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09-02 投稿


accrues 发音

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英:  美:

accrues 中文意思翻译



accrues 短语词组

1、accrues on ─── 应计于

2、accrues to ─── 归于

accrues 词性/词形变化,accrues变形

动词过去式: accrued |动词现在分词: accruing |动词第三人称单数: accrues |动词过去分词: accrued |名词: accruement |

accrues 相似词语短语

1、accrews ─── 吸积

2、accrew ─── 吸积

3、accedes ─── vi.加入;同意;就任

4、accrue ─── vi.产生;自然增长或利益增加;vt.获得;积累

5、accites ─── 分享

6、accruals ─── n.利息,收益(accrual的复数);权责发生额(accrual的复数)

7、accurses ─── 诅咒

8、accretes ─── v.合生;增大生长;依附;使连接;把……吸引过来;adj.合生的;增积的

9、accrued ─── adj.[会计]应计的;增值的;权责已发生的;v.积累(accrue的过去分词);形成

accrues 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It identifies the operating site or department that accrues charges for running PRO/II. ─── 它标出了运行PRO/II产生费用的操作(运行)地点或部门?

2、Induced-by benefit: A form of indirect benefit that accrues to suppliers of project inputs. ─── 引发效益:项目投入的供应方取得的一种间接效益。

3、Cost Resources are not thought of as something that accrues at a rate, but rather as straightforward costs. ─── 不要认为成本资源按费率累算而将它们当作简单的成本。

4、Other variations of the plain vanilla bonds include zero cou-pon bonds which does not pay out interest but interest accrues and is paid in a lump sum at maturity. ─── 其他特殊种类债券还包括“无息债券”,它在有效期内不付利息,而是累积起来在到期时一次偿还。

5、a great profit accrues to the Government from the coinage of copper ─── 政府因铸造铜币而获大利。

6、Yet another of the very significant benefits that you can realize through reading actually is one that accrues directly to your children. ─── 此外,在那些十分重要的好处中,还有这样一个好处,那就是你会认识到,事实上你的阅读也直接给你孩子带来了好处。

7、94.At the date that money is borrowed, the borrower has a liability only for the principal amount of the loan;the liability for the interest accrues day by day over the life of the loan. ─── 在借款日,借款者的负债只包括贷款的本金,有关利息的负债是在贷款期内逐天自然增长的。

8、The amount billed may be slightly in excessof the credit limit if an account accrues clicks very quickly. ─── 如果一个帐号的点击数增长得非常快,那么信贷总额可能会稍稍超过信贷限额。

9、If the Geonosian surivives, he achieve status and ascends socially, or accrues enough wealth to leave Geonosis altogether. ─── 若侥幸生还,便可赢得地位提升阶级,或是获得一笔足够的财产离开吉奥诺西斯。

10、If you put money in the bank, interest accrues. ─── 如你将钱存于银行,则自然生息。

11、Because the parliament is democratic, goes the theory, when it accrues more power the EU itself becomes more democratic. ─── 因为欧洲议会是民主的,理论上来说,其权力越大,欧盟本身就越民主。

12、For work resources, a per-use cost accrues each time that the resource is used. ─── 对于工时资源,在每次使用资源时累算每次使用成本。

13、92. The principal distinction in accounting for investments in stocks and in bonds is that interest on bonds accrues from day to day. ─── 股票投资和债券投资核算的最主要的区别在于债券的利息随时间的推移自然增长

14、This is either because domestic residents are not allowed to hold foreign assets (as in China) or because most of the export revenue accrues to governments (as in the oil exporters). ─── 这要麽是因为国内居民不允许持有外国资产(例如中国),要麽是因为多数出口收入流入了政府口袋(例如石油输出国)。

15、If the Geonosian survives, he achieve status and ascends socially, or accrues enough wealth to leave Geonosis altogether. ─── 若侥幸生还,便可赢得地位提升阶级,或是获得一笔足够的财产离开吉奥诺西斯。

16、Interest--the cost of borrowing--accrues with the passage of time. ─── 利息-借债的成本--随时间的推移而自然增长。

17、The income taxes expense accrues as profits are earned. ─── 所得税费用在公司获得利润时才发生。

18、the wisdom that accrues with age ─── 随年龄俱增的智慧

19、If you keep money in the savings bank,interest accrues. ─── 如果你把钱存在银行就会生利息。

20、There's another crucial benefit that accrues to businesses that do good work. ─── 除了以上这些,那些做好事的企业还能获得另一项非常重要的好处。

21、Knowledge will accrues to you from reading. ─── 读书能增智。

22、We give them a sense of value,a place for the individual in the scheme of things ,with all that accrues the individual:self-reliance ,courage, conviction ,self-respect ,and the respect of others. ─── 我们要给予他们价值感,让他们找到个体在整个社会机制中的地位,以及由此而习得的品质:独立,勇气,信念,自尊,以及对他人的尊重。

23、worker's money is put in an account where it accrues interest until the worker retires. ─── 劳动者的缴费资金进入一个账户,产生利息,直到劳动者退休为止。

24、Induced-by benefit: A form of indirect benefit that accrues to suppliers of project inputs. ─── 引发效益:项目投入的供应方取得的一种间接效益。

25、Interest accrues to a man from loan. ─── 提供贷款则利息自生。

26、Interest accrues on a daily basis. ─── 按日生息。

27、What biological advantage accrues to those who behave in a trusting and co-operative way with unrelated individuals? ─── 那些与无关系的人互相信任与合作的行为,在生物进化的意义上有什么好处呢?

28、(d) the value of any part of the proceeds of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods that accrues directly or indirectly to the seller. ─── (d)进口货物任何随后进行的转售、处置或使用而使卖方直接或间接获得的收入的任何部分的价值。

29、A special session will be held after the president permits or over a third of the directors make a proposal in case that important issue accrues. ─── 如有重大事项,由会长决定或由三分之一以上理事共同提议,召开特别理事会。

30、Unless otherwise agreed, interest on damages for non-performance of non-monetary obligations accrues as from the time of non-performance. ─── 除非另有约定,对非金钱债务不履行的损害赔偿的利息自不履行之时起算。

31、Interest accrues to her work, instead, because what is most "real" about it - its actual plot-line, its conflict and trauma -is buried under slick layers of cultural hyper-sophistication. ─── 人们对她作品的兴趣日增,是因为作品最“真实”的一面即它的情节主线、冲突和伤痛,隐藏在它“世故文化”的油滑外表之下。

32、First, adjusting the interest tax rate accrues the income effect to the per capita consumption is greater than the substitution effect in China. ─── 通过实证分析发现:第一,调整利息税率对我国人均消费产生的收入效应大于替代效应;

33、Learning Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the equivalent of taking the time to learn how to invest your money so that it accrues interest and creates a passive stream of income for you. ─── 学习搜索引擎优化( SEO ) 就相当于你花时间研究如何投资,他就能激发兴趣并创造出一条收入引流。

34、Saintly individuals who lead exemplary lives imbue their environments with the holiness that accrues from their spiritual practices. ─── 圣洁的个体通过他们从精神实践中产生的神圣来引导可仿效的生命浸透他们的环境。

35、The amount billed may be slightly in excess of the credit limit if an account accrues clicks very quickly. ─── 如果一个帐号的点击数增长得非常快,那么信贷总额可能会稍稍超过信贷限额。

36、To point out China's environmental and supply concerns is not to overlook the economic benefits the nation accrues by restricting exports. ─── 我们指出中国在环境影响及稀土供应方面的担忧,但并非要忽略中国通过限制出口所获得的经济效益。

37、Interest accrues, financially and ecologically. ─── 不管是经济上还是生态上,我们都要支付利息。

38、Interest accrues on a bank accout. ─── 银行账户的利息在增长。

39、Common sense accrues with experience. ─── 常识是经验的积累。

40、and whatever unfair advantage can be derived by any opinion from this mode of asserting it, accrues almost exclusively to received opinions. ─── 从这种主张意见的方式中不论会找出什么不公平的便宜,这便宜总是差不多独归公认意见这一方。

41、a Pashtun man's hospitality, the more honor he accrues. ─── 一个普什图男人越是好客,他得到的荣耀就越多。

42、Competitive advantage also accrues to companies that possess distinctive capabilities ─── 具有差异化能力公司也能获得竞争优势

43、We give them a sense of value.A place of individual in the scheme of things, with all that accrues to the individual: self-reliance,courage,conviction,self-respect and the respect of others. ─── 我们要给他们以价值观,让他们找到个体在整个社会机制中的地位,以及由此而习得的品质:独立、勇气、深信不疑、自尊以及对他人的尊重。

44、The advantages accrues to the students from access to good libraries and other facilities for study. ─── 学生们因为可以使用到好的图书馆,实验室和其他设备而获得种种益处。

45、If you keep money in the savings bank , interest accrues. ─── 如果你把钱存在银行里就会生利息。

46、Of course, that's just the capital that accrues to the firm's ownership stake. ─── 当然,那只是公司股权积累所带来的资本。

47、If you keep money in the Saving Bank, interest accrues. ─── 如果你把钱存在储蓄银行里,就会产生利息。

48、interest accrues from loan ─── 放款带来利息

49、If you put money in the bank, interest accrues ─── 如你将钱存于银行, 则自然生息。

50、We give them a sense of value, a place for the individual in the scheme of things, with all that accrues to the individual: self-reliance, courage, conviction, self-respect, and the respect of others. ─── 我们要给予他们价值感,让他们找到个体在整个社会机制中的地位,以及由此而习得的品质:独立,勇气,信念,自尊,以及对他人的尊重。

51、We indulge our writers because we want the talent happy, and because a little of their prestige accrues to The Times. ─── 那为什么我们会放任那些作者去写书呢?因为我们希望这些人才感到快乐,因为他们的荣誉也能为《纽约时报》增光。

52、Yet another of the very significant benefits that you can realize through reading actually is one that accrues directly to your children. ─── 通过阅读,你所能得到的更大的益处实际上正是对你的孩子。

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