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09-02 投稿


laryngitis 发音

英:[,l?r?n'd?a?t?s]  美:['l?r?n'd?a?t?s]

英:  美:

laryngitis 中文意思翻译



laryngitis 短语词组

1、chronic catarrhal laryngitis ─── [医] 慢性卡他性喉炎

2、phlegmonous laryngitis ─── [医] 蜂窝织炎性喉炎

3、dry laryngitis ─── [医] 干性喉炎, 提尔克氏干皱

4、granulomatous laryngitis ─── [医] 肉芽肿性喉炎

5、acute catarrhal laryngitis ─── [医] 急性卡他性喉炎

6、stridulosai laryngitis ─── [医] 喘鸣性喉痉挛

7、edematous laryngitis ─── [医] 水肿性喉炎

8、diphtheritic laryngitis ─── [医] 白喉性喉炎

9、acute laryngitis ─── 急性喉炎

10、croupous laryngitis ─── [医] 格鲁布性喉炎

11、relapsing ulcerative laryngitis ─── [医] 复发性喉溃疡

12、atrophic laryngitis ─── [医] 萎缩性喉炎

13、tuberculous laryngitis ─── [医] 结核性喉炎

14、spasmodic laryngitis ─── [医] 喘鸣性喉痉挛

15、sicca laryngitis ─── [医] 干性喉炎

16、subglottic laryngitis ─── [医] 声门下喉炎

17、syphilitic laryngitis ─── [医] 梅毒性喉炎

18、membranous laryngitis ─── [医] 膜性喉炎

19、chronic laryngitis ─── 慢性喉炎

laryngitis 词性/词形变化,laryngitis变形

形容词: laryngitic |

laryngitis 相似词语短语

1、syringitis ─── n.咽鼓管炎;延髓空洞症

2、larynges ─── 喉

3、pharyngitis ─── n.[耳鼻喉]咽炎

4、pharyngitic ─── 咽炎

5、laryngitic ─── adj.喉炎的;患喉炎的;n.喉炎患者

6、laryngismus ─── n.喉头痉挛

7、laminitis ─── n.[兽医]蹄叶炎

8、laryngotomies ─── [耳鼻喉]喉切开术

9、myringitis ─── n.[耳鼻喉]鼓膜炎

laryngitis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Noni leaf has been used for the treatment of gingivitis, periodontal diseases, laryngalgia, laryngitis, sprain, skin disease, and so on. ─── 诺丽叶已用于治疗牙龈炎,牙周疾病,喉痛,喉炎,扭伤,皮肤病等。

2、chronic laryngitis ─── 慢性喉炎

3、chronic simple laryngitis ─── 慢性单纯性喉炎

4、Keywords chronic laryngitis;pulse electric stimulate;massage;Renying point;Shuitu point;vocal analysis; ─── 慢性喉炎;脉冲电刺激;推拿;人迎;水突;嗓音分析;

5、labyrinthitis, sinusitis, mastoiditis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, epiglotitis., stomatitis, and gingivitis. ─── 会厌炎,口腔炎,齿龈炎.

6、A bad case of laryngitis prevented her from speaking on her own behalf.Instead, she wrote a statement that was read by Allison McCool, an employee of the shipping company that employs her husband. ─── 严重的喉咙发炎使得她无法说话,她以书面声明的方式,由菲利普斯船长工作的船运公司雇员艾利森.麦库尔代为宣读。

7、Therapeutic effect of Budesonide on acute laryngitis ─── 布地奈德雾化吸入治疗急性喉炎疗效观察

8、laryngitis stridulosa ─── 喘鸣性喉炎

9、relapsing laryngitis ─── 复发性喉炎

10、dry laryngitis ─── [医] 干性喉炎, 提尔克氏干皱

11、He His talks with leaders at every stop left him with laryngitis by the time he returned to brief the security council Security Council Wednesday afternoon. ─── 专管政治事务的副秘书长霖。

12、His talk talks with leaders and at every stop left them him with laryngitis by the time he return returned to brief the Security Council Wednesday afternoon. ─── 他每站都与当地领导人进行谈话,以至于周三下午返回安理会作简短报告的时候,他患了喉头炎。

13、granulomatous laryngitis ─── [医] 肉芽肿性喉炎

14、infective atrophic laryngitis ─── 感染性萎缩性喉炎

15、Clinical analysis of two kinds of physical means on chronic laryngitis ─── 两种物理因子治疗慢性喉炎的临床分析

16、His talks with leaders at every stop left him with laryngitis by the time he returned to brief the Security Council Wednesday afternoon. ─── 他在每个目的地与首脑谈话,当他周三下午回去向联合国安理会作简报时已患上喉头炎。

17、His talks with leaders at every stop left Lynn him with laryngitis by the time he returned to brief the Security Council Wednesday afternoon. ─── 他每到一站都要与当地领导交谈,以至于当他周三返回联合国安理会的时候已经喉咙发炎。

18、Treatment of 420 Cases of Acute Laryngitis in Children ─── 小儿急性喉炎420例治疗总结

19、laryngitis sicca ─── 干性喉炎

20、He had it almost every winter before. The doctor called it laryngitis. ─── 以前他几乎每年冬季都要发作,医生说他患了喉炎。

21、Siegfried 's condition had deteriorated; the cold had settled in his throat, always his weak spot, and he was down with laryngitis. ─── 西格弗里德的病情恶化了,感冒病菌在他的咽喉扎营,这儿是他身体比较虚弱的地方,所以他得了喉炎。

22、Application of cryogenic allogeneic chondrocytes in the reconstruction of laryng eal function ─── 低温冻存同种异体软骨细胞在喉功能重建中的应用

23、chronic catarrhal laryngitis ─── 慢性卡他性喉炎

24、atretolemic laryngitis ─── 塞喉风

25、croupous laryngitis ─── [医] 格鲁布性喉炎

26、This medical condition, known as laryngitis, may be caused by throat infections, tonsillitis, inhalant allergies and pulmonary disease. ─── 医学检查适应症是咽喉炎,可能是喉笼受到感染、扁桃腺炎、呼吸道过敏、或者肺部疾病。

27、spasmodic laryngitis ─── [医] 喘鸣性喉痉挛

28、His talks with leaders at every stop left him with laryngitis. ─── 他与在每个停留处的领导们的会谈导致了他喉炎。

29、simple laryngitis ─── 单纯性喉炎

30、infraglottic laryngitis ─── 声门下喉炎

31、Therapy review of atomizing inhalation of budesonide treating acute laryngitis and laryngobronchitis in children ─── 布地奈德雾化吸入治疗急性喉炎、急性喉气管支气管炎的疗效观察

32、The difference of NNE between the vocal nodules and chronic laryngitis was significant(F=13.10,q=3.72,P

33、allegic laryngitis ─── 变应性喉炎

34、Study on relationship between the reflux laryngitis and gastroesophageal reflux disease ─── 反流性咽喉炎与胃食管反流病的关系研究

35、While most viral laryngitis cases get better without lasting damage, some can lead to further health problems, such as vocal cord bleeding or the development of a "hemorrhagic polyp," a lesion on the vocal cords. ─── 大多数病毒性喉炎患者病情缓解后都没有什么后遗症状,但有些则会出现声带出血或是在声带上形成出血息肉。

36、acute pregnant laryngitis ─── 妊娠疫喉

37、kinda funny though... he said I have "Acute Laryngitis". ─── 看起来很搞笑…他说我得了比较严重的喉炎。

38、Keywords Laryngitis;Vocal cords;Injection;Betamethasone; ─── 喉炎;声带;注射;倍他米松;

39、For rhinitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, respiratory diseases, cervical spondylosis, such as motion sickness symptoms have good ease and improve the role. ─── 对鼻炎、咽喉炎、气管炎、呼吸道疾病、颈椎病、晕车等症状都有良好的缓解和改善作用。

40、Acute laryngitis of children treated by inhalation of Budesonide ─── 布地奈德雾化吸入治疗小儿急性喉炎

41、hemorrhagic laryngitis ─── 出血性喉炎

42、Curative Effect of Inhaled of Budesonide on Acute Laryngitis in Children ─── 布地奈德雾化吸入治疗急性喉炎

43、Suppurative laryngitis ─── 化脓性喉炎

44、hyperemic laryngitis ─── 充血性喉炎

45、"Laryngitis: Inflammation of the larynx, causing hoarseness" ─── 喉炎: 造成声音嘶哑的喉部炎症。

46、relapsing ulcerative laryngitis ─── [医] 复发性喉溃疡

47、chronic hemorrhagic laryngitis ─── 慢性出血性喉炎

48、Today is a day of reflection. Excuse me, a little laryngitis. ─── 很抱歉,因患喉炎今天我有些谈吐不清。

49、vestibular laryngitis ─── 前庭喉炎

50、The risk for further problems is increased by not resting your oice when you hae laryngitis. ─── 当有喉炎时,如果不减少用嗓,就很可能出现以上这些问题。

51、" Laryngitis: Inflammation of the larynx, causing hoarseness" ─── 喉炎:造成声音嘶哑的喉部炎症。

52、The highest detection rate was found among the teacher of grade one and grade two.The diseases were mainly vocal nodules and chronic laryngitis. ─── 小学一、二年级教师检出率最高,喉部检查结果以声带小结和慢性喉炎最多。

53、Respiratory: antiseptic, helps to expel mucus, relieves coughing, used for colds, flu, catarrh, asthma. bronchitis, laryngitis. ─── 呼吸:杀菌,帮助排出粘液,减轻咳嗽,用作伤风,流感,粘膜炎,哮喘,支气管炎,喉炎。

54、Betamethasone injection in chronic hypertrophic laryngitis ─── 倍他米松声带注射术治疗慢性肥厚性喉炎

55、catarrhal laryngitis ─── 卡他性喉炎

56、Jake called his doctor to tell him that his wife had laryngitis. ─── 杰克打电话给他的医生,说他的妻子有喉炎。

57、Keywords Laryngitis;Vocal cord injection;Diprospan; ─── 喉炎;声带注射;得保松;

58、At the moment, there is no reliable means to confirm reflux of gastric juice in patients with suspected reflux laryngitis. ─── 现在还没有可靠的方法来证实可疑的返流性喉炎患者中存在胃液返流现象。

59、For many years Harold was afflicted with edematous laryngitis. ─── 哈德罗患水肿性喉炎多年了。

60、laryngitis with mammary abscess ─── 乳肿喉痹

61、Observation on Efficacy of Nebulized Budesonide Inhalation in Treatment of Acute Laryngitis and Laryngotracheobronchitis in Children ─── 布地奈德治疗急性喉炎、喉气管支气管炎疗效观察

62、acute simple laryngitis ─── 急性单纯性喉炎

63、Keywords Budesonide;Respiratory therapy;Laryngitis;Child; ─── 布地奈德;呼吸疗法;喉炎;儿童;

64、Laryngeal diagnoses included reflux laryngitis in 165 of 227 (73%), true vocal fold nodules in 70 (30.8%), and laryngomalacia in 33 (14.5%). ─── 227名患儿中,喉部诊断包括165名反流性喉炎(73%),70名真性声襞结节(30.8%),33名喉软化(14.5%)。

65、acute subglotic laryngitis ─── 急性声门下喉炎

66、acute laryngitis ─── 急性喉炎

67、subglottic laryngitis ─── [医] 声门下喉炎

68、His talks with leaders at every stop left him with laryngitis by the time he returned to brief the Security Council Wednesday afternoon. ─── 在每个国家和当地领导人的谈话使他在星期三下午返回安理会做简要报告时患上了喉头炎。

69、diphtheritic laryngitis ─── [医] 白喉性喉炎

70、hyperplastic laryngitis ─── 增生性喉炎

71、syphilitic laryngitis ─── [医] 梅毒性喉炎

72、sicca laryngitis ─── [医] 干性喉炎

73、child acute laryngitis ─── 儿童急性喉炎

74、To the cold, whooping cough, laryngitis, chronic bronchitic effective. ─── 对感冒,百日咳,喉炎,慢性支气管炎有效。

75、Keywords traditional Chinese medicine;JINGUOYIN (金果饮);pharyngitis;laryngitis;treatment; ─── 中医;金果饮;慢性咽喉炎;治疗;

76、stridulosa laryngitis ─── 喘鸣性喉痉挛

77、alcoholic laryngitis ─── 弱证喉癣

78、"The larynx's lining becomes swollen and secretes mucus. In chronic laryngitis, caused by excessive smoking, drinking, or vocal-cord use, the larynx is dry and has polyps." ─── 喉黏膜变肿并分泌出黏液。由于过度吸烟、饮酒或使用声带而引起的慢性喉炎的症状是喉部干燥并长息肉。

79、Laryngitis, for example, often accompanies the disease, and acute inflammation of the middle ear should be closely watched for. ─── 例如,喉炎常与咽炎并存,还应该密切注意中耳的急性炎症。

80、acute catarrhal laryngitis ─── 急性卡他性喉炎

81、When the body is due to a cold, over-exertion, a sharp drop in blood tonsil, glandular secretion decline, resulting in decreased local resistance, the bacteria break caused tonsil infection, acute laryngitis. ─── 当机体因受凉、过度劳累时,扁桃体血流锐减,腺体分泌减少,造成局部抵抗力下降,细菌乘虚而入引起扁桃体发炎、急性咽喉炎。

82、Keywords Budesonide;Acute laryngitis;Acute laryngobronchitis;Atomizing inhalation; ─── 布地奈德;雾化吸入;急性喉炎;急性喉支气管炎;

83、infective infiltrative laryngitis ─── 感染性浸润性喉炎

84、diffused laryngitis ─── 弥漫性喉炎

85、Parainfluenza virus laryngitis ─── 副流感病毒喉炎

86、infantile acute laryngitis ─── 小儿急性喉炎

87、9 see joke: Henry calls a director, say he sufferred from laryngitis, cannot before go going to work. ─── 9看笑话: 亨利打电话给经理,称他患了喉炎,不能前去上班。

88、Respiratory: antiseptic, helps to expel mucus, relieves coughing, used for colds, flu, catarrh, asthma. bronchitis, laryngitis ─── 呼吸:杀菌,帮助排出粘液,减轻咳嗽,用作伤风,流感,粘膜炎,哮喘,支气管炎,喉炎。

89、necrotic laryngitis ─── 坏死性喉炎

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