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09-02 投稿


phosphorous 发音

英:[?fɑ?sf?r?s; ?f?sf?r?s]  美:[?f?sf(?)r?s]

英:  美:

phosphorous 中文意思翻译



phosphorous 短语词组

1、phosphorous oxide ─── 氧化磷

2、phosphorous compound ─── 磷化合物

3、phosphorous bronze ─── 磷青铜; ─── 磷铜

4、phosphorous necrosis ─── 磷坏死

5、phosphorous copper ─── 磷铜

6、phosphorous anhydride ─── [化] 三氧化二磷; 亚磷酐

7、phosphorous trisulfide ─── [机] 三硫化磷

8、methyl-phosphorous acid ─── [化] 甲基膦酸CH-3·PO(OH)-2; 亚磷酸一甲酯CH-3O·P(OH)-2

9、phosphorous bomb ─── 磷弹

10、phosphorous trichloride ─── 三氯化磷

11、phosphorous acid ─── [化] 亚磷酸 ─── [医] 亚磷酸

12、phosphorous removal ─── 除磷

13、phosphorous pentachloride ─── 五氯化二磷

14、phosphorous salts ─── 磷盐

15、ortho-phosphorous acid ─── [化] 亚磷酸; 原亚磷酸

16、phosphorous oxychloride ─── 三氯氧磷

phosphorous 常用词组

phosphorous acid ─── 磷酸,亚磷酸

phosphorous 相似词语短语

1、phosphorus ─── n.磷

2、phosphorises ─── vt.(英)磷化(等于phosphorize)

3、phosphorites ─── n.磷灰石;[岩]磷钙土

4、phosphoruses ─── n.磷

5、phosphorates ─── vt.使发出磷光;加磷

6、phosphors ─── 荧光粉;萤光材;闪烁物;黄磷

7、phosphorets ─── 磷光体

8、phosphorizes ─── vt.加磷;使发出磷光

9、phosphoro- ─── 偶磷

phosphorous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In order to im-prove its beam diagnostic system transition radiation has been used instead of the original phosphor target. ─── 在北京自由电子激光器装置的性能改进中,采用了基于渡越辐射的电子束诊断方法。

2、In television, the repetitive movement of the cathode beam over the phosphor screen. ─── 在电视技术中,阴极射线在荧光屏上的反复运动。

3、The suggestions for further development of phosphorous chemical industry are put forward. ─── 提出了中国磷化工进一步发展的意见。

4、with nitrogen and iron, phosphorous is a key limiting nutrient in the ocean. ─── 磷和氮、铁都是海洋有限的重要营养元素。

5、Objective Study cure and nursing experience of organic phosphor toxicosis result in breathing muscle paralysis. ─── 摘要目的探讨有机磷中毒致呼吸肌麻痹的救治及护理。

6、There is also the alleged use of white phosphorous shells: permitted as a smoke. ─── 同样也有传闻说其使用了白色磷弹:被确认为烟雾。

7、In cathode raytube display, the continuation of light emission from phosphor after excitation by the electron beam. ─── 在阴极射线管显示器中,用电子束激励后荧光物质光发射的持续现象。

8、The UFO's hull shone with a dim green light which looked like phosphorous. ─── 不明飞行物的船体照亮了昏暗绿灯这看上去磷。

9、Elimination of phosphorous pentachloride was accomplished utilizing conventional extraction techniques. ─── 使用传统的萃取技术除去五氯化磷。

10、The nitrogen, phosphor and potassium content in substrate showed downtrend basically. ─── 基质中氮、磷、钾元素含量基本呈下降趋势。

11、The high altitude areas were rich in organic matter, available nitrogen (N) and available (potassium) K contents and deficient in phosphorous. ─── [方法]对湖北宣恩烟叶产区不同海拔的植烟土壤主要养分的含量状况进行分析。

12、The study and development about on the replacemert phosphorous wash auxiliary 4A-zeolite is now in the asdendant. ─── 代磷洗涤助剂4A沸石的研究与发展,方兴未艾.

13、Methods:Phospholipid was extracted from plasma of patients by organic solvent,LPA was isolated further,the guantity of LPA was determined by assaying its phosphorous component. ─── 方法:采用有机溶剂抽提,进一步分离出溶血磷脂酸,以定磷方法测定。

14、The characteristics of the technological mineralogy of Meishan iron ore,occurrence station and dissemination characteristics of phosphorous are described. ─── 叙述了梅山铁矿石的主要矿物工艺矿物学特征、磷赋存状态及嵌布特征。

15、Typical material is phosphor, titanium pigment and kinds of high purity pigment. ─── 典型的物料有荧光粉、钛白粉和各种高纯颜料等。

16、El ectroluminescent ( EL ) displays produce light when el ectrons hit a phosphor layer sandwiched between two insulating layers. ─── 在场致发光(el)显示器中,当电子击中夹在两层绝缘层中间的荧光粉层时就产生光。

17、Cecil had very small capacity in P retention. Vanadium seam ed more competitive than phosphorous for the retention p ositions in Cecil loamy sand. ─── Cecil对P的吸附能力非常弱,V在Cecil沙壤土中的竞争吸附能力大于P。

18、Dott Technology visit Taiwan and join meeting on the development direction of novel phosphor next year o f 2005 and the set up of Asia - Pacific Business Centre. ─── 加拿大道尔一行访台,并参与西元2005年新颖萤光体开发方向及亚太营运中心设立会议。

19、In this paper,the influences of four organic phosphorous pesticides dichlorvos,chlornyrifos,methamidophos and phorate to the soil respiration of CO2 were researched. ─── 在实验室采用密闭碱液直接吸收法测试了敌敌畏、毒死蜱、甲胺磷和甲拌磷4种有机磷农药对校园土土壤CO2呼吸的影响,并对这4种农药的危害性进行了评价。

20、The results indicate that the system of Mg(OH)_2/organosilicon/red phosphorous has a good properties of flame-retardant and overall properties on LDPE. ─── 实验结果表明:氢氧化镁/有机硅/红磷复合阻燃剂对LDPE具有较好的阻燃效果及综合性能。

21、Under the heat source, it will display the beautiful phosphor pattern, and has the effects of novelty and advertising the cigarette brand. ─── 在热源照射下,显示出艳丽的荧光图案,具有新奇感及宣传烟标的效果。

22、It also summarizes basic principles on biological nitrogen and phosphorous removal as well as some new significant views. ─── 另外,还简略介绍了生物除氮磷的基础理论。

23、Raising of phosphor content of cast iron could reduce abrasion of guideway,keep the accuracy of machine tool and heighten its service life. ─── 提高铸铁件的含磷量,可以减轻机床导轨的磨损,保持机床的精度并提高其使用寿命。

24、Microorganisms display unique superiority in degradation of organo phosphorous pesticides because of the great diversity of their categories and metabolisms. ─── 微生物因种类和代谢多样性在有机磷农药降解中表现出独特的优势。

25、Increasing levels of FGF-23 "appear to be an appropriate compensatory response to decreasing ability to excrete dietary phosphorous" and maintain normal serum levels. ─── FGF-23浓度增加显然是排除饮食磷酸盐能力下降、且维持正常血中浓度一个适当的代偿反应。

26、In television, a persistence of the electrical charge image on the phosphor screen for a small number of frames. ─── 在电视技术中,荧光屏上画面帧的电荷映象暂留。

27、Safety of laying type chickens continuously fed low protein and low available phosphorous (AP) and efficiency of phytase supplementation were studied. ─── 对蛋用鸡连续饲喂低蛋白低有效磷饲粮的安全性及添加植酸酶的效果进行了探讨。

28、The May 12 quake not only knocked down most of the houses for Hongbai's 15,500 people but also destroyed much of its main industry, phosphorous mining and fertilizer production. ─── 对红白镇15,500居民来说,5月12日的地震不仅摧毁了他们绝大多数人的家园,作为本地主要工业的磷矿和化肥生产也基本被破坏了。

29、Broad beans are considered a good source of phosphorous, copper and potassium. ─── 蚕豆被认为是磷、铜和钾的较好来源。

30、Chemicals, Wafer, Quartz, Savina Wiper, Prescale, UV Lamp, Halogen Lamp, Phosphor, ND Filter, Antistatic, Casting, Diamond Dies. ─── 13英文网站关键字(8-10个英文字,约是四组2个字结合的特殊的片语产品名称)

31、The analysis of slope stability in Liuyang phosphorous ore mine shows the good effect of vegetation on the slope mining of the later stage in open pits. ─── 对浏阳磷矿边坡稳定性的分析表明植被对露天矿开采后期边坡安全开采起到良好作用。

32、THP salt is a nontoxic phosphor compound without environment pollution. ─── THP盐是一种以低毒、无污染的具有羟甲基磷结构的化合物。

33、Shionoya and M. Yen, PHOSPHOR HANDBOOK, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 1999. ─── 显示器原理与技术,赵中兴、田志豪译,全华出版社,台北市。

34、Luminous efficiencies of the phosphor under different excitation conditions were analyzed. ─── 分析了荧光粉在单波长及光谱激发条件下的效率。

35、In both producers and consumers, phosphorous is a component of biologically important molecules such as nucleic acids and energy transfer molecules such as ADP and ATP. ─── 在生产者和消费者里,磷是组成生物学重要的分子的组成部分,就像核酸和能量转移的分子如ADP和ATP。

36、In cathode ray tube display, the continuation of light emission from phosphor after excitation by the electron beam. ─── 在阴极射线管显示器中,用电子束激励后荧光物质光发射的持续现象。

37、Overmuch input of chemical fertilizer (nitrogen and phosphorous) and pesticide is the main source of the agriculture non-point pollution. ─── 农业生产中化肥和农药的不合理使用是导致农业面源污染的主要源头。

38、It is well known that crabmeat is nutritional in protein, calcium, phosphor, Iron and Vitamin A. ─── 众所周知螃蟹富含优质蛋白、钙、磷、铁和维生素A。

39、Engineering design, technical consultation and engineering supervision for Potassium, sulfur, phosphor and other non-metal mineral processing. ─── 主要从事钾化工及硫、砼、钾等非金属矿选矿的工程设计及技术咨询、工程监理、工程项目管理的咨询业务。

40、Excited by the current, the mercury atoms emit ultraviolet light, which bombards the phosphor coating on the inside of the tube. ─── 受到电流激励,汞原子发出紫外线光,轰击灯管内壁的荧光涂层。

41、He estimates that up to two billion dollars worth of nitrogen , phosphorous and potassium is lost from African soil each year. ─── 他估计每年价值超过二十亿美元的氮、磷、钾肥从非洲的土壤上流失。

42、With the ultraviolet excitation at 240nm,the phosphor can emit bright green luminescent at 525nm. ─── 在240nm的紫外激发下,样品可以发出可见光范围内的绿色荧光,其波长为525nm。

43、The effect of quick-acting phosphorous (QAP) concentration in soil on vertical distribution of T. repens was significant. ─── 摘要土壤速效磷浓度对白三叶地上部的垂直分布影响显著。

44、For treatment effect, the removal of organic compounds was more important than nitrogen and phosphorous. ─── 处理效果中有机物去除效果较氮磷去除效果重要;

45、Crosslinkers having a covalently bonded phosphorous atom, the phosphorous atom having at least one covalently bonded oxygen atom. ─── 具有共价键合的磷原子的交联剂,所述磷原子具有至少一个共价键合的氧原子。

46、For example: ore, slag of blast furnace, coal, metallic powder, phosphorous fertilizer, ammonium sulphate and so on. ─── 如:矿石、高炉矿渣、煤、金属粉末、磷肥、硫铵。

47、Display technology whereby a rapidly moving electron gun inside the set passes across the screen, casting a beam that lights selected phosphor dots as it moves. ─── 展示技术凭此一个迅速移动的电子在设备里面的枪掠过萤幕,铸造一根梁当它移动时,那灯选择磷光点。

48、Biological Phosphorous Removal-Mannual for design and operation by P.M.J.Janssen K.Meinema and H. ─── F van der Roest 由IWA Publishing正式授权我社在全球翻译、出版、发行本书中文版。

49、The paradoxical relationships are inevitably produced because of the different requirements on denitrification and phosphor removal. ─── 就脱氮与除磷而言,由于各自过程的要求不同,二者之间存在一定的矛盾关系。

50、Sows eat their young because they need the phosphorous. ─── 大母猪吃仔猪,因为它们缺少磷质。

51、The alchemists also discovered some elements, such as phosphorous. ─── 炼金术士们还发现了磷等其他元素。

52、The spatial variability of soil organic matter and phosphorous content was larger than that of the other nutrient in topsoil of artificial forestland. ─── 人工林表层土壤养分中有机质和速效磷的空间变异性较大;

53、The effect of several sulfureted fatty and phosphorous type additives on the biodegradation of refined rapeseed oil was investigated. ─── 以精制菜子油为基础油,考察了几种硫化脂肪添加剂和磷系添加剂对其生物降解性能的影响。

54、Development and analysis of phosphor screen, a part of field emission plat panel display, determine the device performance on luminance, resolution and life. ─── 作为场发射平面显示器件的组成部分之一,荧光屏的研制与结果分析决定了该显示器件的亮度、清晰度、分辨率和寿命等性能。

55、Field methods for the determination of phosphor, calciumand magnesiumby microbead colorimetry were developed. ─── 介绍了微珠比色测定磷、钙、镁的野外现场快速分析方法。

56、Stages of research progress in phosphorous ligands are monodentate ligands, didentate ligands and monodentate again. ─── 列举了一些有代表性的配体及理论。

57、The scale and corrosion inhibition of polyaspartic acid and its mixture of phosphorous water treatment agent (HEDP, PBTCA, DETPMP) is discussed. ─── 摘要研究了聚天冬氨酸及其与膦系水处理剂(HEDP、PBTCA、DETPMP)复合的阻垢缓蚀性能。

58、The blue light from the LED excites the phosphor, causing it to emit cool white light. ─── LED发出的蓝光会激发磷发出幽幽白光。

59、By making full use of local rich phosphorous mineral resources, our technology and advanced management, we keep developing new products. ─── 充分利用中国西南地区的磷矿资源和先进的生产管理经验,不断开发新产品和技术改造。

60、It demonstrated that the balance of nitrogen,phosphor and potassium in the soil was important,and ... ─── 对东魁杨梅施肥应根据土壤的肥力状况,调节氮、磷、钾肥的平衡。

61、These smaller organisms are also stimulated by nitrogen and phosphorous nutrients running off the land. ─── 这些较小的生物体也被从陆地流入的含氮和磷的营养物质所刺激。

62、Cheese contains rich protein, fat and other organic elements and calcium, phosphor and other abio-salts, and various vitamins and microelements. ─── 奶酪中含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪等有机成分和钙、磷等无机盐类,并有多种维生素和微量元素。

63、Studies on the Phosphorous Adsorption Curves by the Several Upland Soils in Anhui Province. ─── 安徽省几种旱地土壤磷吸附曲线的研究

64、In the dark pines the wind disentangles itself.The moon glows like phosphorous on the vagrant waters. ─── 在这里,我爱你 By Pablo Neruda 在这里,我爱你, 在幽暗的松树林里,风轻柔地释放自己;

65、Excellent condition, no dent, no scratch, no burn phosphor. ─── 优秀情况,没有凹痕,没有抓痕,没有烧伤黄磷。

66、Metal fitting High conductivity brass and high elastic phosphor bronze. With Ni or Sn plating. ─── 导电用金属组件采用高导电率之黄铜、高弹性之磷青铜,再加以镀镍、镀锡等表面处理。

67、Among them, mineral products resource already of ascertain phosphor, coal, aluminous, barite waits 30 a variety of. ─── 其中,矿产资源已探明的有磷、煤、铝、重晶石等30多种。

68、The content of autunite is between 2% to 4%, and the content of phosphor is over or equal to 0.8%;The content of salt is between 3% to 7%. ─── 其中粗蛋白质含量大于或等于35%,粗纤维小于或等于2O%,粗灰分小于或等于15%,钙含量2.0-4.O%,总磷大于或等于0.8%,食盐含量3.0-7.0%。

69、For example, previously has been used as a zinc sulfide-afterglow phosphor, but the light-emitting too short, the luminance is not enough. ─── 例如,以前一直使用硫化锌作为余辉型荧光体,但发光时间太短,辉度也不够。

70、It is possible that KMgF3:Eu2+ doped with Br may be used as phosphor for high pressure mercury lamp. ─── 提出了掺溴离子的KMgF_3:Eu~(2+)用作高压汞灯材料的可能性。

71、Direct conversion of electric energy to light by a solid phosphor subjected to an alternating electric field. ─── 场致发光交变电场作用于磷光粉层引起的电能直接转变为光

72、Design of Correcting Lens for Phosphor Stripe Color-Kinescopes[J]. ─── 引用该论文 蒋式弘,陈明仪,程维明,孔庆明.

73、The increasing input of phosphorous into agricultural soils in this area has become an important environmental problem, including the eutrophication of Lake Tai. ─── 农业土壤中磷的使用量的增加正成为一个重要的环境问题,包括太湖的海藻污染问题.

74、Like all glasses, bioactive glass is chemically an amorphous structure that consists solely of elements found in the body: silicon, calcium, sodium, phosphorous and oxygen. ─── 如同其他玻璃一样,生物活性玻璃都是一种非晶相。其成分也只是包含人体里含有的元素,如硅、钙、钠、磷、氧等。

75、The transmission fluid containing the phosphorous boronizing ashless dispersant provided by the invention has better abrasion resistance. ─── 含有本发明提供的磷硼化无灰分散剂传动液的抗磨损性较好。

76、Once, he divined for himself, the result made him nearly jump out of his skin: the day after tomorrow, when the phosphor disappeared, he would die. ─── 一次,他给自己算了一卦,卦底让他大吃一惊:后天凌晨启明星消失时将是他的死期!

77、Then I put the completed nano-device and the ITO glass coated by phosphor together, then put them into the vacuum system, I add the voltage to emit the electrons. ─── 接著把制作好的奈米元件与涂布有萤光粉的ITO玻璃互相靠近,并放入真空系统当中,在元件上加入电压使其产生场发射的效应。

78、KODAK COM DR Microfilm 2467 is designed for use in blue phosphorous CRT (cathode ray tube) type computer output microfilmers (COMs). ─── KODAK COM DR 2467型缩微胶片专为在蓝色磷CRT(阴极射线管)类型的电脑输出缩微胶片(COM)而设计。

79、For instance, the phosphor on a CRT screen needs to be constantly reactivated by an electron beam in order to remain illuminated. ─── 例如,阴极射线管荧光屏上的磷光体为了保持它激发光状态,需要用电子束不断地再激励。

80、The technological process for preparing phosphorous acid from the production waste of sodium hypophosphite was described. ─── 介绍了从次磷酸钠生产废渣中回收提取亚磷酸的工艺。

81、The emission of light from a phosphor after removal of excitation. ─── 余辉激振停止后的磷光物质所发出的光

82、We are holding a funeral procession of our youth along on the shady river while the phosphor burned out the blaze. ─── 当启明燃灭了光辉,我们在隐暗的生命之河上为自己的青春出殡。

83、Project supported by the Shanghai "Phosphor" Science Foundation,China (Grant No. ). ─── 上海科技启明星基金(批准号:)资助的课题.

84、A process to produce a crosslinker includes incorporating a pendent group comprising a covalently bonded phosphorous atom. ─── 制备交联剂的方法,包括引入具有共价键合的磷原子的侧基。

85、Rare earth doped oxysulfide is an important phosphor with broad applications. ─── 摘要稀土硫氧化物是一类重要的发光体基质材料,有着广阔的应用前景。

86、Anodic phosphor bronze is commercially produced by upward casting process with the technology introduced. ─── 介绍上引法生产阳极磷铜的新工艺,重点介绍上引法生产阳极磷铜熔炼、铸造工艺。

87、The amount of phosphorous deposited with the nickel determines whether the soldering is going to be reliable or not. ─── 随镍沉积的磷的含量决定焊接是否可靠。

88、Abstract The paper describes the state quo of phosphorous reduction of high phosphorus iron ore,points out its existing problems and discusses its future development orientation. ─── 介绍了国内外高磷铁矿石降磷方法的现状,提出了目前铁矿降磷方法中存在的问题,并对铁矿降磷未来的发展方向进行了探讨。

89、The influence of super absorbent resin on nitrogen, phosphor and potassium in soil were studied. ─── 利用化学分析法研究了高吸水性树脂对土壤中氮、磷、钾养分的影响。

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