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09-02 投稿


stigmatizing 发音

英:[?st?ɡm?ta?z??]  美:[?st?ɡm?ta?z??]

英:  美:

stigmatizing 中文意思翻译



stigmatizing 反义词


stigmatizing 词性/词形变化,stigmatizing变形

动词现在分词: stigmatizing |动词第三人称单数: stigmatizes |动词过去分词: stigmatized |动词过去式: stigmatized |名词: stigmatization |

stigmatizing 短语词组

1、stigmatizing means ─── 污名化手段

2、stigmatizing syn ─── 污名化syn

3、stigmatizing shame ─── 耻辱

4、stigmatizing terms ─── 污名化术语

5、stigmatizing define ─── 污名化定义

6、stigmatizing label ─── 污名化标签

stigmatizing 同义词

stigmatizing 相似词语短语

1、axiomatizing ─── v.(使)理论公理化

2、climatizing ─── v.使适应气候(或新环境)(等于acclimatize)

3、schematizing ─── v.使系统化;用图式表达

4、dogmatizing ─── vt.把……作为教条阐述;教条化;vi.武断地提出

5、schismatizing ─── vt.引诱……从事分裂活动;vi.从事分裂活动;分裂教会;处于分裂状态;属于分裂宗派

6、stigmatising ─── v.使感到羞耻;指责,污蔑;使受圣伤痕(stigmatise的现在分词)

7、pragmatizing ─── vt.使(想象的事物)实际化;合理地解释(神话等);vi.以务实态度表现;进行实际化

8、enigmatising ─── 神秘化

9、enigmatizing ─── vt.使成谜;使费解

stigmatizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the initial phase of its bank rescue, in October, the government deliberately didn't distinguish between weak and strong to avoid stigmatizing the weak. ─── 在去年10月银行救助措施的初步阶段,为了避免打击实力羸弱的银行,美国政府有意没有区别银行实力的强弱。

2、Allowing Goldman to repay now, the thinking goes, risks stigmatizing others not yet able to do so, while the system is still fragile. ─── 现在允许高盛偿还救助资金,就会在金融系统依然脆弱的情况下,令其他银行背负没有能力偿还政府资金的压力。

3、"Stigmatizing the car is the wrong battle. ─── 他说:“把问题归咎于汽车是一场错误的斗争。”

4、But Mr.Moussaoui has warned an inquiry commission risks stigmatizing the Muslim community. ─── 但是穆萨维警告说,委员会进行调查有可能会造成对穆斯林社会的污蔑。

5、By stigmatizing the values movement, the Left hopes to avoid the issues in debate. ─── 被抹黑的价值运动,希望离开,以避免问题的辩论。

6、Our society and schools are stigmatizing the so-called tomboys with "improper gender behavior", condemning them or their "misdemeanor", and trying to reform them accordingly . ─── 现在社会、学校给那些所谓的男性化女生贴上“不适当性别行为”的标志,以“行为不端”的罪名判她们有罪,并且还要改造她们。

7、In particular those patients with the stigmatizing symptoms urinary urgency and frequency benefit from such treatment. ─── 特别是那些病人与污辱尿症状的紧迫性和频率受益于这种治疗。

8、The existing social benefits are considered to be stigmatizing and repressive. ─── 现存的社会福利被指责为是无价值的、残暴的。

9、He was accused of stigmatizing black Africans. ─── 最后他以污蔑非洲黑人被指控。

10、He was accused of stigmatizing black Africans. ─── 他以污蔑非洲黑人被指控。

11、Findings confirm that stigmatizing attitudes vary widely from country to country with low income countries generally showing greater levels of social tolerance. ─── 结果发现不同国家的公众态度差异很大,低收入国家显示有更大程度的社会接纳。

12、Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease that affects 1-3% of Caucasian populations and may be persistent, disfiguring and stigmatizing. ─── 银屑病是一种炎症性皮肤病,影响到1-3%的白人人口和可持久性,毁损和诬蔑。

13、By casting placebo as the villain in RCTs, he ended up stigmatizing one of his most important discoveries. ─── 他将其最重要的发现之一安慰剂视作RCT试验中的反面对照,让安慰剂最终背上恶名。

14、But Mr. Moussaoui has warned an inquiry commission risks stigmatizing the Muslim community. ─── 但是穆萨维警告说,委员会进行调查有可能会造成对穆斯林社会的污蔑。

15、Of the photos depicting overweight or obese people, the study found, 72% portrayed them "in a negative, stigmatizing manner. " ─── 研究者发现,在这些描述超重的人或者胖子的图片中,72%的图片是以一种“否定并带有污辱色彩”的方式进行刻画。

16、The BI is the opposite of this, neither stigmatizing nor repressive. ─── 基本收入与此相反,既不会无价值,也不残暴。

17、These include acne, hair loss, eczema, rosacea, and warts, among others.Socially stigmatizing skin disorders such as severe acne, psoriasis, and herpes may also fall into this category. ─── 社会上所描述的皮肤病症,如严重的痤疮、牛皮癣和疱疹可能也属于此范畴。

18、Are we kind of stigmatizing people from Arkansas, and this part of the country? ─── 我们是不是有点在侮蔑来自阿肯色州乃至美国这个地区的人?

19、From a certain perspective, laws and policies have a negative effect worthy of attention is the stigmatizing effect. ─── 但是,这种类型的补丁,似乎先发制人的颜色模糊的标签,这一规定可能使巨大的压力下,有关人士。

20、No progress will be achieved by being timid, refusing to face unpleasant facts, or prejudging our fellow human beings -- still less by stigmatizing people living with HIV/AIDS. ─── 羞怯、拒绝面对不愉快的事实、或歧视我们的同胞,都无助于取得任何成绩。

21、The Republicans are campaigning against any further stimulus and they seem to have gained the upper hand by stigmatizing big government. ─── 共和党人发起运动抗议进一步的经济刺激计划,他们通过对“大政府”的妖魔化,而看起来处于上风。

22、stigmatizing effect ─── 烙印效应

23、"Our society and schools are stigmatizing the so-called tomboys with "improper gender Behaviour", condemning them for their "misdemeanour", and trying to reform them accordingly." ─── 现在社会、学校给那些所谓的男性化女生贴上"不适当性别行为"的标志,以"行为不端"的罪名判她们有罪,并且还要改造她们。

24、No significant adverse or side effect has been observed yet with the use of these vaccines.The vaccines do not cause the production of any detectable levels of stigmatizing anti-HIV antibodies. ─── 使用这些疫苗至今没有观察到显著的不良反应,也没有引起可检测的标志性抗-HIV抗体产生。

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