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09-02 投稿



dern 发音


英:  美:

dern 中文意思翻译





dern 网络释义

dern 相似词语短语

1、Bern ─── n.伯尔尼(瑞士首都,等于Berne)

2、Kern ─── v.调整(铅字或字符的)间距;(使)铅字重叠;设计具有出格部分的(金属铅字);n.铅字的出格部分;爱尔兰轻装步兵;农民,乡下人;(墙、柱子等的)断面核;n.(Kern)(爱、丹)克恩(人名)

3、derns ─── 德恩斯

4、Fern ─── n.弗恩(女子名)

5、durn ─── vt.责难;毁谤;贬责;n.(Durn)人名;(英)德恩

6、-ern ─── n.白尾海雕(等于erne);n.(Ern)人名;(罗、德)埃尔恩

7、dearn ─── 迪恩

8、derny ─── 日记

9、Vern ─── n.弗恩(男子名,等于Vernon)

dern 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、dern motor spirit ─── 现代车用汽油

2、The series kicks in as Bill receives troublesome news about his father Frank (Bruce Dern, Last Man Standing), who lives in rural Utah in a fundamentalist community lead by Bill' ─── 主人公比尔生活中每件事情似乎都是一分为三:三个妻子三边天,三个家庭找他要钱!

3、And yes, Bruce Dern was dynamite as Tom Buchanan (read Fitzgerald's description and it could almost have been written with Dern in mind). ─── 是的,布鲁斯.邓饰演的汤姆.布坎农不同凡响(读菲茨杰拉德的描写时你会觉得这简直就是照着邓写的)。

4、Dern Laura ─── 劳拉·德恩

5、spirits wouldn't say, 'Dern the dern fog. ─── 没有多久,天黑了,我们就出发。

6、Keywords Logistical areas fire precaution mo dern;fire -preventing technology a pplied research; ─── 物流园区;火灾预防;现代防火技术;应用研究;

7、Zuerst mal wurde ein Rahmen aus GFK gefertigt, mit einigen Kugellagern und Zahnr?dern einer Hornet versehen, und noch schnell ein paar Teile aus Alu gefr?st. ─── 首先,一个框架,是由脑脊液中,有几球轴承和齿轮的一大黄蜂,而仍然是快速的几个部分,从球磨铝。

8、The performance characteristic of PVC membrane structure composite used in mo-dern building was introduced. ─── 介绍现代建筑用PVC膜结构复合材料的性能特点。

9、The Epic Theatre and The Theatre of Cruelty:The Ideological Criticize of the Mo dern Theatre System ─── 史诗剧场与残酷戏剧:现代剧场政体的意识形态批判

10、"Chatham" tells the story of three retired sea captains -- Zebulon "Zeb" Hedge (Carradine), Perez Ryder (Dern), and Jeremiah "Jerry" Burgess (Torn) -- living together in genteel squalor. ─── 故事讲的是三个退休的老海军打了一个赌。

11、The Meng system and Meng culture h ave embodied the whole history of the Thais from the tribal society up to the mo dern times in southwest China. ─── 从部落社会一直延续到近代,"勐制"与"勐文化"浓缩了西南泰的历史,从政治到经济、军事到思想、宗教到非宗教,"勐"的概念渗透傣泰民族社会生活的方方面面。

12、This article tries to interpret the male s ubject deconstruction with post -mo dern theory to demonstrate the conce rn to fe-male in Hardy' s work. ─── 本文试以后现代理论解读安吉尔的男性主体解构,以此表明的哈代作品对女性的关怀。

13、There are precise words and obscure words in mo dern Chinese. ─── 现代汉语中,既有精确词语,又有模糊词语。

14、The Influence upon Family Organization brought by Great Changes in Mo-dern Society ─── 近代社会巨变对家族组织的影响

15、Blame it all! just as we'd got guns, and a cave, and all just fixed to rob, here this dern foolishness has got to come up and spile it all!" ─── 真是倒霉,刚弄了几条枪,找到了山洞,准备去当强盗,却偏偏碰上了这种事情,真让人扫兴。”

16、I'd druther they was devils a dern sight. ─── 我宁愿他们是鬼。

17、Last time, you kep' me a-meowing around till old Hays went to throwing rocks at me and says 'Dern that cat!' ─── 上一回,你让我老在那学猫咪呜咪呜的,后来黑斯这老头就冲我扔石头,还说‘去他妈的瘟猫!’

18、Dern special water heater: Value 3380 Yuan water heaters, 1 Yuan big sale! ─── 德恩特热水器:价值3380元的热水器,1元大拍卖!

19、And grub comes too easy -- I don't take no interest in vittles, that way. I got to ask to go a-fishing; I got to ask to go in a-swimming -- dern'd if I hain't got to ask to do everything. ─── 还有,不费劲就能搞到吃的东西,我不喜欢这种吃法,就是要钓鱼也得先征求寡妇的同意,去游个泳也得先问问她,真他妈的,干什么事都要先问她才行。

20、I wouldn't give a dern for spunk-water. ─── 我看仙水一文不值。

21、The Epic Theatre and The Theatre of Cruelty: The Ideological Criticize of the Mo dern Theatre System ─── 史诗剧场与残酷戏剧:现代剧场政体的意识形态批判

22、Factors influencing modern foods se curity and harmful to people health a re summarized.New problems and new trends facing the mo dern foods security are discribed. ─── 本文综述了影响现代食品安全性的各种因素,以及这些因素对人体健康的危害性,并指出现代食品安全性所面临的新问题和新趋势。

23、Leaves, too, look like, and dern if these ain't blossoms. ─── 好像还有树叶,还有这些,要不是花才怪呢。

24、There was no mo dern air conditioning and air pollution from factories was a problem . ─── 没有现代的空调,同时来自工厂的空气污染也是个很严重的问题。

25、Talent resources are the capital resources of the mo dern enterprises; ─── 人才资源是现代企业的资本性资源。

26、dern history and does not do modern languages. ─── (do = study) 玛丽研究现代历史,但不研究现代语言。

27、With changes of consumers' lifestyle in mo dern society, China's economy growth and WTO entry, retail agglomerations have been growing rapidly in recent years. ─── 现代社会中个体消费者生活形态的变化,伴随着经济增长、加入WTO后零售业的逐渐完全开放,促使零售集聚近年来在我国取得了快速发展。

28、Why, they're a dern sight worse'n dead people. ─── 唉,那里比死人还可怕。

29、" "Dern'd if I would," said Huck. ─── “我才不干呢,”哈克说。

30、Dern Bruce ─── 布鲁斯·德恩

31、Therefore, the sound operation of mo dern society and sustainable development, but also need to round! ─── 因此现代社会的良性运行和可持续发展,更需要通才!

32、Dell's Lunch Counter: all-new extended interviews with Nicolas Cage, Laura Dern, David Lynch, Willem Dafoe, Diane Ladd, and Sheryl Lee ─── 全新的主演及演员访谈

33、dern monetarism ─── 现代货币主义

34、Bruce Dern ─── 布鲁斯·邓

35、Ernest Hemingway is considered one of the most important mo- dern American writers. ─── 欧内斯特·海明威被认为是美国现代最重要的作家之一。

36、Dern big cities is all right fur de rich, but dey is terrible hard fur de poor. ─── 邓恩是所有大城市德富权的皮毛,但戴伊是可怕的硬毛德差。

37、Objective To investigate how to use the mo dern conception of h ypertensive emergency to guide the clinical practice. ─── 高血压危象是高血压病程中的一种特殊临床现象,近年来对其定义和分类逐渐形成比较一致的看法[1,2]。

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