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09-02 投稿



emulatively 发音

英:[['emj?l?t?vl?]]  美:[['emj?l?t?vl?]]

英:  美:

emulatively 中文意思翻译



emulatively 相似词语短语

1、imputatively ─── adv.归咎地(imputative的副词);好归罪地(imputative的副词)

2、emulative ─── adj.竞争性的;好胜的;有竞争心的

3、speculatively ─── 投机地;推测地;思索性地

4、stimulatively ─── 刺激地

5、copulatively ─── 交尾

6、regulatively ─── 有规律地

7、reputatively ─── 名誉地

8、simulatively ─── 模拟地

9、cumulatively ─── adv.累积地;渐增地

emulatively 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords acrylate;organosilicone;polymer emulsion;rheological property;polymerizable emul sifier; ─── 丙烯酸酯;有机硅;聚合物乳液;流变性能;反应性乳化剂;

2、And the last scene was a group of pupils that David had taught emulatively ran to the front of the lens and tearfully shout: Please come back to teach us! ─── 而最后我们看到的一个镜头是:丁老师教过的那所小学的孩子们,一个个争着抢到镜头前流着泪喊:你回来教我们吧!

3、The grass carps and cyprinoids chase after the waves emulatively, curvet happily.The plants grown in tne water lily pool , notwithstanding, which is not large, are thriving.Nature is at its best. ─── 池中的草鱼和鲤鱼争先恐后的追逐着浪花嬉戏,只有小小的荷花池也可以郁郁葱葱,生机盎然。

4、Although be contended for all along,build Ci emulatively by force to will leave a company, but Baoermo emphasizes saying, the Microsoft that does not have Gates has pioneering spirit euqally. ─── 虽然一向争强好胜的盖茨将离开公司了,但是鲍尔默强调说,没有盖茨的微软一样有闯劲。

5、Formerly, I always emulatively think woman and man are the same, man can do something, and woman can also do that. ─── 以前,我总好强地认为,女人和男人一样,男人能干的事,女人也可以干。

6、Keywords bicontinuous microemulsion;emul sion polymer-ization;microstructure;structur e control;review; ─── 双连续相微乳液;乳液聚合;微观结构;结构控制;综述;

7、Cement mortars are modified by mixing styrene-acrylic ester(SAE) copolymer emul sion which is used as modifier. ─── 用苯乙烯-丙烯酸酯(SAE)共聚乳液作为改性剂对水泥砂浆进行改性。

8、When Nancy goes shopping, I should encourage her to buy anything she likes, and pay emulatively, any reluctant behavior is forbidden. ─── 楠楠购物时要勇于付款。多作鼓励,不得有不情不愿之行为。

9、Newly developed dimusification aid can be used together with optimized dimulsifier,and have better effect of dimulsification for oil emul... ─── 新研制的破乳助剂与优选的破乳剂复配使用,对含聚合物原油乳状液具有较好的破乳效果,脱水率明显提高,水色明显变清。

10、dawn, the ladies would emulatively go outdoor to carry water, and whoever shoulder back the first picul of water would be consider as the most hard-working lady. ─── 天一亮,姑娘们争着到屋外去挑水,谁先挑回第一担水,谁就是最勤劳的姑娘。

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