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09-02 投稿


armistice 发音

英:['ɑ?m?st?s]  美:['ɑrm?st?s]

英:  美:

armistice 中文意思翻译



armistice 词性/词形变化,armistice变形


armistice 短语词组

1、armistice agreement ─── [法] 停战协定

2、Jordon-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission ─── 以色列联合停战委员会

3、armistice definition ─── 停战定义

4、armistice movie ─── 停战电影

5、armistice wwi ─── 第一次世界大战停战

6、armistice meaning ─── 停战的意义

7、Armistice and Post-War Committee ─── 停战和战后委员会

8、armistice ww1 ─── 第一次世界大战停战

9、Armistice of Mudros ─── 穆德罗斯停战

10、armistice pact ─── [法] 停战公约

11、Armistice Day ( ─── 第一次世界大战)停战日(1918年11月11日)

12、Armistice Demarcation Line ─── 停战分界线

13、Armistice Affairs Division ─── 停战事务司

14、armistice means ─── 停战意味着

15、armistice day 2020 2020 ─── 停战日

armistice 相似词语短语

1、artistic ─── adj.艺术的;风雅的;有美感的

2、autistic ─── adj.[心理][内科]孤独症的;孤僻的;n.孤独症患者(常指儿童)

3、armistices ─── n.停战,休战;休战协议

4、animistic ─── adj.精灵论的;万物有灵论的

5、eristics ─── adj.争论的,辩论的;旨在诡辩的;n.辩论者;辩论术;争辩

6、aoristic ─── adj.不定过去时的

7、eristic ─── adj.争论的,辩论的;旨在诡辩的;n.辩论者;辩论术;争辩

8、hemistich ─── n.半行;诗的半句;不完全之诗行

9、atomistic ─── adj.原子的;原子论的

armistice 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、provisional armistice line ─── 临时停战线

2、But at least an armistice will mean that men who would have died will now live. ─── 但至少,停战意味着那些原本要死的人逃过一劫。

3、He concluded an armistice with Germany, and as head of Vichy France he attempted to obtain concessions by cooperating with the Germans. ─── 他与德国达成停战协定,成为维琪法国的元首,他试图与德国合作达成让步。

4、10. They will very likely try to wriggle out of the armistice terms. ─── 他们很可能设法拒不实施停战协定的条款。

5、At long last an armistice was declared by the belligerents. ─── 交战双方终於宣布停战。

6、Military Armistice Commission Headquarters Area ─── 军事停战委员会总部地区

7、Less than two years after the armistice,the Olympics resumed in Belgium,a symbolic and austere choice considering it had been occupied for four years by enemy forces. ─── 停战之后不到两年,奥林匹克运动会在比利时恢复举行。这是一次具有象征意义的、严峻的选择,因为比利时被敌对国占领长达4年之久。

8、general armistice agreement ─── 全面停战协定

9、general armistice ─── 全面停战

10、"At the time, I was in Manpo Prison, and I had no idea at all about the armistice or prisoner exchange, " Cho said. ─── “当时,我在满浦监狱,我完全不知道停战或囚犯交换,”赵说。

11、At 830 a.m. on July 12, Vichy envoys arrived to sue for an armistice ─── 7月12日上午八时半,维希方面的特使前来请求停战。

12、Following the armistice declaration, on 21 November 1918 Beatty received, off the coast of Scotland at Rosyth, the surrender of the German High Fleet 59; comprising 90 ships plus a further 87 U-boats. ─── 在1918年11月21日接到停战宣言之后,贝蒂离开苏格兰海岸接受德国公海舰队的投降,其中包括90艘水面舰只和87艘U艇。

13、She had a debut after the Armistice, and in February she was presumably engaged to a man from New Orleans. ─── 停战以后她参加了一次初进社交界的舞会,据说二月里她跟新奥尔良市来的一个人订了婚。

14、One of the first conditions as a result of the Armistice was the complete abrogation of the treaty. ─── 第一个条件,由于停战协定的,是完全废除该条约。

15、International friendly match armistice one week later, Realmadrid and Busser will meet head-on the middle reaches team in the main floor, this round competition they for own rectifying names. ─── 国际友谊赛休战一周之后,皇马和巴塞都将在主场迎战中游球队,这一轮比赛他们将为自己正名。

16、On 23 August, in the afternoon, he was summoned to the Royal Palace, where King Mihai I asked him to immediately sign the armistice with the Allies. ─── 8月23日下午,他被传唤到皇宫,国王米哈伊一世要他立即与盟军签署停战协议。

17、July 27, 1953, the two warring sides signed the armistice agreement at Panmunjom. ─── 1953年7月27日,交战双方在板门店签署停战协定。

18、armistice demarcation line ─── 停战分界线

19、The armistice did not spare France a pang. ─── 停战协定并未使法国免遭剧烈的创伤。

20、On Armistice Day, soldiers who survived the war marched in a parade through their home towns. ─── 在休战日,战争中幸免的士兵在家乡集队游行。

21、A temporary cessation or suspension of hostilities by agreement of the opposing sides; an armistice. ─── 停战通过敌对双方的协议所达成的敌对行为的暂时停止或中止;停战

22、The conflict bogged down on the 38th parallel.The armistice, which was signed in 1953, is still in force. ─── 1953年冲突双方以38度线为界签署的停战协议,至今仍然有效。

23、The plan for armistice talks was halted. ─── 和平谈判计划被迫中止。

24、United Nations Command component of the Military Armistice Commission; ─── 军事停战委员会联合国军司令部部分;

25、Afterward the Sparta king and the Elis king has signed " the sacred armistice month " the treaty. ─── 后来斯巴达王和伊利斯王签订了"神圣休战月"条约。

26、An armistice may be general or local. ─── 休战得为全面性或地区性。

27、armistice terms ─── 停战条件

28、an armistice; a cease-fire agreement ─── 停战协定

29、1.to stop fighting; to cease fire; 2.a truce; an armistice ─── 休兵

30、To back up an armistice signed with the Byzantine Empire in 1046, his father married him to a daughter of Emperor Constantine IX. ─── 为了表示对1046年跟拜占庭帝国签订的停火协定的支持,他的父亲让他与皇帝君士坦丁堡九世的女儿联姻。

31、After the Second World War, Armistice Day continued to be observed on November 11. ─── 二战后,休战日继续定在11月11日。

32、But two nights later, under the impact of the disaster in the East, Hitler, Goering and Jodl were in such a state that they thought it would not be necessary to ask the West for an armistice. ─── 但是在两个晚上以后,在东线的灾难的打击下,希特勒、戈林和约德尔反而认为没有必要向西方要求停战了。

33、At long last an armistice is declared by the belligerent. ─── 交战双方终于宣布停战。

34、U.S.-led United Nations command in South Korea said Thursday that the more than five-decades old armistice remains in force and is binding for all signatories, including North Korea. ─── 以美国为首的驻南韩联合国军司令部星期四表示,五十多年的停战协定仍然有效而且对包括北韩在内的所有签署国都具有约束力。

35、Syngman Rhee, president of South Korea, refuses to sign but pledges to observe the armistice. ─── 南韩总统李承晚拒绝签署但是保证将对停战状况保持观察。

36、Command, led by the United States, monitors the tense detente along the border established by the armistice in the absence of a permanent peace treaty. ─── 南北韩之间没有签署永久性和平条约,而只签署了停战协议,这条边界线就是由板门店停战协议划分的。

37、Secretary of the United Nations Command Component of the Military Armistice Commission; ─── 停战委员会联合国军部分秘书长;

38、On the twenty-fifth the desperate Guderian had called on Ribbentrop and urged him to try to get an immediate armistice in the West so that what was left of the German armies could be concentrated in the East against the Russians. ─── 25日那天急得团团转的古德里安去见里宾特洛甫,要他设法马上在西线实现停战,以便使残存的德国军队能集中在东线对付俄军。

39、The armistice went into effect at seven o'clock. ─── 停战协定7点钟开始生效。

40、A temporary cessation or suspension of hostilities by agreement of the opposing sides;an armistice. ─── 停战通过敌对双方的协议所达成的敌对行为的暂时停止或中止;

41、After the Armistice the service society no longer had the raison d' etre and there fore disbanded. ─── 停战后,军中俱乐部已没有存在的必要了,因此解散了。

42、On September 29, Bulgaria signed an armistice. ─── 9月29日,保加利亚签字停战。

43、After the armistice he had spent a month in Paris ─── 停战以后他在巴黎呆了一个月。

44、On November eleventh, 1918, fighting in World War One came to an end with the signing of an armistice between the Allies and Germany. ─── 1918年11月11日(光棍节哦)第一次世界大战随着协约国和德国签署了停战而而结束了!

45、At long last an armistice is declared by the belligerent ─── 交战双方终於宣布停战

46、an armistice talk; trade negotiations; truce negotiations ─── 停战谈判

47、Israel-Lebanon General Armistice Agreement ─── 以色列--黎巴嫩全面停战协定

48、Armistice Day 1950 was marked in X Corps by the landing at Wonsan of the 15th Infantry, largely schools troops from Fort Benning. ─── 1950年的一战停战日在第10军中得到纪念是因为第15步兵师登陆元山,该师有大量来自本宁堡的军校生。

49、Convention of General Armistice ─── 全面停火公约

50、A U.S.-led United Nations command in South Korea said Thursday that the more than five-decades old armistice remains in force and is binding for all signatories, including North Korea. ─── 以美国为首的驻韩国联合国军司令部星期四表示,五十多年的停战协定仍然有效而且对包括北韩在内的所有签署国都具有约束力。

51、Congress followed up in 1938 by designating Armistice Day a legal holiday, dedicated to the cause of world peace. ─── 1938年,国会将停战纪念日定为法定假日,献给世界和平事业。

52、If it had, November 11 might still be called Armistice Day. ─── 如果这场战争真的做到终结所有战争,那么11月11日仍然会被称为休战纪念日。

53、The existence of an armistice does not warrant relaxation of vigilance in the service of security and protection, or in the preparedness of troops for action, or exposing positions to the enemy. ─── 休战状态并不代表可放松有关安全与保护的警戒心,或放松军队战开行动的准备,或将己方暴露于敌方。

54、An armistice (or truce, as it is sometimes called) is the cessation of active hostilities for a period agreed upon by the belligerents. ─── 休战协定(有时称为停战)是双方同意中断进行中之交战状态。

55、In 1919 northern Persia was occupied by the British General Edmund Ironside to enforce the Turkish Armistice conditions and assist General Malleson contain Boshevik influences in the north. ─── 1919年,波斯北部被英国将军艾恩赛德占领,作为强迫土耳其停战的条件,协助马里逊将军牵制布尔什维克对北部的影响。

56、Military Armistice Commission ─── 军事停战委员会

57、With no armistice obviously in sight, it seems unlikely that this dispute will be come to a rapid and peaceful conclusion. ─── 在看不到明显“停火”迹象的当下,这场争执似乎不太可能迅速而和平地终结。

58、The two nations signed an armistice. ─── 两国签署了停火协议。

59、As soon as news of the armistice arrived, the order was issued to cease fire. ─── 停战的消息刚传来,就下达了停火命令。

60、On September 2 9 , Bulgaria signed an armistice . ─── 9月29日,保加利亚签署停战协定。

61、The UN Command headed by the United States once called for a general-level conference of UNC Armistice Committee, pointing out that North Korea has already violated the Armistice between the two Koreas. ─── 以美国为首的联合国指挥部曾提议召开将军级的联合国指挥部停战委员会会议,它指出北韩已破坏了两韩间的停战。

62、"It was an opportunity they gave to some of the officers after the Armistice," he continued. "We could go to any of the universities in England or France." ─── “那是停战以后他们为一些军官提供的机会,”他继续说下去,“我们可以上任何英国或者法国的大学。”

63、For this purpose maps with the lines indicated thereon may be attached to and made part of the armistice. ─── 为此原因,休战协议应附有一份记载交战双方位置资料的地图。

64、Armistice Affairs Division ─── 停战事务处

65、“It occurred to me that this was Armistice Day,” Egger wrote, “and wouldn't it be nice if history repeated itself? ─── 伊格尔写道“我想起这天是停战纪念日,要是历史能够重演,该有多么美妙!”

66、The Sultan asked for an armistice in January 1878. ─── 1878年1月苏丹要求停火。

67、But at least an armistice will mean that men who would have died will now live. ─── 但至少,停战意味着那些原本要死的人逃过一劫。

68、After the Armistice he tried frantically to get home, but some complication or misunderstanding sent him to Oxford instead. ─── 停战以后他急得发疯地要求回国,但是由于混乱或者误会,他却被送到了牛津。

69、an American operation in World War I (1918); American troops under Pershing drove back the German armies which were saved only by the Armistice on November 11. ─── 一战(1918)中的美国军事行动;玻欣指挥下的美军击退了只能通过11月11日休战来解救的德军。

70、In his view a declaration of armistice would provoke a revolution. ─── 依他的观点宣布停战会激起革命。

71、Armistice Day was no longer an appropriate title for a day which would commemorate all war dead. ─── 停战日不再是一个适当的标题为战殁一天将纪念所有。

72、Any serious violation of the armistice by one of the parties gives the other party the right of denouncing it, and even, in cases of urgency, of recommencing hostilities immediately. (HR, art. 40. ─── 个人或少部分团体严重违反休战协议时,对方有权废止休战协议,而在紧急状况下,战斗得立即重新开始(海牙公约第40条)。

73、An American operation in World War I (1918),American troops under Pershing drove back the German armies which were saved only by the Armistice on November 11. ─── 一战(1918)中的美国军事行动,玻欣指挥下的美军击退了只能通过11月11日休战来解救的德军。

74、Armistice and Post-War Committee ─── 停战和战后委员会

75、armistice treaty ─── 停战条约

76、Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement ─── 以色列-约旦停战协定

77、Secretary of the United Nations Command Component of the Military Armistice Commission ─── 停战委员会联合国军部分秘书长

78、armistice pact ─── [法] 停战公约

79、Finally, the Bolsheviks signed an armistice with Germany. ─── 布尔什维克最终与德国签署了停战协议。

80、September 29, Bulgaria signed an armistice. ─── 9月29日,保加利亚签字停战。

81、The armistice time, he insisted every day trains, is fallen own body weight to 200 pounds, but all these as if have not been able to make up the mistake which he once violated. ─── 休战期,他每天坚持训练、让自己的体重降到200磅一下,可是所有的这些似乎还不能弥补他曾经犯下的过错。

82、On September 29, Bulgaria signed an armistice ─── 9月29日,保加利亚签署停战协定。

83、sign an armistice with another country ─── 与另一国签订停火协议

84、The military meeting-place of armistice committee ─── 军事停战委员会会场

85、On June 22nd, 1940, during World War Two, Adolf Hitler gained a stunning victory as France was forced to sign an armistice eight days after German forces overran Paris. ─── 1940年6月22日,世界二战期间,希特勒取得了惊人的胜利,德国军队占领巴黎后,法国被迫停战8天。

86、armistice day ─── 休战纪念日

87、military armistice ─── 军事停战

88、No special form for an armistice is prescribed. ─── 休战并无固定形式。

89、Less than two years after the armistice, the Olympics resumed in Belgium, a symbolic and austere choice considering it had been occupied for four years by enemy forces. ─── 停战之后不到两年,奥林匹克运动会在比利时恢复举行。这是一次具有象征意义的、峻的选择,因为比利时被敌对国占领长达4年之久。

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