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09-02 投稿



detainer 发音

英:[d?'te?n?]  美:[d?'ten?]

英:  美:

detainer 中文意思翻译



detainer 短语词组

1、writ of detainer ─── [法] 继续拘留的令状, 因另案继续扣押令

2、detainer iv ─── 拘留者iv

3、forcible detainer ─── [法] 强行占有他人土地者, 强行占有

4、forcible entry and detainer ─── 强行进入和拘留

5、detainer 3 ─── 扣件3

6、detainer warrant ─── 拘留令

7、detainer usm ─── 拘留者usm

detainer 相似词语短语

1、detailers ─── n.推销员(等于detailman)

2、detrained ─── v.(使)下火车;帮助(某人)下火车

3、detailer ─── n.推销员(等于detailman)

4、retainer ─── n.保持器;家臣;保持者;[机]护圈;预付费用

5、detainee ─── n.未判决囚犯;被扣押者

6、destained ─── v.使(显微镜标本、色谱胶等)脱色

7、detained ─── v.被扣留,[法]扣留(detain的过去分词)

8、detainees ─── n.未判决囚犯;被扣押者

9、detainers ─── n.继续监禁令,非法留置;挽留者

detainer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hodgkinson says U.S. policy is not to detain a juvenile for more than a year whenever practicable. ─── 哈吉金森表示,美国的政策是,只要可能,不会将一名青少年拘押超过一年以上。

2、The above-mentioned sources said yesterday, Wong Kwong Yu reason to detain more complex than to manipulate the market. ─── 中英文对照:而上述消息人士昨日表示,拘查黄光裕的原因要比操纵市场更复杂。

3、Can warn only, cannot detain! ─── 只能警告,不能拘留!

4、If a person violates the court rules, the people's court may reprimand him, or order him to leave the courtroom, or impose a fine on or detain him. ─── 人民法院对违反法庭规则的人,可以予以训诫,责令退出法庭或者予以罚款、拘留。

5、The organ which makes a wrong decision to detain a person without criminal facts or a person without facts evidencing gross criminal suspicion shall be the organ for compensatory obligations. ─── 对没有犯罪事实或者没有事实证明有犯罪重大嫌疑的人错误拘留的,作出拘留决定的机关为赔偿义务机关。

6、You cannot detain the eagle in the forest. ─── 你没有法子将一只老鹰扣留在森林里。

7、The port drug administration shall adopt mandatory administrative measures to seal up and detain all the drugs. ─── 口岸药品监督管理局应当对已进口的全部药品采取查封、扣押的行政强制措施。

8、No one may detain a suspected offender in the disguised form of consecutive summons. ─── 不得以连续传唤的形式变相拘禁违法嫌疑人。

9、He was instructed to inspect the cargo on the ship and detain such cargo if necessary. ─── 他奉命去检查船上所载货物并于必要时扣留该项货物。

10、Neither wit nor wisky could detain him then. ─── 在这种时候,说笑话也好,喝威士忌也好,再也没有什么能把他留住了。

11、"The arrest order has come through," he said."I am to detain you, Lorian Nod, by order of Minister Ciran Ern. ─── “逮捕令已经通过了,”他说,“你被逮捕了,Lorian,这是总统下的命令。”

12、Under the environment keeping law and contract,general contractor has the authority to detain or hold up the whole or in part amount due that should pay sub-contractor. ─── 5.在不损害适用法律或分包合同所规定的任何权利的情况下,总包商有权扣留或暂缓支付总包商应付给分包商的全部或部分到期金额。

13、Stop and detain any suspect that fits the description for investigation. ─── 发现可疑人物应做相应的调查。

14、Among other limits, soldiers legally can detain only people caught in the act of a crime as they check suspicious cars, rummage through trash cans and gather intelligence from neighbors. ─── 其它的限制包括,士兵的合法行为只能是在检查可疑车辆、搜寻垃圾桶、以及向邻人们搜集情报时拘留正在从事犯罪行为的人员。

15、It may first detain active offenders and major crime suspects according to law, and shall arrest those crime suspects subjected to the requirements of arrest according to law. ─── 对现行犯或者重大嫌疑分子可以依法先行拘留,对符合逮捕条件的犯罪嫌疑人,应当依法逮捕。

16、Going over this unexpected incident, there is no excuse or ground for Japan to detain anyone from that fishing boat. ─── 回头来看这次联合号事件,日方绝对没有任何理由跟立场扣留船上任何人。

17、You have no right to detain me, I have the right of personal freedom. ─── 你无权扣压我,我有人身自由的权利。

18、It already cannot bring the new income, also cannot detain wants cancel indents the customer. ─── 它既不能带来新的收入,也留不住要退订的客户。

19、He needed to devise a powerful device to detain this devil next time! ─── 他要设计一个强有力的装置下次把魔鬼扣留起来!

20、In dealing with the people who violate the rules of the court, the people's court may admonish them to leave the court, fine or detain them. ─── 人民法院对违反法庭规则的人,可以予以训诫,责令退出法庭或者予以罚款、拘留。

21、If the bondholders fail to realize that prior to the balance-cashing day, the pledgees may request the cashing agency to detain the balance to be cashed by the asset-backed securities. ─── 如果正回购方未能在本金兑付日前追加或置换质押券,逆回购方可要求代理兑付机构扣留质押券应兑付的本金。

22、The artist, Sun Zhigang, 27, had been arrested under vagrancy laws that allowed the police to detain people for traveling outside their registered hometowns without a permit. ─── 27岁的画家孙志刚根据一项阻止无证件的人离开他的户籍所在地的法令而被捕。

23、Wudineisi in can certainly detain Dinatalai for this summer to rejoice secretly. ─── 乌迪内斯一定在为今夏能够留住迪纳塔莱而暗自庆幸。

24、Eleven other people remain in custody, while authorities decide whether to charge them now or seek additional time to detain and question them. ─── 在权力机关考虑应当立即上诉还是继续拘留审问这些人的时候,还有11人仍然被扣留。

25、Zhou Yu made no effort to detain his guests. When Liu Bei and Lord Guan reached the edge of the river, where they were happy to find Zhuge Liang in his Boat. ─── 周瑜也不相留。行至江边见诸葛亮在船上等候,很高兴。

26、Three separate chapters take you step-by-step through the unlawful detainer process. ─── 三个单独的章节一步步介绍了非法扣押程序。

27、The government also defended its decision to detain the four Rio employees, one of whom is an Australian national. ─── 中国政府还对其拘留四名力拓雇员(其中之一是澳大利亚公民)的决定进行了辩解。

28、The public security organ shall detain the booties or Articles as suspicious booties found by renewable resource recovery business operators and shall issue a checklist of the Articles detained. ─── 公安机关对再生资源回收经营者在经营活动中发现的赃物或有赃物嫌疑的物品应当依法予以扣押,并开列扣押清单。

29、Tiwari had ordered police to detain a landlord in a case where his tenant had failed to pay the power company, despite a previous High Court ruling that the landlord could not be held responsible. ─── tiwari已下令警方扣留在房东的情况,他房客未支付电力公司,尽管先前高等法院判决房东无法举行负责。Tiwari could not immediately be reached for comment. tiwari无法立即发表评论。

30、Any other units or individuals are not allowed to design, print, issue, confiscate and detain the licenses. ─── 其他任何单位和个人均不得设计、印制、发放、收缴、扣押许可证。

31、Indian police detain Kashmiri Shia Muslim mourners during the religious Ashura procession in Srinagar January 8, 2009. ─── 为了纪念先知穆罕默德的孙子逝世,喀什米尔首府斯利那加举行伊斯兰阿舒拉节一系列活动。

32、Well, mother, I won't detain you any longer. ─── 好啦,妈,我不再留你了。

33、To put, shelter, or detain in a bay. ─── 使入海湾放在、庇护或扣留在港湾

34、It is illegal to deport U.S. citizens or detain them for immigration violations. ─── 以非法移民的名义驱逐或扣留美国公民是不合法的。

35、In case of the above, the Lessor shall be entitled to detain or forfeit the Deposit and the rent prepaid by the Lessee. ─── 如果发生本条第一款所述情况,甲方有权扣留或没收乙方的押金及预交的租金。

36、He was in very good spirits: he had come to terms with the purchaser, and there was nothing now to detain him in Moscow away from his countess, for whom he was pining. ─── 他非常快活,他和买主的这笔生意已经谈妥了,此时没有什么事使他要在莫斯科滞留,离开他所想念的伯爵夫人去过别离生活。

37、Meanwhile, van der Sloot will face a judge on Aruba on Monday who will decide whether there is enough evidence to detain him for eight days. ─── 同时,斯沃特将面临一项法官决定。来确认是否有足够的证据对他实施8天的拘禁。

38、Originally, somewhat warm cannot detain. ─── 原来,有些温暖是留不住的.

39、If the liner companies detain bills of lading and cargoes, shippers can seek settlement of the case through judicial channels. ─── 六、班轮公司扣发提单和货物的问题,通过司法等途径解决。

40、The observational team used to detain injection punctured eccentric,while the contrastive team used to detain injection punctured eccentric. ─── 两组置管时间比较,观察组优于对照组,即观察组置管时间较对照组长。

41、Mr Mourinho's wife, Tami, and two children were at home when the officers called to detain the animal amid fears it had been brought back into the country without observing anti-rabies laws. ─── 事发时穆里尼奥的妻子谭美和两个孩子在家中,那些警官要求拘留那只动物,恐怕它曾经在没有遵守反狂犬病法就被带回国内。

42、China threatens to detain soccer fans for swearing ─── 中国威胁要阻止球迷粗口

43、No organization or individual may fabricate, alter, transfer, intentionally damage or destroy, or illegally hold or detain any passport. ─── 任何组织或者个人不得伪造、变造、转让、故意损毁或者非法扣押护照。

44、 双语使用场景

45、The party has its own anti-corruption body with power to detain officials and investigate allegations of graft. Its findings are in effect binding on the courts. ─── 党有自己的反腐败机构,有权拘捕官员并对贪污指控进行调查,其调查结果实际上对法庭有约束力。

46、Good-good, Dantes! I see you are a thorough good fellow, and will detain you no longer. ─── 好,好,邓蒂斯!我看你是一个十全十美的好汉,别再让我耽误你。

47、Where the traffic administration of a public security organ detains a vehicle, it shall not detain the goods carried by the vehicle. ─── 公安机关交通管理部门扣留车辆的,不得扣留车辆所载货物。

49、No entity or individual may embezzle, misappropriate, privately share, detain or delay in the payment of the compensation fees for expropriation. ─── 任何单位和个人不得贪污、挪用、私分、截留、拖欠征收补偿费等费用。

50、If they refuse,detain them and get warrants. ─── 如果有人拒绝,就签逮捕令扣留他们.

51、The people's court, in deciding to detain or draw from the income, shall make a ruling and issue a notice for assistance in the execution. The banks, credit cooperatives and other savings institutions concerned must comply with the ruling. ─── 人民法院扣留、提取收入时,应当作出裁定,并发出协助执行通知书,被执行人所在单位、银行、信用合作社和其他有储蓄业务的单位必须办理。

52、The summer, the snow is cannot detain, but autumn already approached, that winter will be also far, snow, but can also be far? ─── 夏,雪是留不住的,但是秋天已经来临,那冬天还会远吗,雪,还会远吗?

53、No unit or individual shall misappropriate, embezzle part of, or detain the funding for science and technology allocated from the State financial budget. ─── 任何单位和个人不得挪用、克扣、截留国家财政用于科学技术的经费。

54、The company always takes to foster the talent, to detain the talentedperson, because we fully realized has the talented person to be equalto the wealth. ─── 公司一直重视于培养人才、留住人才,因为我们深知拥有人才就等于财富。

55、"An urgent case in the Rue St. Honore, he said. It would not detain me, he had a coach in waiting. ─── “他说圣奥诺雷街有人得了急病,不会耽误我多少时间,他有马车等候。

56、If disrelish detain to spend implement too expensive word, also can buy directly a few already the flower with good sign, again the be fond of according to oneself, spend skill, spend the ground single-handed fine stick a beautiful world. ─── 假如嫌押花器太贵的话,也可以直接买一些已押好的花,再根据自己的喜好,一花一手,一手一花地细粘出绮丽的世界。

57、Some officials say that controlling the villages was made even harder by the scrapping four years ago of police powers to detain any migrant found without the correct permits. ─── 一些官员表示,警察曾经有权力扣留任何没有携带有效通行证的流动人员,但随着该权力在四年前得到废止,对村庄进行管制现在变得难上加难。

58、A citizen's lawful property shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual may appropriate, encroach upon, destroy or illegally seal up, detain, freeze or confiscate it. ─── 公民的合法财产受法律保护,禁止任何组织或者个人侵占、哄抢、破坏或者非法查封、扣押、冻结、没收。

59、The idea that the government could scoop up an American citizen and detain him indefinitely without charge struck some people as odd.Unconstitutional, even. ─── 在没有指控的情况下,政府居然信手逮捕一个美国公民,并将其无限期拘留,引起部分人吓然而又茫然,这种做法甚至是违宪的。

60、To seal up or detain the products which may possibly have serious quality problems and to make decisions on disposal thereof within the specified time limit. ─── 封存或者扣押可能有严重质量问题的产品,并在规定的时限内作出处理决定。

61、The criterion of detain before trial ─── 审前羁押标准

62、Chinese Police Detain Two Mine Bosses ─── 中国警方拘留两煤矿两官员

63、Not. The new laws and regulations cancelled the traffic police to need to detain the accident vehicle for the accident compensation the stipulation... ─── 不是的。新的法律法规取消了交警为事故赔偿的需要扣留事故机动车的规定...

64、Was already the passing mist, even if ascends is also the nihility, even if will not be able to lay down will not detain. ─── 已经是过往云烟,即便拾起来也不过是虚无,即使放不下也不会留住。

65、For products having caused or which may potentially cause quality incidents, the drug regulatory agency of the governments at county level and above shall have the right to check, seal up and detain them together with materials related. ─── 对已经造成医疗器械质量事故或者可能造成医疗器械质量事故的产品及有关资料,县级以上地方人民政府药品监督管理部门可以予以查封、押。

66、She may detain, but not still keep, her treasure: Her audit, though delayd, answerd must be, And her quietus is to render thee. ─── 她只能暂留,并非常保,她的宝贝!她的账目,虽延了期,必须清算:要清偿债务,她就得把你交还。

67、According to law, public security organs have the authority to detain. ─── 公安机关依法具有拘留权。

68、Therefore, to detain the youth, you must certainly remember following food name: Chicken skin, fish, caviar, shrimp paste, oyster, animal liver, mushroom, auricularia auricula, pollen and so on. ─── 因此,为了留住青春,你一定要记住下面的食品名称:鸡皮、鱼类、鱼子酱、虾酱、牡蛎、动物肝脏、蘑菇、木耳、花粉等。

69、Reason to detain or to manipulate the market than the more complex. ─── 中英文对照:拘查原因或比操纵市场更复杂。

70、A neighbor has just been to tell my wife that the Elders have assembled in the mosque and want to detain you. ─── 刚刚邻居告诉我的妻子说,长老已聚集在清真寺和希望扣留你。

71、One employee said the store did not inform the staff to "detain rumors," most of their news from the network, and these rumors did not affect their normal work. ─── 中英文对照:一名员工透露,门店没有向员工通报“拘查传闻”,他们的消息大多来自网络,而这些传闻并没有影响他们的正常工作。

72、He get home two hour late and say he have is detain in the office by business. ─── 他回家迟了两小时,说是因事留在办公室里。

73、People have been abducted and taken to secret detain centers by witch doctors who are accompanied by the security forces from Gambia. ─── 人们被巫医和冈比亚的武装力量诱拐并带到秘密的拘留中心。

74、International human rights groups say that China is a police state in which the government has the power to bully, detain, or even execute citizens who step out of line. ─── 国际人权组织认为中国是一个集权国家,在这里政府有权利恐吓、拘留、甚至处死越过雷池的人们。

75、Policemen detain a jammu Kashmir electropathic doctor who is wearing a shroud as a symbol of protest during a 61-day hunger strike in Srinagar, India, Wednesday, June 13,2007. ─── 2007年6月3日,在印控克什米尔地区夏季首府斯利那加的一次长达61天的绝食抗议中,印度警察逮捕了一名来自印控克什米尔冬季首府查谟的电疗法医生,他是身着裹尸布参加抗议的。

76、Taiwan did not detain long. ─── 台湾问题不会拖太久。

77、State media say the decision to detain Sanlu Group's Tian Wenhua was made following an in-depth investigation into the company. ─── 中国官方媒体说,拘留三鹿集团董事长田文华的决定在对该公司进行深入调查后作出的。

78、The leaf's leaving is due to the blow of wind or the tree did not detain? ─── 叶子的离开是风的追求还是树的不挽留呢?

79、Fauchelevent slackened his pace, but he could not detain the hearse. ─── 割风可以放慢自己的脚步,却不能拖住那灵车。

80、Similarly, the government should not detain YB Teresa Kok and Raja Petra. ─── 同样的,政府也不应该逮捕郭素沁和拉惹布特拉。

81、"Well, well, my dear Edmond," continued the owner, "don't let me detain you. ─── "得了,得了,我亲爱的爱德蒙,"船主又说,"我不耽搁你了。

82、No entity or individual shall confiscate or detain any motor vehicle plate. ─── 任何单位和个人不得收缴、扣留机动车号牌。

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