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09-02 投稿


fluxionary 发音

英:[?fl?k??n?ri]  美:[?fl?k??n?ri]

英:  美:

fluxionary 中文意思翻译



fluxionary 短语词组

1、fluxionary hyperemia ─── [医] 流动性充血, 主动性充血

2、fluxionary calculus ─── 微积分

fluxionary 相似词语短语

1、fluxionally ─── 流动的

2、dilutionary ─── 稀释

3、flexional ─── adj.可弯曲的(等于flectional)

4、ablutionary ─── adj.沐浴的;斋戒沐浴的;洗礼的

5、fluxional ─── adj.流动的;微分的;不定的

6、delusionary ─── adj.虚妄的;误导性的

7、factionary ─── 派别成员

8、cautionary ─── adj.警告的;劝诫的

9、illusionary ─── adj.错觉的,幻影的(等于illusional)

fluxionary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、fluxion structure ─── 流纹构造怜结构

2、Based on Time Domain RC Fluxionary Calculus Electric Circuit Minute ─── 基于时域的RC微积分电路分析

3、Study and Design of Fluxion for Low-Rate Revolution Radial Water Turbine ─── 低比转速径流式水轮机的流动研究及设计

4、let fluxion more excellent. ─── 让流动更精彩。

5、There are many foreigners in Shanghai, so the fluxion of population is very large. ─── 在上海有很多外地人,所以上海人口流动很大。

6、On one hand, financial innovation in regional center expands difference of financial development between and fringe cities., which fasten element fluxion. ─── 一方面中心城市的金融创新扩大了地区之间金融发展程度之间的差距,促使要素流动加快;

7、To avoid the information distortion in the passing process,the Asset Credit directly stress the corporation assets,which may be very difficult because of the fluxion of the assets. ─── 资产信用则为了避免传递过程中信息的扭曲与失真,直接将关注点放到公司资产上,然而资产的流动性使得这种直接的考察十分困难。

8、He now called a variable quantity a fluent and its rate of change, the fluxion ─── 他现在把变量叫做流,变量的变化率叫做流数。

9、Need not the full-time preservation member, from the fluxion public security and tubes. ─── 三、无须专职保管员,由流动保安兼管。

10、resources fluxion ─── 资源流动

11、Based on Time Domain RC Fluxionary Calculus Electric Circuit Minute ─── 基于时域的RC微积分电路分析

12、The out-of-order fluxion of teachers and the unbalance of the qualified teachers cause the unbalanced development of the teachers of compulsory education. ─── 当前义务教育师资的无序流动和师资质量的良莠不齐导致义务教育师资的非均衡发展。

13、The function of this system lord is the fluxion which controls the material in the car. ─── 本系统主的功能是控制车间内物料的流动。

14、Generally bite in the ankle, start to bend a knee, oppress blood vessel, reduce blood fluxion. ─── 一般咬伤在脚踝,将膝盖屈起,压迫血管,减少血液流动。

15、Fluxion property ─── 流散性

16、3.The complete market of this text inside points the labor force fluxion of the complete competition term bottom. ─── 本文中的完全市场指完全竞争条件下的劳动力流动。

17、The fluxion of the document use the mighty workflow engine to realize. ─── 公文的流动通过强大的工作流引擎来实现。

18、Result:Of the 100 eyes,11 eyes developed posterior capsule breaks,while 5 eyes vitreous fluxion. ─── 结果:100只眼中后囊破裂11只眼(11%)并发玻璃体外溢5只眼(5%)。

19、Factor Fluxion ─── 要素流动

20、The granularity of salt may affect o n the quality,fluxion and bulk density of product. ─── 粒度作为精制盐的物理指标之一,其大小、均匀性,直接影响到产品的质量、流动性和结块等。

21、Inhibitory effects of nifedipine on intramyocytic calcium fluxion of rat soleus muscle induced by glucose and insulin ─── 硝苯地平对葡萄糖、胰岛素刺激的肌细胞内钙流动的抑制作用

22、The granularity of salt may affect o n the quality,fluxion and bulk density of product.For this,the paper studies main factors affec ting the granularity of vacuum salt. ─── 粒度作为精制盐的物理指标之一,其大小、均匀性,直接影响到产品的质量、流动性和结块等。本文就目前真空蒸发制盐影响盐粒度的主要因素进行了探讨、论述。

23、Keywords Resources Fluxion;Dynamical Mechanism;Industry Cluster;Regional Innovation System;Sustained Competitive Advantage; ─── 资源流动;动力机制;产业集群;区域创新系统;持续竞争优势;

24、Various Possibilities of Fluxion--On Gadamer's the hermeneutic circle and the logic of question and answer ─── 流动的多种可能性--伽达默尔解释学循环与问答逻辑

25、Additional Si supplying for salt-stressed cucumber significantly decreased H_2O_2 and MDA content,inproved membrane fluxion,increased CoQ10 content,and promoted activities of ATPase and CCO. ─── 加入外源Si后,线粒体H2O2和MDA的含量降低,膜流动性增加,CoQ10含量、ATP酶及细胞色素c氧化酶活力增加。

26、Degradation of oil is a most important part of the MEOR.This procedure can reduce the oil's viscidity and freezing point and improve the oil's fluxion in situ. ─── 微生物采油技术(MEOR)的主要机理之一就是利用微生物降解原油中的胶质、沥青质等重质组分,降低原油粘度和凝固点,以达到改善原油物化性质的目的。

27、In the process of making scholastic sports stars, we should pay attention to several links such as environmental design, image design and status fluxion, and establish a sports star agency team that is indispensable to its development. ─── 打造学校体育明星的过程要注意环境设计、形象设计、身份流动等几个环节,并且要建立一支与其发展密不可分的体育明星代理团队。

28、fusibility body meterial fluxion ─── 熔体料流

29、fluxion of property rights ─── 产权流动

30、We carry on the primary nature and the Analysis nature archery target research to it, but thoroughly understood its characteristic, and widely USES in solving some fluxionary calculus problems. ─── 我们对它进行初等性质及分析性质的研究,可深入了解其特性,并广泛用于解决一些微积分的问题。

31、The ornamented electrode served as work,using volt-ampere method,constant potential method and fluxion injection method,to determine the hydrazine.The method is credibile. ─── 以修饰电极作为工作电极,采用循环伏安法、恒电位法、流动注射分析法,测定肼的含量。实验结果表明,该方法检出限低,线性范围宽,测定结果准确可靠。

32、Keywords Region Factor of Development;Unequilibrium Fluxion;Region Development;Factor Market; ─── 区域要素;非均衡流动;区域发展;要素市场;

33、After respectively management for the banking and the securities industry, the funds fluxion has been jum between money market and the capital market. ─── 在实行了银行业和证券业分业管理后,货币市场和资本市场之间的资金流动受到阻塞。

34、Survey the Higher Education Disharmonies from Social Fluxion and Social Stratification ─── 从社会流动和社会分层看高等教育中的不和谐


36、Judging compatibility of common portland cement and concrete admixtures,it is not enough by mensurrating the fluxion degree,losing and saturation point. ─── 判定普通硅酸盐水泥与混凝土外加剂相容性,单靠测定流动度,流动度经时损失,饱和点是不够的。

37、fluxion water level ─── 动水位

38、the fluxion frequency of the labor force expedites, the trend that the time of labor relationship is short becomes more and more distinctive and etc. ─── 劳动力流动频率加快、劳动关系短期化趋势明显等。

39、The main meaning of urbanization is that a fluxion of countryside population to the city cause the causable city scale extends. ─── 城市化的主要含义是乡村人口向城市的流动,从而引起的城市规模的扩大。

40、fluxion texture ─── 流纹结构

41、benefit to the training of compound talented person and the reasonable fluxion of personnel. ─── 有利于复合型人才的培养以及人才的合理流动。

42、The classroom teaching needs to as far as possible attain to make an information in common smooth fluxion inside the body. ─── 课堂教学就需要尽量做到使信息在共同体内顺畅流动。

43、It is necessary to control the out-of-order fluxion and set up the all-sided guaranteeing system of teachers' quality, in order to realize the balanced development of teachers. ─── 因此,必须抑制师资的无序流动,同时建立健全师资质量的保障机制,实现师资的均衡发展。

44、About improving the Weaving Method of Form of Cash Fluxion ─── 现金流量表编制的改进

45、fluxionary hyperemia ─── [医] 流动性充血, 主动性充血

46、value fluxion ─── 价值流

47、The allocation system of leaving lands is the special outcome on the condition of China land factor fluxion not basing on market. ─── 内容提要:留地安置制度是中国土地要素流动非市场化条件之下的特殊产物。

48、Results:Main indications of hemorheology and unextrapolated area of subungual microcirculation fluxion were significantly raised in individuals with abnormal lipoproteins. ─── 结果:异常脂蛋白血症组血液流变多项主要指标及甲襞微循环形态、流态、周态积分较对照组明显升高。

49、reasonable fluxion ─── 合理流动

50、fluxionary calculus ─── 微积分

51、fluxionary calculus curriculum ─── 微积分课程

52、rural land fluxion ─── 农村土地流转

53、Social fluxion ─── 社会流动

54、5, the demand led according to the company, draw up the fluxion statement of various funds; ─── 5、根据公司领导的需要,编制各种资金流动报表;

55、Keywords Li_2O-ZnO-SiO_2 system;glass;sealing;thermal expansion coefficient;fluxion property; ─── 2系统;玻璃;封接;热膨胀系数;流散性;

56、Stock conduct and actions is an important current assets, its existence certanly will take up a great deal of fluxion funds. ─── 存货作为一项重要的流动资产,它的存在势必占用大量的流动资金。

57、Study Population Fluxion about the Region of You Zhou around in the Tang Dynasty ─── 试析唐代以幽州为中心地区人口流动

58、Keywords salt body;plastic fluxion;trap;Carboniferous;Tarim; ─── 盐体;塑性流动;圈闭;石炭系;塔里木;

59、A large number of top creative talents should be cultivated in postdoctoral fluxion stations--Reflection on further effectively running postdoctoral fluxion stations ─── 博士后流动站应造就一大批拔尖创新人才--对进一步办好博士后流动站的一些思考

60、The third one analyzed the characteristics of fluxion of contemporary international capital, and the status quo of international financing of Chinese MNCs. ─── 第三章全面分析了当代国际资本流动的特点及我国跨国公司国际融资的现状。

61、This router shape designs tersely , having the fluxion feels, also can see the design of mental strategy. ─── 路由器造型设计简洁,有流动感,体现设计者的匠心。

62、An Analysis of Negative Effects of Human Resource Fluxion on the Economic Development and Countermeasures ─── 人力资源流动在经济发展中的负效应及应对策略

63、liquid fluxion ─── 熔体流动

64、The structure of horizontal roller scan reduce fluxion of powder.It is the best choice for fine-powder tiles. ─── 辊筒水平布局,使粉料静态流动少,是生产微粉布料效果的最佳选择。

65、The ornamented electrode served as work,using volt-ampere method,constant potential method and fluxion injection method,to determine the hydrazine. ─── 以修饰电极作为工作电极,采用循环伏安法、恒电位法、流动注射分析法,测定肼的含量。

66、I buy that book from fluxion packman. ─── 我从流动小贩那里买到了那本书。

67、There is inter-effect between regional financial innovation and financial element fluxion in the basic frame of regional element fluxion theory. ─── 本文使用区域要素流动理论的基本框架分析金融要素跨地区流动,得出区域内的金融创新和区域间的金融要素流动之间存在相互影响的结论。

68、Stability Analysis of Finite Difference Method for Solving Ground Water Pollution Fluxion Problem ─── 地下水溶质运移定解问题差分格式的稳定性分析

69、employee fluxion ─── 员工流动

70、We wish our analysis could provide an interpretation for the varied fluxion of FDI in China's east coastal areas. ─── 分析相关地区产业结构演进、利用外资水平的变化和区位优势等方面的差异可以为我国沿海地区出口竞争力的变动轨迹提供解释。

71、fluxion rate of the field ─── 资本

72、The resin matrix composites in mould in press forming process,under the pressure function,become the condensable fluxion. ─── 树脂基复合材料在模压成型过程中,在压力作用下,形成可压缩流动。

73、In fact, the flow in stirred tank is unstable, and the fluxion changed from time to time, as well as space.Macro-instabilities(MI) are the most apparent. ─── 事实上,搅拌槽内流体流动是非稳态的,槽内流体在相当大的时间和空间尺度上存在着流动的明显变化,宏观不稳定现象是其中明显变化的一种情况。

74、Fluxion rate of the field is about 0.51% and its flow is unilateralism, which showed that the character of the trade of the field was pre-market. ─── 大致0.51%的土地流转率,单向度的土地流动,说明民国前期长江三角洲土地商品化程度不高,仍处在前市场阶段。

75、limit was the key point and the difficulty of the teaching of fluxionary calculus , this article summarizes application mathematics software MAPLE in the limit teaching. ─── 极限是微积分的重点和难点。 本文简述了数学软件MAPLE在极限教学中的应用。

76、And the continuously resources fluxion would make the district form the industry cluster,and thus raise the industrial competitive ability of this district. ─── 资源流动与产业竞争力两者是正向循环、互为促进的关系。

77、It has strong internal fluxion function, reducing the external tensility of pigment, increasing the covering capability &color ... ─── 产品说明:有较强内部流动作用,有效降低颜料表面张力,增加颜料的遮盖力和展色性.

78、Keywords moulding entrance;fusibility body meterial fluxion;anterior edge pellicle;fusion mosaic slot; ─── 进浇口;熔体料流;前缘薄膜;熔合拼缝;

79、Effect on Fluxion and Heat Transfer due to the Thickness of Soft Dirt in Shell Sewage Heat Exchanger ─── 管壳式污水换热器结垢厚度对流动换热的影响

80、On the other hand, financial element fluxion enhances level of financial innovation in center cities, and then innovation will be radiated to the whole region. ─── 另一方面金融产业的要素流动提升了中心城市的金融创新水平,并将创新成果辐射至整个区域。

81、mass fluxion ─── 质量流动

82、population fluxion ─── 人口流动

83、Keywords AZ91D;semi-solid process;SIMA;static shear;fluxion property; ─── 半固态成形;SIMA;静态剪切;流动性能;

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