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09-02 投稿


revocable 发音

英:['rev?k?b(?)l]  美:[r?'vok?bl]

英:  美:

revocable 中文意思翻译



revocable 词性/词形变化,revocable变形

异体字: revokable |

revocable 反义词


revocable 同义词


revocable 短语词组

1、revocable beneficiary ─── 可易受益人

2、revocable trust costs ─── 可撤销信托成本

3、revocable franchise ─── 不定期特许

4、revocable letter of credit ─── [经] 可撤销的信用状

5、revocable trust taxes ─── 可撤销信托税

6、revocable trusts explained ─── 可撤销信托

7、revocable undertaking ─── 可撤回的义务承担

8、revocable vs irrevocable trust ─── 可撤销信托与不 ─── 可撤销信托

9、revocable offer ─── [经] 可撤销的报价

10、revocable trust forms ─── 可撤销信托表格

11、revocable living trust ─── 可撤销的生前信托

12、revocable transfer ─── 可撤销财产转移

13、revocable trust ─── [经] 可取消的信托

14、revocable unconfirmed banker's credit ─── [经] 可撤销银行未确认(未保兑)的信用状

15、revocable credit ─── [经] 可撤销的信用状

revocable 相似词语短语

1、revisable ─── adj.可订正的;可修改的

2、irrevocable ─── adj.不可改变的;不能取消的;不能挽回的

3、invocable ─── 调用

4、evocable ─── adj.可唤起的;可引起的

5、revokable ─── adj.可取消的,可废止的;可撤回的

6、revolvable ─── adj.可旋转的

7、revocably ─── 可撤销地

8、provocable ─── adj.可挑动的;可煽动的

9、reverable ─── 可敬的

revocable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the absence of such indication, the Credit shall be deemed to be revocable . ─── 如无该项表示,信用证应视作是可撤销的。

2、There are some defects in the revocable marriage system in China, which should specify deceit as one cause of the revocable marriage. ─── 摘要我国的可撤销婚姻制度存在缺陷,应该规定欺诈为可撤销婚姻的法定情形;

3、revocable unconfirmed banker's credit ─── 可撤销无保兑银行信用证可撤销的银行未保兑信用证

4、If a credit is opened without the word "irrevocable", it can be considered revocable ─── 凡证上未注明“不可撤消”字样的,都被认为是可以撤消的信用证。

5、A Revocable Anonymous E-Cash Scheme from Group Signatures ─── 由群签名实现的可撤销匿名性的电子现金方案

6、Revocable letter of credit/Irrevocable letter of credit. ─── 可撤消信用证/不可撤消信用证;

7、revocable anonymity ─── 可撤销匿名性

8、Any payments are discretionary, non-binding and revocable for future years. ─── 所有支付均为酌情支付,无附加条件且将来几年可撤销。

9、revocable contract ─── 可撤销合同

10、If Revocable, by whom is Trust Revocable or Amendable? ─── 若可撤销,则谁可以撤销或修改此信讬?

11、a. A revocable Credit may be amended or cancelled by the Issuing Bank at any moment and without prior notice to the Beneficiary. ─── 可撤销的信用证可以由开证行随时修改或撤销,不必事先通知受益人。

12、Any conflicting designations of the assets in your Account by will, revocable living trust or any other instrument. ─── 在您帐户中由于遗嘱,可撤销安养信托或其它法律文件引起的任何冲突性的资产指定。

13、An Efficient Revocable Group Signature Schemes with Forward Security ─── 有效取消的向前安全群签名体制

14、Create a revocable trust and fund it with the assets in your estate. ─── 创建一个可取消的信托并且用地产中的个人资产为其提供资金。

15、When you establish a revocable living trust, you are allowed to be the trustor, the trustee, and the beneficiary of that trust. ─── 如果你设立的是可撤回生前信托,你本人可以是委托人,被委托人,和受益人。

16、Trustee- based Anonymity- revocable Fair Divisible E- cash System ─── 基于可信第三方的可撤销匿名性的公平可分电子现金系统

17、The Voidable and Revocable Civil Act and Its Handling and Confirmation ─── 无效和可撤消的民事行为及其认定和处理

18、revocable regeneration block ─── 可取消的更新区

19、Upon your death, assuming that you have transferred all your assets to the revocable trust, there isn't anything to probate because the assets are held in the trust. ─── 有一些信托形式是专为特殊遗产规划设计的。

20、revocable offer ─── [经] 可撤销的报价

21、1. This advice, revocable at any time without notice, is for your guidance only in preparing drafts and documents. ─── 本通知(在任何时候可以不经通知予以取消)只是方便你处准备文件的指南。

22、The revolving documentary credit may be revocable or irrevocable, and may revolve in relation to time or value. ─── 循环跟单信用证可以是可撤销的或不可撤销的,金额循环的或时间循环的。

23、a. A revocable Credit may be amended or cancelled by the Issuing Bank at any moment and without prior notice to the Beneficiary. ─── 可撤销的信用证可以由开证行随时修改或撤销,不必事先通知受益人。

24、It appeared to them much better that the various magistrates of the State should be their tenants or delegates, revocable at their pleasure. ─── 他们看到,国家的各种官府若成为他们的租户或代表,可以随他们的高兴来撤消,那就要好得多。

25、Revocable and unconfirmed credit ─── 不保兑、可撤销的信用证

26、It can be revocable or irrevocable and can revolve in relation to time or value. ─── 它可以是可撤销的或是不可撤销的、可旋转时或价值。

27、"a will is an instrument by which a person makes a disposition of his property. and by its nature, it takes effect only after the testator' s death and is ~ambulatory and revocable during his lifetime." ─── 遗嘱是个人借以真(分其财产的一种文据,由于其性质决定,它在立遗嘱人死亡后才生效而且在其生存期间可以被变更和取消。

28、revocable right ─── 税收撤销权

29、revocable undertaking ─── 可撤回的义务承担

30、revocable marriage ─── 可撤销婚姻

31、The credit should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable.In the absence of such indication, the credit shall be deemed to be irrevocable. ─── 信用证应注明是可撤销还是不可撤销的,如无此项证明,视为不可撤销。

32、It was a privilege revocable at any time on whim of the authorities. ─── 这种恩赐只要当权者心血来潮随时可以取消。

33、Not all revocable contracts can t be termionated;under most circumstances,revocable contracts can be the object of termination. ─── 并非所有可撤销合同一概不能被解除,大多数情况下,可撤销合同是可以作为解除之对象的。

34、The Credit, therefore, should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable. ─── 因此信用证上应明确注明是可撤销的或是不可撤销的。

35、A letter of credit can be revocable (i.e. it can be cancelled by the customer or the bank) or irrevocable (it cannot be cancelled). ─── 它分可撤销信用证(即客户或银行可将其撤销)和不可撤销信用证。

36、A Revocable Anonymous Communication Scheme Based on Onion Routing ─── 一种基于洋葱路由的可撤销匿名通信方案

37、revocable beneficiary ─── 可撤销的受益人

38、revocable unconfirmed banker rs credit ─── 可撤销的银行未保兑信用证, 可撤销无保兑银行信用证

39、revocable trust ─── 可撤销信托

40、Durable Powers of Attorney and Revocable Living Trusts ─── 永久授权书和可废止的生存信托

41、The Credit shall be deemed to be revocable ─── 信用证应视作是可撤销的

42、The Credit, therefore, should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable. ─── 因此信用证应明确注明是可撤销的或是不可撤销的。

43、3.A revocable L/C is subject to amendment or cancellation at any moment without prior notice to the beneficiary. ─── 可撤销信用证可在不事先通知受益人的情况下,在任何时间进行更改或删除。

44、The credit should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable. In the absence of such indication, the credit shall be deemed to be irrevocable. ─── 信用证应注明是可撤消的还是不可撤消的,如无此项证明,视为不可撤消。

45、revocable credit ─── 可撤销的信用证

46、revocable transfer ─── 可撤销财产转移

47、The credit should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable.In the absence of such indication,the credit shall be deemed to be irrevocable. ─── 信用证应注明是可撤销还是不可撤销的,如无此项证明,视为不可撤销。

48、In the absence of such indication, the Credit shall be deemed to be revocable. ─── 如无该项表示,信用证应视作是可撤销的。

49、revocable franchise ─── 不定期特许

50、China's adoption law may establish revocable adoption system to truly reflect the meanings of parties and promote the stability of adoption. ─── 当收养行为欠缺上述条件时,我国收养法一概认定该收养行为无效,此种对欠缺条件的行为不加区分一概认定无效有其不足。

51、A revocable Credit may be amended or cancelled by the Issuing bank at any moment and without prior notice to the beneficiary. ─── 可撤销的信用证可以由开证行随时修改或撤销,不必事先通知受益人。

52、A Credit may be either revocable or irrevocable. ─── 信用证可以是可撤销的或不可撤销的。

53、Credit may be either revocable or irrevocable. ─── 信用证可以是可撤销的或可撤销的。

54、revocable letter of credit ─── 可撤销信用证

55、Study on Restricting the Period of Time in the Revocable Rights of the Bankruptcy Law ─── 破产撤销权相关期间的限制

56、a revocable order; ─── 可撤消的命令;

57、Revocable Anonymous Off-line E-Cash Scheme Without TTP ─── 无可信第三方的离线电子现金匿名性控制

58、As to the effects of illegal trust purpose on trust, the legislation and practice generally adopts the modes that illegal trust purpose induces invalidity and fraud transfer is revocable. ─── 在信托目的非法的效力问题上,各国的立法和实践基本采取的是目的非法导致信托无效,欺诈性移转可撤销的模式。

59、a revocable order; a revocable vote. ─── 可撤消的命令;可废弃的选票

60、Discussion on Whether Revocable Contract Can Be Terminated ─── 浅析可撤销合同能否作为合同解除之对象

61、When you establish a revocable living trust, you are allowed to be the trustor, the trustee, and the beneficiary of that trust. ─── 如果你设立的是可撤回生前信托,你本人可以是委托人,被委托人,和受益人。

62、Tips on Invalid Marriage and Revocable Marriage ─── 完善无效婚姻和可撤销婚姻制度的探讨

63、Interests which the law makes revocable ─── 依法可撤销的权益

64、Any conflicting designations of the assets in your Account by will, revocable living trust or any other instrument. ─── 在您帐户中由于遗嘱,可撤销安养信托或其它法律文件引起的任何冲突性的资产指定.

65、All of the above reasons make a regretable fact that can not revocable. ─── 这个差异正是我们今天的唐诗研究者不可忽略的”。

66、An revocable credit is one that its commitments can be altered or even cancelled without consulting with the beneficiary. ─── 可撤销信用证是指在未同受益人协商的情况下对承诺进行改变,甚至取消。

67、As to the remoteness of the bankruptcy risk of sponsor when transferring the assets, there are no criterions on “true sale” and recharacterization, except for the revocable transaction. ─── 对于资产转移时发起人破产风险的隔离,“真实销售”、重新定性等问题法律规定欠缺,只有可撤销交易尚可操作。

68、A living trust will NOT protect you from the creditors, as long as it’s revocable (most are). ─── 免得像别家给出一个总价,如果有变化又要谈价钱。

69、b.The Credit, therefore, should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable. ─── 因此信用证上应明确注明是可撤销的或是不可撤销的。

70、It appeared to them much better that the various magistrates of the State should be their tenants or delegates, revocable at their pleasure. ─── 他们看到,国家的各种官府若成为他们的租户或代表,可以随他们的高兴来撤消,那就要好得多。

71、Anonymity revocable divisible e cash system ─── 可撤消匿名性的可分电子现金系统

72、THE CHARTERED BANK JALAN BESAR BRANCH 256 JALAN BESAR, SINGAPORE DEC. 13,2005 revocable documentary credit No. 734/84/1775 ─── 请对照所提供的销售合同审核国外信用证,指出哪些地方需要修改?怎样修改?并回答以下两个问题?

73、A New Revocable Group Signature Scheme ─── 一种新的群签名成员删除问题解决方案

74、Did you buy anything this year that needs to be transferred to your revocable living trust? ─── 今年你是否购买了任何需要转入可撤回生前信托的东西?

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