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09-02 投稿


accrediting 发音

英:[??kred?t??]  美:[??kred?t??]

英:  美:

accrediting 中文意思翻译



accrediting 词性/词形变化,accrediting变形

动词过去式: accredited |动词第三人称单数: accredits |动词现在分词: accrediting |动词过去分词: accredited |

accrediting 短语词组

1、accrediting mean ─── 认证平均值

2、accrediting commission international inc ─── 国际认证委员会

3、accrediting party ─── [经] 信用证开发方

4、accrediting bureau of health education school ─── 健康教育学校认证局

5、accrediting agencies ─── 认证机构

6、accrediting def ─── 认证def

accrediting 相似词语短语

1、miscrediting ─── 误报

2、discrediting ─── vt.不信;使……丢脸;n.怀疑;无信用;名声的败坏

3、reaccrediting ─── 再信贷

4、accepting ─── adj.承兑的;易接受的;赞同的;v.接受;同意;承担(责任等)(accept的ing形式)

5、crediting ─── v.相信;发放贷款;归功于(credit的ing形式)

6、accreting ─── v.(经积累或聚合而)生长;积聚为;(物质)被吸积;(天体)由吸积物形成;共生(accrete的现在分词)

7、accenting ─── v.强调;重读;带着…口音讲话(accent的ing形式)

8、acceding ─── vi.加入;同意;就任

9、disaccrediting ─── vt.对…不再信任;撤销对…的授权

accrediting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To become an accredited , programs have to meet quality standards that are set by an accrediting agency. ─── 若想成为一家符合审批制度的大学,需要满足由授权机构制定的质量标准。

2、The provisions to accredit and administer such personnel dose assessment organizations shall be laid down by the Competent Authority. ─── 人员剂量评定机构认可及管理之办法,由主管机关定之。

3、Accordingly, IT enterprise must want to undertake careful survey before buying accredit, or seek advice from other company or analyst. ─── 因此,IT企业在购买授权前必须要进行仔细调研,或咨询其他企业或分析师。

4、But reality is not to get online clever, accredit becomes a first issue. ─── 但现实并不是一上网就灵,信任成为一个首要的问题。

5、accrediting party ─── [经] 信用证开发方

6、"Businessman nonfeasance " it is mechanism of accredit of whole industry shortage on one hand, it is the interest do mischief before on the other hand. ─── “商家不作为”一方面是整个行业缺乏信任机制,另一方面是眼前的利益作怪。

7、The blemish of agency system oneself depends on, as the representative square, oneself assure hard in the rights and interests after accredit expires. ─── 代理制自身的缺陷在于,作为代理方,自己在授权到期之后的权益难以保证。

8、The star of brand accredit still courtyard of Shang Ying of brand shop, star, star is still cosignatory card and star still member club sale. ─── 品牌授权的星尚专卖店、星尚影院、星尚联名卡以及星尚会员俱乐部营销等。

9、For example, the George Washington University Medical School announced last week that it was crediting correcting problems found by its accrediting agency. ─── 例如,华盛顿乔治医科大学上周声称他们正在校正由公正机构发现的问题。

10、After that, the the accrediting agency sends a team of specialists to decide whether or not the school meets the standards. ─── 之后认证机构会派一个专家小组去判定学校师范达到标准。

11、They accredit the invention to Edison.=They accredit Edison with the invention. ─── 他们认定那是爱迪生发明的.

12、A third objection is that there might be a political motivation behind accrediting a greater range of abilities and attributes as skills. ─── 第三种反对理由指出,可能因为某种政治因素使一系列能力和特性被归为技术。

13、They accredit these remarks to him ─── 他们认为那些话是他说的。

14、Actually, what record company values most is how these accredit music contact an user can morely, and will more user uses brought discharge to be changed into advertisement income well. ─── 其实,唱片公司最看重的就是这些授权音乐如何能更多地接触用户,以及将更多用户使用带来的流量很好地转化成广告收入。

15、Liu Jibao speaks of from this, cannot the ashamed expectation to center great trust and masses, also cannot the ashamed accredit to the netizen. ─── 刘奇葆由此谈到,不能愧对中心的重托和群众的期待,也不能愧对网友的信任。

16、Its accredit kind is relatively special: Pay 3 dollars every months, it is every month it is mandatory the requirement pays. ─── 其授权方式较为非凡:每月支付3美元,难道是每个月都是强制性要求付款。

17、Huang says, cheater is in already " Baidu " on set set, one step by step the accredit of the person that diddle is duped. ─── ”黄女士说,骗子早已在“百度”上设了套,一步步骗取上当者的信任。

18、It also has adviced advice about how to avoid wordslist worthless educational programs and crediting accrediting agencies. ─── 上面还有一些怎样避免没有价值的教育项目以及授权商的建议。

19、Across the United States, there are 80 accrediting agencies for higher education.These are private, nonprofit organizations. ─── 全美共有80家高等教育认证机构,这些都是私营非赢利性组织。

20、There are other accrediting agencies recognized by the DoE for certain specialized schools also listed on the CHEA website . ─── 在CHEA网站上,还有其他被美国教育部所承认的对某些特殊专业大学进行认证的机构

21、Methods the preparation work before results mutual accredit including to hand out fresh specimens or control serum. ─── 各实验室结果经离群值检验后,计算均值及标准差,采取措施使结果趋于一致;

22、But the law requires the secretarial secretary education to publish a list of private accrediting agencies recognized as the attendable dependence. ─── 但是法律要求教育部长公布可信赖的私人授权代理机构的名单。

23、It also has advised advice about how to avoid worthless educational programs and crediting accrediting agencies. ─── 其中的建议也包括如何避免无价值的教育项目和授权代理。

24、People accredit him with the authorship of this novel ─── 人们认为他是这部小说的作者。

25、For this, " byelaw " will specific extend actual condition proper motion of place determines basis of government of people of standard accredit province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government. ─── 为此,《条例》将具体发放标准授权省、自治区、直辖市人民政府根据当地的实际情况自行确定。

26、He is accredit to the Squad leader. ─── 他被任命为班长。

27、exchange resident envoys; mutually accredit resident envoys ─── 互派常驻使节

28、But, two author show Yahoo, accredit of board of directors they must carry stock price in every 37 dollars. ─── 但是,雅虎两位创始人表示,董事会授权他们必须把股票价格保持在每股37美元。

29、MIPS says, this accredit shows MIPS framework special the portable multimedia market that applies to rapid development. ─── MIPS称,此受权声名MIPS架构很是合用于迅速成长的便携多媒体市场。

30、They accredit these views to him. ─── 他们认定这些是他的见解。

31、The court had agreed that Gao the request, and is relating the accrediting body. At present, this document also in continues in trying. ─── 法院已同意高某的请求,并正在联系鉴定机构。目前,此案还在继续审理中。

32、After you decide agent is chosen, need and agent are signed entrust acting contract and issue accredit a power of attorney to its. ─── 在您确定代理人选之后,需要和代理人签订委托代理合同并向其出具授权委托书。

33、Li: In the country industrial and commercial total bureau is registered, already accredit. ─── 它的学名叫皱叶薄荷,皱纹的皱,树叶的叶,叫皱叶薄荷。)

34、Accrediting Bureau of Medical Laboratory Schools ─── 医学检验学校审批局

35、"Substitute accredit expires, blizzard from commercial interest the biggest turn a consideration, choose new agential give no cause for more criticism. ─── “当代理授权到期,暴雪从商业利益最大化考虑,选择新的代理商无可厚非。”

36、For example, the Geoge Washinton George Washington University Medical School announced last week that it was correcting problems found by its crediting in accrediting agency. ─── 例如,乔治华盛顿大学医学院上周宣布,他们正在纠正其认证机构发现的问题。

37、Both AACSB and Equis accredit business schools as a whole while AMBA accredits MBA programmes. ─── AACSB和Equis是对整体商学院进行认证;而AMBA则是针对MBA项目作出认证。

38、BPEX consumes market manager Chris Lamb to express, the purpose of accredit is for the supplier of concatenate inn people coordinate and communicate it is weller to have with sale terminal. ─── BPEX消费市场经理Chris Lamb表示,授权的目的是为了使连锁店的供给商们和销售终端有一个更好的协调和沟通。

39、Nevertheless he admits, "East is broadband with us a few technologies support collaboration, but without copyright accredit agreement. ─── 不过他承认,“东方宽频与我们有一些技术支持合作,但没有版权授权协议。

40、Make sure a school or program is accredited by a legally recognized accrediting agency before pay paying any money. ─── .在付钱之前要确定学校或者课程是被法律认可的认证机构所认证。

41、In fact we and brand business also had discussed this issue, if they feel to have a problem won't accredit gives us. ─── 事实上我们与品牌商也讨论过这个问题,他们如果觉得有问题就不会授权给我们了。”

42、Anyone can claim to be an accrediting agency, and many do. ─── 任何学校都可以自称是被认证的机构,而有很多正是这样做的。

43、"Search engine relies on advertisement to obtain musical copyright square original accredit, there still is successful precedent on the world. ─── “搜索引擎靠广告来取得音乐版权方的正版授权,世界上还没有成功的先例。

44、The tradition safety technique such as authenticate, accredit, encrypt, fire-wall and the control of accessing can not protect the information of network well. The safety of network faces great challenge and imperil. ─── 传统的安全保护技术如认证、授权、访问控制、防火墙和加密等外围防卫机制已力不从心,计算机网络信息安全正面临着极大的威胁和挑战。

45、National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences ─── 国立临床实验科学鉴定局

46、Last month, gu Ge begins to offer the free download of accredit song on Chinese market. ─── 上个月,谷歌开始在中国市场上提供授权歌曲的免费下载。

47、But the law requires the secretary of education to publish a list of private accrediting agencies recognized as dependable. ─── 但法律要求教育部长发布一份值得信赖的私人授权代理机构的名单。

48、accrediting criterion ─── 审批标准

49、Physicians in training must learn a staggering array of facts required by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, North America's accrediting authority for medical schools. ─── 在北美,对医科学生确认行医资格的机构是医学教育联络委员会,它要求在学的医生必须熟记大量的材料。

50、PECC international trade invests exposition, it is international PECC organization is in what Chinese accredit holds exclusively at present internationally exposition. ─── PECC国际贸易投资博览会,是国际PECC组织目前唯一在中国授权举办的国际性博览会。

51、We are accredited and approved by many prestigious accrediting agencies and organizations. ─── 我们认可和许多著名的评审机构和组织的批准。

52、Industry appeals industry and informatization ministry accredit save communication management board to install ICP/IP address information to put on record each strongly inquiry window. ─── 业界强烈呼吁工业和信息化部授权各省通信管理局设置ICP/IP地址信息备案查询窗口。

53、Preparation work and improvement measure of clinical biochemistry results mutual accredit ─── 临床生化项目结果互认前的准备及改进措施

54、2, in grandly oneself game and accredit game foundation go up, royal and online offerred long-term, durative battalion harvests source; ─── 2、在盛大自有游戏和授权游戏基础上,盛大在线提供了长期的、持续性的营收来源;

55、accredit party ─── [经] 信用证受益方

56、There are three capital systems in the world: legal capital system , accredit capital system, compromise capital system. ─── 世界各国资本金制度大致有三种:法定资本金制度、授权资本金制度与折衷资本金制度。

57、With this computation, phonic collect assist the day that reachs its accredit closes will from which collection takes total charge the administration fee of 30% . ─── 以此计算,音集协及其授权的天合将从中收取占总费用30%的管理费。

58、Any duplication in part or in full must mention the title and clearly accredit the copyright owner, Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen). ─── 任何部份或全部复制或转载必须清楚注明来源并鸣谢版权持有人,即可观自然教育中心暨天文馆(啬色园主办)。

59、Across the United States, there are 80 accrediting agencies for higher education. ─── 全美有80家高等教育授权机构。

60、And we accredit 12 sales agents in other provinces and cities and establish and consummate our sales&service system. ─── 并在全国其它省市授12个销售总代理。建立完善了企业营销服务体系。

61、Have relevant accredit aptitude; ─── 具有相关授权资质;

62、According to the twenty-five of the, if you can not attend the meeting, you can accredit your deputy to attend the meeting. ( Enclose the authorizing ) ─── 另,根据我会会规第二十五章的规定。如您因故不能出席会员年会请授权您的代表出席香港年会。(附出席年会授权书)。

63、These QQ number login after Liu Sui " try one's luck " , he is adopted pretend to be the accredit of method diddle victim such as other good friend. ─── 刘随后登录这些QQ号码“碰运气”,他采取冒充他人好友等手段骗取受害人信任。

64、as the continuing education arm of a self - accrediting university , hku space courses only need to be vetted for relevance. ─── 学院作为认可大学的持续教育部门,只须向政府提交课程名单以审核课程是否与指定学科相关。

65、The expression of accredit and royalty business is encouraging, the powerful momentum growth that we expect according to the market in the fourth quarter to the company bestrewed confidence. ─── 受权和版税营业的表示令人鼓舞,咱们对公司在第四时度按照市场预期的强劲势头增添充满了抉择信念。”

66、However, the DoE does grant accrediting authority to the six private regional associations, which it reviews regularly. ─── 但美国教育部授权上述6个区域性民间机构对各大学进行认证,并定期对这6个机构进行审查。

67、" can carry alternate accredit benefit as a result of mobile phone supplier, a good IP patent combination means patent fee very low do not have even. ─── 因为手机供给商能够经由过程交叉受权获益,一个好的IP专利组合象征着专利费很低甚至没有。

68、Make sure a school or program is accredited by a legally recognized accrediting agency before paying any money.Only legitimate schools and programs are listed on the site. ─── 在付钱之前要确认这个学校或课程是合法认可的认证机构授权的只有合法的学校和项目才在网站上列示。

69、One of best methods that protect individual data and tangible let get the person of accredit enters Zhang order only namely. ─── 保护个人资料和有形资产的最好方法之一就是仅让得到授权的人进入账号。

70、Accordingly, copyright person is informed or informing some work uploads without accredit is the knows tort way with search the mainest engine. ─── 因此,著作权人告知或通知某作品未经授权上传是搜索引擎最主要的知道侵权的途径。

71、Only the accredit reporter can enter into meeting place. ─── 只有授权了的记者才能进入会场。

72、On November 7 message, MPEG accredit orgnaization (MPEG LA) is special to A Erka - bright dispatch mentioned a patent lawsuit. ─── 11月7日动静,MPEG受权机构(MPEG LA)对阿尔卡特-朗讯提起了一项专利诉讼。

73、should value education especially the stuff with young employee and educational high rate is right constituent accredit and acceptance. ─── 尤其要重视培养年轻员工和教育程度高的员工对组织的信任和承诺。

74、Software of MII accredit China evaluates a center, develop computer information system compositive aptitude attestation works. ─── 信息产业部授权中国软件评测中心,开展计算机信息系统集成资质认证工作。

75、we cannot judge the academic level of the degrees , and we do not know the academic authority of the two accrediting commissions. ─── 我们无法判断这些学位的学术地位,我们也不知道这两个认可委员会的学术权威性。

76、The administrative department for veterinary medicine of the State Council may, when necessary, accredit other test institutions to conduct testing of veterinary drugs. ─── 国务院兽医行政管理部门,可以根据需要认定其他检验机构承担兽药检验工作。

77、Insurance agent is to point to the commission according to the underwriter, the unit that stops to replace manage poundage and deal with insurance Wu inside the limits of underwriter accredit to the underwriter or individual. ─── 保险代理人是指根据保险人的委托,向保险人收取代理手续费并在保险人授权的范围内办理保险业务的单位或者个人。

78、And going to an accredit school can help in getting a good job later. ─── 并且进入认证学校学习能使学生更容易找到好工作。

79、The Party's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall, when its work so requires, accredit discipline inspection groups or commissioners to Party or state organs at the central level. ─── 党的中央纪律检查委员会根据工作需要,可以向中央一级党和国家机关派驻党的纪律检查组或纪律检查员。

80、"Microsoft is passed to number with the individual user of ten million plan offers software accredit gain. ─── 不过,有分析师认为,至少到现在,微软还没有明显地受到云计算的影响。

81、In original accredit agreement, of every video collect fees and the advertisement battalion of record company receives cent to be compared into scale low. ─── 原来的授权协议中,每个视频的收费和唱片公司的广告营收分成比例都比较低。

82、Org. It also has advised advice about how to avoid worthless educational programs and accrediting agencies. ─── 同时网站上也有关于如何避免无用教育项目和认证机构的建议。

83、Make sure a school or program is accredited by a legally recognized accrediting agency before paying any money. ─── 在付钱之前,确保一所学校或者计划是由合法认证机构认证的。

84、Li clear need assist the relation with the website, consumer offset assist accredit whether insusceptible? ─── 厘清消协与网站的关系,消费者对消协的信任是否就不受影响?

85、Quan Meida company finished license of a few accredit to trade really, be in Japan especially, but also sufferred severe loss. ─── 全美达公司简直实现了一些受权许可生意,特别是在日本,但也遭到了严重吃亏。

86、He is accredit to the united nation. ─── 他被任命为联合国大使。

87、One, directly accredit to enterprise and accept training, it stands out strong pertinence, widely training range, and also training can catch up to effect, so that it can ensure the performace. ─── 其一,直接派驻企业培训,既突出了针对性强,培训面广,又能以辅导跟进培训效果,执行力得到保障;

88、For instance, the summit refused to accredit Human Rights In China, a group that criticizes the Chinese government for (among other things) censorship of the internet. ─── 举例来说,高峰会拒绝给予中国的人权组织参与的资格,这个组织批判中国政府对于网际网路的言论监控与管制(还有其他的议题)。

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