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09-02 投稿


goth 发音

英:[ɡ?θ]  美:[ɡɑ?θ]

英:  美:

goth 中文意思翻译



goth 短语词组

1、mall goth ─── 把十根棍棒去掉。

2、goth. n. ─── 哥特摇滚乐; ─── 哥特族(人); ─── 哥特亚文化群成员;野蛮人adj.摇滚乐风格的;黑衣与浓妆艳抹特征的

goth 词性/词形变化,goth变形


goth 相似词语短语

1、Roth ─── n.罗斯(姓氏)

2、coth ─── abbr.双曲余切(hyperboliccotangent)的符号

3、doth ─── v.动词do的老式第三人称单数形式

4、goth. ─── n.哥特摇滚乐;哥特族(人);哥特亚文化群成员;野蛮人;adj.摇滚乐风格的;黑衣与浓妆艳抹特征的

5、got ─── v.得到,明白(get的过去式和过去分词);n.(Got)人名;(法)戈;(西、匈、瑞典)戈特

6、both ─── det.双方,两者;pron.双方,两者;adv.双方都,两者都;不仅……而且……;conj.既……且……;并;两者皆;n.(Both)博特(人名)

7、Goth ─── n.野蛮人;粗野的人;哥特摇滚乐;哥特派中的一员;哥特族(人);哥特摇滚乐爱好者;哥特风格

8、gosh ─── int.(非正式,表惊讶)天哪;上帝

9、goeth ─── n.去(go的三单形式);走;n.(Goeth)人名;(德)格特

goth 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In 493 Theodoric the Goth became King of Rome. ─── 493年,哥特人狄奥多里克成为罗马国王。

2、Johann Goth said.“The life value should be judged from his contribution rather than his profession. ─── 歌德说:“你若要喜爱自己的价值,就得给世界创造价值。”

3、Goth, steampunk draws on elements of Victorian dress. ─── 朋克和哥特风的相同点在于两者吸收了维多利亚时代的服饰元素。

4、Of Rupert Murdoch: Like a Goth swaggering around Rome wearing an onyx toilet seat for a collar, he exudes self-confidence. ─── 关于默多克:他就像是一个哥特人穿着马桶盖似的肥大衣领,在罗马大摇大摆地招摇过市。他的身上洋溢着自信。

5、The tattooed, nose-ringed clerk (who looked as if she had paid for only half a haircut) was a very helpful spitfire of a goth punk-rocker chick. ─── 该文,鼻子环办事员(谁看上去好像她已经支付的只有一半理发)是一个非常有益的喷火的哥特朋克摇滚小鸡。

6、Ever by the coronal with software industry " Goth " the software in A " cruel " dart, announce with 3 years of free means, run software to promotion of medium and small businesses. ─── 曾被冠以软件业“野蛮人”的阿里软件“野蛮”突进,宣布以3年免费的方式,向中小企业推广管理软件。

7、The bands can be quite diverse Industrial, Metal, Electronic, Punk and Goth. ─── 乐队风格不限,从工业到金属到电子到朋克到歌特。

8、Alternative Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, Goth Metal, Nu-metal ─── 另类金属,死亡金属,黑金属,歌特金属,新金属

9、Befitting the film's hip goth vibe, its accompanying soundtrack is sui... ─── 全世界艺术电影原声带...-全世界艺术...

10、The band has completed eleven original, full-length albums and currently enjoys a level of global recognition within the goth and industrial subcultures. ─── 乐队一心一意搞音乐,宣布追求音乐原创性,结果产生了各种各样愤怒、乐观、悲哀和迷幻的乐曲。

11、Carter’s casting surprises no one as she’s engaged to Burton and attached to him by a shared love of Danny Elfman and all things goth. ─── 卡特的表演并不让人惊讶,因为她是波顿的妻子而且同样喜爱剪刀手爱德华和一切哥特文化。

12、Not a real full time Goth, adopting only the fashionable side of the subculture or practising it only at weekends. ─── 不是“全职”哥特,只是将哥特时尚的一面融入自己的装扮或只在周末做哥特的人。

13、Dreams of Sanity : Goth  ─── Rock(哥特) Heavy 

14、"There's definitely been a trend in clothing for skulls, daggers, spiders, and goth inspiration, " agrees Sarah Logan, buyer for eLuxury. ─── “骷髅头、匕首、蜘蛛和受哥特人启发的图形,无疑已成为服装的一种潮流,”eLuxury采购员莎拉?洛根(SarahLogan)表示赞同。

15、" Jack inhaled sharply as two stunning girls in short skirts and goth adornments squeezed by them."Christ, they can't possibly be old enough to drink. ─── 当有两个穿着短裙,戴着哥特饰物的漂亮女孩从他们身过挤过去的时候,杰克深吸了一口气:“天啊,他们一定不会老到不能喝酒的地步。”

16、"That must be Van Goth 's sunflower there, where all the people are crowded around. " ─── 那边有很多人挤在一起,一定是梵高的《向日葵》在那儿

17、A region and ancient kingdom of northwest Spain on the Atlantic Ocean south of the Bay of Biscay. Exploited by the Romans for its mineral resources, it later became a Goth kingdom and a stronghold of the Moors. ─── 加利西亚西班牙西北部一区域和古王国,位于大西洋上的比斯开湾南部。因罗马人前来开发利用其矿产资源,后来成为高斯王国和穆尔斯的大本营

18、Jack was staring at the two young goth girls, talking with each other, one of them also talking on a cell phone, giggling, trying to look oblivious to the men furtively sneaking glances at them. ─── 杰克正盯着那两个哥特式的女孩,她们正和对方闲聊,其中有一个还在用手机打电话,咯咯笑着,想要在周围丛偷偷瞄着她们的男人当中显得更显眼。

19、Girls with horn-rimmed glasses and vegan footwear and Goth makeup. ─── 厚框眼镜,环保(非皮)鞋,歌特装扮。

20、" Johann Goth said."The life value should be judged from his contribution rather than his profession. ─── 爱因斯坦说:"一个人的价值,应当看他贡献什么,而不是看他得到什么。"

21、I don't care about the goth look or if it has become impossible to tell the boys from the girls. ─── 我不在乎哥特look也不在乎我们是不是还能从扮相上区分男孩和女孩。

22、The Phoenician, the Celt, and the Goth, had already got in.The Roman came, but in the very day when his fortune culminated.He looked in the eyes of a new people that was to supplant his own. ─── 腓尼基人,凯尔特人和哥特人很早就来到这里,先后在这个岛上生活,然后罗马人在其鼎盛时期来到了这个岛上,他们篾视那个将要取代他们自己的新种族。

23、The island was a prize for the best race.Each of the dominant races tried its fortune in turn.The Phoenician, the Celt, and the Goth, had already got in. ─── 今天基本上改得差不多了,有空到老师家里去,还可以讨论一下,这种哲理性的文学翻译实在是太伤脑筋了。

24、They have fabulous literature behind them, like Goth in German, Natsmei Soseki in Japanese, Lu Xun in Chinese, Hugo in French, etc. ─── 它们有了不起的文化,如德语的歌德,日语的夏目漱石,中文的鲁迅,法语雨果等。

25、Studing Giotto style carefully,we can eassyly find that it connectd with non-Rom style, Byzantium style and Goth style. ─── 走进“乔托风格”附近的历史,我们可以清楚的看到罗马传统、拜占庭传统、哥特传统与之千丝万缕的联系。

26、A well put together man, be it in a suit and tie, or even goth extremes, will be more attractive to a woman. ─── 一个穿着搭配很好的人,穿西服打领结,或两种极端,更容易吸引女人。

27、The Goth tribe was famous for its barbarousness, fierceness and sanguinariness, which was quite similar to the darkness European Middle Age. ─── 这种小说通常以古堡、废墟或者荒野为背景,故事往往发生在过去,特别是中世纪;

28、Chaoziran traveled with headlining Goth metal band Silent Resentment to Chengdu, Wuhan, Nanchang, Nanjing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou. ─── 超自然和哥特摇滚乐队寂静的幽怨一起在成都,武汉,南昌,南京,上海,以及杭州已经进行了他们的巡演。

29、That's kinda goth of you. ─── 那对你来说有点不适应吧.

30、A young person who is mainly influenced by Marilyn Manson and calls themself "goth"; ─── " 指主要从manson处得到影响并自称“哥特”的人;

31、punks, goth, jocks rocks nerds geeks preps. ─── 猜不太明白,请指教一下。

32、The goth that I talk about has no relationship with goth music. ─── 我说的歌特与歌特音乐无关。

33、goth techniques have the same objective: converting a programmer's logical data requests to physical form ─── 这两种技术有同样的目的,都是把程序员的逻辑数据请求转换成物理形式。

34、Japanese street fashion added a new, surprising look: goth ninja. ─── 日本街头风又添新造型:哥特忍者。

35、It's not really goth at all, but I'll take it. ─── 也不全是吧,我觉得我能接受.

36、By all appearances,Giotto style can looked as a sign of Art change from Goth style to renaissance,and we can also find some characteristics of classical fine arts in it; ─── 众所周知,从大的方面来说,乔托风格的艺术处于中世纪哥特传统向文艺复兴传统转变的节点上,而在其中我们又可以隐约看见一些古典艺术的影子;

37、At this moment, I just read the note 51, “Goth and half Goth use their tongues in different ways. ─── 这时,我正读到注释51:“野蛮人和半野蛮人,以不同的方式,使用他们的舌头。

38、Download comes down inside have an abnormal Goth, this Goth can choose difficulty, he can be chosen only common with nightmare, cannot choose hell. ─── 下载下来里面就有个变态野蛮人,这个野蛮人可以选择难度,他只能选普通和噩梦,不能选地狱。

39、the style of Goth ─── 哥特式手法

40、Goth music: dark depressing music listened to by people who always wear black clothes. ─── 哥特音乐:由总是穿黑色衣服的人听的压抑,沉闷的音乐。

41、American goth Kim and his wife spent only one U.S. dollars, they bought the Pritzker Prize winner, that is, the so-called "Nobel Prize building sector," the designer of the works created. ─── 美国人戈特金夫妇只花1美元,就买下曾获普里茨克奖、即所谓“建筑界诺贝尔奖”的设计师所创作的作品。

42、On this day, however, it was just a "goth rock" couple diddling each other. For Jesus. ─── 其实,那天的事情是因为这对“哥特摇滚”夫妻在“办事儿”——以耶稣的名义。

43、Carter's casting surprises no one as she's engaged to Burton and attached to him by a shared love of Danny Elfman and all things goth. ─── 卡特的表演并不让人惊讶,因为她是波顿的妻子而且同样喜爱剪刀手爱德华和一切哥特文化。

44、I know what so-called goth culture is. ─── 我知道所谓歌特文化是什么。

45、He does look like some Americans I have seen that are part of the Goth scene. ─── 但他长得像某些我看过的美籍哥德爱好者。

46、Of Rupert Murdoch: Like a Goth swaggering around Rome wearing an onyx toilet seat for a collar, he exudes self-confidence. ─── 关于默多克:他就像是一个哥特人穿着马桶盖似的肥大衣领,在罗马大摇大摆地招摇过市。他的身上洋溢着自信。

47、People in the goth scene are extremely friendly and accepting of others. ─── 中的人们极其友好,愿意接纳他人。

48、Similarly, some super peacocked goth dude has a lot of value to other goth chicks, but to a college party chick looking for a crazy frat boy, the goth dude is just some lame ass weirdo. ─── 类似的,一些超级孔雀的哥特男对其他的哥特女来说具有很高的价值,但是对于大学校园内期待白马王子的MM来说,他们更象是一群怪人。

49、Some people say that The Cure is a goth music band but I think they are too popular to be called a goth band. ─── 有些人说,“治疗”乐队是哥特式的,但是我认为他们太流行了,而不应该被称为一个哥特式的乐队。

50、Some people say that The Cure is a goth music band but I think they are too popular to be called a goth band. ─── 有些人说,“治疗”乐队是哥特式的,但是我认为他们太流行了,而不应该被称为一个哥特式的乐队。

51、A goth who dresses in Victorian-style attire, taking interest in intellectual pastimes (reading and writing poetry etc.). Similar to New Romantic. ─── 着维多利亚式服装的哥特,与过去的知识分子的兴趣相同(阅读写诗之类)。与新浪漫主义相似。

52、Goth n. ─── 野蛮人;

53、a region and ancient kingdom of northwest Spain on the Atlantic Ocean south of the Bay of Biscay. Exploited by the Romans for its mineral resources,it later became a Goth kingdom and a stronghold of the Moors ─── 加利西亚,西班牙西北部一区域和古王国,位于大西洋上的比斯开湾南部。因罗马人前来开发利用其矿产资源,后来成为高斯王国和穆尔斯的大本营

54、Originally a frequenter of the early goth nightclub the Batcave, now referring to older goths who are fans of the music played there. ─── 原指经常出入于早期哥特俱乐部Batcave的人,现在用来指代喜爱该场所演出的过乐队的音乐的老哥特。

55、Funny ppl,goth ppl, punk ppl, and normal ppl are welcome! ─── 内容 : Hello Welcome to the The Goth Crew Cah-Chew!

56、This is meant, by the coronal with software industry " Goth " the software in A, will again with " cruel " means churns whole industry, bring to 42 million medium and small businesses " free lunch " . ─── 这意味着,被冠以软件业“野蛮人”的阿里软件,将再次以“野蛮”方式搅动整个行业,给4200万中小企业带来一份“免费午餐”。

57、When Ashlee Simpson decided to get rid of the black goth hair look and go blonde, she got the attention of the editors of US Weekly.They put her number one for the Best Celebrity Makeovers. ─── 等到ASHLEE终于厌烦了那头漂亮的金发及个性的黑发,她把US WEEKLY杂志的眼光抓住了,它们把她放到封面,把她放到最美最棒的名人打扮榜里的榜首.

58、Software adds a service, do not collect fees entirely, ever by the coronal with software industry " Goth " the software in A has a place this really " cruel " the meaning of dart. ─── 软件加服务,全部不收费,曾被冠以软件业“野蛮人”的阿里软件这次真的有点“野蛮”突进的意思。

59、A unique blend of indie, psychedelia, goth, and ghost-rock. ─── 我简单翻译下这句:独立,迷幻,歌特,鬼魅摇滚的独特结合

60、The pinnacle of goth style, or a goth who is always perfectly dressed. The goth that will "dress to the nines to go out and buy the milk".[18 ─── 指哥特风格的顶点,或一位永远完美着装的哥特。那种“买牛奶也要彻底打扮一番的”哥特。




第一部、《我的女友是声优》作者:死活不起床 是一部日式穿越剧,剧情是主角穿越到日本,然后因为有干什么都很容易升级技能的系统,所以想着去实现被他穿越的肉体的遗愿,之后再去干自己想干的事情,然后在这个过程中认识了很多声优。

第二部:《重生日本高校生》作者:李童 类型:都市青春。 李学浩在族谱的封皮中找到一本修道秘笈,花了十年时间终于筑基成功,不料急于求成之下走火入魔,身死之后重生到了日本的横滨市,附身于鹤见区的樱野高等学校高一学生真中浩二的身上的故事。







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