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09-02 投稿


consecratory 发音

英:[?kɑ?ns?kr?t?ri]  美:[?k?ns??kre?t?ri]

英:  美:

consecratory 中文意思翻译



consecratory 短语词组

1、consecratory prayer holy orders ─── 圣祷

consecratory 相似词语短语

1、constellatory ─── 星座

2、consecrations ─── n.奉献;神圣化;献祭

3、nonsecretory ─── 非秘密的

4、conspiratory ─── adj.阴谋的;阴谋者的(等于conspiratorial)

5、consecrator ─── 神圣化

6、conservatory ─── n.温室;音乐学校;adj.有保存力的;保存性的

7、condemnatory ─── adj.处罚的;非难的;定罪的

8、consecrated ─── adj.神圣的,被奉为神圣的;v.奉献(consecrate的过去分词);使…神圣;供神用

9、consecrate ─── vt.奉献;使神圣;供神用;献身于;adj.神圣的;被献给神的

consecratory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They assist Fan Fuhang namely paragraph cadre workers, just about they are silent on channel line compose is worn the consecratory song of channel Party member. ─── 他们就是襄樊市航道段的干部职工们,正是他们在航道线上默默谱写着航道党员的奉献之歌。

2、The post of the Youth League, it is the post of study, the post that take exercise, consecratory post, also be the post of extremely rich challenge. ─── 共青团的岗位,是学习的岗位, 锻炼的岗位,奉献的岗位,也是极富挑战的岗位。

3、Stop these, dead still beg bilks the ground to hold in both hands in vain give big big money " consecratory " give blackmailer! ─── 岂止这些,还死乞白赖地捧出大把大把的钞票“奉献”给敲诈者呢!

4、, say fact of consecratory; ─── 作风正,讲奉献;

5、Publicize atmosphere of a good study, work, great to my influence, make I was acquired assiduous, respect property, be realistic, consecratory spirit. ─── 宣传部良好的学习、工作氛围,对我影响极大,使我学到了勤奋、敬业、求实、奉献的精神。我感到这个“门”我没进错。

6、Advocate patriotic and abide by the law, ming Licheng is believed, solidarity is affable, self-improvement of hardworking and thrifty, respect the industry new wind with consecratory course of study. ─── 倡导爱国守法,明礼诚信,团结友善,勤俭自强,敬业奉献的行业新风。

7、to emphasize consecratory drive, do not carry a compensate. ─── 强调奉献精神,不提支付报酬。

8、The stationmaster that gentleman does not see this vast and mighty middle and primary school teachs website main forces is consecratory more very the teacher at education a gleam of. ─── 君不见这浩浩荡荡的中小学教育网站大军的站长很多都是奉献于教学一线的教师。

9、They have the great feelings with a kind of altruistic and consecratory career that is party and people and great mind. ─── 他们都具有一种为党和人民的事业无私奉献的伟大情怀和崇高精神。

10、What do to institute of center of AOL Beijing research and development to employee is consecratory , we express acknowledgment greatly. ─── 对于员工对AOL北京研发中心所做的奉献,我们深表感谢。

11、The Party member's right is able to ensure, just can move a Party member adequately participate in government and political affairs enthusiasm and consecratory spirit. ─── 党员的权利得以保障,才能充分调动党员的参政热情和奉献精神。

12、"Change really, must want to have astute, abound the " of basic level leader of consecratory spirit. ─── 实实在在的变革,必须要有精明、富于奉献精神的基层领导者"。

13、Accordingly, he decides, the scenery of mankind of good to let everybody plant orchid, benefit, consecratory happiness, to hill of high mountain eyebrow investment develops blackland area. ─── 因此,他决定,为了让大家种好兰花、造福人类、奉献美好的景色,到峨眉山投资开发黑土壤。

14、For this, we are cherished, value each land, we will as always fine to product essence carve carve, the view that leaves eternity for the city is consecratory our force. ─── 为此,我们珍惜、尊重每一块土地,我们将一如既往的对产品精雕细琢,为城市留下永恒的风景奉献我们的一份力量。

15、Want to hold to the style that struggles difficultly for a long time, must wait for a few respects to begin from system of consecratory spirit, behaviour, management and influence consciousness. ─── 要长期坚持艰苦奋斗的作风 ,必须从奉献精神、生活作风、管理制度和权力意识等几个方面着手。

16、Article general choose a few its feeling is the biggest, consecratory reader. 1 " . ─── 本文将择其感慨最大的几点,奉献读者。

17、"Consecratory, communicate " it is the only way that corresponding position and right to speak win in deciding you are in source world. ─── “奉献、沟通”是决定你在开源世界中获得相应地位和发言权的唯一途径。

18、And the method that blends in source community, I ever summed up for 8 words: Free, participate in, consecratory, communicate. ─── 而融入到开源社区的方法,我曾总结为八个字:自由、参与、奉献、沟通。

19、First battle win victory, complete station feels this correct consistently up and down, devote the canal, the energy of consecratory navigational fairs increases apparently. ─── 初战告捷,全站上下一致感到此路对头,献身运河,奉献航务的劲头明显增强。

20、He is the contribution that orange countryside place makes, behaved the altruistic and consecratory spirit of a Scientists and Technologists. ─── 他为桔乡所作的贡献,表现了一个科技工作者的无私奉献精神。

21、What this condensed person of each Venus day among them is silent consecratory, condensed the belief of a group and force. ─── 这其中凝聚了每一个启明星辰人的默默奉献,凝聚了一个团队的信念与力量。

22、What do to institute of center of AOL Beijing research and development to employee is consecratory, we express acknowledgment greatly. ─── 对于员工对AOL北京研发中心所做的奉献,我们深表感谢。

23、Hospital with " heal the wounded and rescue the dying, consecratory society " for the tenet, serve for the patient heart and soul. ─── 医院以“救死扶伤、奉献社会”为宗旨,全心全意为患者服务。

24、The core content of spirit of red flag canal is self-made, the poineering spirit that struggles difficultly and consecratory spirit. ─── 红旗渠精神的核心内容是自力更生、艰苦奋斗的创业精神和奉献精神。

25、This period consecratory this period when distributing news dispatches, know 1995 year Nobel each award the news that announce. ─── 本期奉献本期发稿时,获悉1995年度诺贝尔各奖项揭晓的消息。

26、The both sides of love, should consecratory oneself best condition, this ability is the foundation of perfect sexual love. ─── 身体柔软动作灵活的人不只在床上,在生活中也受欢迎。

27、They point out, want to realize the oneself value of politics labour cadre, must want to have consecratory mind. ─── 他们指出,要实现政工干部的自身价值,就必须要有奉献精神。

28、Should carry out " 3 are represented " , when good people public servant, must raise thought state, establish responsibility consciousness and consecratory spirit; ─── 要实践“三个代表” ,当好人民公仆 ,就必须提高思想境界 ,树立责任意识和奉献精神 ;

29、Deng Ying exceeds it is people's altruistic and consecratory lifetime with her, a cloud-kissing monument was established in people heart. ─── 邓颖超以她为人民无私奉献的一生 ,在人民心中树立了一座高耸入云的丰碑。

30、"Free, participate in, consecratory, communicate " 4 be the software opening a source that I understand outstanding characteristics. ─── “自由、参与、奉献、沟通”就是我所理解的开源软件的四个突出特点。

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