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09-02 投稿


dilatometer 发音

英:[?d?l??tɑ?m?t?r]  美:[?d?l??t?m?t?(r)]

英:  美:

dilatometer 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 膨胀计


dilatometer 短语词组

1、differential dilatometer ─── 胀差表

2、dilatometer eccn ─── 膨胀计

3、dilatometer test ─── 膨胀计试验

4、borehole dilatometer ─── 钻孔膨胀计

5、volume dilatometer ─── 体积膨胀计

6、dilatometer measurement ─── 膨胀计式测量

7、dilatometer testing ─── 膨胀计试验

8、dilatometer rig ─── 膨胀仪

9、dilatometer output ─── 膨胀计输出

10、dilatometer method ─── 热膨胀计法,膨胀计法

11、thermal dilatometer ─── [机] 热膨胀计

12、dilatometer cost ─── 膨胀计成本

13、dilatometer astm ─── 膨胀计astm

14、dilatometer curve ─── 膨胀计曲线

15、flat dilatometer ─── 平板膨胀计

16、feeling dilatometer ─── 感觉膨胀计

17、dilatometer def ─── 膨胀计def

dilatometer 词性/词形变化,dilatometer变形

名词: dilatometry |形容词: dilatometric |

dilatometer 相似词语短语

1、galactometer ─── n.乳浮计;乳比重计;牛奶比重表

2、diagometer ─── n.电导计

3、clapometer ─── n.掌声测量仪

4、dilatometers ─── n.[仪]膨胀计

5、Nilometer ─── n.水位计

6、dilatometric ─── 膨胀测定的

7、dioptometer ─── 屈光度计

8、dilatometry ─── n.[分化][物]膨胀测定法;膨胀法

9、diameter ─── n.直径

dilatometer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、recording differential dilatometer ─── 自记差示热膨胀计

2、Study on correlation of results between flat dilatometer test and other in-situ tests in Shanghai ─── 上海地区扁铲侧胀试验与其他原位试验结果的相关性分析

3、A comparison was made between the strain gaugetechnique and quartz-tube dilatometer technique. ─── 指出了应变片法相对于传统的石英管膨胀仪法的优点及测试中需注意的事项。

4、Keywords dilatometer;glass transition temperature;amorphous macromolecule powder; ─── 膨胀计;玻璃化转变温度;非晶态高分子粉体;

5、LIN Hua-guo.Use of the flat dilatometer test (DMT) in geotechnical engineering [D].Shanghai: Tongji University, 2004. ─── [2]林华国. 扁铲侧胀试验在岩土工程中的应用[硕士论文D]. 上海: 同济大学, 2004.

6、The soil classification is very important in geotechnical engineeringa;nd the flat dilatometer test(DMT) is a very useful in-situ test. ─── 土类的划分在岩土工程中是非常重要的,而扁铲侧胀试验则是一种非常有效的原位测试方法。

7、Determining the glass transition temperature of amorphous powders with dilatometer ─── 用热膨胀法测量非晶态粉体的玻璃化转变温度

8、flat dilatometer test ─── 扁铲试验

9、Calculation of the horizontal coefficient of subgrade reaction with the flat dilatometer test ─── 用扁铲侧胀试验求解侧向基床反力系数

10、Aerospace series - Metallic materials - Test methods - Linear thermal expansion of solid materials with a vitreous silica dilatometer ─── 航空航天系列金属材料试验方法用透明石英膨胀仪测试固体材料线性热膨胀

11、The dilatometer has an absolute sensitivity of 0.03 micron and a relative error of 0.3x10~(-6) in respect to samples having a length of 10 cm. ─── 它的绝对测长精度为0.03微米,试样长为10厘米时相对测长精度为 0.3 ×10~(-6)。

12、autographic dilatometer ─── 自记式膨胀仪

13、Keywords pre-hardened plastic die steel;TTT diagram;dilatometer method; ─── 关键词预硬型塑料模具钢;等温奥氏体转变曲线;膨胀法;

14、First, the dynamic CCT curves of two kinds of steel(with and without Cr) were determined by a Formastor-F dilatometer, and the potential impact of Cr on continuous annealing process was analyzed; ─── 首先利用Formastor-F型膨胀仪测定了含Cr和不含Cr两种低碳钢的连续冷却转变(CCT)曲线,分析指出了Cr对连续退火工艺的潜在影响;

15、interference dilatometer ─── 干涉膨胀仪

16、The well can be thought of as a dilatometer . ─── 其中,特别引入的扁铲侧胀试验在云南省的岩土工程领域尚未推广开来,属于较新的原位试验方法。

17、Arnu-Audibert's dilatometer ─── 奥阿膨胀度

18、electronic dilatometer ─── 电子膨胀仪

19、Several experimentation parameters which for evaluating soil indexes were obtained based on the flat dilatometer test of calcareous soil in shallow water. ─── 利用扁铲侧胀仪对海底浅层钙质土进行原位测试,能够一次获得多个评价土性的试验参数。

20、Solution to initial horizontal stress and lateral earth pressure coefficient at rest by flat dilatometer tests ─── 扁铲侧胀试验求解初始水平应力和静止侧压力系数

21、CHEN Guo-min.Flat dilatometer test and its application[J].Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,1999,21(2):177-183. ─── [2]陈国民.扁铲侧胀仪试验及其应用[J].岩土工程学报,1999,21(2):177-183.

22、dilatometer:an instrument used to measure thermal expansion and dilation in solids and liquids. ─── 膨胀计:用于测量固体液体中热膨胀与扩张的仪器.

23、automated optical dilatometer ─── 自动光学膨胀计

24、From the comparison of the flat dilatometer test (DMT) and several other in-situ tests, a conclusion can be drawn that the DMT is very suitable for test parameter measurement of seaside silt. ─── 通过对扁铲侧胀试验与其它原位试验方法的比较,发现扁铲试验能很好地确定海滩区淤泥路基原位试验参数。

25、Flat dilatometer test(DMT) was widely used in geoengineering to verify ground treatment effect. ─── 扁铲侧胀试验(DMT)在岩土工程中已经获得广泛应用,尝试了用其检测地基处理的效果。

26、Keywords amorphous macromolecular powders;the glass transition temperature(T_g);dilatometer;plastic effect; ─── 非晶态高分子粉体;玻璃化转变;膨胀计;增塑;

27、This paper introduces the software, hardware and it's functions in NSH full automatic thermal dilatometer's computer control system. ─── 介绍了NSH型全自动热膨胀仪计算机测控系统的软硬件构成及功能。

28、Detection of consolidation grouting effects in bedrock of dam of borehole dilatometer ─── 钻孔弹模仪检测坝基固结灌浆效果

29、Flat dilatometer test(DMT) was widely used in geo engineering to verify ground treatment effect. ─── 扁铲侧胀试验(DMT)在岩土工程中已经获得广泛应用,尝试了用其检测地基处理的效果。

30、self-recording dilatometer ─── 自动记录式膨胀计

31、Subgrade Horizontal Coefficient Derived by the Test of Flat Dilatometer ─── 用扁板侧胀试验推求地基水平基床系数

32、Keywords barium titanate;sintering;thermal dilatometer;shrinkage; ─── 钛酸钡;烧结;热膨胀;收缩率;

33、Dilatometer test (DMT) ─── 扁铲侧胀试验

34、This paper introduced a new method for determining the bearing capacity of foundation soil using the flat dilatometer test (DMT). ─── 摘要简单介绍扁铲侧胀试验,首次提出用扁铲侧胀试验计算地基承载力的方法。

35、volume dilatometer ─── 体积膨胀计

36、dilatometer law ─── 膨胀计法

37、Application of flat dilatometer test to mechanical characteristics evaluation of calcareous soil in shallow water ─── 扁铲侧胀试验在浅海钙质土力学特性评价中的应用

38、Keywords Thermal dilatometer;Refractory product; ─── 热膨胀仪;耐火制品;

39、quartz dilatometer ─── 石英膨胀计

40、Standard Practice for Specimen Preparation for Determination of Linear Thermal Expansion of Vitreous Glass Enamels and Glass Enamel Frits by the Dilatometer Method ─── 用膨胀计法测定透明玻璃釉瓷及玻璃色料的线性热膨胀的试验方法

41、flat dilatometer ─── 扁式旁压仪

42、In this Paper, an in-situ instrument, the flat dilatometer, is used in the geotechnical investigation to provide the necessary foundation design data for a bridge. ─── 本文结合苏州-南通(苏通)长江公路大桥建设的实际,运用扁铲侧胀仪(DMT),对桥梁地基的有关岩土参数进行了现场试验研究。

43、The well can be thought of as a dilatometer ─── 水井可以认为是一个膨胀计。

44、Empirical Formula of Application of Flat Dilatometer Test(DMT) ─── 扁铲侧胀试验应用经验公式推荐

45、Keywords sludge;bound water;ultrasound;dilatometer; ─── 污泥;结合水;超声波;膨胀计;

46、Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Solid Materials with a Vitreous Silica Dilatometer ─── 用透明石英膨胀仪测定固体材料线性热膨胀的试验方法

47、electronic universal dilatometer ─── 电子通用膨胀计

48、optical dilatometer ─── 光学膨胀计

49、Standard Test Method for Determination of the Swelling Properties of Bituminous Coal Using a Dilatometer ─── 用膨胀计测定烟煤膨胀特性的标准试验方法

50、A Simplified Method for Calculation of the Horizontal Coefficient of Sub-grade Reaction with the Flat Dilatometer Test ─── 用扁铲侧胀试验求解侧向基床反力系数的方法

51、Keywords differential dilatometer;T91 ferritic heat-resistant steel;undercooled austenite;critical cooling rate; ─── 差分膨胀仪;T91铁素体耐热钢;过冷奥氏体;临界冷却速度;

52、dilatometer test ─── 膨胀仪试验

53、Keywords thermal expansion coefficient;measurement;dilatometer; ─── 热膨胀系数;测试;膨胀仪;

54、linear dilatometer ─── 线膨胀测试仪

55、The well can be thought of as a dilatometer. ─── 水井可以认为是一个膨胀计。

56、Calculation of Foundation Soil's Bearing Capacity with Flat Dilatometer Test ─── 扁铲侧胀试验方法与地基土承载力的计算

57、Flat dilatometer test and its application ─── 扁铲侧胀仪试验及其应用

58、borehole dilatometer ─── 钻孔体应变仪

59、It is not very long since the flat dilatometer test (DMT) has been used in China, so it needs to be explored how to explain and apply the results of DMT rationally. ─── 由于扁铲侧胀试验(DMT)在国内应用时间不长,如何合理地解释和应用DMT试验成果尚待进一步探讨。

60、vacuum dilatometer ─── 真空膨胀计

61、Discussion on Dilatometer Test Used for Liquefaction Estimation ─── 扁铲侧胀试验用于液化判别的探讨

62、dilatometer measurement ─── 膨胀计测定

63、YANG Qing-yi,ZHANG Yu-bao.Application of flat dilatometer test to Geotechnical Engineering[J].West China Exploration Engineering,2001,(Supp.):128-131. ─── [3]杨庆义,张玉宝.扁铲侧胀试验仪在岩土工程中的应用[J].西部探矿工程,2001,(增):128-131.

64、The soil classification is very important in geotechnical engineering; and the flat dilatometer test(DMT) is a very useful in-situ test. ─── 土类的划分在岩土工程中是非常重要的,而扁铲侧胀试验则是一种非常有效的原位测试方法。

65、feeler dilatometer ─── 探针膨胀仪

66、Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Solid Materials with a Vitreous Silica Dilatometer ─── 用透明石英膨胀仪测定固体材料线性热膨胀的试验方法

67、Dilatometer: an instrument used to measure thermal expansion and dilation in solids and liquids. ─── 膨胀计:用于测量固体液体中热膨胀与扩张的仪器。

68、XIONG Wei-bing,QI Zhen-ting,JI Jun.Application of flat dilatometer test to liquefaction estimation of foundation[J].Underground Engineering and Tunnel,2003,(1):51-54. ─── [5]熊卫兵,祁镇廷,季军.扁铲侧胀试验在地基土液化判别中的应用[J].地下工程与隧道,2003,(1):51-54.

69、Measurement of linear expansion coefficient of silicon in high temperature with laser interferometric dilatometer[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王建华,范开果,刘志锋,孙建平,张金涛,王哲.

70、dilatometer characteristic ─── 膨胀计特性

71、TANG Shi-dong, LIN Hua-guo.Calculation of the horizontal coefficient of subgrade reaction with the flat dilatometer test[J].Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2003, 25(6): 692-696. ─── [4]唐世栋, 林华国. 用扁铲侧胀试验求解侧向基床反力系数[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2003, 25(6): 692-696.

72、Discussion on Dilatometer Test Used for Liquefaction Estimation ─── 扁铲侧胀试验用于液化判别的探讨

73、differential dilatometer ─── 示差热膨胀计

74、recording dilatometer ─── 记录式膨胀计

75、high temperature dilatometer ─── 高温膨胀仪

76、CHEN Guo-min.Flat dilatometer test and its application[J].Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1999,21(3): 177- 183. ─── [1]陈国民.扁铲侧胀仪试验及其应用[J].岩土工程学报,1999,21(3):177-183.

77、electronic vacuum dilatometer ─── 电子真空膨胀计

78、thermal dilatometer ─── 热膨胀仪


80、A series of sintering experiments with different heating rates are carried out in dilatometer for the alumina green parts shaped by powder injection molding and debinding. ─── 摘要采用不同的升温速率,在膨胀计中对脱脂后的氧化铝粉末射成形坯件进行一系列的烧结试验。

81、The TTT diagrams of the pre-hardened plastic die steels P20 and 718 from a steel plant were measured by dilatometer method. ─── 针对厂方设计并生产的P20和718钢,利用膨胀法测定了它们的等温奥氏体转变曲线(TTT曲线),并对曲线进行了分析和讨论,为制订合理的预硬化工艺建立了依据。

82、Standard Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Porcelain Enamel and Glaze Frits and Fired Ceramic Whiteware Products by the Dilatometer Method ─── 用膨胀仪测定搪瓷及釉面焙烧制品与焙烧卫生陶瓷制品的线性热膨胀的试验方法

83、Keywords Arnu-Audibert's dilatometer;coal sample;test; ─── 奥亚膨胀度;煤样;试验;

84、The Determination of the Deformability of Rock Mass by Flexible Dilatometer ─── 钻孔千斤顶确定岩体变形参数试验

85、Keywords amorphous powder;glass transition temperature;dilatometer; ─── 非晶态粉体;玻璃化转变温度;热膨胀法;

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