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09-02 投稿


facies 发音

英:[?fe????z]  美:[?fe??i?z]

英:  美:

facies 中文意思翻译



facies 短语词组

1、aortic facies ─── [医] 主动脉瓣病面容(颊部下陷,脸色苍黄,巩膜带蓝色)

2、facies articularis calcanea anterior ─── [医] 跟骨前关节面(距骨)

3、facies abdominalis ─── [医] 腹病面容

4、facies antonina ─── [医] 兔眼翻睑呆视面容, 麻风面容

5、facies articularis acromii ─── [医] 肩峰关节面(肩胛骨肩峰)

6、facies anterior prostatae ─── [医] 前列腺前面, 耻骨面

7、facies anterior ─── [医] 前面

8、facies anterior lateralis ─── [医] 前外面

9、facies anterior palpebrarum ─── [医] 睑前面

10、facies anterior medialis ─── [医] 前内面

11、adenoid facies ─── [医] 增殖腺面容

12、facies articularis arytaenoidea ─── [医] 杓状软骨关节面(环状软骨)

13、cardiac facies ─── [医] 心 ─── [脏]病性面容

14、facies articularis ─── [医] 关节面, Ж面

15、amabilis facies ─── [医] 痨病 ─── [质]面容

16、facies anterior partis petrosae ─── [医] 椎体 ─── [前内]大脑面

17、facies anterior pyramidis ─── [医] 椎体 ─── [前内]大脑面

18、Corvisart's facies ─── [医] 科维札尔氏面容

19、facies articularis calcanea media ─── [医] 跟骨中关节面(距骨)

facies 常用词组

sedimentary facies ─── 沉积相

lacustrine facies ─── 湖相;湖泊相

terrestrial facies ─── 陆相

facies 词性/词形变化,facies变形


facies 相似词语短语

1、farcies ─── n.马皮疽;皮疽病

2、facials ─── 面部

3、facings ─── n.贴面表面装饰;夾心面板;装饰带;鞋帮耳护面(facing的复数)

4、fancies ─── n.花式织物;花色货品

5、faciend ─── n.被乘数

6、baccies ─── n.烟草

7、faciends ─── n.被乘数

8、facie ─── 表面

9、darcies ─── n.达西(渗透力单位)

facies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Power sea, chinese easternmost opens a city, lie between sea facies to look with Korea. ─── 威海,中国最东部的开放城市,与韩国隔海相望。

2、Therefore, it is proposed that application of fractal nature to classification of deposition-diagenesis facies is probably a feasible method. ─── 因此认为用分形特征来划分储集层的沉积-成岩相带或许是一种可行的方法。

3、The sedimentary facies of Carboniferous Bioclastic Limestone Member is mainly classified into shore and carbonate platform facies in Tarim basin. ─── 塔里木盆地石炭系生屑灰岩段的主要沉积相类型划分为滨岸相和碳酸盐台地相两大类。

4、Dawa and southern India in the green belt from north to south metamorphic degree increments, up to granulite facies. ─── 而印度南部的达瓦系绿岩带由北向南变质程度递增,可达麻粒岩相。

5、Position SummaryActing as the assistant of the environmental, health and safety for the Lincoln Electric faci...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海林肯电气有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-5-19

6、PEI Fang.Ductile shear belts and tectonic deformation facies in the Nanzhao area,Henan[J].Regional Geology of China,1995,14 (4):323-333. ─── [14]裴放.河南南召地区韧性剪切带及构造变形相[J].中国区域地质,1995,14(4):323-333.

7、Sandstones of shallow water delta facies are the material base for the formation of these tight reservoirs. ─── 结论认为:浅水三角洲砂岩是这些致密砂岩储层的物质基础;

8、Introduced is a method for predicting sedimental sand body with fluvial facies. ─── 介绍一种河流相沉积砂体预测方法。

9、The new knowledge of the facies indicating significance of foraminifers is the key to the understanding of the Cenozoic paleography of China. ─── 全面认识有孔虫的指相意义是理解中国新生代古地理的关键之一。

10、The bathyal-abyssal facies, littoral facies, neritic facies and delta facies are beneficial to oil and gas exploration. ─── 半深海-深海相区、滨浅海相区和三角洲相区是较为有利的油气分布区。

11、The boundaries between different facies are consistent with the strike-slip faults and decollement faults of a late stage. ─── 在大别造山带广泛分布,与大规模的碰撞作用形成的地壳加厚区出现的热松弛效应有关。

12、Different sedimentary facies with different lithofacies formed in different stages of basin development. ─── 不同的沉积相类型出现在盆地发育的不同阶段,并由不同的岩石相构成。

13、The example shows that the method of multistep flow unit study can be suitably applied in tidal-flat facies strata. ─── 实践证明,渗流屏障和连通体等地质条件控制下流动单元定量研究方法在潮坪相地层中有很好的应用效果。

14、Natural gas mainly accumulated in oolite beach sedimentary facies of carbonate platform edge around Guangliang trough in Sichuan Basin. ─── 天然气主要富集于广梁海槽两侧台地边缘鲕粒滩相区。

15、The sedimentary facies of Mesoproterozoic in Yanshan aulocogen is regarded as coastal to shallow sea region for a long time. ─── 对燕山沉降带中元古代的沉积相,有关学者大多定位于以滨海-浅海相为主体。

16、Images of 3D CT reconstruction are important for the diagnosis and treatment of the joint fractures with facies articuaris involved. ─── 三维CT重建在关节内骨折的诊断和治疗中具有重要的作用。

17、Macroscopically,the reservoir rocks are controlled by sedimentary facies zones and influenced by the volcanic matter of synsedimentary microscopically. ─── 储集层在宏观上受沉积相带的控制,微观上受同沉积火山物质的影响;

18、From the point of deposition scope and more radical change of sedimentary facies, the Sikouzi Formation occurred abruptly. ─── 从寺口子组的沉积规模以及较为剧烈的沉积相变化来看,寺口子组的沉积来的很突然。

19、The overbank and fluvial channel sub-facies in the fluvial facies were developed.Only delta front sub-facies was developed in the delta facies. ─── 其中,河流相中发育堤泛亚相和河道亚相,在三角洲相中仅发育三角洲前缘亚相,湖泊相中以浅湖亚相为特征。

20、The orebearing sequence is littoral-lagoon sedimentary facies. ─── 层状、似层状铝土矿规模大、品位高,主要分布于豫西地区;

21、Based on analysis of sedimentary facies of coal measures in Tiefa mining area, the erosion zones in the coal seam No.4 in Dalong mining area ar... ─── 在对铁法矿区煤系沉积相分析的基础上,利用煤层顶板砂体等厚图对大隆井田4#煤层中的冲刷带进行了预测;揭示了铁法矿区煤层冲刷带的总体分布规律。

22、Outcrop data have been used to model facies geometry, size and distribution, which have implications on reservoir behaviour. ─── 利用露头数据来模拟岩相的几何形态、尺寸和分布,这些特性都可以推断出油藏动态。

23、In addition, we obtained one OSL sample in the fluvial facies, and this fluvial facies is unconformable on the Pliocene Series. ─── 另外在一个观察点的不整合于上新统之上的河流相中采取了一个OSL样品。

24、Two sedimentary facies of braided stream facies and low-sinuosity stream facies are developed in low member of Guantao Formation in Taiping oilfield. ─── 太平油田馆陶组下段发育辫状河流相和低弯度河流相两种沉积相类型,其中低弯度河流相在研究区馆陶组下段为首次识别。

25、Lower Carboniferous is composed of sea facies fragments and mid-acidic component igneous rock. ─── 下石炭统为海相碎屑岩及中酸性岩组合 ;

26、Sequence IV is Pliocene sea-onshore transition grayer, grayish gritstone, siltstone and mudstone and becomes thicker sea facies toward trough. ─── 层序IV,为上新统海陆过渡相的灰白、浅灰色砂砾岩、粉砂岩、泥岩,往冲绳海槽方向增厚,变为海相。

27、Based on roundly analyzing and researching the sedimentary facies, it generalizes thesequence sedimentary models of region of research. ─── 以层序为作图单位,勾划并阐明本区兴安岭群各层序的沉积相展布。

28、The black graptolite shale facies indicate a deep-water, half enclosed and anoxic sedimentary environment. ─── 中奥陶世黑色的笔石页岩为典型的半封闭缺氧的深水沉积环境,反映了海水逐步加深,水体也变得相对宁静。

29、The diagenetic facies consist of carbonate cementation, quartz secondary enlargement, kaolinite cementation and mudstone compaction diagenetic facies. ─── 层序地层格架内发育了碳酸盐胶结、石英次生加大、高岭石胶结和泥岩压实四种成岩相。

30、The thin sand bed is composed of tight mixed type cementation facies and untight mixed type cementation facies. ─── 其中,薄砂层由致密混合型胶结相和非致密混合型胶结相组成;

31、The shoal and patch reef sub-facies in territorial seawater shallowing open platform facies are developed in Middle Ordovician Yijianfang Formation. ─── 中奥陶统一间房组沉积时期为区域性的海水变浅的开阔台地浅滩夹点礁沉积。

32、You may call my facies whimsical. ─── 你可以把我这些想法称为异想天开。

33、The first member was formed in the beginning of downfaulting period during which alluvial fan, fluvial and delta facies were mainly developed. ─── 一段形成于盆地断陷发育的初始阶段,以冲积扇、河流、三角洲发育为特征;

34、Sometimes the paper points out hydrogeological exploration techniques for the demand of dewatering design in the region of complex facies. ─── 同时也指出了满足岩相复杂地段降水设计的水文地质勘察手段。

35、They belong to the amphibolite facies. ─── 属于角闪岩相产物。

36、Seismic stratigraphy-the study of stratigraphy and depositional facies as interpreted from seismic data . ─── 地震地层学--按照地震资料解释进行地层学和沉积相的研究。

37、The microseismic facies analysis of target intervals is helpful to find out favorable carbonate reservoir zones. ─── 利用目的层微地震相特征,可寻找有利的碳酸盐岩储集层发育带。

38、The environment facies and process-facies are two important contents of the nonmarine basin analysis. ─── 两者是陆相盆地相分析不可缺少的组成部分。

39、The formations of Mesozoic group in Dongpu Depression are a group of clastic reservoirs of fluvial facies in the middle and lower Trias. ─── 东濮凹陷中生界地层为一套中下三叠统内陆河湖相碎屑岩沉积,砂岩比较发育,但砂岩本身储集能力很差,要形成油气藏只能靠裂缝改造,从而形成裂缝性油气藏;

40、In contrast, the genesis of enclave rocks of granulite facies in Yunkai region is thermal dome metamorphism. ─── 云开大山地区麻粒岩包体岩石为热穹隆变质成因。

41、Geologic investigations of Mesozoic sea facies and volcanic processes had been carried on early in 1959. ─── 关于海相中生代地层和火山作用的地质调查早在1959年就曾在该地进行过。

42、Summary of position: Overall management with full responsibilities for tooling maintenance, machines and faci...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州伯易企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:广东省广州市发布时间:2009-3-31

43、Dongying sag is divided into three facies belt such as actic region, sag region and ramp region. ─── 北部陡坡带主要发育各种成因的砂砾岩扇体,基岩的起伏和断层活动控制了扇体的成因类型和展布。

44、On the basis of synthetic stratigraphic subdivision and subcorrelation, this paper has analysed the distribution of different sedimentary facies. ─── 在综合地层划分对比的基础上,分析了塔中地区中及上奥陶统不同沈积相的分布规律。

45、For example, the porosity of sandstones tends to be facies related, whereas in carbonate rocks this is generally not so. ─── 例如,砂岩孔隙度一般与相有关,而一般在碳酸盐岩中则一般并非如此。

46、The core function of geological study in reservoir modeling is mainly incarnated by applying facies controlling and geological conceptional models. ─── 地质研究对储层建模的核心作用主要体现为相控建模原则的确立和地质概念模型的应用上。

47、The reservoir lithologies are shallow facies crystalline dolomites, dolomitic limestone, and paleokarst dolomite breccia. ─── 储层岩性为浅滩相的结晶白云岩、白云质灰岩与古岩溶角砾状白云岩。

48、The Lithofacies is usually classified into overflow, explosive and volcanic sediment facies. ─── 岩相分为溢流相、爆发相和火山沉积相;

49、The relationship among the various facies suggest s that southern part of the reefs are landward , and the northern part seaward. ─── 各相带相互位置关系表明当时礁体南侧为滨岸方向 ,北侧为广海方向。

50、There are 6 layered rhythemic unit in the lower facies,each unit is formed by olivine gabbro or gabbro. ─── 在下部岩相中有六个层状韵律单元,每一单元由橄榄辉长岩或橄榄苏长辉长岩、苏长辉长岩或辉长岩组成.

51、The latter is further sub-divided into gravelly and sandy braided fluvial facies. ─── 其中辫状河可划分为砾质辫状河和砂质辫状河。

52、Archaean era granulite facies metamorphite series are extensively outcropped in Sa- heqiao , Hebei province. ─── 冀东迁西洒河桥是太古代麻粒岩相变质岩系广泛出露的地区。

53、The Daye Formation comprises an upward shoaling succession, and its sedimentary environment changes from the outer shell to the littoral facies. ─── 大冶组沉积序列具有向上变浅的特点,沉积环境由深水陆棚逐渐向滨岸转变。

54、Tidal channel and tidal sand ridge facies is the dominant facies of the tidal-delta. ─── 前者发育在湾西侧,形成了河口沙坝和分流间湾等沉积相;

55、A new mineral facies has been found for the first time in mathiasite, resembling priderite in composition. ─── 在辉石岩中首次发现了一种新的矿物相,其成分类似于柱红石。

56、Seismic stratigraphy is the study of stratigraphy and depositional facies as interpreted from seismic data. ─── 地震地层学是按照地震资料解释进行地层学和沉积相的研究。

57、The Qiannan sag experienced the phase of the passive ocean margin rift basin in the early Cambrian, deposited a set of marine facies shale. ─── 黔南坳陷早寒武世经历被动大陆边缘裂陷盆地演化阶段,沉积了一套海相黑色页岩。

58、East with sweet continent area one river is conterminous, lie between sea facies to look with Hong Kong, Macao. ─── 东与香洲区一河相接,与香港、澳门隔海相望。

59、The first type is residuals of metamorphic rocks of high amphibolite facies. ─── 一类为属于高角闪岩相的变质岩(残余)包体;

60、The Donghe sandstone is composed of denudation facies,primary pore facies, denudation-primary pore facies and carbonate cementation facies. ─── 东河砂岩由溶蚀相、原生孔隙相、溶蚀-原生孔隙相和碳酸盐胶结相组成。

61、As a result,the sedimentary features and facies types and their distribution of the Beir depression were obtained. ─── 实现对整个盆地南缘的沉积相类型,分布规律的认识,进而分析了盆地的沉积相分布规律和构造演化过程。

62、On one side, volcanic rock reservoirs we re interpreted in detail according to the seismic reflection characters of volca nic rock facies. ─── 另一方面从钻井揭示的地质因素出发,对火山岩的分布规律进行探讨,并对汪家屯东深层天然气进行了评价。

63、Discovery and study of the Early Pleistocene river and lake facies stratum in Bukedaban area of the western segment in the eastern Kunlun Mt. ─── 东昆仑西段布喀达坂峰地区早更新世河湖相地层的发现及初步研究。

64、Its facies, structure and geneses are complicated. ─── 其岩相、结构构造、成因复杂。

65、The development of the reservoir is controlled by sedimentary facies, dolomitization, corrosion and fractures. ─── 储层为低孔低渗性裂缝-孔隙型,发育程度主要受沉积相、白云石化作用、溶蚀作用和裂缝控制;

66、The northeastern area was dominated by the continental and lacustrine facies. ─── 华北地区-北祁连地区主体为河湖相沉积;

67、The use of various analytical techniques to provide supplemental data for facies and stratigraphic interpretations are included. ─── 利用多种分析技术为相图和地层解释提供补充资料。

68、It is the research on lithology and facies of volcanic reservoirs in Qingshen gas field of north Songliao basion. ─── 这是松辽北部北部深深气田火山岩的岩性和相研究。

69、From Paleocene to Miocene, the sedimentary facies evolved from the extensive alluvial fan to the braided fluvial river environment. ─── 从古新世到中新世,柴达木盆地北缘经历了由大规模冲积扇沉积到辫状河沉积的演化过程。

70、The change of mineral facies is considered as one effect which affected on temperature to determine fluid inclusion by decrepitate. ─── 矿物相的变化被认为是影响温度的一种影响,以决定岩屑是否包含流体。

71、Seismic facies show that the sedimentation is governed by hemipelagic sediments and/or turbidite deposits. ─── 上部斜坡发育许多水下切蚀沟,显示以侵蚀作用为主;

72、The Xiaotazhiguo formation had been subjected to regional metamorphism in the end of the early Archaean and the metamorphic grade is granulite facies. ─── 小塔子沟组于早太古代末(2800Ma)遭受区域变质作用,变质程度为麻粒岩相。

73、The host rocks of Dashuigou independent tellurium ore deposit are mainly green schist facies metamorphic rocks. ─── 大水沟独立碲矿床的直接赋矿围岩为低绿片岩相变质岩。

74、Carbonate of lake facies is a weak field of sedi-mentological research both at home and abroad. ─── 在东营凹陷王73井区的沙四段地层中,发育有典型的湖相滩坝砂体沉积。

75、The dark mudstones of the Wenchang Formation with AOM organic facies are potential lacustrine oil source rocks in the Pearl River Mouth Basin. ─── 具有无定形有机相的文昌组暗色泥岩是珠江口盆地良好的湖相油源岩.

76、The third, forth and fifth formations is shadow lake-deltaic depositional system, mainly develop shadow lake delta facies. ─── 三、四、五油组为浅水湖泊-三角洲沉积体系,主要发育浅水湖泊型三角洲相。

77、In Filling moment,basins of predominating fluvial facies consists of alluvial fan sets,flood plain sets and lakeshore plain-delta sets. ─── 在以河流沉积为主的盆地充填阶段主要由洪(冲)积扇组合、洪泛平原组合和湖岸平原-三角洲组合三种组合模式构成。

78、The upper subfacies of effusive facies is the best reservoir. ─── 其中喷溢相上部亚相是储层物性最好的岩相带。

79、In the south area, there are mainly flysch and deep sea facies fossil, such as Graptolites in fossil feature. ─── 南区岩性为复理石建造,生物以深海相笔石为主。

80、Such a tectonic framework, in a great extent, controls the distribution of both the facies and thickness of coal-bearing sequences. ─── 这种构造格架在很大程度上控制了含煤岩系的岩相和厚度分布。

81、As regards Sk (bias angle) and Kg (kurtosis) values, the fluvio-lacustrine facies or palaeosols increases considerably compared with the aeolian sands. ─── 就Sk和Kg变化而言,河湖相或古土壤值较之风成砂明显增高,前者呈正偏,后者常常表现近对称分布,仅少数呈负偏。

82、As far as the identification of rock facies and the lithologic characters in core wells, we may observe the rock core direct-viewing. ─── 对于取心井段岩性的识别可以直观地从岩心上识别,而在对非取心井的岩性的识别过程中,充分考虑火山岩成分的多样性、结构的复杂性。

83、Volcanic edifice is divided into three facies belts which are crater-near crater facies(CNCF),proximal facies(PF) and distal facies(DF). ─── 将火山机构分为火山口-近火山口相(CNCF)、近源相(PF)和远源相(DF)三个相带.

84、Inland foraminifer fossils are considered as one of good indicators of marine facies. ─── 内陆有孔虫化石群被一些学者视为是海侵或残留海的指相化石。

85、Reservoir porosity is mainly influenced and controlled by sedimentary facies and diagenesis. ─── 储层孔隙度主要受沉积相和成岩作用的影响和控制。

86、Title: Metallogenic models of Cu,Ag deposits in felsic volcanic rock of Permian continental facies of Awulale,western Tianshan Mt. ─── 关键词:陆相长英质火山岩;二叠纪;铜银矿床;矿床模式;西天山

87、The reservoir physical property were primarily dominated by sedimentary facies、corrosion and dolomization. ─── 储集物性主要受沈积相带及溶蚀和白云岩化作用的控制。

88、The facies types of the Lower Cretaceous are mainly delta,lake and turbidity. ─── 下白垩统的扎赉诺尔群的沉积相的主要类型为三角洲相,湖相和浊流相。

89、They formed in continental faulting basins and their sedimentary facies mainly include river, delta and fan delta. ─── 其形成环境主要为陆相断陷盆地的河流、三角洲和扇三角洲。

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