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09-02 投稿



doffed 发音

英:[d?ft]  美:[d??ft]

英:  美:

doffed 中文意思翻译



doffed 短语词组

1、doffed ppe ─── 脱衣服

2、doffed cap ─── 脱帽

3、doffed item ─── 无影响

4、doffed meaning ─── 脱落的意思

5、doffed define ─── 模糊的定义

6、doffed defined ─── 脱毛定义

7、doffed off ─── 脱掉

8、doffed definition ─── 错误的定义

doffed 词性/词形变化,doffed变形

动词第三人称单数: doffs |动词过去分词: doffed |动词现在分词: doffing |动词过去式: doffed |

doffed 相似词语短语

1、coiffed ─── adj.整理过的;做过头发的;v.做成某种发型(coif的过去式和过去分词)

2、duffed ─── n.水果布丁;(非正式)屁股;(森林地面上的)半腐层;(非正式)怀孕;v.(非正式)痛击,毒打;把(偷盗物)改头换面;偷盗并更改(牛身上的)烙印;误击,没把(球)击好;adj.(非正式)蹩脚的,无用的;错误的,不正确的;n.(Duff)(美、加、英)迪夫(人名)

3、coffed ─── 咖啡

4、doffer ─── n.落纱机;小滚筒;落纱工

5、doffers ─── n.落纱机;小滚筒;落纱工

6、feoffed ─── n.采邑,封地;领域,势力范围(同fief);v.授予……封地(或采邑)(同enfeoff)

7、scoffed ─── v.嘲笑,嘲弄;贪婪地吃,狼吞虎咽;n.嘲笑,嘲笑的话;笑料,笑柄;食物,口粮

8、offed ─── adv.离开;脱掉;出发,起跑;结束,取消;(电)未连接;没有;下班;减价;在剧院舞台的后面;prep.离开;偏离;从……去掉;下班;削价;戒除;不在;(非正式)远离;(非正式,一般是暂时)厌恶;adj.远离的;空闲的;(食物)不新鲜的;不能接受的;发挥失常的;(车轮等成对的物体之中)右边的;(某些体育比赛)越位的;(非正式)令人不快的;(非正式)不舒服的;(非正式)不友好的;n.(非正式)起跑;(板球)击球手对面的半场;(非正式)休息日;;v.(非正式)杀死(某人);(非正式)离开

9、daffed ─── n.傻瓜;懦夫;vt.推开;vi.开玩笑;演丑角;n.(Daff)人名;(英、法)达夫

doffed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I strode past her proudly, barely resisting the urge to 31)doff an imaginary hat and nod "Madam. ─── 我无比自豪地从她身边经过,想象着如果自己头戴帽子的话,一定会冲动地摘帽致敬:“夫人好!”

2、Stepping into the porch he doffed his hat, took the card from his pocket and tucked it again behind the leather headband ─── 边迈进门廊,边摘下帽子,并且从兜里取出名片,塞回到鞣皮帽圈后头。

3、For A Lan who is became red and white from the kissable skin , and doffed. ─── 而阿兰原本细皮嫩肉,这时身上已经变得红一块白一块,脱了一层皮。

4、The sliver is pulled through a cone -shaped outlet and doffed OR delivered to cans OR to a conveyOR belt. ─── 棉条从喇叭口输出,被送到条筒内或传送带上。

5、Once upon a time, hats were a necessity for English gentlemen and it was their traditional greeting to doff their hats. ─── 耳坠、项链、手串、发针,金碧辉煌的挂满了一身”,气派慑人,让人知道她绝非等闲之辈。

6、Doff your stupid habits and live. ─── 抛弃你的坏习惯好好生活吧。

7、Keywords Cards;doff;defects;modification method; ─── 梳棉机;道夫;缺陷;改进方法;

8、Adrian Doff,Teach English34.35.Cambridge Uiversity press 1988.34,35. ─── 初中英语教材和教法.人民教育出版社,1992.9.17.

9、" With that, he doffed his robe and showed them the wounds on his back, so the rebels trusted him. ─── 解开衣服,将背伤给他们看,叛贼相信了他的话。

10、In the direct the fabric is taken up and stored by wrapping it around a single beam called the cloth roll. To remove the fabric, i. e. to doff the cloth roll, the loom must be stopped. ─── 在直接式卷取机构中,织物被卷绕并存放在一个称为卷布辊的辊上,要取下织物,即取下卷布辊,必须使织机停车。

11、The sliver is pulled through a cone -shaped outlet and doffed or delivered to cans or to a conveyor belt. ─── 棉条从喇叭口输出,被送到条筒内或传送带上。

12、Compared the rate of the cases which had obvious doff scab process in convalescent period, TVP group is higher than TVP+TURP and TUPKP groups (P

13、To doff(one's hat)as a token of respect or submission. ─── 脱下脱下(某人的帽子)以表示敬意或顺从

14、He did not want to be a thief.That sum or any other could never compensate for the state which he had thus foolishly doffed. ─── 那笔钱或其它任何东西,都永远无法补偿他如此愚蠢地抛下的过去的境况。

15、He and Miriya entered on Jack's heels, doffed their masks, and took in a lungful of the dome's artificial atmosphere. ─── 他和米莉娅跟在杰克的后面进来,摘掉他们的面具,深深地吸了一口圆顶舱内的人工大气。

16、I thought that if there was a peephole, Mr.Glum might be using it, to watch us when we doffed our clothes before bed.I didn't say anything, for fear of frightening her. ─── 我认为如果那里有一个窥视孔的话,可能是格罗姆先生弄的,用来偷看我们上床前脱衣服.为了不让她害怕,我什么也没有说.

17、Keywords smelted copper-concentrated ore;the Kaldor furnace;doff the nickel;new type reducer;heavy oil; ─── 二次铜精矿;卡尔多炉;脱镍;新型还原剂;重油;

18、Keywords H70Cu -Zn alloy;doffed -zinc corro sion;microstructure; ─── H70黄铜;脱锌腐蚀;显微组织;

19、Soup holds a drink but finish, In the end nobody escapes doff, In the end if drink little not a few, Little not many. ─── 汤端一饮而尽, 终究没人逃的脱, 终究要喝的一点不少,一点不多.

20、Feasible Development of Design and Manufacturing of Hi-efficient Transfer Doff Wires ─── 高效转移道夫针布齿条的齿形设计和制造的可行性研究

21、And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat, ─── 他轻扬球帽,回应澎派的喝采,

22、He doffed his stupid ideas and joined our side. ─── 他抛弃了他的愚蠢观念并参加到我们方面来。

23、Keywords carding machines;cylinder clothing;doff clothing;carding;transfer; ─── 高产梳棉机;锡林针布;道夫针布;分梳;转移;

24、Statewide unemployment, at 10.2%, has trebled since then, as bricklayers lay down their hods and tour guides doff their Mickey masks. ─── 而州平均失业率,随着砖瓦匠放下他们的浆桶,旅游向导脱下他们的米奇面罩,也自06年上窜3倍达到10.2%。

25、While the product development is concluded, some feasible analysis is done to the hi-efficient transfer doff clothing. ─── 在总结产品研制的基础上,对高效转移道夫针布的设计和制造进行了可行性分析。

26、Opening them fully makes the trousers easier to don and doff, or they enable pass-through access to BDU pockets if worn over BDU pants. ─── 全部拉下来,裤子就更容易地脱下了,或者是如果在里面穿BDU裤子的话,你就能更快触摸到BDU口袋。

27、In this process the sliver enters the system and the fibers are separated and spread onto a combing or carding roll. They are doffed from this roll and transported by air to the friction zone. ─── 在磨擦纺纱过程中,条子进入纺纱装置后,纤维被开松并被铺放在分梳辊或梳理辊的表面,然后由气流从辊上引离进入磨擦区。


29、" that person is saying, doffed the hat on the head, "Look, I can be a baldicoot. ─── 那人说着,脱下了头上的帽子,“看,我可是个秃子。”

30、The ovation got even louder when Wang doffed his cap in appreciation, in a rare display of emotion. ─── 当小民脱帽致意答谢时,满场的掌声甚至更加热烈。

31、doff transfer rate ─── 道夫转移率

32、Blow - doff methods ─── 吹脱法

33、The teacher is forced to help her pull next pulling again mouth, unlock button, doffed jacket. ─── 老师只好再帮她拉下拉口,解开扣子,将外套脱了下来。

34、With that, he doffed his robe and showed them the wounds on his back, so the rebels trusted him. ─── 解开衣服,将背伤给他们看,叛贼相信了他的话。

35、our one desire was to doff our clothes and plunge naked into the clear water.Time had no grip on this place.We felt alive again, renewed. ─── 通过一篇篇这样的文章,让读者在领略异域文化的同时,也能达到学习英语的目的。

36、When he received me informally, he doffed the uniform of state and always wore a long Chinese coat. ─── 当他非正式接见我的时候,他不穿礼服而总是穿中国长袍。

37、My old father is qualmish man, he can what oneself get off work's feculent stocking doff down lid at the other on hard force the other hear of。 ─── 我老爸是个恶心的男人,他会把自已下班的臭袜子脱下来盖在别人头上硬逼别人闻。

38、doff TBC tower and gas water cooler ─── 脱阻聚剂塔及气相水冷器

39、Thus the governments of every country often doffed the ecological safety by means of economy and administration and law. ─── 面对日益严重的生态危机,各国政府通常强调通过经济、行政、法律手段保护生态环境。

40、I doffed my hat, stood a respectful distance from the desk, looked as unbookish as possible. ─── 我摘下帽子,毕恭毕敬地站在离借书桌有一段距离的地方。

41、Fundamental Research of Doff Transfer Rate of Carding Machine ─── 梳棉机道夫转移率的基础研究

42、And he doffed his cap to her, and bent his head low, and ran back to the town filled with a great joy. ─── 说着,他向她脱帽,并点头致敬,然后满心欢喜地奔回镇上去了。

43、A Novel Doffed and Hung Tool in the Well Bottom ─── 一种全新的井下压力计脱挂工具

44、doff vt. ─── 脱;丢弃;

45、Keywords cylinder;wire carding;carding force;front angle;complement anyle;transfer rate of doff; ─── 齿条;锡林;梳理;梳理力;前角;前角余角;道夫转移率;

46、2.Romeo, doff thy name; and for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all myself. ─── 罗密欧,抛弃你的名字吧,我愿将我的身心,补偿你这身外的一个空名。

47、I asked him for his down jacket, which he doffed without a word and tossed to me. ─── 我问他要他的夹克,他一声不吭地脱下来扔给了我。

48、to doff (one's hat) as a token of respect or submission ─── 脱下(某人的帽子)以表示敬意或顺从

49、sex,compares ordinary glue incur water resist doff sexstrong. ─── 的抗脱胶性,较一般胶受水抗脱性强。

50、Fie, doff this habit, shame to your estate, An eye-sore to our solemn festival! ─── 快把这身衣服换一换,它太不合您的身分,而且在这样郑重的婚礼中间,也会让人瞧着笑话的。

51、Keywords carding machine;carding deg;carding agglomeration arithmetic formula;doff transfer rate; ─── 梳棉机;梳理度;梳凝算式;道夫转移率;

52、I doffed my hat, stood a respectful distance from the desk, looked as unbookish as possible, and waited for the white patrons to be taken care of. ─── 我摘下自己的帽子,毕恭毕敬地站在桌前,显得尽可能不书生气,等候着这些白人读者被接待。

53、The banker doffed his hat and made a sweeping bow. ─── 银行家脱下帽子,一躬到地。

54、Keywords clothing;general height;base width;front angle;tooth density;cylinder clothing;doff clothing;revolving tops; ─── 关键词针布;总高;基部宽;前角;齿密;锡林针布;道夫针布;活动盖板针布;

55、EXAMPLE: On Monday mornings I sometimes feel a little doff. ─── 我有时在周一的早上感觉脑子发木。

56、Keywords carding degree;doff transfer rate;application; ─── 梳理度;道夫转移率;运用;

57、Doff the jacket of next massiness, make the body lightsome rise, a comfortable, fashionable small unlined upper garment, had walked along bright Chun Xia together. ─── 脱下厚重的外套,让身体轻盈起来,一件舒适、时尚的小衫,一起走过灿烂春夏。

58、PETA definitely knows how to turn heads. Take a look back at the many celebs who have doffed their duds for the animal rights organization. ─── 善待动物组织肯定知道如何吸引眼球。回顾一下众多大牌明星们为保护动物权利而拍摄的大胆宣传照片。

59、They include barring teachers and students from observing Ramadan, prohibiting retired government officials from entering mosques and requiring men to shave off beards and women to doff veils. ─── 这些限制规定包括,禁止妇女戴面纱男子蓄须,同时禁止政府官员参与拉马丹。

60、In this process the sliver enters the system and the fibers are separated and spread onto a combing or carding roll.They are doffed from this roll and transported by air to the friction zone. ─── 在摩擦纺纱过程中,条子进入纺纱装置后,纤维被开松并被铺放在分梳辊或梳理辊的表面,然后由气流从辊上引离进入摩擦区。

61、the other was that RMB was doffed from dollars, the rate was enacted by basket currency; ─── 二是人民币与美元脱钩,汇率参照一篮子货币制定;

62、Small Ling Ling arrives of nursery school without striking a blowing doff jacket run to play with the child. ─── 小玲玲一到幼儿园毫不费力的便把外套一脱跑去和小朋友玩去了。

63、Doff one's clothes. ─── 脱下某人的衣服

64、He doffed his hat as they went by. ─── 当他们经过时他脱帽致敬。

65、to doff one's hat ─── 脱下某人的帽子

66、to doff clothing ─── 脱去衣服

67、automation doff organization ─── 自动落纱机构

68、doff clothing ─── 道夫针布

69、At the beginning of the blockade, Berliners were still a brutalised and resentful subject people, expected to doff their caps to the occupying forces. ─── 封锁伊始,柏林人还不过是群受到残酷对待,心存怨怼的战败者,见到占领军得行脱帽礼。

70、My View on the Rolling Damage of Doff Clothing on Carding Machine ─── 梳棉机道夫针布轧伤的探讨

71、He did not want to be a thief. That sum or any other could never compensate for the state which he had thus foolishly doffed. ─── 那笔钱或其它任何东西,都永远无法补偿他如此愚蠢地抛下的过去的境况。

72、Romeo, doff thy name!And for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all myself. ─── 罗密欧,放弃你的名字,因为你的名字不是你的任何一部人,不占有你。

73、Romeo, doff thy name, and for that name which is no part of thee take all myself. ─── 罗密欧,抛弃了你的名字吧;我愿意把我整个的心灵,赔偿你这一个身外的空名。

74、Romeo, doff thy name; and for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all myself. ─── 罗密欧,抛弃你的名字吧,我愿将我的身心,补偿你这身外的一个空名。

75、The normal working processes and the protecting processes when the pile is doffed of the hydraulic p ile hammer were simulated and researched. ─── 目前,我国预制桩的施工机械大多数是用柴油锤进行的,而液压锤刚刚起步,故具有广阔的市场前景。

76、Insurance protection be available for doff erect means of transportation , such as marine , land , aviation as well as by post . ─── 目前办理的保险项目包括各种运输工具,例如海运、陆运、空运和邮包运输。

77、Keywords rectum recessiveness prolapse;solid doff;injection;PPH; ─── 关键词内脱垂;固脱;注射;PPH;


79、Carding Degree, Doff Transfer Rate and Their Practical Significance ─── 梳理度与道夫转移率及其实用意义

80、Macaque is drunk fuddle one's cap, doff garment hat with nothing left, full ground rolls about. ─── 猢狲喝得大醉,就把衣帽脱得精光,满地打滚。

81、Jackie is planning brandish lever drive, see a funeral is being held on field, put down ball lever rapidly then, doff next ball hats, close double key point, begin to lower his head to pray. ─── 杰克在预备挥杆击球,看见球场对面正在举行一个葬礼,于是赶紧放下球杆,脱下球帽,闭上双眼,开始低头祈祷。

82、Then that man doffed jacket. ─── 于是那个男人就脱下了上衣。

83、1.6 Zinser ring spinning frame, type 421E,804 spindle each, equipped with automatic doff and overhead cleaner, linked to 6 Murata and winding type 7-11 Mach Cone20 spindle each. ─── 6台青泽细纱机,型号为421E,804锭每台,配备自动落纱和自动清洁装置,与6台村田7-11型自动络筒机相连,无需并线,络筒机为20锭/台。

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