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09-02 投稿


quid 发音

英:[kw?d]  美:[kw?d]

英:  美:

quid 中文意思翻译



quid 网络释义

n. 咀嚼物;一英镑;一镑金币

quid 常用词组

quid pro quo ─── (拉丁)补偿物;相等物;交换条件;让步条件

quid 词性/词形变化,quid变形


quid 短语词组

1、suppresser quid ─── 抑制器quid

2、quid pro quo ─── 报酬, 交换物, 替代物

3、quid pro quo-job

4、tertium quid ─── 第三物, 中间物, ─── 第三者

5、secundum quid ─── [法] 只在某一方面

6、terrium quid ─── [法] 第三者, 中间物, 第二物

7、quid pro quos quid proquos

8、quid pro quo joe ─── 今天是什么日子?

9、quid to dollars ─── 兑换成美元

10、betel quid ─── 支付现金

11、quid pro joe ─── 每乔一英镑

12、quid vs pound ─── 英镑对 ─── 英镑

13、quid money ─── 现金

14、quid pro quo definition ─── 什么定义

15、quid money england ─── 英镑 ─── 英格兰

quid 相似词语短语

1、muid ─── 其他

2、guid ─── abbr.全局唯一标识符(GloballyUniqueIdentifier)

3、quin ─── n.五个一套;五胞胎(等于quintuplet);n.(Quin)人名;(意)昆;(法)坎;(英)奎因

4、quids ─── n.现金;一镑(quid的复数)

5、qaid ─── n.酋长;伊斯兰教法官或市政官员(等于caid);n.(Qaid)人名;(阿拉伯)加伊德

6、squid ─── n.鱿鱼;乌贼;枪乌贼

7、quad ─── n.四方院子;四胞胎之一;嵌条;成套的四件东西;n.(Quad)人名;(英)奎德

8、equid ─── n.马科动物

9、quim ─── n.女性生殖器

quid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Blue peafowl;Enzymic degradation;Nutritional li quid; ─── 蓝孔雀;酶解;营养液;

2、In India, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, the high incidence of oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) may be closely related to the high prevalence of betel quid chewing. ─── 摘要在印度、东南亚及台湾等地有嚼食槟榔习惯的国家,有较高的口腔鳞状上皮细胞癌的发生率。

3、Potentially, we are sitting on two million quid, but in reality, we are living with two sluts. ─── 我们潜在地拥有两百万英磅,但现实是我们跟两个荡妇生活在一起。”

4、The biogas production of taking activated sludge as inoculumwas more thanthat of taking the fermentationli quid as inoculumand the whole fermentation process was stable. ─── 以活性污泥为接种物的产气量比以发酵液为接种物的多,且整个发酵过程稳定。

5、For someone I bare notly knowinging and don't abundance like, I give a couple of quid. ─── 对我几乎不咋了认识、也不太喜爱的人,我就给两英镑。

6、The knowledge market must be built on trust that there will be reciprocity, some quid pro quo, in the transaction. ─── 知识市场必须建立在对互惠的信任上,在交易中互惠。

7、Liquid-liquid &gas jet pump is a kind of li quid jet pump which can pump two-phase liquid and gas fluid. ─── 液-液气射流泵是一种能同时抽吸液、气两相介质的液体喷射泵。

8、Then he lay quiet for a little, and then, pulling out a stick of tobacco, begged me to cut him a quid. ─── 然后,他静静地躺了一会儿,又掏出来一条烟叶,求我帮他切一块下来。

9、Can you lend me five quid?. ─── 你能借给我五英镑吗?.

10、Quid agis? - ─── 你好吗?

11、-- twelve quid, Buck Mulligan said ─── “十二镑,”勃克,穆利根说。

12、Cut me a quid, as 'll likely be the last, lad; for I'm for my long home, and no mistake.' ─── 给我切块烟吧,这很可能是我最后一次抽烟了,孩子,因为我就要回老家了,错不了。”

13、Study on the qualitative decision value in PCR-ELISA with li quid hybridization for detecting HBV ─── 乙型肝炎病毒聚合酶链反应液相杂交酶免疫检测的定性判断值研究

14、Keywords propylthiouracil;delayed-action preparations;chromatography;high pressure li quid;biological availability;pharmacokinetics;bioequivalence; ─── 丙硫氧嘧啶;迟效制剂;色谱法;高压液相;生物利用度;药动学;生物等效性;

15、At the airport she was stung for a few quid for having excess luggage ─── 在机场她由于行李超重而被索取几英镑。

16、[5] Sonata IV Deus meus, ut quid derelquisti me? ─── 奏鸣曲四:我的神我的神,你为什麽离弃我?

17、And he turned his quid and spat. ─── 他把口中的烟草块转动了一下,吐了口痰。

18、"When I missed that chance I was thinking I would have to shell out for them to make up for their lost winnings because if I hadn't scored it'd have cost them a few quid," said Cole. ─── “当我错过那个机会,我在想,我该付给他们一些钱以弥补错失的胜利,因为本场比赛如果我不进球,他们会损失一些奖金。”乔科尔说。

19、I think it should be quid pro quo --you do the laundry for me and I'll take you to the movies. ─── 我想我们应该公平交易--你帮我洗衣服,我请你看电影。

20、half a quid ─── 半镑

21、There are two basic kinds of dizi: the bangdi and the quid. ─── 根据其形制长短,有梆笛、曲笛之分。

22、Betel quid ─── 槟榔嚼块

23、Furthermore, the success rate of quitting betel quid was significantly influenced by health concerns, family members, and media advertisements. ─── 对于嚼食槟榔的看法方面,以同意:我认为嚼食一、两颗槟榔没有什麽关系;

24、secundum quid ─── 只在某一方面, 不是一般地, 有限制地

25、If accessing a patent on the Internet were to constitute an infringement, this would go against the fundamental quid pro quo on which patent law is based, Eisenberg contends. ─── 艾森柏格断言,如果在网际网路上储存或取得专利标的就会构成侵权,无异将推翻目前专利法所依循的游戏规则。

26、Then he went home in triumph claiming to have spotted the book in the second-hand bookshop and "beaten them down to two quid". ─── 然后,他得意地回到学校,宣称已在旧书店找到了这本书,并且“杀价到两英镑”。

27、you lend me five quid? ─── 你借给我五镑钱行吗?

28、At 60 quid per tandem jump, parascending isn't cheap. But for a daredevil experience you'll struggle to find better. ─── 每跳一次60英镑,绝不便宜,但你很难找到一个更刺激的活动了。

29、He gives the shop assistant a two-pound coin and only gets change for a quid. ─── 他给了售货员2英镑的硬币,但是只得到了一英镑的找头。

30、Something held in the mouth and chewed, such as a quid of tobacco. ─── 咀嚼物,口嚼烟块放在口中进行咀嚼的东西,如烟草块

31、As a quid pro quo, we expect greater transparency and accountability from the school management to parents, teachers and students. ─── 另一方面,我们期望学校管理当局有更高的透明度,并向家长、教师和学生有更大的责任承担。

32、"Oh, I've got five hundred quid," he replied, laughing."I must blue some of it." ─── “哈,我有五百镑

33、quot;When I missed that chance I was thinking I would have to shell out for them to make up for their lost winnings because if I hadn't scored it'd have cost them a few quid," ─── “当我错过那个机会,我在想,我该付给他们一些钱以弥补错失的胜利,因为本场比赛假如我不进球,他们会损失一些奖金。”

34、I'm going to sell it online and if I can make a few quid out of it then all the better. ─── 我打算在网上卖了它,如果我能从中捞点钱,那就好多了。

35、Across-sectional survey was conducted to investigate the associations among smoking, drinking, betel quid chewing and pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting (N/V) in Taiwanese aboriginal women. ─── 摘要本研究目的为调查台湾原住民妇女抽烟、饮酒、吃槟榔和孕期恶心呕吐的相关性;

36、Will you come if I can get the aunt to fork out twenty quid? ─── 我要是能从姑妈身上挤出二十镑,你肯一道去吗?

37、However, such policy effect would decrease with the increase of individual addiction level to betel quid chewing. ─── 但由于嚼槟榔存在著上瘾性现象,因此价格之影响力,将随上瘾程度增加而降低。

38、In the Andes, time is often measured by how long it takes to chew a quid of coca leaf. ─── 在安第斯山脉,人们常常用嚼一块古柯叶所用的时间作为计算时间的单位。

39、Penelon nearly swallowed his quid; fortunately he recovered. ─── 佩尼隆差一点把他的烟草块吞了下去,幸亏他又吐了出来。

40、adeste,si quid mihi restat agendum. ─── 他说:“假如还有什么我应该做的事,快点来吧”。

41、Keywords areca nut;betel quid;physiological effect;hygienical function; ─── 槟榔;槟榔嚼块;生理效应;保健功效;

42、It would be folly to grant that increase without insisting on some quid pro quo. ─── 不坚持要些报酬就同意那项增长是愚蠢的。

43、(quid sit deus? ─── 理:神是甚么?

44、For someone I barely know and don't much like, I give a couple of quid. ─── 对我几乎不怎么熟悉、也不太喜欢的人,我就给两英镑。

45、In the Andes, time is often measured by how long it takes to chew a quid of coca leaf. Sometimes, and not just in Andes, a destination is said to be so many cigarettes away. ─── 在安第斯山脉,人们常常用嚼一块古柯叶所用的时间作为计算时间的单位。有时,不仅在安第斯山,人们会说某地在几枝烟之外。

46、Quid level gauge with lining ─── 带衬里液面计

47、Where would you hide three million quid? ─── 你会在哪里藏三百万呢?

48、And a piece of steak was such a little thing, a few pennies at best; yet it meant thirty quid to him. ─── 区区一块牛排,最多不过值几个便士,然而对他来说,却等于三十金镑。

49、quid fecisti sors turpassi what have you done, vilest Fate? ─── 瞧你干了些什么,你这可恶的命运?

50、"Come again quid cherry, each also are wrapped apart, thank. ─── “再来一磅樱桃,每一个也分开包,谢谢。”

51、They share a great deal of information on a quid pro quo basis. ─── 他们在互利的基础上进行大量的信息共享。

52、She earns at least 200 quid a week. ─── 她每星期至少挣二百镑。

53、Few lobbyists proffer an explicit quid pro quo to elected officials. ─── 很少对议案进行游说的人能够向选出的官员提供一个明晰的报酬数目。

54、He earns at least 300 quid a week. ─── 他一星期至少挣300英镑。

55、Historically, the common law action of debt was said to require a quid pro quo, and that requirement may have led to statements that consideration must be a benefit to the promisor. ─── 经常地,允诺换回另外的允诺,而允诺的履行在一些情况下则可分割为相匹配的几个部分。

56、But it's unlikely the U. S. or other major nations would back such a quid pro quo. ─── 但美国及其他主要成员国不太可能支持这样的交换条件。

57、These rules could be used to increase sinter quality and to quid the sintering production. ─── 该规律可有效地用于提高烧结矿质量,并用来指导烧结生产。

58、Recently, the relationship of areca quid chewing and oral cancer has become an important issue in public health. ─── 摘要嚼食槟榔与口腔癌的关系,近年来已成为公共卫生领域内重要的议题。

59、It cost him five hundred quid. ─── 它花费了他500英磅。

60、Areca nut, which is the most commonly used drug in the world after tobacco, ethanol and caffeine, is the main ingredient of betel quid. ─── 在国内外,槟榔果作为一种嗜好品-槟榔嚼块的主料而被广泛的使用。

61、betel quid chewers ─── 嚼香口槟榔者

62、Can you lend me five quid ─── 你能借给我五英镑吗?

63、Then he lay quiet for a little, and then, pulling out a stick of tobacco, begged me to cut him a quid. ─── 接着,他躺下来,取出一条烟叶,要我切下一小块。

64、It would be worth the risk just to tell the senior editor that he had missed out on a couple of hundred quid. ─── 风险是风险,不过还是值得的。要是赢了,我就可告诉我的高级编辑,说他白白丢了几百英镑。

65、"Oh, I've got five hundred quid," he replied, laughing. "I must blue some of it." ─── “哈,我有五百镑!”他笑着回答,“我必须滥花一些。”

66、She worries about accepting hospitality she can't return but I tell her people don't conduct their friendship on a quid pro quo basis. ─── 她为受到无法回报的款待发愁,但我告诉她,人们不是为了得到报答才表现出他们的友谊的。

67、The country has been further bankrupted by the continuing theft of taxpayer money as the Wall St. campaign donors receive their quid pro quo. ─── 华尔街上的那些总统竞选的资助者们在得到他们每人的等额回报后,纳税人的钱便遭到挥霍,而国家经济则进一步恶化。

68、We suggest that government officials should strengthen the health damage advertisement campaigns aimed at betel quid chewing and screen targeted high risk groups for oral cancer. ─── 因此建议应多加强宣导增加民众对于槟榔及口腔癌之相关性的认知,以减少嚼食槟榔的族群。

69、Quid sum miser tunc dicturus? ─── 罪人将有何陈述?

70、Sammy seemed sensitive to the quid pro quo of the situation. ─── 珊米对于回报同伴的情境,似乎十分敏感。

71、Any support so far received has been "anonymous" and clearly cognizant of this independence, without "quid pro quo. ─── 各位之捐助,无论多寡,我们将尽力做好帐目的管理,以昭公信。

72、I think it should be quid pro quo--you do the laundry for me and I'll take you to the movies. ─── 我想我们应该公平交易--你帮我洗衣服,我请你看电影。

73、Jeng JH, Kuo ML, Hahn LJ, Kuo MYP Multistage carcinogenesis of betel quid constituents and its prevention. IADR 1993;72:298. ─── 梁广库:下颚骨切断手术后之义齿重建.中华牙医学会杂志.1993;12:28.

74、Methods The liquid complex was injected into the uterine cavity of the 284 infertile women.Hydrotubation were performed under the quid of B-mode ultrasongraphy. ─── 方法:选择例不孕妇女将通管液注入宫腔内,在B超监视下行输卵管通液术。

75、terrium quid ─── [法] 第三者, 中间物, 第二物

76、" But he rejected any "quid pro quo" trade of Iranians held by U. ─── 他向希望和平解决此次事件的英国首相布莱尔表示支持。

77、secundum quid [kwid] ─── [拉]只在某点上; 不是绝对的, 不是一般的; 有限制地

78、tertium quid ─── 第三物中间物第三者

79、" What an insidious quid pro quo arrangement for all parties involved in this club of mutually congratulatory back-slapping! ─── 对于这个相互祝贺的俱乐部中的每一方而言这是个多么狡猾的公平的安排啊!

80、Pan-oral submous fibrosis is a chronic, progressive, scarring, high-risk precancerous condition seen primarily in southern laiwan where betel quid chewing is popular. ─── 摘要全口黏膜下织维化是一种慢性,疤痕性,真高危险性的癌前病灶,常见于嗜嚼食槟榔的南台湾。

81、Touch him for a quid, will you? ─── 向他讨一镑好不好?

82、Piper betle leaf (PBL) is a component of areca quid and it contains many phenolic ingredients including eugenol, chavicol and hydroxychavicol. ─── 荖叶是槟榔块的一个组成物,里面含有许多酚类化合物,像丁香油酚等。

83、Quid est beata vita? securitas et perpetua tranquilitas. ─── 是哪种语言?是什么意思?

84、Quid puellae agendum est? ─── (这个女孩该怎么办?

85、secundum quid [ kwid ] ─── [拉]只在某点上;不是绝对的, 不是一般的;有限制地

86、STEP 1: Buy a plain neon yellow T-shirt for about six quid at any sports shop and dig out an old pair of black shorts. ─── 第一步:买一件空白的荧黄色T恤,在任何体育用品商店都能买到,大概是6英镑。然后再找出一条用过的黑色短裤来。

87、In his novels, Scott characterized Scotsmen as noble men so as to renew Scots cultural identity as a quid pro quo for which Scotland had lost politically and economically. ─── 司各特以满腔的热情描写了苏格兰人的高贵品质,试图在道德上和文化上找回苏格兰在政治上和经济上失去的身份,重新树立起苏格兰的民族形象。

88、The quid pro quo, though, might be the departure of Mr Albanese less than two years into his tenure. ─── 不过,交换条件也许是艾尔巴尼斯在上任不到两年之际离职。

89、Betel quid chewing became very popular in Taiwan in recent decades, despite warnings on the health risks associated with betel chewing.The population of chewer was estimated over 2.5 million in 1996. ─── 摘要嚼槟榔已经医界证实具有危害健康之可能,卫生主管机关亦多方宣导其健康风险,但近年来台湾地区嚼槟榔之人口及消费量却仍逐年增加,估计至85年止消费者已超过250万。

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