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09-02 投稿


devolved 发音

英:[d??vɑ?lvd]  美:[d??v?lvd]

英:  美:

devolved 中文意思翻译



devolved 词性/词形变化,devolved变形

动词第三人称单数: devolves |动词现在分词: devolving |名词: devolvement |动词过去分词: devolved |动词过去式: devolved |

devolved 短语词组

1、devolved nation ─── 权力下放国家

2、devolved taxes ─── 下放的税收

3、devolved administrations ─── 分权管理

4、devolved upon ─── 移交给

5、devolved system samsung ─── 移交系统三星

6、devolved administration ─── 分权管理

7、devolved government ─── 权力下放政府

8、emboldened devolved leaders ─── 胆大包天的领导者

9、devolved parliament ─── 权力下放的议会

10、devolved parliament picture ─── 下议院图片

11、devolved define ─── 下放定义

12、devolved 2010 2010 ─── 年移交

13、devolved definition ─── 下放定义

14、devolved assembly ─── 分权装配

devolved 常用词组

devolve on ─── 移交

devolved 相似词语短语

1、delved ─── vi.钻研;探究;挖;vt.钻研;探究;挖;n.穴;洞;n.(Delve)人名;(英)德尔夫

2、evolved ─── v.(使)逐渐形成;(有机体或生物特征)进化;释放(气体或热量)(evolve的过去式及过去分词);adj.进化了的

3、-volved ─── 返回

4、coevolved ─── vi.共同进化(发生于两种或多种生物)

5、devalled ─── 贬值的

6、revolved ─── v.旋转;反复思考(revolve的过去式及过去分词);adj.旋转的

7、unevolved ─── 未进化的

8、devolves ─── vi.被移交;转让;vt.转移;移交;使滚下;衰落

9、devolve ─── vi.被移交;转让;vt.转移;移交;使滚下;衰落

devolved 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The responsibility devolved on us. ─── 责任被转交给我们了。

2、The company president has devolved decision-making to the department managers. ─── 公司总裁把决定权移交给各部门经理们。

3、Otherwise, organizational overlapping, overstaffing, bureaucratism, sluggishness, endless disputes over trifles and the repossession of powers devolved to lower levels will retard economic restructuring and economic growth. ─── 不然的话,机构庞大,人浮于事,官僚主义,拖拖拉拉,互相扯皮,你这边往下放权,他那边往上收权,必然会阻碍经济体制改革,拖经济发展的后腿。

4、Devolved Customer Value and Marketing of Pyrites Enterprises ─── 顾客度让价值与硫铁矿企业市场营销

5、His immediate priority, he said, was to win further powers for the devolved institutions, particularly over corporation tax. ─── 他说,他的近期要务是在立法权中取得更大的权力,特别是在法人税方面。

6、His duties devolved upon his collegues while he were abroad. ─── 他在出国期间他的工作被移交给他的同事。

7、And then there is Northern Ireland, where devolved government has been in suspension since 2002. ─── 然后是北爱尔兰,其自治政府已于2002年起暂停运作。

8、As described above, all of our survey countries have, to varying degrees, devolved their pay arrangements to individual Departments and Agencies, operating within a centrally determined policy framework. ─── 正如上文所指出,上述各国都按照一个由中央制定的政策架构,在不同程度上把薪酬职能下放予个别部门和机构。

9、Power would be devolved to regional councils. ─── 权力会下放到地方议会。

10、Devolved government returned to the province in 2007, and old enemies are learning to work together. ─── 发展中政府在2007年回归,而以往的敌人仍在不断地积蓄着力量。

11、As the city devolved into a maelstrom of carnage, Zhukov began building up his forces on the city's flanks. ─── 当城市中在进行残酷的巷战时,朱可夫开始在城市两翼布置自己的军队。

12、The central government devolved most tax-raising powers to the regional authorities. ─── 中央政府将大部分征税权移交给了地方当局。

13、His duties devolved on his deputy. ─── 他所负的职责移交给副手行使。

14、and for the best interests of the country the manifold duties devolved upon me. ─── 为国家的最高利益行使赋予我的多重责任。

15、when Words are into Clouds devolved. ─── 当话语在云外消失,它们还将延续。

16、But then the war with Georgia occurred, the Russian economy tipped downhill, and political scientists concluded that Medvedev's agenda had devolved into a fiasco. ─── 但是之后,和格鲁吉亚开战,俄罗斯经济下滑,许多政治科学家下结论说,梅德韦杰夫的计划遭受了彻底失败。

17、And power is so devolved that you can more or less choose which rules you want to live under. ─── 权力被下放得如此彻底(各州自己立法),你可以多多少少选择生活的地方,那里有适合自己的法律。

18、For a company of its size, ITW is unique in that decision-making is highly devolved down to its individual businesses. ─── 就它的规模来说,伊利诺斯工具公司在下放决策权方面可谓独树一帜。

19、In Canada, except during wartime, the matter of Daylight Saving time has been left to the provinces (and sometimes further devolved to the municipalities). ─── 在加拿大,除了战争期间,这件事夏令时间已经离开到各省(有时进一步下放给市) 。

20、Though it had recently devolved many responsibilities to the provinces, its superior resources gave it the lead when the waters rose. ─── 尽管最近它把很多责任转交给了省级政府,它资源雄厚,这还是使它在洪水来临时起领导作用。

21、Going on leave,he devolved his duties on his deputy. ─── 他休假前把职责移交给副手。

22、” The glary and brilliant civilization which has a history of 5 thousand years BC and 5 thousand years AD, has been devolved successfully by the excellent books in every dynasty. ─── 中华上下五千年的光辉灿烂的文明,正是通过历代的优秀的不朽的书籍,才得以薪火相传!

23、In recent years, the EDB has been actively increasing the autonomy and flexibility for schools to grow and excel.Procedures have been streamlined and responsibilities devolved to the school level. ─── 近年,教育局在行政方面推行多项改革,实施简政放权,不断给予学校更大的自主权和弹性,使学校能与时并进、追求卓越。

24、But only a third of parents in Scotland, which has a devolved education system, would pick the private option. ─── 但在教育体系较为落后的苏格兰,只有三分之一的家长选择私立学校。

25、And last,when Words are into Clouds devolved. ─── 当话语在云外消失,它们还将延续。

26、The responsibility for ways of fighting crime devolved from a centralized bureaucracy to precinct commanders, and police used computers to track and target crime trends more easily. ─── 想办法与犯罪行为作斗争的责任从权力集中的市政府下放到各区警察局的警长手里,警察使用计算机,更容易跟踪和瞄准犯罪动向。

27、Rancour is ever-present and the country has become a freak of nature, a state in which power is so devolved that government is an abhorred vacuum. ─── 积怨一直都在,而国家已经变成了畸形,变成了一个权力旁落而政府变为令人厌恶的空洞的国家。

28、All the responsibility has devolved upon him. ─── 所有的责任都落到了他身上。

29、Upon his retirement, the business devolved on his son. ─── 他退休时, 生意由儿子接管。

30、What began as a discussion regarding our alternatives to either mitigate risk or seize an opportunity quickly devolved into a soapbox rant. ─── 大家起初是想讨论一下对策,看看应该规避风险斩仓,还是抓住机会补仓,但很快讨论就演变成一场大吵大闹的肥皂剧。

31、Since then there has been a more consistent trend of decentralisation, as resource mobilisation powers and spending responsibilities have been devolved to local governments. ─── 从那以后有是分权一个更加一致的趋向, 如同资源动员力量和花费责任被移交了给当地政府。

32、However, as the years passed, the reclusive Jedi slowly devolved into a paranoid, frightened, and sometimes delusional, hermit. ─── 然而,多年过去了,这位隐退的绝地慢慢地堕落为一个患有妄想症的、吓人的、有时还会胡思乱想的隐士。

33、2.leading to a resumption of devolved self-rule on March 26th. ─── 26日将英国移交给北爱尔兰的自治权恢复。

34、The Scottish Executive is the devolved government for Scotland. ─── 苏格兰行政院是苏格兰地方政府的最高机构。

35、Housing policy will be devolved to local authorities. ─── 而房屋政策将会移交给地方政府。

36、And last,when Words are into Clouds devolved. ─── 当话语在云外消失,它们还将延续.

37、UK Trade Investment works with a wide range of partner organisations in the UK, including Regional Development Agencies and the Devolved Administrations, Business Links, Chambers of Commerce and trade associations. ─── 英国贸易投资总署和包括地区发展局、地方议会、商务联络处、商会以及贸易协会在内的众多机构合作。

38、The estate fell to my sister; The land returned to the family; The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead. ─── 一个贵族爱上姐姐;土地被归还给那个家庭;贵族把所有。

39、Scotland has devolved Parliament which legislates and governs ─── 苏格兰负责立法和管理的议会已被移交下放

40、When he was ill,his duties devolved on his deputy. ─── 他生病期间他的工作移交给了他的副手。

41、The violence has since devolved into ethnic attacks, chiefly between the Kikuyus who support Mr. Kibaki and the Luo, Luhya and Kalenjin who back Mr. Odinga. ─── 这些攻击主要发生在支持齐贝吉的基库尤族和支持奥廷加的卢奥族、卢希亚族和卡伦金族之间。

42、The duty of forming a cabinet has again devolved on Mr. Smith. ─── 组阁的任务又落到了史密斯先生的肩上。

43、So far, few such disputes have come before the courts, but questions about the scope of powers devolved to Scotland and Wales will undoubtedly arise. ─── 迄今为止,法院几乎仍未面临此类争议,但对下放到苏格兰和威尔士的权利范围必然会引起争论。

44、More powers are gradually being devolved to the regions. ─── 正逐步向地方下放更多的权力。

45、Once I was devolved upon to do sth , I will try my best .I have a strong sense of responsibility . ─── 一旦交待我的事情我一定会尽力去办好,责任心强。

46、we will devolved your company as our company 's deputy. ─── 我们将委托贵公司作为我公司在毛里求斯的业务代理。

47、"While Mr White was ill, most of his work devolved on his nephew." ─── "怀特先生生病期间,他的大部分工作移交给了他的侄子。"

48、While Mr White was ill, most of his work devolved on his nephew. ─── 怀特先生生病期间, 他的大部分工作移交给了他的侄子。

49、It is achieved by effective, devolved executive management in association with a means of independent quality oversight. ─── 这种文化通过有效执行管理和独立的质量监督来共同实现。

50、"The heaviest responsibility devolved upon Xifeng, who, unlike the others, had not a moment's respite" ─── "凤姐事多任重,别人或可偷安躲静,独他是不能脱得的"

51、Keywords devolved customer value;pyrites;marketing; ─── 顾客度让价值;硫铁矿;市场营销;

52、After the general fell, command devolved upon the colonel ─── 将军阵亡后,指挥的责任落在那位上校身上。

53、devolved responsibility ─── 已移交的责任

54、The responsibility of giving the daughter away, devolved upon the aged. ─── 嫁女儿的责任则落在老人家身上。

55、The burden of proof devolved upon the defendant. ─── 证明的重担便落到了被告头。

56、Under Mr Koizumi and Mr Abe, decision-making had devolved from the LDP corridors to the prime minister and even as far down as the cabinet. ─── 在小泉和安倍时期,决策权从自民党内部的权力走廊转交至首相甚至内阁的手里。

57、a system of devolved government ─── 治理权力下放制

58、It is achieved by effective, devolved executive management in association with a means of independent quality oversight. ─── 这种文化通过有效执行管理和独立的质量监督来共同实现。

59、The representative devolved his duties to his aides while he was in the hospital. ─── 这个代表住院时把他的职责移交给了他的助手。

60、More power is to be devolved to regional government. ─── 要将更多的权力交给地方政府。

61、The senator devolved the duties of office upon a group of aides. ─── 参议员把办公室的工作委托给一群助手。

62、The house devolved to his son. ─── 房屋移交给了他儿子。

63、Yet some experts say the partnership has devolved into a classic neo-colonial relationship in which China has the upper hand. ─── 然而一些专家说这种合作关系已经演化成一种典型的新殖民主义关系,在此关系中,中国占据优势。

64、As the city devolved into a maelstrom of carnage, Zhukov began building up his forces on the city's flanks. ─── 当城市中在进行残酷的巷战时,朱可夫开始在城市两翼布置自己的军队。

65、The central government devolved most tax-raising powers to the regional authorities. ─── 中央政府将大部份征税权移交给了地方当局。

66、A true, savage, devolved stroke of greatness. ─── 这是一次真正、凶猛、反向进化的伟大一击。

67、This is particularly so where pay responsibilities have been substantially devolved to individual Departments and Agencies where budgetary limits have become the key control mechanism. ─── 尤其在薪酬职能已在相当程度上下放予个别部门和机构,预算拨款限额成为政府控制公务员薪酬的主要机制时,财政负担能力的重要性更为突出。

68、His estate devolved on a distant cousin ─── 他的产业转给了他的一个远亲。

69、She devolved her life to charity. ─── 她把毕生献给慈善事业。

70、Spain has the most devolved political system in Europe outside Belgium; ─── 除去比利时,西班牙有着欧洲最彻底的权利移交政治体系。

71、And last, when Words are into Clouds devolved. ─── 当话语在云外消失,它们还将延续。

72、The Scottish Parliament has devolved responsibility for education in Scotland. ─── 苏格兰国会已经将苏格兰教育的责任移交给其他部门掌管。

73、The wealthy, leisured classes appear to have devolved into the ineffectual, not very bright Eloi he has already seen; ─── 这些理论从来得不到校长的赏识,总是被看作“不切实际的幻想”而打入冷宫。

74、Civilization has devolved to a time of feudal states and martial law.Welcome to the New Reality. ─── 二十年后,里安决定回国去推翻暴虐的哈维与皇后,为死去的家人报仇。

75、The burden of proof devolved upon the defendant. The estate devolved to an unlikely heir. ─── 举证责任被移交给被告;遗产被交给了一个不可靠的继承人

76、These "cancer stem cells," could derive from normal adult stem cells in organs that have mutated, or from a differentiated cell that has devolved to take on the qualities of stem cells. ─── 这些“癌症干细胞”可能来源于正常器官发生突变的成人干细胞,或者是来源于具有干细胞特性的已分化的细胞。

77、The United Kingdom is said to have a unitary state with a devolved system of government. ─── 英国政府对英格兰的态度是允许英格兰建立民选的政府,但没有立法权。

78、While Mr White was ill,most of his work devolved on his nephew. ─── 怀特先生生病期间,他的大部分工作移交给了他的侄子。

79、That wasn't what people thought they had been voting for, and the privatization campaign quickly devolved from juggernaut to farce. ─── 人们投他的票要的不是这个结果,而私有化运动也很快蜕变成一场闹剧。

80、It devolved upon her steward to ensure that all the guests were found hotels. ─── 为客人找到旅馆妥加安顿一事,概由她的管家负责。

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