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09-02 投稿


wether 发音

英:[?we??r]  美:[?we??(r)]

英:  美:

wether 中文意思翻译



wether 词性/词形变化,wether变形

过去式:wethered 第三人称单数:wethers

wether 短语词组

1、bell-wether n. ─── 前导;领导者;系铃的公羊;群众的首领

2、wether lamb ─── 以太羊肉

3、no wether api key ─── 无wether api密钥

wether 相似词语短语

1、wuther ─── 乌瑟

2、tether ─── n.系链;拴绳;v.(用绳或链)拴住;n.(Tether)(美、英、加、新、澳、法)特瑟(人名)

3、aweather ─── adv.[水运]迎风,[水运]向风

4、wither ─── vt.使凋谢;使畏缩;使衰弱;vi.枯萎;凋谢;衰弱;n.(Wither)人名;(英)威瑟

5、whether ─── conj.是否;不论;pron.两个中的哪一个

6、aether ─── n.以太;乙醚;太空

7、wethers ─── n.阉羊

8、weather ─── n.天气;气象;气候;处境;vt.经受住;使风化;侵蚀;使受风吹雨打;vi.风化;受侵蚀;经受风雨;adj.露天的;迎风的;n.(Weather)人名;(英)韦瑟

9、nether ─── adj.较低的,下面的,下方的;地下的,下界的;n.(Nether)(美、德、巴)内特尔(人名)

wether 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abstract: The purpose of this investigation was to establish wether the additional GLN infusion has effiency in the contents of MDA and GSH in rat myocardium. ─── 摘 要: 目的在于探讨补充外源性谷氨酰胺(GLN)对力竭性运动大鼠心肌组织中丙二醛(MDA)和还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量的影响。

2、I was balled up with he saying that he like it now and he does not like it then,I am now still none the wiser of wether he likes it or not. ─── 他的话真把我给弄糊涂了。他一会儿说喜欢,一会儿又说不喜欢。到现在我也不知道他到底喜欢还是不喜欢。

3、Decideding what you want ahead of time you wiil give opportunity to ask questions to asses wether you relly want the job. ─── 事先知道自己的需求可以让自己有机会问问题,评估到底是不是想要这份工作。

4、Postbit Display: Choose wether or not you want to always show full RPG Postbit Stats, or if you want to show the stats in a DHTML dropdown menu. ─── 名称选择:请选则是否愿意显示角色全部状态显示,或者选择简要的显示菜单。

5、Wether the farmers are willing to buy the agricultural insurance, why? ─── 农民到底愿不愿意买农业保险啊?理由是什么啊?


7、Wether there is certain relationship between Chinese and foreign ancient chariots or not is decided by the techniques of making chariots and the period characters of occuring and development in China. ─── 中外古车的发展与演变有无必然的联系,必须分析古车制造所需的技术条件及其在中国发生与发展的时段特征。

8、The wether forecaster said there would be rainstorm, which throw a wet blanket over the plan for picnic. ─── 天气预报员预报有暴风雨,给野炊计划泼了瓢冷水。

9、The entity and network stores sell in the meantime so you need to inquire in advance wether we are in stock. And we regret to bring you inconvenience! ─── 备注说明实体店与网络店同时销售,故需要提前询问是否有货,给您带来不便,敬请谅解!

10、Wether the consciousness is strong or weak is the major factor of culture peculiarity. ─── 摘要主体意识的强弱与是否得到高扬是文化独特性形成的主要因素。

11、Because of excellent wether conditions and extremely strong signals,Venusian scientists were able to get valuable information as to rhe feasibility of a manned flying saucer landing on earth. ─── 由于良好的天气和强大的信号,金星科学家们能够得到很有利的关于金星的信息。

12、Wether we like it or not, all of our fortunes are tied together. We are truly interdependent. ─── 不管我们喜欢与否,我们所有的命运都是相连的。我们真的需要相互依靠。

13、Wether all the insert including the words &pictures ,except barcode is ok or not ? pls confirm it , then we can go to print it. ─── 整个图纸除了条形码外是否可以了包括文字和图片?请确认,这样我们就可以去印刷了。

14、Hamlet: To be, or not to be: that is the question: Wether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer, The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. ─── 哈姆雷特:生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题,默默忍受厄运的打击,还是挺身反抗无涯的苦难,并通过斗争把它们扫清,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵?

15、We are not sure wether or not his theory works by far. ─── 到目前为止我们还不能说他的理论是否经得住考验.

16、We asked him wether Russian like golf or not. ─── 我们询问他俄国人是否会喜欢高尔夫球。

17、12 above stage manners in classes, Where debarkation, wether city, or, ─── 12级以上台风,在什么地方登陆,不管城市,还是

18、I don't know wether he will come. ─── 我不知道他是否愿意来。

19、We are not being friends to argue about " wether rock is better or rap" , are we? ─── 我们不是为了争执“摇滚和说唱的好坏”而交朋友不是吗。。

20、Cold wether but the heart is still warm! ─── 天气寒冷,我的心仍然是温暖的!

21、Wether the university students can employment successfully impact the development of the high education .even the open reform and mordernization of our country. ─── 大学生能否顺利就业,直接影响着我国高等教育的发展,影响着改革开放和现代化建设。

22、Wether he is here or not will make no difference to our work. ─── 他在不在对我们的工作没有影晌;.

23、Wether it shines or rains, we will be there! ─── 无论是天晴还是下雨,我们都会等你来!

24、Whether we need it occasionally to make it through a night of study or wether it is part of our daily routine. ─── 也许有时我们需要咖啡来为熬夜提神,或者喝咖啡已经成为我们日常习惯的一部分。

25、Generally,porphyrins can emit satuared red via energy transfer from hosts wether they are doped or incorporated into polymric materials. ─── 无论是将卟啉掺杂还是引入高分子链段,都可以通过从主体材料到卟啉的能量转移获得饱和红光。

26、Wether these are instanced or not, I couldn't find anything, but it does say they are contructed, so possibly they are for the wealthy and limited in amount. ─── 我无法证实这些,但创建房屋的确被提到了。所以可能房屋只是给有钱人的,数量有限。

27、We had a great holiday althoug the wether wasn't vey good. ─── 尽管天气不好,我们的假期仍过得很愉快.

28、We were supposed to be happy, grateful for friends, family...Happy to just be alive, wether we like it or not. ─── 我们应该充满喜悦之情,感谢我们的朋友,家人...因为单纯的活着,而喜悦...

29、Postbit Display:Choose wether or not you want to always show full RPG Postbit Stats, or if you want to show the stats in a DHTML dropdown menu. ─── 名称选择:请选则是否愿意显示角色全部状态显示,或者选择简要的显示菜单。

30、Now he looked around him to see wether the yellow stain which was intended to help rescue planes to spot him was still there . ─── 此处他四处看看有助于营救飞机发现他的黄色水迹是否还在。

31、Wether you have the product with this specification. ─── 不知你们有没有这种规格的产品?

32、She is not sure about wether to buy the expensive coat. ─── 她仍然拿不定主意是否要买那件昂贵的大衣。

33、Markings, as to wether they have an all white head or patches is irrelevant! Structure and soundness is what is important! ─── 斑点,也就是全白头或者头上有黑色是不相关的。狗的结构和牢固性,才是最重要的!

34、When we want to ticked off sth. we should think of it carefully wether it will chang into a good situation. ─── 当我们想生气的时候应该想一下生气是否能改变现状。

35、If increase the price, the sales will reduce wether the quality. ─── 如果提高价格,无论质量怎样,销售量都会下降。

36、A family means a feeling of belonging,wether to the young or the old. ─── 家庭无论对年轻人还是老年人都意味着某种归属.

37、Before cheaking, all disassembled components should be thoroughly cleaned, make sure wether the components needs to be repaired by elimilating grease, varnish particles, iron rust as well as deposited carbon. ─── 在检查之前,所有分解部件应清洗干净,应去除润滑脂漆粒、积碳和铁锈,以确定零部件是否需要修理。

38、The genes, wether you are a Chinese or Swedish or black or whatever, you may have different genes. ─── 无论是中国人、瑞典人或黑人等其他人种,都有着不同的基因遗传背景。

39、wether hogg ─── 一岁以内阉公羊断奶至第一次剪毛公羔

40、You are correct , markings, as to wether they have an all white head or patches is irrelevant!! Structure and soundness is what is important. ─── 你是对的,斑点,也就是全白头或者头上有黑色是不相关的。狗的结构和牢固性,才是最重要的!

41、wether lamb ─── 去势羔

42、I disremember wether or not i said farewell to Happiness. I do have it in rememberence that in such haste was his departure that i failed to do so. ─── 本人看法:分手是说“我们”两个,分手所以幸福也一去不返,在一起的幸福也匆匆随之而去,去的这么匆忙,我没来得急抓住。

43、What did the wether person say? ─── 天气预报员说什么了?

44、We couldn′ t change the wether, but we could later out heart! ─── 兄弟,我们不能改变天气,我们可以改变自己的心情。就像我们不能改变风向,但是我们可以调整风帆一样!心情是自己的,心境也是自己的!加油啊!

45、B.Don't mention it!The wether is bad,and the food is awful,in one word,the holiday is so killjoy. ─── 别提了!天气又坏,吃的又糟.总而言之,这次假期真的很扫兴.

46、Knowing something about the position enables you to ask intelligent questions asked wether you are genuinely interested or knowledgeable. ─── 对该职位有所了解,能使你就工作本身以及工作要求提出一些明智的问题。

47、Lottery software,wether it is a fiction legend or a true story, is so shocking that it attracted tens of thousands of people to buy sports lottery and the welfare lottery . ─── 关于中奖,是虚构的传说也好,是真实的故事也好,如此具有震憾力的利好事件吸引着成千上万的人们到体彩、福彩中来。

48、shearing wether ─── 一岁阉公羊

49、and also research that wether connexin43 could be a new valuable biomarker for the estimation of ionizing radiation damage or not. ─── 以及该基因能否有作为一新的评估辐射损伤的分子标记物。

50、Wether the goverment should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force. ─── 政府究竟是以减少对技术经费的投入来增加对纯理论科学的经费投入,还是相反,这往往取决于把哪一方看做是驱动力量。

51、Wether Monday is a blue day or a free day is depends on the personal inner instead of job. ─── 周一是个郁闷的日子还是个闲散的日子,这取决于个人的心态而非职业。

52、I think that is intoxicated.No matter what happen ,no matter wether we can go to toghter,I have said to myself I will love you always. ─── 时至今日当我们把他以往的荣耀拿出来一共欣赏时,心中的激动还是压抑不住,所有的感动仍会无知觉通过各种方式表现出来。

53、I need to confirm wether to EU regulations it is free of foreign materials and we not have to clean it.Is the product HACCP produced? ─── 我需要确认在欧盟的规章中,国外的原材料是否是免税,我们是不是不用清关。该产品是按HACCP标准的生产的吗?

54、These trials are the tests to your faith to see wether or not it is strong and pure. ─── 这些磨难是考验你的信仰,看你是不是足够的强壮和纯洁。

55、Ms Fang asked wether we should send the doc. you asked for to you or give you directly when you in China? ─── 方小姐说,你需要的文件不需要快递,你来中国的时候在交给你是吗?

56、It is not easy to avoid the hot wether. ─── 想要逃避酷热的天气真不容易。

57、The P-bit in the Type-7 LSA Options field indicates wether the Type-7 LSA should be translated. ─── 为P -位在类型- 7 LSA的选项栏显示的天气类型- 7的LSA应翻译。

58、Wether it be from a more traditional "save the planet"-perspective or in the eyes of the "big boys" worrying about security and the economy. ─── 不管是从传统些的“保护地球”角度还是基于忧国忧民的“小大人”视角都是如此。

59、The wether will be fair today. ─── 今天将会是个好天气。

60、In English, the labor Day is a season with warm wether, blossom out and flourishing trees. ─── 在英国,五一节是天气变暖、花儿开放树木繁茂的时节。

61、Wether we are introducing English to pupils in the low primary school or correcting errors in the upper secondary school, spoken practice should precede written work. ─── 无论我们高年引入英语,还是在高年级纠正错误,口语联系应先于口头工作。

62、Wether the earthwork and stonework computation is correct or not directly affects the road investment and computation of technological and economical programes in road construction. ─── 本文对路基土石方工程设计现状及存在的问题进行分析,提出如何准确、规范的进行土石方数量的计算与调配的具体方法。

63、As the wether forecasting news predicted, the rain falls today. ─── 今天的大雨如气象局预料的来临了。

64、Wether leukotrien-antagonists, which have recently been introduced in the management of asthma, will widen the panel of traditional anti-allergic agents; will be shown in the near future. ─── 最近上市用于治疗哮喘的白三烯拮抗剂,是否丰富传统抗过敏药的宝库,这在不远的将来会显示出来。

65、Generally, porphyrins can emit satuared red via energy transfer from hosts wether they are doped or incorporated into polymric materials. ─── 无论是将卟啉掺杂还是引入高分子链段,都可以通过从主体材料到卟啉的能量转移获得饱和红光。

66、Requiring tactical thinking, the competitors can decide wether rolling the dice to make influence on the racing process. ─── 当预上挫败时,别气馁,是时间提升个人情绪指数吧!!!

67、I wonder wether there trees which makes us shade and protects us from shine upon should take a proper mesures to deal with. ─── 我想知道是否应该采取一些适当的措施来处理这些树,这些树能使我们阴凉,使我们避免太阳的暴晒.

68、six-toothed wether ─── 三岁阉公羊

69、One should awlays live in the best company ,wether it be of books or of men . ─── 无论是书友还是朋友,我们都应该以最好的为伴。

70、Because of very wet spring wether, apples will be in short supply this year. ─── 由于春天多雨,今年的苹果会供应不足。

71、I am a layman of basketball, so I don't know wether China plays good or bad.But it didn't make me who has few interests in basketball go to sleep, that means something. ─── 中间的过程嘛,我是外行,不好评论,不过能让我这个对篮球几乎没兴趣的人不瞌睡,这个也能说明一点问题。

72、No matter how cold the wether is,he always insist to workout. ─── 不管冬天天气多冷,他总是坚持体育锻炼。

73、I feel the wether forecast is always inaccurate. ─── 我觉得天气预报常常不准。

74、The Market Department shall, after discussing and seeking the customers' opinions, decide wether to postpone the production and delivery. ─── 市场部协商,征求顾客意见,决定是否推迟生产和交付期。

75、Anyone who stops learning is old, wether at twenty or eighty. ─── 任何人,不管是二十岁还是八十岁,停止学习就会衰老。

76、Human fortunes are as unpreditable as the wether. ─── 天有不测之风云。

77、If you're not sure wether your cosmetics are safe, keep in mind what expert say: most such products can be used for a maximum of 18 months. ─── 你对所用化妆品的安全性没把握的话,请谨记专家们的建议:大这类产品都最多只能使用18个月。

78、Only history can decide wether he is a greatman. ─── 他算不算得上是个伟人,只能由历史来作出回答。

79、English: Give never the wolf the wether. ─── 中文:莫把阉羊送给狼。

80、Checks wether the address has been resolved or not. ─── 检查此地址是否已被解析。

81、Our commitment: Wether is now or future, We constabcy, a guch as since to a product for for customer offering high quality. ─── 我们承诺:无论是现在还是将来,我们坚定不谕、一如既往地为客户奉献高品质的产品。

82、I don't wether you know it or not, reply you message is so tired for me. ─── 我不知道你知不知道,回你的信息对我来说很累。

83、Give never the wolf the wether to keep. ─── 切莫引狼入室。

84、How is the wether every year this time? ─── 每年这个时候北京的天气怎么样?

85、Wether that is good or bad, depends on how you value Linux :-) Until we have a native FreeBSD version of Oracle supported by Oracle, I think Oracle for Linux is a good alternative. ─── 什么时候才是真的大虾啊!!学习是没有止境的,希望不久的将来能......人一定要靠自己.

86、It depends on wether you support me. ─── 如果不喜欢游泳,你不妨呆在家里。

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