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09-02 投稿


Celsius 发音

英:['sels??s]  美:['s?ls??s]

英:  美:

Celsius 中文意思翻译




Celsius 网络释义

adj. 摄氏的n. 摄氏度

Celsius 短语词组

1、degree celsius sign ─── 摄氏度标志

2、Celsius thermometric scale ─── [化] 摄氏温标

3、celsius logo celsius ─── 标志

4、celsius's thermometer ─── [机] 摄氏温度计

5、degrees Celsius ─── 摄氏度(℃)

6、Anders Celsius ─── [网络] 安德斯·摄尔修斯;瑞典天文学家摄尔西乌斯;摄氏

7、celsius degree ─── 摄氏温度

8、celsius value ─── 摄氏度值

9、Celsius thermometer ─── [化] 摄氏温度计 ─── [医] 摄氏温度计, 百分温度计

10、one hundred degrees celsius 100 ─── 摄氏度

11、celsius temperature scale ─── [电] 摄氏计度计

12、celsius online ─── 摄氏度在线

13、celsius system ─── 摄氏度

14、celsius temperature ─── 摄氏温度

15、Celsius Heat Unit ─── 摄氏加热装置

16、degree Celsius ─── 摄氏度

17、celsius room ─── 摄氏度房间

18、Celsius to Fahrenheit ─── 摄氏度到华氏度

19、Celsius scale ─── [医] 摄氏温度标

Celsius 相似词语短语

1、celosias ─── 鸡冠花;青葙属

2、Arcesius ─── 阿塞修斯

3、celsitude ─── 塞尔西特

4、cellists ─── n.大提琴演奏家

5、Celsius ─── adj.摄氏的;n.摄氏度;n.(瑞典、印度尼西亚、巴、印)摄尔西乌斯(人名)

6、celestas ─── n.钢片琴(发出如钟的声音的一种有键的小乐器);n.(Celesta)人名;(罗)切莱斯塔

7、Pelagius ─── n.伯拉纠(男子名、姓氏)

8、celestes ─── n.天蓝色;风琴之音节栓;adj.天蓝色的

9、Delius ─── 德利厄斯(人名)

Celsius 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、'The X axes here, we have the months in a year, and on the Y axes here we have the temperatures in Celsius degrees. Let's observe. . . ' ─── 这里的X轴所示的是年月份,Y轴这里所示的是温度,摄氏度。我们来看一下…

2、The maximum temperature in July may be 36 Celsius degree. ─── 七月份最高温度可能达到36摄氏度。

3、Once dry, it is placed in a fire-oven called "jaguete" which reaches temperatures of 538 degrees Celsius, for eight hours. ─── 一但乾了,就会被送到温度达538度的火炉中,烧烤8个小时。

4、The temperature today is about 20 degree Celsius. ─── 今天气温大约是20摄氏度。

5、A unit of absolute temperature equal to1/273.16 of the absolute temperature of the triple point of water. This unit is equal to one Celsius degree. ─── 开绝对温度单位,等于水的三态点绝对温度的1/273。16。这个单位等于一摄氏度

6、In mid-August, it was very hot, the average daily temperature above 35 degrees Celsius, but police Heshan stick to ferry Jiujiang, a half is observe. ─── 8月中旬热浪袭人,每天平均气温35度摄氏以上,但是民警坚守鹤山至九江渡口,一守就是半个月。

7、He got a temperature of 40 Celsius, his face was burning up. ─── 他高烧烧到了40度, 脸都发红了。

8、The fires may be as hot as 1400 degrees Celsius. ─── 一般要达到一千四百撮氏度。

9、Over the 20th century, the Earth's average surface temperature rose about 0.6 degrees Celsius (1 Fahrenheit) to about 15 degrees (59 Fahrenheit). ─── 在20世纪,地球的平均表面温度升高了0.6摄氏度(1华氏度)到15摄氏度(59华氏度)。

10、They form when the air temperature is about fifteen degrees below zero Celsius. ─── 它们是空气温度大约在摄氏零下15度左右时形成的。

11、In the dry environment, the HIV virus for 10 minutes dead, in an environment of 60 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes inactivated. ─── 在干燥的环境中,艾滋病毒10分钟死亡,在摄氏60度的环境中30分钟灭活。

12、Experts say E. coli in spinach can be killed by cooking at seventy-one degrees Celsius for fifteen seconds. ─── 专家说明,菠菜中大肠菌能够在71摄氏度的环境下加热15秒被杀死。

13、The Taitung area also once appeared burns the wind, the instantaneous temperature reaches as high as 37.5 degrees Celsius. ─── 台东地区还曾出现“焚风”,瞬时温度高达37.5摄氏度。

14、This year's slogan "Let the sun shine" was matched by temperatures hovering around 35 degrees Celsius . ─── 今年苏黎士街头游行的主题是"让阳光普照",而当天该市的气温也高达35摄氏度,高温天气与游行的热烈气氛可谓相得益彰。

15、Incommensurate to high temperature, 12-15It is better to grow below Celsius air temperature. ─── 对高温不适应,12-15摄氏度气温下生长较好。

16、Night temperatures can drop below 15 degrees Celsius. ─── 夜间温度可能会降到15摄氏度以下。

17、Beta-elemenetreated C6 cells ere incubated at 43 degree Celsius for 2h for the enrichment of HSP70 expression. ─── 以不同的免疫条件(包括时间、剂量、次数)进行正交实验,观察它们对瘤苗免疫后鼠脾细胞杀瘤活性的影响;

18、It looks like being another cool weekend, with the ambient temperature unlikely to exceed 18 degrees Celsius. ─── 它可能将是一个凉爽的周末,因为环境气温不太可能超过18摄氏度。

19、When the water temperature was less than 20 degree Celsius , Removal rate of cyanide and chroma were not favorable. ─── 当水温小于20℃时,混凝沉淀和氧化法对氰化物和色度的去除率的效果都很差;

20、At high temperatures over 40 degrees Celsius above the work environment, Henry Ying Tung Fok sweat soaked clothes were soaked. ─── 在40多摄氏度以上高温的环境下干活,霍英东满身大汗,衣服全都湿透了。

21、Kwangju Stadium temperature of 31 degrees Celsius, 0.3 米/秒 wind and the weather cloudy, humidity 34%. ─── 光州体育场气温31摄氏度,风速0.3米/秒,天气多云,湿度34%。

22、A calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. ─── 卡路里是热量的量度单位,一个卡路里就是要将一克水的温度提升摄氏一度所需的热量。

23、According to the weather forecast, the maximum temperature today will reach 38 celsius degree. ─── 天气预报说今天的最高温度将预计达到摄氏38度。

24、If this current stopped, the average temperature in Europe might fall by five to ten degrees Celsius. ─── 如果这个水流停止,欧洲的平均温度可能下降五到十摄氏度。

25、In summer, the temperature ranges from thirty to forty degrees Celsius. ─── 夏天,气温可在三十到四十摄氏度内变化。

26、The temperature today is about 22 degrees Celsius. ─── 今天气温大约是摄氏22度。

27、Volcanic rock called "tufa" is perfect insulation material which keeps the temperature between 17 - 20 degrees Celsius throughout the year. ─── 它可以使房间的温度常年保持在17-20摄氏度。

28、The bodies were kept cooled to minus 65 degree Celsius in the cellar of Martinot's chateau. ─── 存放在马谛诺别墅地窖内的遗体,维持于摄氏零下65度的温度。

29、It can heat seventy liters of water to sixty degrees Celsius. ─── 它可将70升的水加热到60摄氏度??

30、It's two degrees Celsius higher than yesterday. ─── 今天比昨天还高两度呢。

31、With the garden, the temperature of the roof area was reduced by at least thirty degrees Celsius. ─── 随着花园,屋顶的面积减少了温度在摄氏三十度以上。

32、There Dr.Lenis will teach how to prepare delicious and healthy food all within 120 degrees Celsius of heat. ─── 在那里,蓝宁仕医师会指导各位如何以低于摄氏一百二十度的温度烹调出美味而健康的料理。

33、Their body temperature drops below thirty-five degrees Celsius. ─── 他们的身体体温降到了三十五度以下。

34、If you suspect that seeds may be diseased, place them in water at 50 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. ─── 如果你怀疑种子书已经有病害,将其在50摄氏度的水里放置20分钟。

35、Meat begins to break down at temperatures warmer than 5 degrees Celsius. ─── 当温度高于摄氏5度时,肉就会开始分解。

36、It can do this between sunrise and noon on a clear day with an average outside temperature of 32 degrees Celsius. ─── 在日出和晴朗的中午,在平均温度在32摄氏度的室外它都可以进行加热。

37、The water will freeze when the thermometer dropped to zero degree Celsius. ─── 当温度计降至摄氏零度时,水便会结冰。

38、Pre-heat oven to 220 degrees Celsius. ─── ?h炉以摄氏220度预热。

39、Cold-smoked fish Fish cured by smoking at air temperature not higher than 30 deg Celsius to avoid cooking the flesh or coagulating the proteins. ─── 冷熏鱼肉利用低于摄氏30度的烟轻微地熏烤鱼肉,避免鱼肉蛋白凝固。

40、The engine runs best when its coolant is about 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93 degrees Celsius). ─── 在华氏200度(93摄氏度)时,发动机运转达到最佳化。

41、Slowly bring the liquid to 82 degrees Celsius. ─── 慢慢将液体加热到八十二摄氏度。

42、The same holds true in terms of output; that is, the Web service may provide output in Celsius, while the client may require the data in Fahrenheit. ─── 对于输出来说也是如此。也就是说,Web服务可能以摄氏度为单位提供输出,而客户可能要求数据以华氏度为单位。

43、For every increase of 5 degrees celcius Celsius in air temperature, the patients had a 7. 055% higher risk of migraine. ─── 他们发现温度每提升5摄氏度,病人就有7.5%的风险患上偏头痛。

44、At what temperature do Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers give the same numerical reading? ─── 在什么温度时华氏温度计和摄氏温度计指示的读数相同?

45、PROCESSING: The product has been processed using steam heat at a minimum of 135 degrees Celsius for a minimum of 2 hours. ─── 处理方式:本产品在摄氏135度的高温下经蒸汽热处理2小时以上。

46、Five and a half hours later, just after midnight, the water-temperature trace suddenly jumped a full degree Celsius for about three minutes. ─── 五个半小时之后,午夜刚过,水温线突然升高整整1℃,约达三分钟之久。

47、Perosmic anhydride when 48 degrees Celsius will melt, to 130 degrees Celsius when will seethe with excitement. ─── 四氧化锇在48摄氏度时会熔化,到 130摄氏度时就会沸腾。

48、Steve: Can you preheat the oven to180 Celsius please? I'm about to bake the cake. ─── 史提夫:你能帮我把烤箱预热到180度吗?我准备要烤蛋糕了.

49、be a mild night, around nine degrees Celsius. ─── 温和,温度约九摄氏度。

50、At what temperature do Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers give the same numerical reading ? ─── 在什么温度时华氏温度计和摄氏温度计指示的读数相同?

51、Both offer instant non contact and accurate temperature measurement from -33 to 220 degrees Celsius and can also be displayed in Fahrenheit. ─── 双方提供即时非接触和准确的温度测量从-33至220摄氏度,也可显示在华氏。

52、The sun is hot, the surface temperature has several thousand degrees Celsius, the central temperature also wants hotly! ─── 太阳非常热,表面温度就有几千摄氏度,中心的温度还要热呢!

53、Minus 31 degrees Celsius, the temperature under the grasslands of Inner Mongolia A Baga Juanjuan budongquan still flows. ─── 在摄氏零下31度的气温下内蒙古阿巴嘎草原上的不冻泉依然涓涓流淌。

54、He calibrated the thermometer for the celsius scale. ─── 他对温度计的摄氏刻度进行了校准。

55、Rarely does the temperature go below 5 degree Celsius in GuangZhou. ─── 广州的气温极少低于5度。

56、Only in Canada will the temperature skyrocket to 29 degrees celsius. ─── 只有在加拿大气温将飙升至29摄氏度。

57、It can do this between sunrise and noon on a clear day with an average outside temperature of thirty-two degrees Celsius. ─── 在一个晴天的日出到正午的时间,户外的温度达到32摄氏度的时候。

58、How do they survive flash floods and daily temperature swings of25 degrees Celsius(40 degrees Fahrenheit)? ─── 牠们如何避过雨季的暴洪,以及每天达25℃温差?

59、At 68, ("20 Celsius" he insists), his hair has thinned, his middle has thickened, and the basso voice has grown rheumy. ─── 他68岁(他坚持自己只有20摄氏度),头发稀疏,腰围已宽,男低音的嗓子变的粘粘糊糊了。

60、The temperature today is about 20 degrees Celsius. ─── 今天的气温大约是20摄氏度。

61、The thermometer shows the temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit. ─── 温度计显示摄氏温度和华氏温度。

62、Your temperature is 37.4 degrees Celsius, pulse is 80, and respiration is 28. ─── 你的体温是摄氏37.4度,脉搏80次,还有呼吸是28次。

63、I was suffocating in the giraffe suit because it was more than 30 degrees Celsius outside. ─── 因为外面的温度超过摄氏30度,我简直要在长颈鹿道具服里窒息了。

64、The size is average, the surface temperature is about 6,000°Celsius, and the color is yellowish. ─── 大小一般,表面温度约为摄氏6000°,颜色呈淡黄色。

65、Heat-resistant of the glass bottle is up to 600 Celsius degrees,200 degrees sudden temperature change resistant with 30%+ coefficient of expansion. ─── 奶瓶以高级耐热玻璃制成,无接缝,不卡奶垢,易清理,可耐高温600度,耐热急变温度200度,膨胀系数高达30%。

66、And the average temperature has already passed 38 degrees Celsius. ─── 平均气温已经超过38度了。

67、Sleep in 18 degrees Celsius temperature below, also easy to turn up, not easy to fall into a deep sleep. ─── 睡眠温度在18℃以下,也会容易醒转,不容易进入深度睡眠。

68、Done. Now let me take your vital signs. Your temperature is 37.4 degrees Celsius, pulse is 80, and respiration is 28. ─── 中译)完成。现在让我检查你的生命徵象。你的体温是摄氏37.4度、心跳80而呼吸是28。

69、Few immigrants are likely to want to settle in a place like the Pilbara, where summer temperatures routinely rise above 46 degrees Celsius. ─── 少之又少移民可能愿意定居皮尔巴拉这种地方,当地夏天气温常飙过摄氏46度。

70、They say it is killed by cooking meat to 77 degrees Celsius. ─── 他们表示,只有将肉煮到摄氏77度,旋毛虫才能被杀死。

71、Under high temperature 100 degrees can be inactivated, and barbecues the temperature reaches over 500 degrees Celsius. ─── 在高温下100度即可灭活,而烤肉的温度达到摄氏500多度。

72、White wine can be served between four degrees Celsius and 10 degrees Celsius, although, as I said, I prefer mine on the warmer side. ─── 白葡萄酒的适宜温度在4到10摄氏度之间,不过,正如我先前所说,我个人偏好高位的温度。

73、Your temperature is 38 degree Celsius. ─── 你的体温是摄氏38度。

74、It's about degrees Celsius this afternoon. ─── 今天下午的气温大约是摄氏二十七度。

75、Summer started in the country where the Pakistani met of-fice recorded a temperature of 43 degrees Celsius of Lahore. ─── 当日,拉合尔最高气温达43摄氏度。随着巴基斯坦全国进入夏季,各地陆续出现高温天气。

76、They form when the temperature is about five degrees below zero Celsius. ─── 它们是空气温度大约是摄氏零下5度左右时形成的。

77、The analysis is particularly performed in that the thermodynamic and Fahrenheit temperature can be used, but not the Celsius temperature. ─── 与众不同的是,在此分析中不可以应用摄氏温度,但可以应用热力学温度或华氏温度。

78、When Liz comes into Ted's office, she feels cold, because Ted has set the thermostat at 16 degrees Celsius. ─── 当莉斯走进特德的办公室,她觉得很冷,因为特德把空调的温度订在了16摄氏度。

79、Forecasters say temperatures are expected to remain near 40 degrees Celsius for at least the next week, with no rain in sight. ─── 气像人员说,气温至少在下星期仍将维持在接近40摄氏度,而且没有降雨。

80、But those positrons are emitted with 550 kilo-electron volts of energy, equivalent to a temperature of six billion degrees Celsius. ─── 不过这些正子的能量为55万电子伏特,相当于60亿℃的高温。

81、The temperature tonight will fall to seven degrees Celsius. ─── 今晚气温将下降到七摄氐度。

82、The proper taste of coffee is 83 degrees Celsius in brewing, 80 degrees into the cup, and 61-62 degrees in the mouth, it's the best one. ─── 咖啡的适当味道在冲泡的那时为83摄氏度,倒入杯中为80度,而到口中的温度为61-62度,最为理想

83、Earth and Venus are of comparable size and mass, yet the surface of Venus bakes at 460 degrees Celsius under an ocean of carbon dioxide. ─── 地球和金星在大小和品质方面都差不多,但金星表面全是二氧化碳,温度高达460摄氏度。

84、The GPU threshold is again 105 degrees Celsius, but as we said before it is the same chip, just with one cluster disabled. ─── 图形处理器门槛再是摄氏 105 度, 但是当我们说在它之前是相同的薄片, 仅仅以一群残废的。

85、A unit of absolute temperature equal to 1/273.16 of the absolute temperature of the triple point of water. This unit is equal to one Celsius degree. ─── 开绝对温度单位,等于水的三态点绝对温度的1/273.16,这个单位等于一摄氏度。

86、This West Indian manatee is wintering in a North Florida spring, attracted by the region's constant 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius) waters. ─── 北弗罗里达的泉水常年保持72华氏度(22摄氏度)的恒温,西印度海牛常去那片水域过冬。

87、A thermometric scale on which the unit of measurement equals the Celsius degree and according to which absolute zero is 0K, the equivalent of -273.15. ─── 中义单位温度和摄式相等的热量测方式,绝对零度为0度K(摄式-273.15度)。

88、A short distance from Moscow, the temperature had already dropped to minus4 degrees Celsius. ─── 刚出莫斯科城,气温就降到摄氏零下4度。

89、The temperature can rise up to thirty-eight degrees Celsius in summer. ─── 夏季气温可能升到38摄氏度。



翻译为:二十六度Twenty-six degrees例句:气象报告说有可能到摄氏二十六度。The weather report said it might get up to 26 degrees Celsius.

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