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09-02 投稿


cuckolding 发音

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英:  美:

cuckolding 中文意思翻译



cuckolding 词性/词形变化,cuckolding变形

动词第三人称单数: cuckolds |动词过去式: cuckolded |动词过去分词: cuckolded |动词现在分词: cuckolding |

cuckolding 相似词语短语

1、cuckoldises ─── 绿帽子

2、cuckoldized ─── 戴绿帽子的

3、cuckoldize ─── 绿帽子

4、cuckoldizing ─── 戴绿帽

5、cuckoldizes ─── 绿帽子

6、cuckoldise ─── 绿帽子

7、cuckoldised ─── 戴绿帽子的

8、cuckooing ─── n.布谷鸟;杜鹃鸟;傻子;咕咕声;adj.愚笨的;疯狂的;vi.学杜鹃叫;vt.不停地重复

9、cuckoldising ─── 戴绿帽子

cuckolding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The state of being a cuckold. ─── 戴绿帽成为戴绿帽者的状况

2、A man who cannot 7)sire a son, and then a 8)cuckold? ─── 一个无男嗣,然后又戴绿帽的男人?

3、Ah Fu laughed scornfully and said, "Who made me a cuckold? ─── 阿福冷笑道:“王八是谁挑我做的?

4、No greater shame to a man than to be a cuckold. ─── 男人最大的耻辱就是被戴上绿帽子。

5、All of a sudden, he flared up, slapped himself on the face, and began reviling himself through clenched teeth! "You old cuckold! ─── 他忽然发狠,自己打了一个巴掌,咬着牙齿在心里骂道:“老乌龟!

6、And look at broken cuckold shell entire proceeding.. ─── 首页>>搞笑贴图>>且看乌龟破壳全过程。。。

7、Let us be conjunctive in our revenge against him: if thou canst cuckold him, thou dost thyself a pleasure, me a sport. ─── 我的怨毒蓄积在心头,你也对他抱著同样深刻的仇恨,让我们同心合力向他复仇;

8、Did the Law not know that a man’s name was to him the apple of his eye, that it was far harder to be regarded as cuckold than as seducer? ─── 男人的名誉是最为珍贵的,戴绿帽子比勾引人更难堪,法律难道对此不了解吗?

9、The act of making someone a cuckold. ─── 使某人成为戴绿帽者的行为.

10、be a cuckold ─── 戴绿帽子

11、Besides, the little cuckold develops out one kind of the Success life method more, even if being the most fierce tiger , lion, go to a mouth also to cuckold nowhere. ─── 希望面对生活的压力以及种种困难与险阻时,大家都能发扬乌龟的精神,不屈不挠,永远向着正确的方向不断前进。

12、Grace Mugabe - who is 41 years younger than her 86-year-old husband - has spent the past 5 years cuckolding him with Gideon Gono, head of the country's central bank. ─── 格雷斯·穆加贝与86岁的总统老公年龄相差41岁,在过去5年间,她一直与津巴布韦央行行长吉迪恩·戈诺给丈夫绿帽戴。

13、The man is angry bring a box of juice here before the cuckold aha, the cuckold has been also very indignant , has seen that man's truck, has driven a truck away , the man has been very surprised. ─── 男人气愤的拿来一箱果汁在乌龟面前喝,乌龟也很气愤,看见了男人的卡车,开走了卡车,男人很惊讶。

14、1.[Informal] a tortoise; 2.[Informal] a cuckold ─── 王八

15、Think that the cuckold is also happy! ─── 首页>>图片猎奇>>当王八也快乐!

16、He is a cuckold. ─── 他被戴上了绿帽子。

17、In this way, you can safely go, and I also do not have a son of a cuckold! ─── 这样,你可以放心地去找了,我也就不用戴绿帽子了!

18、Cuckoldry:The state of being a cuckold. ─── 戴绿帽:成为戴绿帽者的状况.

19、He is not aware that he has been made a cuckold. ─── 他被带了绿头巾,还蒙在鼓里呢。

20、It a:Impossible oneself cuckold son, probably cuckold son for other people, not as well quick Zai! ─── 其一:不可能自己戴绿帽子,可能给别人戴绿帽子,不亦快哉!

21、You may rarely seen people wearing "green hats", which in some cultures, means cuckold. ─── 你可能很少看过有人会戴绿色的帽子,因为在一些国家,戴绿帽子指有不贞妻子的男人。

22、At this time it and a man have seen that one bottle juice , cuckold run very fast over at the same time rushing to have arrived at juice. ─── 这时它和一个男人同时看见了一瓶果汁,乌龟飞快跑了过去抢到了果汁。

23、Areus's son Acrotatus was having an open affair with Cleonymus' beautiful young wife, Chilonis, so Cleonymus brought Pyrrhus' large army to Sparta to avenge a cuckold's wounded vanity. ─── 阿鲁斯的儿子阿克罗塔图斯和克里欧尼莫斯年轻貌美的妻子基洛尼斯公然欢爱,克里欧尼莫斯于是把皮拉斯大军带到城下,要雪做乌的耻辱。

24、Be a cuckold husband ─── 戴绿头巾

25、Wearing his green cuckold hat! Everyone knows his beautiful wife has a lover! ─── 戴了绿帽子啦!他漂亮的太太有情人的事大家都知道啦!

26、Old I tell me, you gave you the boyfriend to take big cuckold husband, and he also doesn't know, line ah you, enough have skill. ─── 癸:老壬告诉我,你给你男朋友带了个大绿帽子,而且他还不知道,行呀你,够有本事的。

27、However, you must keep a close eye on, the son of a cuckold careful!" ─── 不过,你一定要看紧点,小心戴绿帽子!”

28、Finally, a Chinese-American in the delegation took the man aside and informed him that to wear a green hat is the Chinese symbol of a cuckold. ─── 最后,代表团里一位华裔把这个人扯到一旁,告诉他,在中文里,戴绿帽就是妻子有外遇的意思。

29、With monogamous marriage, two constant social types, unknown hitherto, make their appearance on the scene -- the wife's attendant lover and the cuckold husband. ─── 随着个体婚制,出现了两种经常性的﹑以前所不知道的特有的社会人物:妻子的经常的情人和戴绿帽子的丈夫。

30、A day , one cuckold are taking a walk. ─── 一天,一只乌龟在散步。

31、cuckold rs cut ─── 面包头

32、Must he be a cuckold for the rest of his life? ─── 他这辈子都得戴绿帽子吗?

33、Certainly, Camilla would have been well aware that, even whileshe was cuckolding her husband with Charles, she was the principal- but by no means the only - mistress in his life. ─── 当然,卡米拉也完全知道,当她让她的丈夫因为查尔斯的关系而戴上绿帽子的时候,卡米拉是主要的,但不会是查尔斯生命唯一的情妇.

34、What is not known so clearly is what causes a female to cuckold her mate. ─── 至于是什么原因使雌鸟给配偶戴“绿帽子”还不太清楚。

35、Othello. I will chop her into messes: cuckold me! ─── 奥瑟罗我要把她剁成一堆肉酱。叫我当一个忘八!

36、Had you seen the double-end cuckold? ─── 首页>>搞笑贴图>>双头的乌龟你见过吗?

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