据), 按预定数额分配法

9、predetermined motion time systems ─── [经] 预定动作时间制

10、predetermined method ─── [经] 预定法

11、predetermined cycle ─── [计] 预定周期

12、predetermined overhead rates ─── [经] 预定的制造费用分配率

13、predetermined job cost system ─── [经] 预定分批成本

14、predetermined factor overhead ─── [经] 预定制造费用

15、predetermined structure ─── [计] 预定结构

16、predetermined distribution ─── [经] 预定的分配方法

17、predetermined value ─── [计] 预定值

18、predetermined factory overhead ─── 预定的工厂开销

19、predetermined costing ─── [经] 预定成本法

predetermined 相似词语短语

1、predeterminer ─── n.前限定词

2、predetermines ─── vt.预先确定;预先决定;预先查明

3、redetermine ─── v.再决定,再确定;重新决定,重新确定

4、redetermines ─── v.再决定,再确定;重新决定,重新确定

5、predetermine ─── vt.预先确定;预先决定;预先查明

6、predeterminers ─── n.前限定词

7、overdetermined ─── adj.[数]超定的;多因素决定的;[数]过定的

8、predeterminate ─── adj.先定的;预定的;注定的

9、redetermined ─── 重新决定的;再决定的

predetermined 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Time deposits generally have a predetermined maturity and amount. ─── 定期存款通常具有预先规定的到期日和数额。

2、A radio or radar transmitter-receiver activated for transmission by reception of a predetermined signal. ─── 发射机应答器一种收到预定信号之后就开始发射信号的无线电或雷达发射接收机。

3、He doesn't have to respond in predetermined, rigid ways. ─── 他无须以既定的、僵硬的方式用出回应。

4、A check valve that controls fluid flow rates to maintain a predetermined, constant pressure upstream from the valve. ─── 为保持阀的上游的预定不变的压力所用的控制流体流量的一种止回阀。

5、A person's health is often genetically predetermined. ─── 人的体质通常是由遗传决定的。

6、A message with one address to is delivered to a fixed predetermined set of destinations. ─── 一种带有一个地址的信息,要传递给一组事先决定了的目的地(即收信方)。

7、A predetermined pattern of lines, that provides uniform coverage of a display space. ─── 在计算机图形学中,提供显示空间均匀覆盖面的预定扫描线图案。

8、A network control program function that presents an interruption to indicate that a predetermined period of time has elapsed without the occurrence of an expected event. ─── 一种网络控制程序中的操作程序,可以发出一个中断,表明预定的时间周期已被用完,但没有发生期望的事件。

9、A put option confers the right but not the obligation to sell currencies, instruments or futures at the option exercise price within a predetermined time period. ─── 在预先决定的时间段内以期权行使价格卖出货币、金融票据或期货的权利,但这不是义务。

10、To ensure the vessel voyage along the predetermined course, the rudder angle should be changed reasonably at the right moment according to the various leeway circumstances. ─── 为使船舶沿预定的航向航行,应根据船舶偏离航向的情况适时合理地改变舵角以修正航向。

11、You were "predetermined" to have a joyful, expansive experience, and the way in which you will do that is all up to you. ─── 你“事先决定”有一个快乐的、扩展的经历,你将使用哪种方式去做全由你决定。

12、A device for directing electrical input pulses onto one or two output lines, depending upon the presence or absence of a predetermined accompanying control pulse. ─── 一种装置,根据是否出现一个预先决定的伴随控制脉冲,把电输入脉冲导向到一条或两条输出线路上。

13、He made a modest ramark,” This should be predetermined by the female side.After all it is not objective to score myself. ─── 他谦虚地说,这应该问女方,毕竟自己给自己打分数是不够客观的。

14、Any new entrant will obtain grandfathering rights over the relevant slots once it has operated a route for a predetermined period. ─── 任何新航空公司一旦在事先确定的时期内运行一条航线,都将获得相关航线的终身运营权。

15、Signaling routes are predetermined paths specifying SS7 nodes and interconnecting signaling links. ─── 信令路由是指定 SS7 节点和互连信令链路而预先确定的路径。

16、In word processing,a predetermined number of escapement units(including character spaces)forming one line of typing. ─── 在字(词)处理技术中,预先定义的换码单位数(包括字符空格),构成一个打字行。

17、The process of XML Web service discovery in Visual Studio involves interrogating a Web site following a predetermined algorithm. ─── Visual Studio中的XML Web services发现过程涉及按照预先确定的算法询问网站。

18、During the predetermined work hours when the up traffice from the main floor is specially heavy , elevators are meet the neeas of up peak traffic congestion. ─── 在预定上班时间内,基站向上的运输特别繁忙时,向基站不断派梯以满足上班时高峰拥挤的需要。

19、It enables you to prevent data loss by creating and storing shadow copies of files and folders on your network at predetermined time intervals. ─── 它定期为网络中的文件和文件夹创建和存储卷影副本,从而避免数据丢失。

20、A ritual bath at a predetermined time and place is the major event of the festival. ─── 圣水沐浴节中最主要的活动就是在预定的时间和地点进行宗教式的沐浴。

21、The selected cutoff points in relation to sensitivity and specificity given predetermined risk level and utility ratio were demonstrated. ─── 再以预先订定的风险值及效用比,求得适当的切点以及相对的敏感度及特异度。

22、In this first example, the Get-Mailbox cmdlet is called without specific formatting so the default output is in table format and contains a predetermined set of properties. ─── 在第一个示例中,调用Get-Mailbox cmdlet但未指定格式,因此,默认输出为表格格式并包含一组预定义的属性。

23、Following the FDV, the product flows to the fifth major component of the system, which is the holding tube, a predetermined length of pipe with an established and known diameter. ─── 产品在FDV之后流到设备的第五个主要组成部分,即具有确定的管长、一定并已知的直径的保温管。

24、The difference between a TDR and a PDR is that the TDR is done in more of a controlled setting where areas are predetermined as "sending" or "receiving" areas. ─── 也有的学者认为,国家在农田基础建设和农村基础设施方面进行了一些投资,这种投资引起的升值(马克思所说的级差地租二),应当归国家所有。

25、The installation tool maintains sleeve position in the hole while pulling the mandrel into, and expanding the sleeve until the mandrel breaks off at a predetermined point. ─── 安装工具将套筒定位在孔内,同时向往外拉心轴,套筒受力膨胀,心轴在预定受力点被拉断。

26、The harmony achieved between predetermined aerodynamic features and free composition is pure Lichtenstein. ─── 和谐之间实现了预定的气动特性和自由组合的纯列支敦士登。

27、A synchronizing labyrinth must be created at a special, predetermined place. ─── 同步迷宫必须建立在一个特殊的,预先确定的地方。

28、Thus, in order to provide timely cost data, factory overhead costs are assigned or applied to production by using a predetermined rate. ─── 出于这种考虑,制造费用可以按一确定的比例进行分配各产品的生产成本。

29、You can use policy to set properties to predetermined values, to assign a range of values, or to specify a list of possible enum values for the property. ─── 可以使用策略将属性设置为预设值,分配值范围,或为属性指定可能的枚举值列表。

30、MAJOR WILSHAW :That life is a predetermined pattern. ─── 威尔萧少校:生命是注定的。

31、Security probes that verify a database ACL against a predetermined configuration and that check for inconsistencies in security configurations across multiple servers. ─── 安全探测器,根据预先确定的配置来验证数据库ACL,检查多台服务器中不一致的安全配置。

32、Regardless of how carefully the predetermined overhead rate is estimated, Factory Overhead will usually have a balance at the end of the fiscal year. ─── 不管预先确定制造费用分配率时多么认真仔细,制造费用账户在年末总会有一个余额。

33、A system used by character readers in character recognition where each input document is issued to the document transport at a predetermined and fixed rate. ─── 在字符识别中,字符阅读器所使用的一种系统,在这里输入的文件以预定的和不变的速率被发送给文件传送装置。

34、The doctrine that all events are predetermined by fate and are therefore unalterable. ─── 宿命论认为所有事情都是由命运注定且无法改变的理论

35、He doesn't have to respond in predetermined, right ways. ─── 他不必按既定计划亦步亦趋。

36、To adhere to established rules or predetermined courses of action. ─── 保持一致坚持保持成规或预先确定的行动方案

37、The Code Advisor for Visual Basic 6 is an add-in used to review your code to ensure that it meets predetermined coding standards. ─── Code Advisor for Visual Basic 6是一个外接程序,用来检查您的代码以确保达到预先确定的编码标准。

38、Brains and computers are both machines for processing information which is fed in from outside in accordance with a predetermined programme. ─── 大脑和计算机都是处理信息的机器,这些信息是根据预先设定的程序从外部输入进去的。

39、Use of the French curve The French curve is used to draw a smooth line through predetermined points.... ─── 发布者:王世军所在地:上海杨浦区行业:服装职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

40、On September 25 21:10, are the Shenzhou seven man-in-space flight airship predetermined launch time. ─── 9月25日21时10分,是神舟七号载人航天飞船预定发射的时间。

41、The sex of the embryo is predetermined at fertilization. ─── 胚胎的性别早在受精时就决定了。

42、Controlled by or as if by fate;predetermined. ─── 命中注定的被(或像是被)命运掌握的;预先注定的

43、Acting to discontinue a military attack on the occurrence of any of a variety of predetermined conditions. ─── 能阻止军事攻击的预定情况发生时能终止军事攻击行为的

44、Due to the necessity of prompt action in times of crisis, it may be prudent to have set aside a predetermined budget for CSR issues. ─── 危机时刻采取果断的行动是必要的,审慎的做法是在预算中把属于企业社会责任的那部分预留出来。

45、People with an average natural gift are equally capable of mastering the basics of liberal arts and natural science. They are never predetermined by nature to be good in one subject and poor in another. ─── 一个有中上天资的人,对于普通的基本的文理科目,都同样的有学习的能力,绝不会本能的长于此而拙于彼。

46、The predetermined solution viscosity of the thickened solution should preferably be above 600 centipoises. ─── 增稠溶液的规定粘度最好在600厘泊以上。

47、Unlike his sculptures, in which issues of scale, materials and design are all up to him, this project involves fitting a predetermined architectural space. ─── 像他的雕塑,在这问题上的尺度,材料和设计,都是由他决定,这个项目涉及装修预设建筑空间。

48、He had predetermined opinions and I had my opinions, and there were too many cooks spoiling the broth. ─── 他总是有些先入为主的想法,但我也有自己的意见,厨子太多就会把好好一锅汤烧坏。

49、In this system the loom physically drives the warp beam through a gear system to feed warp yarns at a predetermined rate. ─── 在该机构中,织机通过齿轮系统直接驱动织轴,将经纱按既定速度送出来;

50、After equilibrium has been established, a predetermined amount of the head-space of the vial is flushed into the gas chromatograph. ─── 在平衡建立以后,顶空瓶中预定量的样品进入气相色谱仪。

51、The Settlement both vertically and horizontally under lateral loads and bending moment must not exceed predetermined and acceptable values. ─── 垂直和水平向荷载作用下的沉降和弯(曲)矩不能超过预先确定数值或工程采用的限定数值。

52、Any of several techniques for making detailed x-rays of a predetermined plane section of a solid object while blurring out the images of other planes. ─── X线体层照相术一种X线照相技术,能够照出某确定物体上事先规定好的某层部分,而不会照下其它部分的像。

53、Use CAAT to evaluate all expense reports within a predetermined amount. Determine if expenses are reasonable/approved. ─── 利用审计辅助软件测试来评估所有在预定金额内的费用报告。决定费用是否合理/经过批准。

54、The colour of a person's hair is often predetermined by that of his parents. ─── 一个人头发的颜色常是由父母的头发颜色所决定的。

55、Attendant Recall On Trunk Hold The system will recall the attendant if a trunk placed on hold is not re-entered within a predetermined time. ─── 中继线中断时话务台重呼在预先设定的时间内,如果中断的中继线没有重新接入,那么系统将重呼话务员。

56、There could be very serious consequences if this knowledge were used intentionally to produce superior and subordinate classes, each genetically prepared to carry out a predetermined mission. ─── 从另一方面讲,如果这种知识被有意识地用来复制优等或劣等群体,天生让这些人来完成某一预定的使命,那就会产生非常严重的后果。

57、An output unit that produces a hard copy record of data mainly in the form of a sequence of discrete graphic characters belonging to one or more predetermined character sets. ─── 一种产生数据记录硬拷贝的输出设备,它是以属于一个或多个预定字符集里的离散的图形字符序列的形式去表示数据记录的。

58、Aslong as it remains a bond, ICULS holders will enjoy payment of interestincome at a predetermined specified coupon rate. ─── 只要我们仍然债券iculs持有人可享有利息收益在预定订息率.

59、If the number of cached items exceeds a predetermined limit when the item is added, the BackgroundScheduler object begins scavenging. ─── 在添加项时,如果缓存项的数量超过预定的限制,那么BackgroundScheduler对象就开始进行清理。

60、A contract conferring the right but not the obligation to buy (call) or to sell (put) a specified amount of an instrument at a specified price within a predetermined time period. ─── 在预先决定的时间段内,给与权利但没有义务在指定价格购买或出售指定数量金融工具的合约。

61、He made a modest ramark, " This should be predetermined by the female side. After all it is not objective to score myself. " ─── 他谦虚地说,这应该问女方,毕竟自己给自己打分数是不够客观的。

62、The "stunned" zombie is not allowed to tag a human for a predetermined length of time. ─── “晕厥”的僵尸在预定时间内不能再传染人类。

63、The spray nozzles are designed to produce a dense spray at a predetermined angle. ─── 喷嘴是按预定角度产生稠密水雾来设计的。

64、BBB has an option at any time during the 3 years to buy over the Facility at predetermined prices. ─── BBB有权在三年内任何时间以预定价格收购工厂。

65、It turned out to be a shrewd move, and by endowment standards, which rarely stray from predetermined asset allocations, a bold one. ─── 这是一个精明之举,按照很少偏离预定资产配置轨道的基金会的标准来看,这也属于是大胆之举。

66、The capsules can be made to release the pesticides at a predetermined time. ─── 可使这些胶囊在预定时间释放出杀虫剂。

67、Controlled by or as if by fate; predetermined. ─── 命中注定的被(或像是被)命运掌握的;预先注定的

68、At predetermined temperature trigger-points the cooling current is increased. ─── 在预定的温度触发点上,冷却电流增大。

69、An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a predetermined level. ─── 温度一达到预设的度数,警报就会响起来。

70、A cryptographic system in which units of plain text of regular length, usually letters, are arbitrarily transposed or substituted according to a predetermined code. ─── 密码一种密码系统,其中固定长度的明文里的单元,通常为字母,被任意倒置或按事先确定的符号系统替换

71、"Out of the 50 states, about 40 of them are almost predetermined, and we can call them today. ─── “美国50个州里,有大约40个州差不多都能提前确定选举人票的归属,现在就能预测。

72、The CVP analysis assumes that either a single product is sold or that sales will be in accordance with a predetermined sales mix. ─── CVP分析假设只销售一种产品或销售将按既定的组合进行。

73、The SO/SB Shutoff Regulator is used in the gas line to automatically shut off the fuel when the combustion air or any remote signal pressure drops below a predetermined limit. ─── SB切断阀用于燃气管线自动切断燃料,当助燃空气或者任何采样信号的压力低于预设定极限值时,安全且短阀都会自动切断燃料的供应。

74、The benefit from this style of grid-enabled application is that results are obtained when needed without having to wait for a predetermined time slot to run the application. ─── 启用网格的应用程序的优点是在需要时获得结果,而不必预先等待一段时间再来运行应用程序。

75、Senior organizers said they had never been involved in such a high-level summit meeting where the outcome was not predetermined. ─── 一些资深组织者称自己从未参加过这样结果难以预料的高级别会议。

76、Governed by fate; predetermined. ─── 命运决定了的由命运掌握的;预先注定的

77、Waxman bemoan how predetermined beliefs are jeopardizing scientific freedom, you might think you are in another age or in some struggling new country. ─── 但走出他位在角落的办公室,见到的却是美国国会大厦闪亮的圆顶,以及周边架设了围栏和最先进保全系统的森严警备。

78、The Yuhang area still only had 9 sets of deals, the predetermined 3 sets, finalized a deal the even price 5919 Yuan/square meters. ─── 余杭区仍然仅有9套成交,预定3套,成交均价5919元/平方米。

79、In computer graphics , a predetermined pattern of lines, that provides uniform coverage of a display space. ─── 在计算机图形学中,提供显示空间均匀覆盖面的预定扫描线图案。

80、He says that everything is predetermined, but...I like to think that it is fate. I'm not sure how it works, but I'm glad it happened. ─── 他说任何事情的发生都是事先决定好的,我愿意理解为命运。我不知道它是怎幺回事,但是我很高兴生变发生的一切。

81、Optics of calculable, predetermined performance: a demanding task. ─── 1866年,蔡司的第1000台显微镜出厂。

82、If the determined difference exceeds a predetermined threshold, data in the target data segment is replaced with data derived from the remaining data segments. ─── 如果所确定的差别超过特定阈值,使用由其余数据分段所得出的数据来代替目标数据分段中的数据。

83、In this design, the twill direction is reversed at predetermined intervals to form a series of inverted Vs. ─── 在这种组织中,在预定的区间内将斜纹的斜向反向配置,以形成一系列倒V形纹路。

84、"Unfortunately the outcome is predetermined," Genser said, adding that he fears Suu Kyi will be convicted. ─── “很遗憾的是结果是可以预知的,”金瑟说,并补充其担心苏西将被宣判有罪。

85、In word processing, a predetermined number of escapement units (including character spaces) forming one line of typing. ─── 在字(词)处理技术中,预先定义的换码单位数(包括字符空格),构成一个打字行。

86、A patent is supposed to last for a predetermined period so that the know-how contained therein eventually passes into the public domain. ─── 专利的期限应该是事先规定好的,因此专利所代表的技术,终有一天会进入公共领域。

87、The process of Web service discovery in Visual Studio involves interrogating a Web site following a predetermined algorithm. ─── Visual Studio中的Web服务发现过程涉及询问网站是否遵循预定算法。

88、In order to engineer the optimal solution, the correlations between paths, the distances between the points to be connected, the required conveying tasks and outputs are predetermined. ─── 为落实最佳解决方案,必须事先详细调查运输路线之间的关系、两个行驶点之间的距离、运输的目的以及需要的功率等。

89、Remember that when the standard costs are used, factory overhead is applied to production on the basis of a predetermined standard cost overhead rate. ─── 在标准成本制度下,制造费用根据一事先确定的比率进行分配。

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