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09-02 投稿



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n. 伦敦朗伯斯区;伦敦坎特伯雷大主教官邸

Lambeth 短语词组

1、Lambeth Palace ─── 兰贝斯宫(英国坎特伯雷大主教在伦敦南部的官邸)

Lambeth 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lambeth Quadrilateral ─── 兰伯特四点宣言

2、Drake Street, Cotton Tree Drive, Lambeth Walk, Chater Road, Jackson Road, Connaught Road Central, Connaught Road West, Western Cross Harbour Tunnel, ─── 德立街,红棉路,琳宝径,摭打道,昃臣道,干诺道中,干诺道西,西区海底隧道,西九龙公路,青葵公路,长青隧道,长青公路,青衣西北交汇处

3、Lambeth council had admitted th at new schools were needed. ─── 在兰贝斯区,五分之二的婴儿是由未婚母亲产下的。

4、Lang (of Lambeth), (William) Cosmo Gordon Lang, Baron ─── 兰恩(兰贝斯的)

5、We walked down into Lambeth. Bozo limped slowly, with a queer crablike gait, half sideways, dragging his smashed foot behind him. ─── 我们走着去了兰贝斯区,博佐一瘸一拐地慢慢走,步态怪怪的,像螃蟹那样,有点往一侧歪着。

6、Buster Martin, who works full-time as a car valet for Pimlico Plumbers in Lambeth, was given a guided tour of Stamford Bridge, a chorus of Happy Birthday, a round of applause and was presented with a shirt signed by the team. ─── 老当益壮的马丁是伦敦的一位汽车工人,他在切尔西被带领参观斯坦福球场,一起唱生日歌,吃蛋糕,并且被赠送球队球衣.

7、We’re now crossing Lambeth Bridge into Westminster. ─── 现在我们再从蓝贝瑟桥通过,进入西敏区。

8、The gay American bishop whose promotion launched the latest round of internecine bitterness was not invited to Lambeth. ─── 对美国同性恋主教晋级的决定引发了最新一轮的痛苦内讧,而他本人也没有被邀请到Lambeth。

9、Threats by evangelical churches to withhold their dues if Dr John was not forced to step down were taken seriously in Lambeth Palace. ─── 如约翰博士不能迫于压力下台,福音派教会就威胁停交会费,这在兰贝思宫可是当成了大事儿。

10、He studied at the Lambeth School of Art, was elected to membership in The Royal Watercolour Society and the Society ? ─── 他的绘画天分从他童年不停的涂涂画画中就展露无疑,还偏爱幻想题材。

11、In July, a new Lambeth Conference, to be held at Canterbury, in Britain, represents a last chance to keep the worldwide communion together. ─── 今年7月,本届兰贝斯大会将在英国坎特伯雷举行,这也许是维护这个世界性宗教团体统一的最后机会。

12、Lambeth walk ─── 朗伯斯歌舞(尤在30年代晚期流行的一种舞会歌舞)

13、REP: The Anglican Communion has struggled with keeping its disparate family together ever since the first Lambeth Conference 125 years ago. ─── 记者:自从125年以前,第一次兰柏合议开始,圣公宗就一直为保持成员们的团结而奋斗。

14、Asked why the meeting was in Lambeth Palace, the spokesman replied: "He is a spiritual representative and it makes sense for the prime minister to meet with him." ─── 被问及为什么会见会在郎博思宫,发言人说“因为他是一个精神领袖,首相会见他也会很有意义。”

15、When you have dropped Miss Morstan I wish you to go on to No. 3 Pinchin Lane, down near the water's edge at Lambeth. ─── 你下去的时候自然也可依法炮制,然后你的同党再把绳子拉上来,从环子上解下来,关上窗户,从里面拴牢,再从来路逃走。"

16、The 650-odd bishops who attended the once-a-decade Lambeth conference went home with open schism between the liberal and conservative wings of the worldwide Anglican Communion averted. ─── 650名主教在出席10年一度的Lambeth会议后,反常的带着自由派和保守派两个阵营间公开的宗派分立回到了各自的教区,而这样的分裂是圣公会在全球范围内都在尽力避免的。

17、Lambeth Bridge is a road traffic and foot bridge crossing the River Thames in an east-west direction in central London; ─── 朗伯斯桥是一座跨越泰晤士河的公路桥,位于伦敦中区,东西走向;

18、Attempts to get her into foster care failed and, although she was still a child, she was housed alone in flat in Lambeth, not far from her exploiters in Chinatown. ─── 尽管她还是个孩子,但她获得保护的请求没有得到支持。

19、Threats by evangelical churches to withhold their dues if Dr John was not forced to step down were taken seriously in Lambeth Palace. ─── 如约翰博士不能迫于压力下台,福音派教会就威胁停交会费,这在兰贝思宫可是当成了大事儿。

20、Lambeth Bridge is a road traffic and foot bridge crossing the River Thames in an east-west direction in central London; the river flows north at the crossing point. ─── 朗伯斯桥是一座跨越泰晤士河的公路桥,位于伦敦中区,东西走向;泰晤士河从北面的连接处流过。

21、Lambeth Boys was shot over six weeks in the summer of 1958 in and around the Alford House, a youth club in the Oval area of South London. ─── 兰贝斯男孩被枪杀了六个多星期,在1958年的夏天奥尔福德楼和周围的青年,在伦敦南部的椭圆形区域的俱乐部。

22、1932 - Lambeth Bridge, London, opened by King George V of the United Kingdom. ─── 1932年的今天,伦敦朗伯斯桥由英国国王乔治五世揭幕开通运行。

23、Broffman emphasized the Arts and Craft aesthetic, utilizing fabric and wallcoverings in William Morris designs that she discovered at J. Lambeth in Washington, DC. ─── 博若夫曼强调艺术和工艺美学,她常使用编织物和在威廉莫里斯设计的墙面涂料,这种涂料她还在j.琳宝华盛顿特区找到过。

24、In 1895 Meyer went to Christ Church in Lambeth. ─── 1895年迈尔来到位于朗伯斯的基督教会。

25、lambeth delf ─── 兰伯斯彩釉陶器

26、The participants were recruited from four socially and ethnically diverse south London boroughs - Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham and Croydon. ─── 他们来自于伦敦市南部不同社会与民族组成四个辖区-Lambeth,Southwark,Lewisham还有Croydon。

27、ark Road, Robinson Road, Castle Road, Caine Road, Upper Albert Road, Garden Road, Bridge, Cotton Tree Drive, Lambeth Walk, Murrary Road, Queensway, ─── 柏道,罗便臣道,卫城道,坚道,上亚厘毕道,花园道,天桥,红棉路,琳宝径,美利道,金钟道,轩尼诗道,波斯富街,礼顿道,边宁顿街,怡和街

28、Those in Lambeth have long had a more fundamental problem: too few secondary schools, and never mind the quality. ─── Lambeth市的那些父母们从来不考虑教学质量,却长期以来一直为一个更根本性的问题而头痛:当地的中学太少了。

29、The gay American bishop whose promotion launched the latest round of internecine bitterness was not invited to Lambeth. ─── 对美国同性恋主教晋级的决定引发了最新一轮的痛苦内讧,而他本人也没有被邀请到Lambeth

30、Lambeth, Edmund: Committed Journalism, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.p7. ─── 黄煜裘志康译,华夏出版社,1989年.208页.

31、Lambeth Conference ─── 兰柏特主教会(在伦敦每十年举行一次的英国国教主教会,会上讨论教会的方针问题)

32、Prime Minister Gordon Brown will not receive him at 10 Downing Street but is due to meet him with the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth Palace on Friday. ─── 总理兼财政大臣布朗将不会收到他在唐宁街10号,但是由于与他会面与坎特伯雷大主教在兰贝斯宫上周五。

33、By holding the meeting at Lambeth Palace, Mr Brown will acknowledge that Britain sees the Dalai Lama as a spiritual leader. ─── 布朗选择在兰柏特宫会见达赖喇嘛,意在表明英国将达赖喇嘛视作精神领袖。

34、Opposite this grandeur , on the Surrey side, were the dingy warehouses and factories of Lambeth. ─── 在这壮观的景物对面,在萨里这一边,是兰贝斯的脏污的栈房和一家家工厂。

35、Lambeth council had admitted that new schools were needed. ─── Lambeth市议会终于承认当地确实需要一些新的学校。

36、Anglican bishops from around the world agreed at the Lambeth Conference five years ago that homosexuals may be priests as long as they remain celibate. ─── 最后一句感觉不好翻译, 在五年前的伦敦坎特伯雷大主教官邸召开的会议上,英国圣公教达成共识:允许同性恋者担任牧师,只要他们能保持独身。

37、We Are the Lambeth Boys ─── 我们是朗伯斯区男孩

38、The Rev. Gene Robinson, kept to the fringes of the decennial Lambeth Conference, is lionized by Anglicans who view his exclusion as an affront. ─── 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!

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